I'm trying to achieve a circular movement around another body. Since now I have a DistanceJoint between the two bodies but my problem is how to find the right direction where to apply my force.
I tryied this function which is obviously not working:
public void updateCircular(float speed, Vector2 center){
Vector2 radius = center.sub(this.body.getPosition());
Vector2 force = radius.rotate90(1).nor().scl(speed);
this.body.setLinearVelocity(force.x, force.y);
center is the anchor point of my static body and the function is called by the class of my moving body, actually the idea was to call this method in the render part so every time I'd have rotated the vector of the distance between the two bodies of 90 degree to find the tangent vector.
It seems to be a bad idea, so how can I find the tangent vector in every frame in order to move my first object around the second one?
Vector2 center is being modified every frame, you need to make a copy.
public void updateCircular(float speed, Vector2 center){
Vector2 radius = center.cpy().sub(this.body.getPosition());
Vector2 force = radius.rotate90(1).nor().scl(speed);
this.body.setLinearVelocity(force.x, force.y);
I want to know the most basic math principles I need to interpolate a value between 3 or more other values, based on a linear percentage; as it would be applicable in programming.
For example, say I have "0", "100", "200", and I want the number that's at "50%". The math would then return something like "100" because 100 is at 50%.
Another example: I have 3 points somewhere in 3D space. If I do "75%" then the result would be a point that is exactly halfway between point 2 and 3, or if I do "25%" then it'll be half-way between 1 and 2.
Game engines like Unity use something like this for blending between multiple animations on a character, for another example.
What I've brainstormed so far is that I would somehow take the input value and find whatever the 2 neighboring "points" are closest to it (much harder in 3D or 2d space but manageable in 1d), then simply lerp between those two- but that requires me to figure out what percentage both of those points are at individually, and remap from "0 to 100%" to "A% to B%". I think it would work but It seems kind of complicated to me.
If possible, I'd like answers to include a C# example or language-agnostic psuitocode just so I can understand the math.
simple example for scalar float objects using piecewise linear interpolation:
int n=3; // number of your objects
float x[n]={ 0.5,2.0,10.0 }; // your objects
float get_object(float t) // linearly interpolate objects x[] based in parameter t = <0,1>, return value must be the same type as your objects
int ix;
float x0,x1; // the same type as your objects
// get segment ix and parameter t
t*=n; ix=floor(t); t-=ix;
// get closest known points x0,x1
x0=x[ix]; ix++;
if (ix<n) x1=x[ix]; else return x0;
// interpolate
return x0+(x1-x0)*t;
so if t=0 it returns first object in the x[] if it is t=1 is returns last and anything in between is linearly interpolated ... The idea is just to multiply our t by number of segments or point (depend on how you handle edge cases) which integer part of the result will give us index of closest 2 objects to our wanted one and then the fractional part of multiplied t will give us directly interpolation parameter in range <0,1> between the two closest points...
In case you objects are not with the same weight or are not uniformly sampled then you need to add interpolation with weights or use higher order polynomial (quadratic,cubic,...).
You can use this for "any" type T of objects you just have to implement operations T+T , T-T and T*float if they are not present.
If your gameObjects is at the same line try this code.
public Transform objStart;
public Transform objEnd;
public Transform square;
public float distance;
//percent .5 means 50%
public float percent;
public Vector3 distancePercentPosition;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
//get distance between two object
distance = Vector3.Magnitude(objEnd.position - objStart.position);
//get position based on percent;
distancePercentPosition = (objEnd.position - objStart.position).normalized * percent * distance;
square.position = objStart.position + distancePercentPosition;
once you get the position between lines you can now map your gameobject in each position based on percent.
My 2D engine is resolution independent and has a camera based on the article here: http://www.david-gouveia.com/portfolio/2d-camera-with-parallax-scrolling-in-xna/
I've implemented parallax scrolling into my camera class the same way the article above mentions. It works great, but it's screwed up my culling code and I'm struggling to figure out the math.
Each of my background images has a Rectangle I use to check if it's currently on screen. If it doesn't collide with my Camera rectangle, I don't draw it. The problem is that if the image is drawing as a parallax layer, the rectangle isn't being calculated where it really appears on the screen.
The transform matrix in my Camera class looks like this:
public static Matrix GetTransformMatrix(Vector2 parallax)
return Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(-position * parallax, 0)) * Matrix.CreateRotationZ(rotation) *
Matrix.CreateScale(new Vector3(zoom, zoom, 1)) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(Resolution.VirtualWidth
* 0.5f, Resolution.VirtualHeight * 0.5f, 0));
For each parallax layer, I call SpriteBatch.Begin() and pass it the above transform matrix with the correct parallax offset passed in depending on what layer we're drawing (foreground, background etc.)
I've successfully made a ScreenToWorld function that works for getting the position of where the mouse has been clicked. Note that I need to calculate both my resolution matrix and camera matrix for it to work.
public static Vector2 ScreenToWorld(Vector2 input, Vector2 parallax)
input.X -= Resolution.VirtualViewportX;
input.Y -= Resolution.VirtualViewportY;
Vector2 resPosition = Vector2.Transform(input, Matrix.Invert(Resolution.getTransformationMatrix()));
Vector2 finalPosition = Vector2.Transform(resPosition, Matrix.Invert(Camera.GetTransformMatrix(parallax)));
return finalPosition;
So I figured to calculate the correct Rectangle positions of my parallax layers I would need a WorldToScreen function... I tried this, but it isn't working:
public static Vector2 WorldToScreen(Vector2 input, Vector2 parallax) //I pass the same parallax value that is used in the Camera matrix function.
input.X -= Resolution.VirtualViewportX;
input.Y -= Resolution.VirtualViewportY;
Vector2 resPosition = Vector2.Transform(input, Resolution.getTransformationMatrix());
Vector2 finalPosition = Vector2.Transform(resPosition, Camera.GetTransformMatrix(parallax));
return finalPosition;
I'm guessing I'm on the right track but my math is wrong? I'm passing the above function the non-parallaxed Rectangle position with the hopes of making it update to where the parallax image is really being drawn. Thanks in advance if someone can help!
Ends up my math was right but I needed to calculate my Camera's screen rect based off the Camera's matrix. If you do this you don't need to touch the background rectangles at all. Just pass in the background's parallax value into this function then check against the rectangle it returns:
/// <summary>
/// Calculates the Camera's screenRect based on the parallax value passed in.
/// </summary>
public static Rectangle VisibleArea(Vector2 parallax)
Matrix inverseViewMatrix = Matrix.Invert(GetTransformMatrix(parallax));
Vector2 tl = Vector2.Transform(Vector2.Zero, inverseViewMatrix);
Vector2 tr = Vector2.Transform(new Vector2(Resolution.VirtualWidth, 0), inverseViewMatrix);
Vector2 bl = Vector2.Transform(new Vector2(0, Resolution.VirtualHeight), inverseViewMatrix);
Vector2 br = Vector2.Transform(new Vector2(Resolution.VirtualWidth, Resolution.VirtualHeight), inverseViewMatrix);
Vector2 min = new Vector2(
MathHelper.Min(tl.X, MathHelper.Min(tr.X, MathHelper.Min(bl.X, br.X))),
MathHelper.Min(tl.Y, MathHelper.Min(tr.Y, MathHelper.Min(bl.Y, br.Y))));
Vector2 max = new Vector2(
MathHelper.Max(tl.X, MathHelper.Max(tr.X, MathHelper.Max(bl.X, br.X))),
MathHelper.Max(tl.Y, MathHelper.Max(tr.Y, MathHelper.Max(bl.Y, br.Y))));
return new Rectangle((int)min.X, (int)min.Y, (int)(max.X - min.X), (int)(max.Y - min.Y));
Following up from my original post Three.JS Object following a spline path - rotation / tangent issues & constant speed issue, I am still having the issue that the object flips at certain points along the path.
View this happening on this fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/jayfield1979/T2t59/7/
function moveBox() {
if (counter <= 1) {
box.position.x = spline.getPointAt(counter).x;
box.position.y = spline.getPointAt(counter).y;
tangent = spline.getTangentAt(counter).normalize();
axis.cross(up, tangent).normalize();
var radians = Math.acos(up.dot(tangent));
box.quaternion.setFromAxisAngle(axis, radians);
counter += 0.005
} else {
counter = 0;
The above code is what moves my objects along the defined spline path (an oval in this instance). It was mentioned by #WestLangley that: "Warning: cross product is not well-defined if the two vectors are parallel.".
As you can see, from the shape of the path, I am going to encounter a number of parallel vectors. Is there anything I can do to prevent this flipping from happening?
To answer the why question in the title. The reason its happening is that at some points on the curve the vector up (1,0,0) and the tangent are parallel. This means their cross product is zero and the construction of the quaternion fails.
You could follow WestLangley suggestion. You really want the up direction to be the normal to the plane the track is in.
Quaternion rotation is tricky to understand the setFromAxisAngle function rotates around the axis by a given angle.
If the track lies in the X-Y plane then we will want to rotate around the Z-axis. To find the angle use Math.atan2 to find the angle of the tangent
var angle = Math.atan2(tangent.y,tangent.x);
putting this together set
var ZZ = new THREE.Vector3( 0, 0, 1 );
tangent = spline.getTangentAt(counter).normalize();
var angle = Math.atan2(tangent.y,tangent.x);
box.quaternion.setFromAxisAngle(ZZ, angle);
If the track leaves the X-Y plane things will get trickier.
I have a 2D Point (x,y) and I want to project it to a Vector, so that I can perform a ray-trace to check if the user clicked on a 3D Object, I have written all the other code, Except when I got back to my function to get the Vector from the xy cords of the mouse, I was not accounting for Field-Of-View, and I don't want to guess what the factor would be, as 'voodoo' fixes are not a good idea for a library. any math-magicians wanna help? :-).
Heres my current code, that needs FOV of the camera applied:
sf::Vector3<float> Camera::Get3DVector(int Posx, int Posy, sf::Vector2<int> ScreenSize){
//not using a "wide lens", and will maintain the aspect ratio of the viewport
int window_x = Posx - ScreenSize.x/2;
int window_y = (ScreenSize.y - Posy) - ScreenSize.y/2;
float Ray_x = float(window_x)/float(ScreenSize.x/2);
float Ray_y = float(window_y)/float(ScreenSize.y/2);
sf::Vector3<float> Vector(Ray_x,Ray_y, -_zNear);
// to global cords
return MultiplyByMatrix((Vector/LengthOfVector(Vector)), _XMatrix, _YMatrix, _ZMatrix);
You're not too fart off, one thing is to make sure your mouse is in -1 to 1 space (not 0 to 1)
Then you create 2 vectors:
Vector3 orig = Vector3(mouse.X,mouse.Y,0.0f);
Vector3 far = Vector3(mouse.X,mouse.Y,1.0f);
You also need to use the inverse of your perspective tranform (or viewprojection if you want world space)
Matrix ivp = Matrix::Invert(Projection)
Then you do:
Vector3 rayorigin = Vector3::TransformCoordinate(orig,ivp);
Vector3 rayfar = Vector3::TransformCoordinate(far,ivp);
If you want a ray, you also need direction, which is simply:
Vector3 raydir = Normalize(rayfar-rayorigin);
I'm looking for a way to combine affine transforms in such a way so that the effect is equivalent to using each transform to manipulate a shape in succession. The problem is that if I simply concatenate the transforms, then each successive transform's effect is interpreted in the existing transform's co-ordinate space.
For example, consider a square around the origin (-50,-50, 100,100). I want to rotate it, and then translate it down 100px. If I take a transform and rotate and then translate, the translation gets interpreted in the rotated coordinates. Instead, if I transform the shape itself to rotate it, and then transform that shape again to translate it, both translations are interpreted in the "normal" un-translated plane, and it gives me what I want.
The problem is that for what I'm doing many transforms may take place, each of which needs to be interpreted in the normal coordinate plane, but I don't want to store a stack of transforms, nor can I simply keep manipulating a shape, because I need to at any time be able to create the final transformed shape from the original starting shape.
I'm aware that for this simple example if I did the translate before the rotate I'd get the same result, but that's missing the point. I'm dealing with an arbitrary set of successive scale, translate, and rotate transforms, so simply putting them in a certain order doesn't cut it.
I have an inkling that there should be a way to concatenate transforms in such a way that you modify the new transform before you concatenate it, correcting for the existing transform so that the effect is that the new transform appears to have been applied as if it were referencing the un-transformed coordinate plane. For example, if you translate by (70.7, 70.7) in the above example instead of (0,100), the result becomes equivalent. I just can't seem to figure out what the math is to figure out in general how to alter the new transform so it works out correctly.
Thanks for reading - hope this made sense. Heres the source of the example that created the screenshot:
public class TransformExample extends JPanel {
protected void paintComponent(Graphics _g) {
Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) _g;
g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
g.translate(150, 100); // translate so we can see method 1 clearly
g.translate(200, 0); // translate again so we can see method 2 to the right of method 1
private void paintConcatenate(Graphics2D g) {
AffineTransform tx = new AffineTransform();
Shape shape = new Rectangle(-50, -50, 100, 100);
// Draw the 3 steps, altering the transform each time
draw(g, shape, tx, Color.GRAY);
tx.rotate(Math.PI / 4);
draw(g, shape, tx, Color.GREEN);
tx.translate(70.7, 70.7);
draw(g, shape, tx, Color.PINK);
private void paintSuccessive(Graphics2D g) {
Shape shape = new Rectangle(-50, -50, 100, 100);
// Draw the 3 steps, altering the shape each time with a new transform
draw(g, shape, null, Color.GRAY);
shape = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(Math.PI / 4).createTransformedShape(shape);
draw(g, shape, null, Color.GREEN);
shape = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(0, 100).createTransformedShape(shape);
draw(g, shape, null, Color.PINK);
private void draw(Graphics2D g, Shape shape, AffineTransform tx, Color color) {
if (tx != null) {
shape = tx.createTransformedShape(shape);
public static void main(String[] args) {
JFrame f = new JFrame("Transform Example");
f.setSize(500, 350);
f.setContentPane(new TransformExample());
(I'm working with Java2D, although I don't think the language or 2d library is all that pertinent here.)
I suggest you to keep track of some absolute values and then do less transformations as you can.
For example, store the translation matrix and the rotation angle around the origin.
int translate[2];
int rotate;
Now, suppose that you want to rotate around its center and then translate the object somewhere, and then rotate it again under its center.
Because with affine transformations, rotation matrix aren't commutative, so if you apply a rotation,translation, rotation you'll get an wrong result.
But you can simply sum the rotation angle of the first and third rotation, and apply a single rotation and then the translation.
Hope to be clear.
when you rotate an object, you normally rotate around a specific point. It looks like you are just rotating around (0,0) which is usually not what you want.
To rotate around a specific point (x,y),
translate the point to 0 (-x, -y),
then rotate,
then translate back (x, y).
public static AffineTransform getRotateInstance(double theta,
double anchorx,
double anchory)