How to implement SplashScreen in SAPUI5 - splash-screen

Does anybody here knows how to implement a Splash Screen in SAPUI5? I have tried creating a page so that it would be the default page once the application is loaded, but there was an issue as to how to make it the default page even if another page is bookmarked. So what we did was use an image as the Splash Screen. Now the problem is the size of the image based on the device used.
Do you have any idea how we can implement this? Any idea would be of great help. Thank you so much! :)

Maybe Dialog control will fit your need?
Here is an example:
var oButton = new sap.m.Button({
text: "Hit Me To See Splashscreen",
press: function(){
var oDialog = new sap.m.Dialog({
stretch: true,
new sap.m.Text({text:"This is Splashscreen! Click Anywhere To Close the Splashscreen."})
}).attachBrowserEvent("click", function(){oDialog.destroy();});;
And here is a working JSBIN example: LINK

I guess what you are looking for is a loading Animation on startup while loading libraries or backend-data: checkout this one, perfect guide!

Thank you for your responses. I highly appreciate it. :)
Anyways, i didn't use an image nor a separate page. I just added a separate div in index.html which contains the image and the text. I added a script that will hide the div once the DOM Content is loaded.
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(){
document.getElementById("splashScreen").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("content").style.display = "block";


Open iFrame in new window with specific size and position

Newbie question here. I have searched a lot and found different parts of the solution but I cannot work out how to put everything together. I hope you can help me.
I need to add a link to my site which will open a new window with specific size in the bottom right corner of the screen. I found this code doing exactly that:
<a onClick="openWindow(); return false;"">Ask your question!</a>
var topsss=screen.height-500;
var left=screen.width-400;
function openWindow() {"", "_blank", "toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,top="+topsss+",left="+left+",width=400,height=500");
Within the new window I don't want to show but I need an iFrame showing the content.
I managed to get a new window with the iFrame but the content is not showing in the iFrame:
function myFunction() {
var myWindow ="", "MsgWindow", "width=420,height=515");
myWindow.document.write('<iframe width="400" height="500" src=""
frameborder="1" allowfullscreen></iframe>');
Can you help me to put this all together and make this work?
Thanks for your help!
I guess that you want to display a form for the user to fill, instead of opening new page for that.
Would it be possible to contain that form/page for all of your pages and have CSS trick to show/hide it? I know it's not what you are asking but the iframes and new pages could just cause you problems, cross-domain-scripting, and overall iframe is controversila (some consider it dead and deprecated by html5). So there might be a more elegant way to do the same with just CSS/JS, you can do more conditions, more controls where it will be placed and what it will do (animations, effects, some interaction with your original page).
If you are making a SPA style website then maybe you are not aware of SPA frameworks? There is a lot of JavaScripts frameworks doing these things for you:

div transition on click before page load CSS

On this page I am making I have a button at the bottom of the page, which has to get wider and then move up when clicked. After the button has reached its new place, new content should load.
I have found a lot about CSS transitions an animations on hover, but I want to use this as a page transition.
How do I get this transition to happen before loading the new page??
I would love to do this with as little JS as possible..
Thanx Y'all!
Based on what you asked:
This delays the page load until the transition is complete (the setTimeout just need to be set to whatever the duration of the CSS transition is).
$('.link').click(function () {
setTimeout( function() {
window.location.href = "url for page goes here";
}, 500);//set 500 to whatever timeout you want
See pen example: (
This is not a good idea... If CSS transitions aren't available, it will just look like a terrible link and confuse users. If they are, it is still slow and frustrating.
If you want the content to load on the same page, you need to use AJAX. To help with this, some more information would be helpful...

Popup window for giving information about products

I wish to have a question mark beside the important options of my website, so that I can show the users information about that option right there in a small popup window.
I wish to have a popup window like this. Click on the Set Reminder option to see the popup. Can anyone guide me how they have made this or what have they used, for this nice little popup box.
Thanks :)
You can call it a tooltip. There are tons of tools which can help you achieve that effect. Depending on your preferred javascript framework, you can find many plugins. Here are a few for the jQuery framework.
If you want more, you can google "jQuery tooltips".
P.S: If you want the tooltips to appear on a "click" event, play around with the javascript file of the tooltip you select.
There are lots of tools you could use, including a hundred modal dialogs for jQuery. If you want a comprehensive solution that doesn't depend on a CSS framework, take a look at Floatbox. It's relatively slim, easy to work with and support is great.
function showpopup(id) {
d = document.createElement('div'); = 'absolute'; = '100px'; = '100px';
d.innerHTML = '<p>Testing...</p>';
d.setAttribute('style', d.getAttribute('style') + 'background-color: blue;'); = '' + (document.getElementById(id) - 100); = '' + (document.getElementById(id).style.left - 50);
<a href='#' id='l1' onclick='showpopup("l1");'>aalsdkfj</a>

Want to show Busy Loading message with percentage download when form will load using JQuery

suppose my page content is huge so in my application i want to show busy icon with percentage downloading the content in client side. i saw many flash and sliver light site that they show busy icon and also they show percentage that means how much content has been loading in client machine. how could i achieve this using JQuery and when page content has been downloaded in client machine the busy icon goes out and actual page content will display.
please me with sample code to achieve it. thanks
You could have a placeholder image, and when the image you want is loaded, you could replace the placeholder with the new source
var img = new Image();
img.src= "largerImage.png";
img.onload = function() { oldImage.src = img.src; };
This could be taken a step further, and the code could be added to the image itself
<img src=""
onload="var t = this; var img = new Image(); img.src =''; img.onload = function() { t.src = img.src }" />
Which could also be taken a step further, as you might not always have the ability to apply the onload directly like this, just a suggestion.
I would recommend something like Uploadify. It does require a flash plugin. This is by far the easiest way.
Here is an example (ASP.NET MVC):
[Update] If you are trying to lazy load images, then use the jquery lazyload plugin. This only loads images that are in the current viewing area. As you scroll down, it fetches the next images. I use it on my blog page.
View source and you will see (around line 13) a script that sets lazy loading on all post images.

Open browser in Full screen

net website, I would like to add button by which user can view the page in Full Screen mode and switch back to Normal mode. [This is same as happens with F11]
I have seen many javascript code but all of them is opening new window in full screen.
But i would like have same window in Full screen
If it happn then i will put that button in MASTER page.
Please help?
I don't think it is possible to do what you are asking.
The only possible way is using
<span onclick="'','', 'fullscreen=yes, scrollbars=auto');">Open Full Screen Window</span>
(I'm not sure it's a good idea to force a user to use full screen mode...)
ugly solution but it works
<script type="text/javascript">
function max()
var obj = new ActiveXObject("");
<body onload="javascript:max()">
User already has this button, it's called F11.
DO NOT try to be 'smart'. This kind of functionality is in browser's scope, not in web application scope. It should not be your concern at all.
Instead focus on features that are truly relevant to your application.
