2 routers and want windows to not use a network - ip

Gonna use 'ROUTER ONE' and 'ROUTER TWO', for my examples.
I have two routers, one on wireless one on ethernet. Both have different names. I want windows to just use the internet connection on ROUTER ONE and not use the connection on ROUTER TWO, but I still want to access ROUTER TWO's IP. At the moment to use the network I have to unplug the cable, as I get on the site I want, then the OTHER router takes me too another network saying that the connection is unavailable.
So then, what do I do?

The router names are irrelevant, all that matters is their IP addresses. You can tell a computer which router to use by setting it gateway address to that router's internal IP address. You can do that in the DHCP settings if you want it applied network wide.
As far as accessing both routers it all depends on how your network is set up both physically and its IP scheme. If both routers are on the same physical network and IP scheme you should be able to access them. If they are on the same physical network but on different IP schemes you can assign a second IP address to a computer that is compatible with the second scheme so you will be able to access the second router.


Home Networking 2 routers

Just in advance im sorry for my limited expertise with networking, i know the basics tho...
So the issue i have which i am hoping someone can shed some light on..
I want to have 2 routers, each with either own vlan, and i want one router to be able to talk the other but not vise versa,
So my Main router ( is connected to the modem,
I want to get a second router and connect it to my main router,
The second router i want to have its own vlan (
Now that part is pretty easy, here is where i am in over my head
I want the computers on my Main router, to be able to access the ones on the second router... like ping, RDP, ETC
BUT - i dont want the computers on the second router to have access to the ones on the main router.....
Is this possible?
Thank you,
If you are using home routers the key is in the WAN interface.
All the hosts connected in the LAN ports can access the hosts in the WAN port, but not viceversa. Your border router act this way: if you want a hosts communicate directly from WAN to LAN you have to forward a port. For example, if you have DVR with cameras and you want to monitor them from Internet, you will have to forward the ports the DVR uses.
So, you could connect in the subnet (just to clarify, this is not a VLAN, this is a subnet, or you can also call it just a net, VLANs are another thing) the PCs that you don´t want to be accessed from the other hosts.
VLANs are kind of partition of a LAN where the broadcast can propagate inside it but cannot go out. They are used for security, performance and easy of administration. They belong to the 2nd. layer of the OSI model.
The final topology in your case is as follows:
Let´s separate your computers in two groups: group A are the ones you don´t anyone has access and group B are the ones you want to be accessed from another PCs.
First you have your modem connected to the router that will act as border router. It´s LAN IP will be (/24 is a notation for the subnet mask
To that router you will connect to it´s LAN ports the group B PCs with IPs ranging from to (.0 is reserved, .1 is you border router and .255 is also reserved).
Also to that router you will connect the second router to its WAN port. In the second router you will set an static IP in its WAN port that belongs to the subnet of the border router. For example
The second router LAN IP will be Finally, you will connect the group A PCs to the second router LAN ports. With IPs from to This will be the more "protected" LAN.
I hope this could help!

Why do routers have an IP Address if computers already have a network portion in their IP?

That's essentially my question. Isn't the network portion in a computer's IP address so that, when it is sent, other computers can look at that network portion and know where to send it back to? So why do routers have their own IP address?
The router needs to be a node on the same network as the computer using it. When your PC tries to communicate with a system on a different network, it consults it's routing table to figure out which router (there can be several) has the route to the destination. Without an IP on the router, there would be no way to send packets to the router, and thus no way to get out of your network.
I suppose the IP protocol could have been designed to use broadcasts to find the route out, but that would have caused issues with traffic congestion. Thankfully it wasn't designed like that.

Basic networking questions

I am trying to understand how exactly routing works:
if 2 computers are on the same network
if they are on different networks.
More specifically I am trying to understand this: Routing
I am also trying to understand the difference between
IP Address,
Net Address,
Mac Address.
From what I understand:
1) IP Address: is used when computers communicate on the internet only.
2) Net Address: is a local version of the IP address and each device on the network has a unique net address. It's used when devices on the same network want to communicate with each other.
3) Mac Address: is a globally unique address and no other computer in the world has the same Mac address. In reality this is not true because it can be changed. It's used when ???
When a computer wants to communicate with another on the same network, they use net address, right? If the computers are on different networks what exactly happens?
Question: Can someone please fix my mistakes if any and explain what I am missing?
Thank you very much.
There are many network types, but since the most used ones are Ethernet and IP networks (and you seem to be asking about them), I will answer shortly based on them.
IP addresses are always used. They may not be used for deciding who gets the packets directly, but they are the basis even in local networks, since it is an IP network. There can also be other network types that have their own mechanisms, but they are not that common.
In local Ethernet the machines ask via ARP protocol "who has this IP address?" and get a reply with a MAC address. After that they send and receive packets based on that MAC address. The packets still have the IP address information, otherwise the receiving machine wouldn't know what is the destination. Do note that the receiving machine might be a firewall or other middleware device, not the actual computer that has the address. Also a single machine and network card may have several IP addresses set up for it.
In IP networks the IP address is used for routing. All routing devices have a routing table that will tell where the packets should go. If it's a simple device, it usually has a local network and everything else goes via a default gw, which will know better what to do with the packets.
A home router will just push them to the operator, there another router will know what addresses go to their networks, others are pushed forward via another connection, until a bigger place is reached where there are inter-operator connections and they choose again the correct route. And then it goes to smaller and smaller pipes the other way around.

How to Find My Proper Ip Address to Connect to Another Computer Remotely

My friend wanted to connect to my computer using Remote Desktop Connection. But the problem is I am confused what my Ip address is.
My computer is connected to the internet via router via broadband internet network. My ip address is dynamic.
Here, my main purpose is not only the remote connection but also learning how dynamic ip connect to another pc.
I searched for ip address on Google. They show me an ip address. But I think it is not mine, it's related with the router or broadband network. I also find a WAN ip (it is different from that i found on google) on router settings. It did't work.
I used Team Viewer. It worked perfectly. But I want to do that manually because I am going to make a multiplayer game on GM8.
It will helpful if someone explain about ip and port forwarding.
Teamviewer is a great tool, but uses different techniques than what you plan to do. Teamviewer always uses an outgoing connection and use a mediator on the Internet to connect you and the other PC.
You should ask your Internet provider if he technically enables you to be reachable from the outside Internet. Often this is not possible at all, even if you configure your router the correct way.
When you ask this you can ask him if you have a static IP.
It seems you are not aware of basics of IP networking, so I'd strongly advise against trying this on your router as wrong settings would render it useless. But here's for your information how port forwarding and IP Address and dynamic DNS can be used to solve your problem.
Basically your ISP is likely to give you a router having an IP address. If this IP address is a global IP address, it is possible to connect to this IP from outside. How do you find out whether your IP address is global? Look for your WAN IP address setting. If it is in 10.x.x.x or 192.168.x.x range, it's unlikely to be global and in that case it might not be possible to connect to your computer from outside - without help of a third server (some kind of a registration server, where you connect and register your application). The Registration server would determine your globally visible IP address and then convey it to another Application who is interested in connecting to it. This is somewhat complicated to make it work (but if you intend to make a game - this is something you'd have to do regardless). This is mostly how software like TeamViewer would work.
If you have a global IP address - it means it can technically be reached from anywhere in the world. In that case you could use port forwarding to make things work for you. Port forwarding works basically as follows - You expose a certain port (on TCP) to external world - say 8000 and then you make a setting like following on your router.
<TCP>-<RouterIP>-8000 --> <TCP>-<Your LAN IP><Your application Port>
(You can find you lan ip using ipconfig on windows or ifconfig on Linux).
Now all connections coming to port 8000 would be directed to your application. You might want to do it on UDP as well and the protocol above would change. That is how you 'open' a few ports to be accessible from outside, configure them on your router and then run corresponding applications on your network.
There's another thing called dynamic DNS, where the IP address you use if it is dynamic (and global) can be registered with a Dynamic DNS server so that you don't have to know and remember the current WAN IP Address. But that can be for later.
Hope that helps.

Different values for my IP address?

Was just wondering why I seem to get different values for my IP address from different sources. If I go to one of the many different 'what's my ip' sites on the net I get a completely different value from when I use ipconfig (on win7)
And no, it's not the subnet mask I'm looking at, these are the actual ipv4 addresses, why would they be resolving to different addresses? Are these 'what's my IP' sites only able to hit an exchange and not determine the IPs of my actual box itself?
If your PC is on a network and not directly connected to your ISP via a modem, there will be at least one router between your machine and the internet. That router will almost certainly be doing NAT (Network Address Translation) and possibly DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) too.
The router will have been assigned an address by the ISP when it established the connection. This address might be static (unchanging) or, more commonly, dynamic (changes periodically as the ISP sees fit). So your 'public' address - the one the router has been assigned and which is visible to the internet - may change from time to time.
Your PC will be connected to the router, and will either have a fixed IP address assigned to it (typically in the 192.168.x.x range) through your OS networking config, or will be given one by the router each time it connects (when you switch on or reboot) via DHCP. In this case, the address will be in whatever range the DHCP service has been told to use (again, the default is likely to be in the 192.168.x.x range).
So your PC has its' own internal address, and your router has its' public address. When you exchange internet traffic, the machine at the other end of the connection will see your public address, not your internal address - the router takes care of forwarding data to the right internal address automatically.
Depending on what IP-checker service you're using, it might display your public address (from the router, which may change if the ISP assigns dynamic addresses) or your internal address (typically when a script runs inside the browser and asks the machine directly).
The answer won't clarify anything, but I'll tell you anyway.
They're both right.
No, your machine doesn't really have two IP addresses, but the IP it shows as depends on who's looking, and from where.
What you're seeing is the result of what's called a NAT router. NAT stands for "Network Address Translation". The router manages the IP addresses on a LAN, or Local Area Network, and then translates to the appropriate IP address it was assigned on the external network, usually the internet.
