C++ Programming error codes - turbo-c++

printf("\n\n\t\t x1 = " realPart "+" imaginaryPart "i" );
printf("\n\n\t\t x2 = " realPart "-" imaginaryPart "i" );
I tried to compile and run the program and the erros is Function call missing )
what's the correct code? Thank you! :)
ps. I tried to put another ) at the end, it gave me more errors :3

You are not using printf correctly. See the code below. I am assuming your variables are float type.
Also, given that you are using C++, you need to include <cstdio>.
printf("\n\n\t\t x1 = %f+%fi",realPart,imaginaryPart);
printf("\n\n\t\t x2 = %f-%fi",realPart,imaginaryPart);


Error: unexpected '>' in ">" . Trying to create a data frame

metallica<-data.frame(Name = metallicaNames, Age = metallicaAges)
That's my exact code. I don't see a '>' anywhere. I know the '<' is correct. Where and what is my problem? I'm fairly new to R.
Thanks for the help
You need quotes around your strings, e.g.
metallica<-data.frame(Name = "metallicaNames", Age = "metallicaAges")

How do you print a variable with text in python 3.6.4

My code is:
snipername = str(input("What's the Sniper's name again?"))
print ("That's right,(snipername)! ")
(snipername) is my varible, but i can't figure out how to print it as well as the message.
Any help would be greatly apprectiated!
Use print("That's right, %s!" % (snipername))

Scilab - gui - many unknown variables error messages

Still trying to understand the logic of Scilab, I created a small calculation tool for a mechanical element. The main problem I have is finding the right order (or syntax) for the calculation code... I get a lot of "unknown variable" errors and I don't understand why?
I tried to change the order of definitions for the functions, declare the variables as global, etc. but nothing seems to help.
The code for the calculation is not long and also not complicated, but the gui was built using guibuilder, so the uicontrols definitions are probably much longer than they need to be.
Could somebody help me make this code working, as I would learn and understand a lot by this example, althought it contains more than one "problem zones"?
Here what I've done:
G = 78500;
table_titles = ["" "Wire diameter" "Wp" "Tau alwd" "M alwd" "Angle alwd"];
window number %d');
handles.dummy = 0;
[0.1,1],'Style','slider','String',"Wire diameter",'Value',
'default','SliderStep',[0.01,0.1],'String',"wire diameter: " +
msprintf('%2.1f',handles.sl_dwire.Value) + "mm",'Style','text',
'SliderStep',[0.1,1],'String','Working angle','Style','slider','Value',
'SliderStep',[0.01,0.1],'String',"Working angle: " +
msprintf('%2.1f',handles.sl_wangle.Value) + "°",'Style','text',
'SliderStep',[0.1,1],'String','Active length' ,'Style','slider',
'SliderStep',[0.01,0.1],'String','Active length: ' +
msprintf('%2.1f',handles.sl_activel.Value) +
handles.ax_graph= newaxes();handles.ax_graph.margins = [ 0 0 0 0];
handles.ax_graph.axes_bounds = [0.4274266,0.0619266,0.3995485,0.5191743];
'SliderStep',[0.01,0.1],'String',"Safety factor",'Style',
'SliderStep',[0.01,0.1],'String',"Safety factor : " +
// Callbacks are defined as below. Please do not delete the comments
as it will be used in coming version
function sl_sfactor_callback(handles)
handles.ed_sfactor.String="Safety factor: " + msprintf('%3.2f',sf);
function sl_dwire_callback(handles)
Wp = %pi*wd^3/16;
Ip =%pi*wd^4/32;
Kt = G*%pi*Ip/(180*L);
Talwd = sf * calcform;
Malwd = Wp * Talwd;
alphaalwd = Malwd / Kt;
handles.ed_dwire.String="Wire diameter: " +
msprintf('%2.1f',wd) + "mm";
function popm_wtype_callback(handles)
//Write your callback for popm_wtype here
if selected == 1 then
calcform =(1845 - 700*log10(wd));
elseif selected == 2 then
calcform =(2105 - 780*log10(wd));
elseif selected == 3 then
calcform = (2220 - 820*log10(wd));
function sl_wangle_callback(handles)
handles.ed_wangle.String="Working angle: " +
msprintf('%2.1f',handles.sl_wangle.Value) + "°";
function sl_activel_callback(handles)
//Write your callback for sl_activel here
handles.ed_activel.String="Active length: " +
msprintf('%2.1f',handles.sl_activel.Value) + "mm";
function tab_param_callback(handles)
//Write your callback for tab_param here
table_values = string([ wd Wp Talwd Malwd alphaalwd]);
table_param = [table_titles; [table_values]];
I expect the code to dynamically update the graph and the parameters table according to the positions of input sliders and popup-menu.
Again, it would be very helpful if somebody could help me get this code working, as I would get answers for a lot of my questions concerning programming with scilab.
Thank you very much in advance!
First of all, your code is not directly executable, caused by the linebreaks. Please add ... after each line of a statement. This improves also the readability.
As mentioned by #luispauloml, you try to use variables, which exist just inside of another function. For example you try to reach table_param, which is just alive in tab_param_callback(handles).
To get rid of this, you have to define the output for the function:
function [table_values, table_param] = tab_param_callback(handles)
table_values = string([ wd Wp Talwd Malwd alphaalwd]);
table_param = [table_titles; [table_values]];
Now you can call this function to get the variable:
I corrected just this case and added the dots as explained. For the other variables, it can be done analogously. Furthermore, I moved the function definition to the beginning of the code. Because if your scrips crashed in the middle, the compiler has no chance to read the function definitions.
Please find the code in this file .
I hope this helps. Good luck!

XQuery Invalid entity reference error caused by "&" entity reference

I'm trying to run this line xdmp:unquote(concat('<info>', string( $paragraph) , '</info>')) but I've got the following error: xdmp:unquote("<info>LEARNING & MEMORY</info>") -- Invalid entity reference " " at line 1. It seems like this entity reference & is causing the problem. I tried to remove it using replace function but it still present. What should I do?
I am assuming that you have something like this-
let $paragraph := <p>LEARNING & MEMORY</p>
xdmp:unquote(fn:concat('<info>', fn:string($paragraph),'</info>'))
And that the result you want is XML that looks like-
<info>LEARNING & MEMORY</info>
The ampersand is definitely the issue and the workaround is to use the "repair-full" option. This example works:
let $paragraph := <p>LEARNING & MEMORY</p>
let $contents := xdmp:unquote($paragraph, "", "repair-full")

How to find bytes_in in Nginx?

I am using this module https://github.com/Lax/ngx_http_accounting_module for accounting nginx request count and byte out
I can see bytes_out is used in code and is working fine .
code snippet:
ngx_http_accounting_handler(ngx_http_request_t *r){
stats->bytes_out += r->connection->sent;
But how to calculate bytes_in? any clue? I checked ngx_http_request_s & ngx_connection_s which has 'sent' data but not the receive data. Any suggestion would be really helpful
Use r->request_length, much like it's done in nginx core for the $request_length log module variable.
I've updated ngx_http_accounting_module, adding bytes_in support.
The original version(v0.1) of ngx_http_accounting_module didn't implement bytes_in.
In v0.2, this value is added to the stats variable.
stats->nr_requests += 1;
+ stats->bytes_in += r->request_length;
stats->bytes_out += r->connection->sent;
Output format is changed as following code, adding bytes_in: to the output buffer.
- sprintf(output_buffer, "pid:%i|from:%ld|to:%ld|accounting_id:%s|requests:%ld|bytes_out:%ld",
+ sprintf(output_buffer, "pid:%i|from:%ld|to:%ld|accounting_id:%s|requests:%ld|bytes_in:%ld|bytes_out:%ld",
+ stats->bytes_in,
For more detail, see here: https://github.com/Lax/ngx_http_accounting_module/tree/v0.2 .
Thanks Maxim Dounin!
