serve application in subfolder instead of root domain - meteor

I deployed my app in but all my routes are broken.
Oops, looks like there's no route on the client or the server for url: ""
I can try to manually prepend to all routes /app/ subfolder but it doens't seem the right approach, especially since i use a cms package (orionjs) to generate the /admin interface, which doesn't have support to change the admin path.
Is there any way to prepend the /app folder to all routes by default?
What i find strange is that i defined ROOT_URL to but iron router seems to ignore it. Did i skip a step ?

Unlike many web platforms (ex: php), the folder structure under your app does not map automatically to routes. If you're using iron-router you basically define what layout maps to what route. The layout can be defined in an HTML file in any folder (except under /server or /public) at any depth. You can also add any extra depth you want to any route in iron-router by prepending app/ or whatever you want to your route definitions. Your ROOT_URL should remain


Nextjs i18next can I serve or point to a different file when sub-path locale changes in URL?

In NextJS's routing system, if I navigate to // it serves my project file pages/about.js
But when using i18n to add, it still serves pages/about.js, not pages/fr/about.js. This is fine in most cases because you want to serve the same file and just change the text by detecting the locale /fr/ with useRouter.
But in my case I want to serve a completely different file based on the sub-path /fr/ in the pathname.
In _app.js I have props of Component, pageProps and router, but it's too late to conditionally serve a different file at this point because Component has already been determined by NextJS. Even though the prop router.inFlightMode has detected the language change.
I'm hoping there is simply a routing config to change somewhere that will include the sub-path in the pathname used to point to a file.

Actionless URL produces HTTP 404 (Controller & Folder Name Clash)

I have two controllers: RequestsController and ServicesController. Both contain Index actions.
When I browse to /Requests, it automatically runs the Index action, but for /Services or /Services/, it gives an HTTP 404 without even running the Index action.
The route configuration is stock. The project also contains various classes under a top-level directory called Services:
The problem seems to be related to some sort of clash in naming between ServicesController and the top-level Services folder.
I can still access /Services/Index without a problem.
Debugging confirms that the Index method is being run for Requests but not Services when I don't specify the action name in the URL.
Renaming or removing the top-level Services folder causes the problem to stop happening.
I see. That's a common issue when you have a controller with the same name as a folder inside the root directory. Assuming that none of the files inside the Services folder are mapped by the StaticFilesHandler I think you can simply tell the routing system to map all "services" routes to the ServicesController by setting the RouteExistingFiles to true...
routes.RouteExistingFiles = true;
I completely ignore the Content folder. You will need to prevent requests to the "Content" folder (or any other folder containing static files such as the Scripts folder) from going through the routing pipeline by explicitly specifying it BEFORE your routing-mapping logic...

changing ROOT_URL for meteor app

I am trying to get my app to run behind an NGINX reverse proxy and had some minor success.
the path is and the application is accessible.
The issue I am still facing is that the images in the public folder are not accessible without hard coding myApp at the start of the URL. This is especially an issue for URLs inside the CSS.
You would want to set the ROOT_URL environment variable when you start your meteor app. If you are using meteor to start from the command line in your app's directory it would be like this:
ROOT_URL= meteor
Meteor has a ROOT_URL property which you must explicitly set for your bundled applications.
It is in the form of Meteor.absoluteUrl([path], [options]) and the path argument is exactly what you're looking for, excerpt from the docs:
A path to append to the root URL. Do not include a leading "/".
Check here for details on options

Symfony: generate prod url in dev environment

I am wondering if it is possible to choose environment when generating urls with the symfony routing component.
In a controller
$this->generateUrl($route, $params);
generates / in prod envrionment and /app_dev.php in dev.
There doesn't seem to be a parameter for the environment so that you could generate productive urls in dev environment. I just don't want to use something like str_replace all the time.
This would be great:
$this->generateUrl($route, $params, 'prod');
For your understanding, I am working on a cms project where I have to match uris against the database where they are stored without app_dev.php.
Any ideas?
More of a hack than a proper solution, you can set the Context's $baseUrl to be '' (as it would in production environment) before calling the generateUrl and reset-ting it back after the call. The RequestContext->getBaseUrl is consulted each time the complete Url is built.
In our case, we had to build Urls without the app_dev or app.php because our frontend was an AngularJS based application matching the URLs. In this case, since we dint want the app_dev or app.php at all, we created an EventListener that does a
Router component workflow doesn't include any of app.php or app_dev.php files. It only works with the pattern which comes after php file in the query string, whatever that file is.
So you're not able to do that. You only can use .htaccess file config to manage what file will be used as a default one, no more.

BaseURL in symfony 2

I have an application in Symfony 2. It is deployed on IIS server.
The problem is, I need to get it work on multiple URLs: - for production - for testing
myapp.localhost/app.php - for development
How can I do that? I need to correctly generate URL for resources(js, css files). Also after deployment, generated URL are missing the /myapp/ (/myappdev/) segment.
You can prefix your routes with /myappdev by adding it to your app/config/routing.yml file under the prefix key.
If you use relative URLs for the resources then you won't have a problem with the domain it's on and it will work anywhere you put it.
