Unable to push Sample R Shiny App to Bluemix - r

I have been following this tutorial and when I go to "push" the sample application onto IBM Bluemix it fails in creating the instance. I am using a custom buildpack and that is successful in installing all the neccessary R files and etc.
My command to push the application onto Bluemix: cf push MyNewShinyApp -b https://github.com/aruizga7/cf-buildpack-r.git
The error I receive is: Failed to accept connection within health check timeout... (on command prompt)
and on Bluemix I receive this error:
an instance of the app crashed: failed to accept connections within health check timeout
exit status: 1, CRASHED


Continuously running send pipeline instance

An instance of a BizTalk send pipeline has started to run continuously. On 09/12/2021 an attempt was made to send a file via SFTP, which retried several times but ultimately failed due to a network issue. The error from the event logs is:
The adapter failed to transmit message going to send port "Deliver Outgoing - SFTP" with URL "sftp://xxx.xxxxxx.co.nz:22/To_****/%SourceFileName%". It will be retransmitted after the retry interval specified for this Send Port. Details:"WinSCP.SessionRemoteException: Network error: Software caused connection abort.
For some reason BizTalk made another send attempt at 1:49pm on 10/12/2021 which succeeded as confirmed by the administrator of the SFTP site. Despite this, BizTalk continued making intermittent send attempts and the pipeline instance is still running. The same file has been sent 4 times to the SFTP server.
The pipeline instance in theory should have suspended at 9:47pm on 09/12/2021. I have been able to confirm definitively whether anybody resumed it, but it seems unlikely at this stage. In any case, after sending successfully the pipeline instance should have terminated and should not be re-executing intermittently.
Does anybody know what could account for this behaviour? This is occurring on BTS2020 with CU2 applied.
I've sent messages over SFTP where the WinSCP interpretation of the date-modified attribute doesn't work with a specific type of SFTP server.
With the WinSCP GUI a dialogue box appears and you can disregard this error, but this option isn't available with BizTalk's GUI. This error appears when a file with the same filename already exists on the server and is supposed to be overwritten.
My solution was to create a pipeline component that removed %SourceFileName% on the server. The pipeline component (just like WinSCP GUI) can disregard the modified-date.

gRPC client can't connect to server Failed parsing HTTP/2, only on my computer

I'm trying to connect to a server from my client using gRPC, but connection always fails only on my pc(macbook pro). My teammate tried with the exact same code, and it works perfectly fine. The following is the error messages from each client and server. We are using protobuf 3, python 3.9. Can anyone give me some hint? Thank You.
Client Error Message
grpc._channel._MultiThreadedRendezvous: <_MultiThreadedRendezvous of RPC that terminated with:
status = StatusCode.UNAVAILABLE
details = "Failed parsing HTTP/2"
debug_error_string = "{"created":"#1626678822.089372000","description":"Error received from peer ipv4:", "file":"src/core/lib/surface/call.cc", "file_line":1067,"grpc_message":"Failed parsing HTTP/2","grpc_status":14}"
Server Error Message
[07/19 01:29:32 cctv_service]: Session Connected
E0719 01:29:32.744434791 14615 parsing.cc:302] Unknown frame type 71
I0719 01:29:32.744519637 14615 chttp2_transport.cc:812] W:0x7f3364002ae0 SERVER [ipv4:] state IDLE -> WRITING [CLOSE_FROM_API]
I0719 01:29:32.744554230 14615 chttp2_transport.cc:812] W:0x7f3364002ae0 SERVER [ipv4:] state WRITING -> WRITING [begin write in current thread]
Updated MacOS 11.4 to 11.5, problem never appeared again.

In IBM Event Streams SaaS on Cloud, where can I look for failing client connection attempts?

I am trying to configure a Kafka client (it happens to be a DataPower appliance running V10) to my IBM Event Streams SaaS instance in IBM Cloud. But the Kafka client keeps throwing an error:
Broker transport failure Initialization failed
Where can I go, in IBM Event Streams SaaS, to determine if I can see my Kafka client trying to make connection ? And, ideally, see some useful error messages like "pwd is wrong" !

The RPC Srver Unavailable , while executing logman commands

im trying to run logman commands from the command line. crate counter is working fine, but for other commands like:-logman start datacollector , and logman stop datacollector , im getting a error as:- rpc server unavailable.
Make sure the following services are runnning
1.Windows event log
2.Remote procedure call(RPCSS)
3.DCOM server process launcher
4.RPC end point mapper Automatic
5.Secure socket tunneling protocol(sstp)
6.Remote access auto connection manager
7.Remote connection manager
and set the start up type of the services to AUTOMATIC

R plumber Api on cloud foundry deployment got stuck

I have 3 files in a folder - init.r, myapp.r and manifest.yml.
Manifest file contains information for deployment on cloud foundry. I am using https://github.com/beibeiyang/cf-buildpack-r.git buildpack for deployment.
myapp.r contains a very simple function that returns output whatever it gets as input and it is using get request with # annotation.
#* #get /mypath
abc <- function(input1){
init.r contains following code:
r <- plumb("myapp.r")
It is fine when I run this code in local using R studio. But when I deploy it to cloud foundry, it got stuck after saying: Starting server to listen on port (8056 or any other port). It waited for 15 minutes and failed to start. No progress after that. Anyone has any idea what is happening here?
Your app is monitored by a health checker. With its default setting of port (see --health-check-type option of cf push), it repeatedly tries to connect to the app container's default port (8080) to check if your app has started successfully. And eventually it times out, as your app is not responding to requests on that port.
Try again with port 8080 instead of 8056, or better, the port number passed in to your app through the PORT environment variable (see http://docs.cloudfoundry.org/devguide/deploy-apps/environment-variable.html#PORT).
