PHP - Excel renders PDF without image - phpexcel

I'm developing with the yii2 framework. I need to render some reports which should have some images. Everything is working in my excel file. But in PDF there are no images.
What I have in excel:
What I have in PDF:
My test code looks like this:
public function run($format = self::EXCEL) {
$this->format = $format;
if ($this->format == self::PDF) {
$rendererName = \PHPExcel_Settings::PDF_RENDERER_MPDF;
$rendererLibraryPath = Yii::getAlias('#vendor/mpdf/mpdf/');
if (!\PHPExcel_Settings::setPdfRenderer($rendererName, $rendererLibraryPath)) {
throw new BadRequestHttpException('Export pdf fail');
$this->headerContentType .= 'pdf';
$this->headerFilename .= date('d_m_Y') . '.pdf';
} elseif ($this->format == self::EXCEL) {
$this->headerContentType .= '';
$this->headerFilename .= date('d_m_Y') . '.xls';
} else {
throw new Exception('Unknown format for export');
$activeSheet = $this->objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet();
$activeSheet->setTitle('Sample' . date('d_m_Y'));
$objDrawing = new PHPExcel_Worksheet_Drawing();
$activeSheet->setCellValue('A2','img -> ');
$activeSheet->setCellValue('B2',' ');
header('Cache-Control: max-age=0');
$objWriter = \PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($this->objPHPExcel, $this->format);

In this string:
I should write a relative path to "web" directory of my project and also I should have this image into "web" directory.

I was stuck in CI3 and if you are using CI put the images folder outside of application folder and add path as
$objDrawing = new PHPExcel_Worksheet_Drawing();
The File Structure is
/- application
/- system
/- user_guide
/- uploads


liip imagine_filter in Symfony Controller on non public path

Is there any way to use liip imagine_filter without copying the image source to a public path?
I can not see how resolvers/loaders have to be set up to load images from a non public file location and store them likewise.
I defined a watermark filter with a watermark image placed outside public path - which works without problems. But ONLY applied on images placed IN public path.
I am on Symfony 5 and "liip/imagine-bundle": "^2.6"
I have the same problem as you and i found this solution, of course is a little workaround but it works very well.
So I copy the file from $remoteWatermak into the server. if the $localWatermark is setted I check if the file exist.
$filesystem = new Filesystem();
$contents = file_get_contents($remoteWatermark,false,
stream_context_create($arrContextOptions)); // get file
file_put_contents($localWatermark , $contents);
$contents = file_get_contents($remoteWatermark,false,
stream_context_create($arrContextOptions)); // get file
$file = "uploads/watermarks/" . uniqid();
file_put_contents($file , $contents);
$localWatermark = $file;

Download file does not exist

I build a csv export using the admin folder. The file is well uploaded into my public folder.
But when I try to download it using the return, I have an error:
The file "/public/exportCSV.csv" does not exist
I can't understand why, I hope you have an idea. Thanks. I'm under Symfony 4.
$admins = $userRepository->findByRole(User::ROLE_ADMIN);
$request = Request::createFromGlobals();
if($request->query->get('exportCSV')!= null){
$output = fopen($filename.'.'.$extension, 'w');
fputcsv($output, array("Id","Nom","Prénom","Activé","Dernière connexion","Date d'inscription","Url avatar","Email","Username"));
foreach ($admins as $admin){
$lastConnected=" ";
$lastConnected=$lastConnectedAt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$created=" ";
$created=$createdAt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$csvLine= array($id,$lastname,$firstname,$active,$lastConnected,$created,$urlAvatar,$mail,$username);
return $this->file('/public/'.$filename.'.'.$extension);
You must use the correct path to webserver "public" dir. Check
In your example, you can do same like ...
$publicDir = $this->getParameter('kernel.project_dir') . '/public/'; # Your controller must extend AbstractController
$output = fopen($publicDir . $filename.'.'.$extension, 'w');

Laravel-5.3 -Upload-savein database

How store path image with laravel 5.3 ?
$file= Input::file('image');
$blog->title =$file->getClientOriginalName();
Please try it may be working.
$file= Input::file('image');
$filename = $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
// please identify you upload location
$request->file('image')->move( base_path() . '/public/uploads/', $filename );
$insertdata = array('title'=>$filename);
DB::table('table')->insert($insertdata );

How can I put my WAMP online only for some projects

Is there a way to choose the projects that will be accessible from Wamp online
I found a solution, I edited the www/inde.php file
$projectsListToShow = array('myProjects');
while ($file = readdir($handle))
if (is_dir($file) && !in_array($file,$projectsListIgnore)
&& in_array($file,$projectsListToShow))
$projectContents .= '<li>'.$file.'</li>';

File upload preview image for .doc,.pdf

In drupal when i am uploading a .doc,.pdf files I need to display the preview of the whole document after it get uploaded may i know the answer
I've solved this issue with php, here are the functions that I wrote:
//requires imagemagick which is on most servers
function thumbFromPDF($path, $page=0){
$im = new imagick($path.'['.$page.']');
$im->writeImage( '/tmp/img.png' );
return $im;
function thumbFromDoc($path, $page=0){
$cmd='unoconv --server localhost --port 2002 --stdout -f pdf '.$path;//-f could be pdf, txt, or html
$pdf = shell_exec ( $cmd );
if (! $handle = fopen ( $outfilefile, 'w' )) {
die("Cannot open file ($outfilefile)");
return false;
// Write $somecontent to our opened file.
if (fwrite ( $handle, $pdf ) === FALSE) {
die("Cannot write to file ($location$file)");
return false;
fclose ( $handle );
return thumbFromPDF($outfilefile,$page);
Read this article for more information:
