How to download shiny graph in PDF Formart - r

I am new to R programming. I have developed a shiny dashboard application for different visualization purposes where I am plotting various graphs with the help of renderDataTable, renderPlot, renderRpivotTable, renderImage renderInfoBox.
But I am unable to figure out what is the best way to download these graphs/charts/table/infobox in PDF format.
So for I am rendering Rmarkdown within downloadHandler to achieve this requirement. But It is not working for every plot such renderInfoBox,renderDataTable. I will highly appreciate any inputs on this.


showing saved HTML plots in Shiny

I have a lot of plots saved in a folder and their format is *.html so they could be easily viewed in a browser. Plots were made using plotly in R. I want to build a Shiny app to view these saved files. Does anyone know how to read and view these files into Shiny?
I know the other alternative is to plot on demand in Shiny, but due to the large number of data points and time to generate plots, I want to use the saved files. I appreciate your help.

dynamic update to data for dygraph in R shiny

Hello I was wondering is it possible to replicate this ( in R shiny?
I am looking at the documentation for the dygraph package ( and cannot see anything associated with it updates to data that don't fully re-draw the graph, perhaps some sort of proxy is required?

How to show an iplot without opening an additional window into r shiny

I'm trying to build interactive graphs in my shiny app. The user should be able to click on bars and see where the cases are displayed in another graph for example like a scatterplot next to the barplot.
There are different r packages, that are doing a great job: iplot, rggobi, acinonyx. I also found qtlcharts, but it does not exactly what I wanted. The problem is, I can't figure out, how to integrate different iplots into my shiny app boxes. Is there any way preventing iplots from opening separate windows for the graphs?
In acinonyx you can say window=FALSE, which prevents opening the java window of the graph. But the graph isn't displayed in the box as well. You could add/move the iplot into icontainer, iVisual or iWindow, but none of them can be integrated into the shiny boxes in the ui without printing the error: unsupported data frame or doing nothing at all.
I found the answer to my question: building reactive ggplots in shiny and adding coloured layers to one plot if the other plot is clicked will do the job.

How can I build Shiny applications with Animation in R?

I am trying to build a shiny app to build interactive animations with R. I currently have a function that can build gifs/other output options using the Animation package( that loops through a series of ggplots(by date). And also a shiny app that can show a single ggplot based on the selected date.I want to build a shiny app that refreshes an animation based on a selected date range.
Are there examples of code that uses maybe saveHTML with UIoutput in Shiny? Would this be possible?
reset animation in Shiny R Studio shows someone trying to build an animation within Shiny. is example of integrating a saveGIF function into a shiny app, but that is through a download.
Alternative suggestions/packages I could look at to approach this problem in R not necessarily using Animation and/or Shiny would also be appreciated.
I suggest using the googleVis package --> the tool, gvisMotionchart. It's really simple to work with, just make sure your data is numeric or time oriented in some way and also have some character/categorical variable to plot as circles. Best of all is that all animation tools are ALREADY included inside the motion chart.
If you want details how to create this, here is a model example of how to detailed in this thread.
Chart not generated in R shiny when run locally using googleVis
Here's a screenshot of an example of one I've created to visualize chess data.
googlevis example

How to download rCharts plots in shiny with downloadHandler

In shiny apps ggplot2 graphs can easily be downloaded based on the downloadHandler function. Is it possible to download the javascript visualisations that are produced by means of rCharts in a similar way? If yes, what is the best approach?
If you use the HighCharts capability of rCharts then you can use it's exporter feature which has an download capability as demonstrated here (source).
If not, you're left with DOM introspection like I ended up using here. That has no R behind it, but it shows how to find the SVG in the DOM and make it so the graphic is exportable in a couple different ways.
