(Prolog) Get sum of variables without list - math

very new to Prolog and I'm absolutely awful at it.
I am trying to get a sum for all the marks received on assignments, and return it. The sum predicate must be of the form sumAssignments(S).
Here's the knowledge base I've made:
assignment(1, A).
assignment(2, B).
assignment(3, C).
assignment(4, D).
assignment(5, E).
...Where assignment(1, A) means that assignment 1 has a variable grade A (could be 70, could be 50, etc.).
Here is my attempt at getting the sum, just for the first two assignments for testing purposes:
sumAssignments(S) :- assignment(1, A), assignment(2, B), S=A+B.
That always returns yes. The key here is I can't use lists.

I found out that only constants belong in predicates, so instead of assignment(1, A). we would find an arbitrary number to represent 'A', in this case maybe 67 or 100: assignment(1, 67). The summation works fine after doing that.


Return values in Prolog

I'm supposed to write a predicate that does some math stuff. But I don't know how to pass numbers or return numbers.
Maybe you can give me an example?
Let's say a predicate divide/2 that takes two numbers a and b and returns a/b.
Yes, you pass numbers in in some arguments, and you get the result back in some other argument(s) (usually last). For example
divide( N, D, R) :-
R is N / D.
112 ?- divide(100,5,X).
X = 20.
113 ?- divide(100,7,X).
X = 14.285714285714286.
Now, this predicate is divide/3, because it has three arguments: two for inputs and one for the output "information flow".
This is a simplified, restricted version of what a Prolog predicate can do. Which is, to not be that uni-directional.
I guess "return" is a vague term. Expression languages have expressions e-value-ated so a function's last expression's value becomes that function's "return" value; Prolog does not do that. But command-oriented languages return values by putting them into some special register. That's not much different conceptually from Prolog putting some value into some logvar.
Of course unification is more complex, and more versatile. But still, functions are relations too. Predicates "return" values by successfully unifying their arguments with them, or fail to do so, as shown in the other answer.
Prolog is all about unifying variables. Predicates don't return values, they just succeed or fail.
Typically when a predicate is expected to produce values based on some of the arguments then the left-most arguments are inputs and the right-most are the outputs. However, many predicates work with allowing any argument to be an input and any to be a output.
Here's an example for multiply showing how it is used to perform divide.
multiply(X,Y,Z) :- number(X),number(Y),Z is X * Y.
multiply(X,Y,Z) :- number(X),number(Z),X \= 0,Y is Z / X.
multiply(X,Y,Z) :- number(Y),number(Z),Y \= 0,X is Z / Y.
Now I can query it like this:
?- multiply(5,9,X).
X = 45 .
But I can easily do divide:
?- multiply(5,X,9).
X = 1.8 .
It even fails if I try to do a division by 0:
?- multiply(X,0,9).
Here's another approach. So let's say you have a list [22,24,34,66] and you want to divide each answer by the number 2. First we have the base predicate where if the list is empty and the number is zero so cut. Cut means to come out of the program or just stop don't go to the further predicates. The next predicate checks each Head of the list and divides it by the number A, meaning (2). And then we simply print the Answer. In order for it to go through each element of the list we send back the Tail [24,34,66] to redo the steps. So for the next step 24 becomes the Head and the remaining digits [34,66] become the Tail.
Answer is H//A,
?- divideList([22,24,34,66],2,L).
Another simpler approach:
H1 is H//A,!,
Answer = [11, 2, 28, 19]

Recursive formula for recurrence that takes 2 arguments

I can create a recursive formula from recurrences where it only passes down one argument (something like $T(n/2)$). However, for a case like this where the value of $u$ and $v$ are different, how do I put them together? This is the problem:
The call to recursive function RecursiveFunction(n, n) for some n > 2
RecursiveFunction(a, b)
if a >= 2 and b >= 2
RecursiveFunction(u, v)
The end goal is to find the tight asymptotic bounds for the worst-case running time, but I just need a formula to start first.
There are in fact two different answers to this, depending on the relative sizes of a and b.
The function can be written as follows:
Where C is some constant work done per call (if statement, pushing u, v onto the call stack etc.). Since the two variables evolve independently, we can analyse their evolution separately.
a - consider the following function:
Expanding the iterative case by m times:
The stopping condition a < 2 is such that:
b - as before:
The complexity of T(a, b) thus depends on which variable reaches its stopping condition first, i.e. the smallest between m and n:

Isabelle function to find the longest sequence of members of a relation

I have a relation R :: w => w => bool that is both transitive an irreflexive.
I have the axiom Ax1: "finite {x::w. True}". Therefore, for each x there is always a longest sequence of wn R ... R w2 R w1 R x.
I need a function F:: w => nat, that -for a given x - gives back the "lenght" of this sequence (or 0 if there is no y such that xRy). How would I go about building one in isabelle.
Also: Is Ax1 a good way to axiomatize the "finiteness of type w" or is there a better one?
First of all, a more idiomatic way of writing {x::w. True} is UNIV :: w set. I suggest writing finite (UNIV :: w set), or possibly using the finite type class, although that might make your theorem more difficult to apply because you need a finite instance for your type. I think it's not really necessary or helpful for your use case.
I then suggest the following approach:
Define an inductive predicate (using inductive) on lists of type w list stating that the first element is x and for each two successive list elements y and z, R y z holds, i.e. the list is an ascending chain w.r.t. R.
Show that any list that is such a chain must have distinct elements (cf. distinct :: 'a list ⇒ bool).
Show that there are finitely many distinct lists over a finite set.
Use the Max operator to find the biggest n such that there exists a list of length n that is an ascending chain w.r.t. R. That this works should be easy since there is at least one such chain, and you've already shown that there are only finitely many chains.

Julia : BLAS.gemm!() parameters

I want to use the BLAS package. To do so, the meaning of the two first parameters of the gemm() function is not evident for me.
What do the parameters 'N' and 'T' represent?
BLAS.gemm!('N', 'T', lr, alpha, A, B, beta, C)
What is the difference between BLAS.gemm and BLAS.gemm! ?
According to the documentation
gemm!(tA, tB, alpha, A, B, beta, C)
Update C as alpha * A * B + beta*C or the other three variants according to tA (transpose A) and tB. Returns the updated C.
Note: here, alpha and beta must be float type scalars. A, B and C are all matrices. It's up to you to make sure the matrix dimensions match.
Thus, the tA and tB parameters refer to whether you want to apply the transpose operation to A or to B before multiplying. Note that this will cost you some computation time and allocations - the transpose isn't free. (thus, if you were going to apply the multiplication many times, each time with the same transpose specification, you'd be better off storing your matrix as the transposed version from the beginning). Select N for no transpose, T for transpose. You must select one or the other.
The difference between gemm!() and gemv!() is that for gemm!() you already need to have allocated the matrix C. The ! is a "modify in place" signal. Consider the following illustration of their different uses:
A = rand(5,5)
B = rand(5,5)
C = Array(Float64, 5, 5)
BLAS.gemm!('N', 'T', 1.0, A, B, 0.0, C)
D = BLAS.gemm('N', 'T', 1.0, A, B)
julia> C == D
Each of these, in essence, perform the calculation C = A * B'. (Technically, gemm!() performs C = (0.0)*C + (1.0)*A * B'.)
Thus, the syntax for the modify in place gemm!() is a bit unusual in some respects (unless you've already worked with a language like C in which case it seems very intuitive). You don't have the explicit = sign like you frequently do when calling functions in assigning values in a high level object oriented language like Julia.
As the illustration above shows, the outcome of gemm!() and gemm() in this case is identical, even though the syntax and procedure to achieve that outcome is a bit different. Practically speaking, however, performance differences between the two can be significant, depending on your use case. In particular, if you are going to be performing that multiplication operation many times, replacing/updating the value of C each time, then gemm!() can be a decent bit quicker because you don't need to keep re-allocating new memory each time, which does have time costs, both in the initial memory allocation and then in the garbage collection later on.

Prolog query fails

This is supposed to calculate the sum of two lists. The lists can be of different size.
sum([A|Int1],[B|Int2],[C|Int3]) :-
C =:= A + B
((C =:= A), B = [])
((C =:= B), A = [])
It seems to work correctly, except when trying to find the sum of two lists. Then it gives the following error:
ERROR: =:=/2: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
I don't see why. There's a recursive and a basis step, what exactly is not yet instantiated and how do I fix it?
[1] While your disjunctions in the last clause are -- to some extent -- conceptually correct, Prolog considers these disjunctions in sequence. So it first considers C =:= A + B. But either A or B can be the empty list! This is what causes the error you reported, since the empty list is not allowed to occur in a numeric operation.
[2] You need to use C is A + b (assignment) i.o. C =:= A + B (numeric equivalence).
[3] If you say [A|Int1] and then A = [], then this means that [A|Int1] is not (only) a list of integers (as you claim it is) but (also) a list of lists! You probably intend to check whether the first or the second list is empty, not whether either contains the empty list.
Staying close to your original program, I would suggest to reorder and change things in the following way:
sumOf([], [], []):- !.
sumOf([], [B|Bs], [C|Cs]):- !,
C is B,
sumOf([], Bs, Cs).
sumOf([A|As], [], [C|Cs]):- !,
C is A,
sumOf(As, [], Cs).
sumOf([A|As], [B|Bs], [C|Cs]):-
C is A + B,
sumOf(As, Bs, Cs).
For example:
?- sumOf([1,2,3], [1,-90], X).
X = [2, -88, 3]
Notice my use of the cut (symbol !) in the above. This makes sure that the same answer is not given multiple times or -- more technically -- that no choicepoints are kept (and is called determinism).
You should read a tutorial or a book. Anyway, this is how you add two things to each other:
Result is A + B
This is how you could add all elements of one list:
sum([], 0). % because the sum of nothing is zero
sum([X|Xs], Sum) :-
sum(Xs, Sum0),
Sum is X + Sum0.
And this is how you could add the sums of a list of lists:
sums([], 0).
sums([L|Ls], Sums) :-
sums(Ls, Sums0),
sum(L, S),
Sums is Sums0 + S.
