I have project declaration like this
lazy val myProject = (Project("name", file("path"))
dependsOn(project1, project2))
is there any way to get project1 and project2 as jar files and get them as path? I need them to to copy in file system when compile myProject
I found projectDependencies contains all of them as ModuleID.
(package in Compile in project1).value
And similarly for project2.
When sbt-assembly builds a fat jar, it places all the dependencies in the main folder. I need to construct a jar that looks like this
domain classes
-- lib
dependency classes
is it possible to do this with sbt assembly, or any other plugin?
If you want to seperate your app jar file and your dependecy jar files, here is the most practical method i found with sbt;
Create project/plugins.sbt file if not exists and add following line:
addSbtPlugin("org.xerial.sbt" % "sbt-pack" % "0.8.0")
After adding this line refresh your project.
Note: Plugin version might change in time.
When sbt refresh finishes update your build.sbt file like this:
lazy val MyApp = project.in(file("."))
.settings(artifactName := {(
sv: ScalaVersion,
module: ModuleID,
artifact: Artifact) => "MyApp.jar"
Then run:
sbt pack
Or if you're doing this for child project, run this:
sbt "project childproject" clean pack
This will nicely seperate your main jar file and your dependency jars.
Your app jar will be in target scala folder.
Your dependencies will be in target/pack/lib.
In this way you can deploy your dependencies once.
And whenever you change your app, you can just deploy your app jar file.
So in every change you don't have to deploy an uber jar file.
Also in production, you can run your app like:
java -cp "MyApp.jar:dependency_jars_folder/*" com.myapp.App
I'm trying to convert a single module project into two modules with a
root aggregate. Feels like a normal thing to do.
So, to simplify I have removed the second project that I added, but I
do something like:
cd myproject
mkdir core
mv * core
and then add a build.sbt in myproject like
lazy val root = project.in( file(".") ).aggregate(core)
lazy val core = project in file("core")
However, trying to build core I get:
[myproject]/core/build.sbt:22: error: not found: value lessSettings
which is the settings for a plugin added in project/plugins.sbt of the
original project now in
How come this is not picked up? Can't I have plugins living only in
submodules? cd:ing into core submodule and running sbt it works just fine. Do I have
to move my plugins to root/project? Pretty please, it can't be so?
Your plugin.sbt file is ignored because you cannot have a project subfolder in a sub-project of a multi-project build.
In a multi-project build,
The .sbt files of the root project, and all .sbt files of all sub-projects, are all part of a single build definition. The settings defined in a sub-project are just automatically scoped to that project.
Since there is only one build definition, there is only one project to build that build definition, and that is in the project/ folder of the root project. All project/ folders of sub-projects will be ignored.
In your case, moving your plugin.sbt to the build root project folder should make your plugin appear again.
Furthermore, if you only work on the core project, instead of running sbt in core, you can run sbt in the root project and type project core to "move" (actually, scope everything you do) to the core sub-project.
I was a heavy Maven user and now I'm gradually using SBT for some of my projects.
I'd like to know how could I use SBT to create a standalone Java project? This project should be packaged as a JAR file and this JAR file would be used as a dependency in another SBT project.
In Maven, I could tell in my pom.xml what type of artifact it should produce when I build it. Is there something similar that I can do in SBT?
There is a difference between standalone and making a project useable as a dependency or another project. In the first case, you would use a plugin such as sbt-assembly. What it will do is create one jar file containing the project class files along with all of its dependencies. If you write an application, what you get is a double-clickable jar that you can execute from anywhere.
If you want to use your project A as a dependency for another project B, you have different options. You could just package the class files of A, using sbt package (answer of #Channing Walton). Then you could drop the resulting .jar file in the lib directory of project B. However, if A also requires libraries, you must make sure that they also end up in project B's libraries.
A better approach is to publish your project. You can do that purely on your local machine, using sbt publish-local. That will store the jar as produced by package in a special local directory which can be accessed from sbt in another project, along with a POM file that contains the dependencies of A. It will use a group-ID (organization) and artifact-ID (name) and a version of your project A. For example, in build.sbt:
name := "projecta"
version := "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
organization := "com.github.myname"
scalaVersion := "2.10.3"
publishMavenStyle := true
After publishing with sbt publish-local, you can add the following dependency to your project B:
libraryDependencies += "com.github.myname" %% "projecta" % "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
If you have a pure Java project, you can omit the Scala version suffix, i.e. in Project A:
crossPaths := false
autoScalaLibrary := false
And then in Project B:
libraryDependencies += "com.github.myname" % "projecta" % "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
(using only one % character between group and artifact ID).
More on publishing in the sbt documentation.
'sbt package' will produce a jar file.
If you want it to be executable you need to add the following to your .sbt config:
mainClass in Compile := Some("your.main.Class")
Sure, you can use 'sbt package' command, it creates a jar file but this jar will be without any dependencies. To run it necessary to specify 'classpath' arg to the libraries.
In your case you wish a standalone runnable file. And you need to add the dependencies.
To do this you can use 'assembly' plugin for SBT, see https://github.com/sbt/sbt-assembly/
Afterward you can just run 'sbt assembly' command, it provides a fat jar file with all dependencies that you can deploy and run anywhere and at any time.
For details see this article
builds the artifact and publish in the local Ivy repository making it available for your local project dependencies.
same as above, but the artifact is published in local Maven repo instead of Ivy repo.
I think the easiest way to produce a stand-alone jar with your project in it,
is sadly not lying inside sbt.
I personally use my IDE: Intellij to make the jar (through the 'build artifact' feature).
Thanks to Intellij I can easily choose which library I want to include in the jar or not, (for instance the scala stl).
IMHO, this is by far the simplest method to get an executable jar for your project.
If you put the scala stl you can run your jar with the "java -jar" command, if you don't you have to run it somewhere with the correct version of scala installed with "scala".
I want to create one executable JAR file which contains other JAR libraries. But when I execute the JAR, it gives an error of class path problem.
How do I solve the class-path problem?
I think you can try it like this;
Here is a simple example for you question. First, we assume we have a project directory like D:\javademo. In this working directory we then create a main class HelloWorld.java and thtat contains our other JAR files, like commons-lang.jar. Now, we must archive our main classes HelloWorld and commons-lang.jar into test.jar file.
First we must edit our manifest file so that we can specify our class-path and main-class
like this:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: tony example
Class-Path: test.jar commons-lang.jar
Main-Class: org.tony.java.HelloWorld
We named this file test.mf. Now we use the jar command to generate our JAR file like this:
jar -cvfm test.jar test.mf -C ./ .
Then it will generate the JAR file test.jar. You can use this command to run this main class using java command:
java -jar test.jar
That is my solution. I hope it give you something helpful...
You should use third-party libraries for it. For example, OneJar. You'll have to build the final JAR file using the OneJar tool (like Ant task) instead of standard JRE's tools.
On running such a JAR file, OneJar's service class is launched instead of yours. This class then loads JAR files packed inside, as well as your classes, and run your main class.
There are similar questions and answers already. For example: Stack Overflow question Easiest way to merge a release into one JAR file.
I am using jar -uf to update my MANIFEST.MF file like this:
a. jar xf jarfile.jar META-INF\MANIFEST.MF
b. edit the file
c. jar uf jarfile.jar META-INF\MANIFEST.MF
But the 'uf' command is removing MANIFEST.MF from within my jar.
What is the right way to change a file inside a jar (windows 7, jdk 1.6)?
You can always use winrar (or any equivalent) to open the jar, and drag/drop the files. worked for me.
For updating the manifest file the jar command provides different option -
jar umf manifest jar-file
The m option indicates that you want to update the JAR file's manifest.
manifest is the manifest whose contents you want to merge into the manifest of the existing JAR file.
examples # http://java.sun.com/developer/Books/javaprogramming/JAR/basics/update.html
There is a special option (m) for the manifest file: http://download.oracle.com/javase/1.4.2/docs/tooldocs/windows/jar.html
Could you try with
jar um jarfile.jar META-INF/MANIFEST.MF