Meteor audit-argument-checks - meteor

I have a Meteor project where I'm using audit-argument-check. I'm getting an error message
Error: Did not check() all arguments during publisher 'document
I'm know this is related the audit-argument-check not being able to check all arguments. But as far as I'm concerned, I checked all of them. Concrete, I have defined a collection 'documents' and attached a SimpleSchema. As part of iron-router, I have the following:
Router.route('customerDocumentShow', {
template: 'customerDocumentShow',
path: 'customer/documents/:_id',
waitOn: function () {
return Meteor.subscribe('document', this.params._id);
data: function () {
return Documents.findOne(this.params._id);
So I'm passing only the documentId (this.params._id). On the server, I have defined a method:
documentsReadMethod: function(documentId){
check(documentId, String);
var documentItem = Document.findOne(argument);
if (!documentItem) {
throw new Meteor.Error(500, 'Error 500: Not Found', 'No documents found.');
return documentItem;
So I'm checking to documentId in the server method. So not sure why I'm getting this error message.
Note: One thing I'm not entirely sure about though is how I need to call this method (right now, it's documentsReadMethod_. I'm not explicitly calling (on the client):, this.params_id);
as I'm using autoform, collection2 and simpleschema. I've been spending the entire weekend, but have no clue. Any idea's ?
Note: the code is on github:

The problem is in the publish. You didn't check the id here:
Just add check(id, String); line 16 and it should work.

I have the same problem with another tuto !
Answer found at check is not defined in meteor.js : since Meteor v1.2, you have to add this package:
$ meteor add check


JS: firebase.init error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'database' of undefined

Am getting this error after following the steps mentioned in the nativescript-plugin-firebase readme file.
JS: firebase.init error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'database' of
but i dont really understand nor do i know how to solve that.
the version of the plugin am using is : 6.4.0
with tns 4.1.2
EDIT: init code, from app.js
var firebase = require("nativescript-plugin-firebase");
firebase.init({ persist: true
// Optionally pass in properties for database, authentication and cloud messaging,
// see their respective docs.
function (instance) {
console.log("firebase.init done");
function (error) {
console.log("firebase.init error: " + error);
I finally solved it by installing the plugin manually via the CLI (i initially installed it through NativeScript sidekick) apparently they didnt take in count the fact that some plugins may require some user inputs, to do write specific config file (which nativescript-plugin-firebase), so by installing it manually i got to provide the user input needed, it got configured and it worked!

db.collection.update() throws 'undefined is not a function'

I have this server side method (Meteor method) that successfully finds a document by the ID that it is passed, but when I go to issue a mongo .update(), I get an internal server error (500).
setToggle: function(detailId){
var checked_detail = detailsCollection.findOne({_id: detailId});
checked_detail.update({$set: {checkboxStatus: 'toggle'}});
Here is where I initially call the method on the client to create the document:
'submit form': function(ev){
var detailFormData = {
detail: $('[name = detail]').val(),
parentId: $('[name = parentId]').val(),
checkboxStatus: ''
}'addDetail', detailFormData);
And here is that server insert method, so you can see the model:
addDetail: function(detailFormData){
if(! Meteor.userId()){
throw new Meteor.Error('not-authorized');
detail: detailFormData.detail,
parentId: detailFormData.parentId,
checkboxStatus: detailFormData.checkboxStatus
Your update syntax is wrong : you're retrieving the Mongo document and then trying to call the update operation on the resulting plain JS object instead of calling the method on the collection itself.
Rewrite your code like this :
setToggle: function(detailId){
$set: {checkboxStatus: 'toggle'}
The Mongo Collection update syntax takes two (mandatory) parameters :
a Mongo selector to identify which documents in the collection should be updated (on the client using minimongo you're only allowed to modify documents by _id).
a Mongo modifier object to specify how the matching documents should be modified.

Meteor Blaze error with Template Helper

Most of my template helpers result in blaze errors and I'm not sure why. What makes them more strange is that they do not block rendering or events from the templates at all, in fact, the app works fine.
The main issue is a messy, messy, console. An example of this is below:
adminhelper: function(){
var theUser = Meteor.user(),
theUserId = theUser['_id'];
if(theUserId == "XXX"){
return true;
Just one way of checking which user is an admin user. This results in:
Exception in template helper: TypeError: Cannot read property '_id' of undefined
at Object.Template.templatename.helpers.adminhelper (http://localhost:3000/client/lib/helpers.js?37db222f849959237e4f36abdd8eba8f4157bd32:5:23)
at http://localhost:3000/packages/blaze.js?77c0809654ee3a10dcd5a4f961fb1437e7957d33:2693:16
at http://localhost:3000/packages/blaze.js?77c0809654ee3a10dcd5a4f961fb1437e7957d33:1602:16
at (http://localhost:3000/packages/spacebars.js?3c496d2950151d744a8574297b46d2763a123bdf:169:18)
at Template.manage.Blaze.If.HTML.HEADER.HTML.DIV.class (http://localhost:3000/client/views/template.templatename.js?868248757c652b031f64adad0edec9e2a276b925:6:22)
at null.<anonymous> (http://localhost:3000/packages/blaze.js?77c0809654ee3a10dcd5a4f961fb1437e7957d33:2454:44)
at http://localhost:3000/packages/blaze.js?77c0809654ee3a10dcd5a4f961fb1437e7957d33:1795:16
at Object.Blaze._withCurrentView (http://localhost:3000/packages/blaze.js?77c0809654ee3a10dcd5a4f961fb1437e7957d33:2029:12)
at viewAutorun (http://localhost:3000/packages/blaze.js?77c0809654ee3a10dcd5a4f961fb1437e7957d33:1794:18)
at Tracker.Computation._compute (http://localhost:3000/packages/tracker.js?192a05cc46b867dadbe8bf90dd961f6f8fd1574f:288:36)
Interestingly, client/views/template.templatename.js does not exist. I put all helpers in a helpers.js file, and all events in an events.js file.
For my route I have
waitOn: function(){
return Meteor.user();
What can I do to avoid these issues in the future?
Just use a guard to check for the existence of Meteor.user() before extracting the _id. Waiting on Meteor.user() in the route doesn't work, as waitOn requires a subscription. Alternatively you can just do this:
adminhelper: function() {
return Meteor.userId() === 'XXX';
An even better solution is to use the roles package.

Meteor/Iron-Router: how to define routes using data from settings.json

For the URL to which a route applies I have a part defined in settings.json, like this
baseUrl: '/private'
My settings are published and accessible through the collections 'Settings' (on the client). So I tried the following:
Deps.autorun(function () {
var settings = Settings.findOne():
if (settings) { () {
this.route('project', {
path: settings.baseUrl + '/:projectId,
controller: 'ProjectController'
The problem is that during initialisation the data is not yet on the client available, so I have to wait until the data is present. So far this approach doesn't work (yet). But before spending many hours I was wondering if someone has done this before or can tell me if this is the right approach ?
Updated answer:
I published solution in repository :
. Test it by opening url : localhost:3000/test
In this case FastRender package is useless as it injects collection data in the end of head tag -> line 63.
Inject-Initial package injects data in the beginning of head tag -> line 106.
Needed packages:
mrt add iron-router
mrt add inject-initial
Source code:
Settings = new Meteor.Collection("settings");
if (Meteor.isClient) {
var settings = Injected.obj('settings');
console.log(settings); () {
this.route('postShow', {
path: '/'+settings.path,
action: function () {
console.log("dynamic route !");
if (Meteor.isServer){
if(Settings.find().count() == 0){
Inject.obj('settings', Settings.findOne());
Read about security in the bottom of the page :
Below solution won't work in this specific case as FastRender injects data in the end of head tag. Because of that Routes are being initialized before injected data is present.
It will work when data from Settings collection will be sent together with html.
You can do that using package FastRender.
Create file server/router.js :
FastRender.onAllRoutes(function(path) {
// don't subscribe if client is downloading resources
if(/(css|js|html|map)/.test(path)) {
Create also publish function:
Meteor.publish('settings', function () {
return Settings.find({});
The above code means that if user open any url of your app then client will subscribe to "settings" publication and data will be injected on the server into html and available for client immediately.
I use this approach to be able to connect many different domains to meteor app and accordingly sent proper data.

Meteor getting this.params._id undefined

UPDATE: I got the issue fixed, it was due to my Meteor Publish setting I had to change it to return Links.find(); and then filter the correct data in my links list return Links.find({topicId: this._id}, {sort:{submitted: -1}});
So I'm getting some very weird issue and I'm really stuck.
I have the following route setup
this.route('linkEdit', {
path: '/link/:_id/edit',
data: function() {
return Links.findOne(this.params._id)
So this.params is fine I'm getting - [_id: "LiAiifzPHmMR23tg3", hash: undefined]
For this.params._id - I'm getting the correct ID, LiAiifzPHmMR23tg3
But for Links.findOne(this.params._id) - I'm getting undefined
However when I check mongodb I have a link with that ID.
Also if I add an alert, while the alert is popping up the template renders the data but then re-renders and I'm getting blank data as it can't find the correct link ID.
That's because your collection query is a bit off, you'll want to change that to the following:
Links.findOne({_id: this.params._id});
