List of jars Jetty-8 scans - jar

I am using a Java Application that runs on Jetty-8.
Is there any ways to have the lists of all jars that Jetty scans..
Can we print something (like jar's name or something) when jetty executes those jars.
The core issue is jetty-8 slow startup.
I already added metadata-complete="true", and startup time has decreased.
But the problem here is to validate this concept
"metadata tag skips scanning jars of our web application."
Just to do an experiment I have made following changes :
Try 1 :
Removed All meta data tag from web.xml
Jetty log level mode changed to DEBUG.
What I have found in debug level logs is its scanning all jars of my web application. [ That is OK]
Added metadata tag and restarted server and found it is processing same means its scanning the jars of my web application.
Here I am looking for the ways that make sure that metadata tag is skipping scanning jars from my web application.

There is a command
java -jar start.jar --dry-run
lists all the dependency jars with classpath.
java -jar start.jar --help
gives you detailed usage of start.jar

Note: Jetty 8 is EOL (End of Life). You are strongly encourage to upgrade.
The metadata-complete="true" attribute on the WEB-INF/web.xml does not prevent JAR scanning.
It merely states that the metadata is complete, and should not be modified, as a result of scanning for other metadata sources (like web fragments, class annotations, etc.)
However, there are other features of the Servlet Spec that are not metadata related, and require jar/class scanning to even function. See javax.servlet.ServletContainerInitializer and its #HandlesTypes annotation for an example.
If you were using Jetty 9, then you could control the list of jars that are scanned.


what Jar's are needed for and ActiveMQ client, application

I have activemq-client-5.13.3.jar on my class path, but i keep getting
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/jms/JMSException
If i use activemq-all-5.13.3.jar on my class path, every thing works.
however I am not allowed to use the activemq-all jar.
added jms-api-1.1-rev-1.jar
and now Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/management/j2ee/statistics/Stats
You can use maven to determine this with the mvn dependency:tree command or use other maven centric tools to explore the artifacts dependencies.
At a minimum you would need these for v5.13.3
slf4j-api.jar geronimo-jms_1.1_spec.jar hawtbuf.jar
Then you can add an slf4j binding like log4j or logback to get proper logs. There are some others that you might want depending on where / how you are using it like the geronimo-j2ee-management_1.1_spec jar.
Of course if you use maven to build you can make this simpler since it will manage the deps for you.
I found same problem with my java application. I needed to insert Spring Boot for rest web service (Jetty Server) and now ActiveMQ for others data exchange.
activemq-client-5.15.11.jar; geronimo-jms_1.1_spec-1.1.1.jar; geronimo-j2ee-management_1.1_spec-1.0.1.jar; hawtbuf-1.11.jar;
all works.

Apache Karaf - bundle starts but does nothing?

I'm new to Karaf. I have a jar that has a class App with a method main. When I drop the jar in the The Karaf log service console says the bundle is started but nothing seems to happen. The first thing (the jar) does is a simple database write so I can see if it's running (no log file is generated although one is expected).
The jar depends on lots of other jars. Our sysadmin will not install Maven on the production servers. Where does one put helper jars (like mysql-connector-java-[version].jar)?
Does Karaf use the Manifest file to find the main class? Do I have to implement some special interface or something?
thanks for any help.
As Karaf is a OSGi Container, you should first read some stuff on how to write proper OSGi bundles.
First of all you'll need a Activator that'll start your bundle (just like a main). A Main Class is never interpreted. Yes Karaf, as it is a OSGi container, does "read" the Manifest, but to make sure first it's a proper OSGi bundle second how the resolving should take place by reading Package-Import/-Export.
Regarding the "Packaging" - using lot's of other jar's/bunldes - , you'd either can built a custom Karaf (read the Karaf documentation on how to do this) or create a KAR for your Bundles containing your bundles and a feature.xml (again take a look at the documentation at Karaf)

websphere ejb deployment issue : classnotfound error for other ejb references

I have two ejb jars packaged into a ear. say EJb1.jar adn Ejb2.jar. I am deploying it in Webphere 7.0. Ejb1 is referencing to classes in Ejb2.jar. Unless I specify the Ejb2.jar in Manifest.Mf file of Ejb1.jar, the deployment of EAR file fails.
Throws error that build path is incomplete and that referenced class is not found.
Is there any way I can overcome this ? Through some settings in WebSphere console?
I have too many ejb's in this ear referencing each other.
It makes things really difficult to update manifest file each time we make code changes.
Any ideas ?
If you want to avoid that what you need to do is create and EJB Client Jar which holds the interfaces and put it in the EAR/lib directory.
For example if EJB1.jar got and you will now split it to 2 jars files:
EJB1.jar (EJB Module) holding and EJB1-Client.jar (Utility Jar) holding
Then you put EJB1-Client.jar in the EAR file lib directory and EJB2.jar will be able to find the interfaces in its classpath.

problem with the injection of an EJB that resides in a jar

I have some problems regarding the EJB injection and I haven't been able to find a solution anywhere.
My situation is the following: I have an EAR file that includes a WAR and several JARs, all listed in the application.xml file. All is working fine for this part.
The problems come out when I try to add what we can call a “plugin system”.
I have a JAR with inside some .xhtml pages, backing beans and EJBs. This JAR, if needed, is inserted inside the EAR in a specific directory (let's call it “plugins”) and is detected from the application at startup.
When the JAR is detected it's path is added to the WAR class loader so all the pages and the backing bean are detected without problems. What is not working is the injection of the EJBs (I tried to use the notation #EJB, #Inject, the lookup...). I can't inject any of the EJBs that is inside the JAR plugin.
My guess is that the application server treats the JAR as a simple library module and doesn't look for any EJB inside it, so they are inside the JAR but not usable from the application.
My question is: there's a way of having this working? I tried to add the JAR in the EAR's MANIFEST.MF but nothing changed...
the application server i'm using is glassfish 3.0. About the application.xml: there's no reference in it about the JARs that are part of what i called "plugin system". This because i detect them when i deploy (or i restart) the application in the application server, so they may or may not be inside the system and i don't really know that before the system is started.
Each plugin JAR is a "collection" of pages and functionalities that can be added or removed from the system dynamically (more less like a real plugin system).
My EAR structure is the following:
for example: in the application.xml i have the references for app.WAR, logic1.JAR and logic2.JAR (they are always inside the system), at startup the application looks inside the folder "plugins" for any plugin (specific JARs) to be added to the system.
I hope i've been more clear about what i'm trying to do...
It seems that the EJB are not even registered in the JNDI tree of the server. Which application server are you using? You can have a look to this JNDI tree to see if the EJBs are there, but the way to do this depends on the specific server.
How are you declaring the JAR that contains the EJBs in the EAR application.xml?
It should be someting lide this:
The Jar should be in a the "/lib" directory of the EAR.
I hope this helps.

How to make an application client jar file for IBM's launchclient

Hi I'm facing with a bug in old ejb application which is deployed on IBM Websphere 6.1. Previously it ran but now it stopped for some reason which I have to investigate.
I'm trying to get it to run locally on my desktop, and I'm trying to access the session bean with IBM's launchclient application. I pass in the ear as the argument (yes that's IBM specific) and the ears contains both the ejb-jar and the ejb-client.jar (also IBM specific).
Launchclient fails with the message: myear does not contain an Application Client jar file. Which may be true, but it does contain the client-ejb jar file, which I even bothered to address with -CCjar=MyEjbClient.jar.
My question is how can I make an application client jar file?
I cant find much information on the launchclient thing, I do have RAD 7.x or something, but to be honest I want to stay away from it as much as possible and it's getting really frustrating.
PS someone knows a nice NO IBM job?
It is not sufficient to have an ejb-client-jar, you need an application client JAR. Also, -CCjar can only be specified for an application jar (and it's not necessary if you only have one).
To add an application client JAR to an EAR, you need to:
Create a Java class with a traditional main method.
Package the class in a JAR in the EAR.
Add a Main-Class to the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF in the JAR.
Add a META-INF/application-client.xml file to the JAR.
Add the module to application.xml in the EAR:
