Blank screen between page changes on different browsers in ASP.NET -

My ASP.NET project seems to run the best in Firefox.
Mainly while someone is navigating around the site, Firefox has no blank pages of white screen while the page is changing, and it looks like it's not reloading the top nav bar of the page or the footer/wrap around the partials that go in the middle.
Chrome and Internet Explorer (obviously) not so much. They seem to reload the entire page every time there is navigation performed.
Is there something I can change about my project configuration that would cause this kind of behaviour? I suppose it isn't too important but it would be nice if it looked as good on Chrome as it does on Firefox.
If anyone wanted to see code from a specific place/config in my ASP.NET project I can post it.


Why do my pages move horizontally (see link)

I am supporting a website:
If you first look at the home page or What's Hot page and then click the Subject or Country page in the top navigation, you would see the page move left a little.
I know this is a CSS issue, but I am unable to find out the CSS rules that creates this issue. This website uses bootstrap-3.2.0 and some other tools.
At my screen this page seems displaying correctly (Chrome 57). This 'movement' what are you talking about's occurring because of browser is scrollbar, I guess, if I m wrong, punish me, but also I may recommend you using Developer Tools at your browser to inspect that. :)
If you could share more info I will be glad. (Some screens etc.)

How to fix formatting issue when loading page in different tab?

I'm having an issue with my website (I know the content sounds dumb, but it's my first attempt at a portfolio and it's not finished) where the formatting of the text is very peculiar under a specific set of circumstances.
When loading any post or page in Google Chrome, if I remain in the tab for the duration of the loading it looks like the image below, which is perfect and exactly what I want.
However if I start loading the webpage in a new tab and don't instantly navigate to that new tab, or indeed if I refresh the page and navigate away from the tab, when I come back it looks like the image below.
Interestingly it seems to work absolutely fine in Internet Explorer and Firefox, so initially I thought that it might be an issue with my installation of Google Chrome. However testing it on other computers resulted in the same thing happening, and a variety of different ways of phrasing the issue has turned up very little.
So essentially, how do I fix it for Google Chrome users?
(For those that cannot see the images, the text in the post placed as an example runs outside of the box it should be displayed in and often lines appear over the top of each other around hyper links.)
I've managed to fix the issue for pages by removing the justified alignment of the text. However I have made said change to the posts as well yet the problem persists for them.
So after a little more delving into the issue, I came to the conclusion that not only was the idea of web safe fonts actually a load of miss-represented nonsense, but that Google fonts might be the way to go. After installing a plugin for Google fonts onto WordPress and making all my posts use one by default, my problem has been entirely resolved and I can even have justified text on my posts and pages.

Web page behaves strangely

Have a look at the following site
The whole page has been built with CSS Page Builder Magic 2 (
Every button is a link to a different .html page.
However, I do not know why every button press creates a flash effect in the page, the background changes instantly color and generally it gives an impression of abnormal operation. I have not met any site with such behavior except some pages inside projectseven site.
Do you have any idea why that happens? Is it something wrong with Page Builder Magic approach?
I am new to Web Development world and I want to know if there is any problem with these guys.
Thank you very much
I checked it out, it doesn't behave abnormally at all for all those effects you have there, I checked out the size of one of the images it is about 250kb, then imagine the other images which I assume are of the same size, and they are all going to be loaded when the page loads, you definitely should expect some effect

Mobile website in HTML5 not pulling CSS file until refreshed

I'm building a contact form for a mobile website in HTML5 and CSS. It is the same form I use on all mobile website and after not working for 5 hours I pulled the code straight from a working site I built and it still doesn't work properly.
The issue is when you go to the contact page it shows the contact form, but with the labels centered and the submit button image isn't showing up. I must refresh for it to bring up the correct CSS file to align the text left and show the submit button. Initially I thought it was from a CSS/JS conflict with my menu at the top so I pulled that and it still causes the same problem. I have cleared the cashe on my phone and web browsers and they all work the same.
Here is the link: after going to this page hit refresh and you will see the difference.
My question is, is this a caching issue, is it server side issue, or is it a conflict in my coding. I'm not good with posting the code on this site but if you go to the mobile site from your web browser you can just right click and view source to see my code. I have a boiler plate html core file with boiler plate CSS and custom CSS.
Is there some sort of script I could use to make this page auto refresh one time on page load then not again after the reload? I don't want to use an improper fix like this but I have been working on this issue for a day.
The left side is before refresh. I have pulled the code from the site now but I think it was a js conflict because it was auto loading the css from the menu when the link for any page was clicked.
I'm seeing it fine on my end. Seems to work flawlessly, but if you are still having a problem, you could either use cookie or session variables. If the variable does not exist, you can use the php function header( 'Location:' ) ; to "refresh" the page. It's actually just a redirect command, but if you are sending them back to the page they are on, it is pretty much the same thing as a refresh.
It was a conflicting issue with my menu JS/CSS. I pulled it and now everything works fine.

ASP/HTML/CSS - Design View Different from Browser Preview

I'm getting a difference in my design view and what the actual preview displays. I'm pretty sure my code is correctly reflecting what appears in the design view, but incorrectly in the browser preview. Any suggestions on how I can fix this and why this is happening? The black content area should be below the header and buttons.
Master Page Design View:
Browser Preview:
IE and Chrome both display the same behavior.
Here is the code of the master page: (because of '<' I'm having getting asp code in do I enter it in as code sample?)
Personally, I find i can never trust the web preview in visual Studio, so while this is not really an answer to your specific question I recommend you always use an actual browser for preview. :)
Your CSS might be cached. When you are looking at the web preview, It is worth a try to reload the page and the CSS by clicking ctrl-F5 (not just F5). This worked for me a few times when I felt that my CSS changes are not being rendered in the web preview.
