Error - this S4 class is not subsettable - r

I know there are several answers on this question, however I could not find any applicable to my question. Could anyone help me in regards to the error this S4 class is not subsettable at the bottom of this code. I am not sure where this error comes from. The output result should be the thresholded coefficients of DWT.
xx <- list(list(c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,5,4,3,2,4,3,2,3,5,4,3,2,3,4,5,6,3,4,3,3),
# Select Filter.
filter <- c ("d2","d4","d6", "c6","d8","la8","la10","d12","c12","la12","la14","d14","d16","la16","d18","c18","la18")
boundary <- c("periodic","reflection")
g <- seq(1:length(xx))
fun <- function (x) seq(1: as.integer (floor (logb ((length(xx[[x]][[1]])),base=2))))
nlevel <- lapply( g,fun)
fun <- function(x) expand.grid(filter=filter,nlevel=nlevel[[x]],boundary=boundary, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
w3<- lapply(g,fun)
z <- c(seq(1:length(w3)))
mapply3 <- function(i) {
w4 <- w3[[i]]
mapply ( function ( m,k,p,x ) modwt ( x, filter = m, n.levels = k, boundary=p) , w3[[i]]$filter, w3[[i]]$nlevel, w3[[i]]$boundary , MoreArgs = list(x = (xx[[i]][[1]])) )
DWT <- lapply ( z, mapply3 )
vscale <- c("level")
# smooth.levels <- c(nlevel)
prior <- c("laplace")
a <- c(0.1,0.3)
bayesfac <- c("TRUE")
threshrule <- c("median","mean")
X <- seq(1:length(DWT))
fun <- function (x) DWT[x]
u <- lapply(X,fun)
fun <- function (x) seq(1:length(DWT[[x]]))
U <- lapply(X,fun)
L1 <- expand.grid ( vscale = vscale, prior = prior, a = a , bayesfac = bayesfac , threshrule = threshrule , stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
library ( EbayesThresh )
mapply2 <- function ( DWTi , LL ) {
mapply ( function ( c,e,f,g,h,x ) ebayesthresh.wavelet ( x, vscale = c, prior = e, a = f, bayesfac = g, threshrule = h ) , LL$vscale , LL$prior , LL$a , LL$bayesfac , LL$threshrule , MoreArgs = list ( x = DWTi ) )
mapply3 <- function( i, L1, DWT ) {
DWTi <- DWT [[i]][U[[i]]]
w3 <- L1
lapply( DWTi, mapply2, w3 )
M1 <- lapply(z, mapply3, L1, DWT)
# Error in x.dwt[[j]] : this S4 class is not subsettable

This might be a bug in the "wavelets" package. I looked up the source code of ebayesthresh.wavelet, copied it, and added some "print" debugging:
# The same as "ebayesthresh.wavelet.dwt" plus some "print" for debugging:
ebayesthresh.wvlt.dwt <-
function (x.dwt, vscale = "independent", smooth.levels = Inf,
prior = "laplace", a = 0.5, bayesfac = FALSE, threshrule = "median")
nlevs <- length(x.dwt) - 1
slevs <- min(nlevs, smooth.levels)
if (is.character(vscale)) {
vs <- substring(vscale, 1, 1)
if (vs == "i")
vscale <- mad(x.dwt[[1]])
if (vs == "l")
vscale <- NA
for (j in 1:slevs) {
x.dwt[[j]] <- ebayesthresh(x.dwt[[j]], prior, a, bayesfac,
vscale, FALSE, threshrule)
# The same as "ebayesthresh.wavelet",
# but it calls "ebayesthresh.wvlt.dwt" instead of "ebayesthresh.wavelet.dwt":
ebayesthresh.wvlt <-
function (xtr, vscale = "independent", smooth.levels = Inf, prior = "laplace",
a = 0.5, bayesfac = FALSE, threshrule = "median")
xcl <<- class(xtr)
if (class(xcl) == "dwt " && length(xcl) > 1) {
xtr <- ebayesthresh.wavelet.splus(xtr, vscale, smooth.levels,
prior, a, bayesfac, threshrule)
if (xcl == "wd") {
xtr <- ebayesthresh.wavelet.wd(xtr, vscale, smooth.levels,
prior, a, bayesfac, threshrule)
if (xcl == "dwt" || xcl == "modwt") {
xtr <- ebayesthresh.wvlt.dwt(xtr, vscale, smooth.levels,
prior, a, bayesfac, threshrule)
print("Unknown wavelet transform type; no smoothing performed")
The function mapply2 now calls ebayesthresh.wvlt instead of ebayesthresh.wavelet:
mapply2 <- function ( DWTi , LL )
mapply ( function ( c,e,f,g,h,x ) ebayesthresh.wvlt ( x,
vscale = c,
prior = e,
a = f,
bayesfac = g,
threshrule = h ) ,
LL$vscale ,
LL$prior ,
LL$a ,
LL$bayesfac ,
list(x=DWTi ) )
Let's see:
> M1 <- lapply(z, mapply3, L1, DWT)
[1] "nlevs:"
[1] 0
[1] "slevs"
[1] 0
[1] "1:slevs:"
[1] 1 0
[1] "j:"
[1] 1
Error in x.dwt[[j]] : this S4 class is not subsettable
In R the for-loop
for (j in 1:n) {...}
is not empty, if n is 0 or negative. (Another reason to avoid for-loops?) j runs from 1 to n in steps of -1. A similar bug I found here.
If we replace the for-loop in ebayesthresh.wvlt.dwt by a while-loop, the error message disappears:
j <- 1
while (j<=slevs) {
x.dwt[[j]] <- ebayesthresh(x.dwt[[j]], prior, a, bayesfac,
vscale, FALSE, threshrule)
j <- j+1


Error in ans[, 1] : incorrect number of dimensions while running a linear model

I am doing a GAMLSS model, this linear model could do iterations automatically until it could get a best combinations of explanatory variables. After I put some explanatory variables in the model, it was still good in iteration process at first several rounds, then I got a Error like this.
Model with term Spr_Tmean has failed
Model with term Spr_Psum has failed
Model with term Spr_sdmean has failed
Model with term Spr_Wsum has failed
Model with term Sum_Tmean has failed
Model with term Sum_Psum has failed
Model with term Sum_sdmean has failed
Model with term Sum_Wsum has failed
Error in ans[, 1] : incorrect number of dimensions
I also checked some questions related to Error in xxx[,1]: incorrect number of dimensions, but i think this is not what i want.
I also list the source function in here, you could search "ans[, 1]" to locate the problem. What "ans[, 1]" means in here? I am not professional to check this function, so any answer about the reason caused this Error, and how to solve this problem would be welcome. Thank you in advance.
> stepGAICAll.B
function (object, scope, direction = c("both", "backward",
"forward"), trace = T, keep = NULL, steps = 1000, scale = 0,
k = 2, parallel = c("no", "multicore", "snow"),
ncpus = 1L, cl = NULL, ...)
mydeviance <- function(x, ...) {
dev <- deviance(x)
if (!is.null(dev))
else extractAIC(x, k = 0)[2]
cut.string <- function(string) {
if (length(string) > 1)
string[-1] <- paste("\n", string[-1], sep = "")
re.arrange <- function(keep) {
namr <- names(k1 <- keep[[1]])
namc <- names(keep)
nc <- length(keep)
nr <- length(k1)
array(unlist(keep, recursive = FALSE), c(nr, nc), list(namr,
step.results <- function(models, fit, object, usingCp = FALSE) {
change <- sapply(models, "[[", "change")
rd <- sapply(models, "[[", "deviance")
dd <- c(NA, abs(diff(rd)))
rdf <- sapply(models, "[[", "df.resid")
ddf <- c(NA, abs(diff(rdf)))
AIC <- sapply(models, "[[", "AIC")
heading <- c("Stepwise Model Path \nAnalysis of Deviance Table",
"\nInitial Model:", deparse(as.vector(formula(object))),
"\nFinal Model:", deparse(as.vector(formula(fit))),
aod <- if (usingCp)
data.frame(Step = change, Df = ddf, Deviance = dd,
`Resid. Df` = rdf, `Resid. Dev` = rd,
Cp = AIC, check.names = FALSE)
else data.frame(Step = change, Df = ddf, Deviance = dd,
`Resid. Df` = rdf, `Resid. Dev` = rd,
AIC = AIC, check.names = FALSE)
attr(aod, "heading") <- heading
class(aod) <- c("Anova", "data.frame")
fit$anova <- aod
droptermAllP <- function(object, scope, test = c("Chisq",
"none"), k = 2, sorted = FALSE, trace = FALSE,
parallel = c("no", "multicore", "snow"),
ncpus = 1L, cl = NULL, ...) {
drop1.scope <- function(terms1, terms2) {
terms1 <- terms(terms1, "mu")
f2 <- if (missing(terms2))
else attr(terms(terms2, "mu"), "factor")
factor.scope(attr(terms1, "factor"), list(drop = f2))$drop
safe_pchisq <- function(q, df, ...) {
df[df <= 0] <- NA
pchisq(q = q, df = df, ...)
tl <- attr(terms(object, "mu"), "term.labels")
if (missing(scope)) {
scope <- drop1.scope(object)
else {
if (!is.character(scope))
scope <- attr(terms(update.formula(formula(object,
"mu"), scope), "mu"), "term.labels")
if (!all(match(scope, tl, FALSE)))
stop("scope is not a subset of term labels")
ns <- length(scope)
ans <- matrix(nrow = ns + 1, ncol = 2, dimnames = list(c("<none>",
scope), c("df", "AIC")))
ans[1, ] <- extractAIC(object, scale, k = k, ...)
fn <- function(term) {
if (trace)
cat("trying -", term, "\n")
nfit <- update(object, as.formula(paste("~ . -",
term)), what = "All", evaluate = FALSE,
trace = FALSE)
nfit <- try(eval.parent(nfit), silent = TRUE)
if (any(class(nfit) %in% "try-error")) {
cat("Model with term ", term, "has failed \n")
else extractAIC(nfit, scale, k = k, ...)
ans[-1, ] <- if (ncpus > 1L && (have_mc || have_snow)) {
if (have_mc) {
matrix(unlist(parallel::mclapply(scope, fn, mc.cores = ncpus)),
ncol = 2, byrow = T)
else if (have_snow) {
if (is.null(cl)) {
res <- t(parallel::parSapply(cl, scope, fn))
else t(parallel::parSapply(cl, scope, fn))
else t(sapply(scope, fn))
dfs <- ans[1, 1] - ans[, 1]
dfs[1] <- NA
aod <- data.frame(Df = dfs, AIC = ans[, 2])
o <- if (sorted)
else seq(along = aod$AIC)
test <- match.arg(test)
if (test == "Chisq") {
dev <- ans[, 2] - k * ans[, 1]
dev <- dev - dev[1]
dev[1] <- NA
nas <- !
P <- dev
P[nas] <- safe_pchisq(dev[nas], dfs[nas], lower.tail = FALSE)
aod[, c("LRT", "Pr(Chi)")] <- list(dev,
aod <- aod[o, ]
head <- c("Single term deletions", "\nModel:",
class(aod) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
attr(aod, "heading") <- head
addtermAllP <- function(object, scope, test = c("Chisq",
"none"), k = 2, sorted = FALSE, trace = FALSE,
parallel = c("no", "multicore", "snow"),
ncpus = 1L, cl = NULL, ...) {
add.scope <- function(terms1, terms2) {
terms1 <- terms(terms1)
terms2 <- terms(terms2)
factor.scope(attr(terms1, "factor"), list(add = attr(terms2,
safe_pchisq <- function(q, df, ...) {
df[df <= 0] <- NA
pchisq(q = q, df = df, ...)
if (missing(scope) || is.null(scope))
stop("no terms in scope")
if (!is.character(scope))
scope <- add.scope(object, terms(update.formula(formula(object,
"mu"), scope)))
if (!length(scope))
stop("no terms in scope for adding to object")
ns <- length(scope)
ans <- matrix(nrow = ns + 1, ncol = 2, dimnames = list(c("<none>",
scope), c("df", "AIC")))
ans[1, ] <- extractAIC(object, scale, k = k, ...)
fn <- function(term) {
if (trace)
cat("trying -", term, "\n")
nfit <- update(object, as.formula(paste("~ . +",
term)), what = "All", trace = FALSE, evaluate = FALSE)
nfit <- try(eval.parent(nfit), silent = TRUE)
if (any(class(nfit) %in% "try-error")) {
cat("Model with term ", term, "has failed \n")
else extractAIC(nfit, scale, k = k, ...)
ans[-1, ] <- if (ncpus > 1L && (have_mc || have_snow)) {
if (have_mc) {
matrix(unlist(parallel::mclapply(scope, fn, mc.cores = ncpus)),
ncol = 2, byrow = T)
else if (have_snow) {
if (is.null(cl)) {
res <- t(parallel::parSapply(cl, scope, fn))
else t(parallel::parSapply(cl, scope, fn))
else t(sapply(scope, fn))
dfs <- ans[, 1] - ans[1, 1]
dfs[1] <- NA
aod <- data.frame(Df = dfs, AIC = ans[, 2])
o <- if (sorted)
else seq(along = aod$AIC)
test <- match.arg(test)
if (test == "Chisq") {
dev <- ans[, 2] - k * ans[, 1]
dev <- dev[1] - dev
dev[1] <- NA
nas <- !
P <- dev
P[nas] <- safe_pchisq(dev[nas], dfs[nas], lower.tail = FALSE)
aod[, c("LRT", "Pr(Chi)")] <- list(dev,
aod <- aod[o, ]
head <- c("Single term additions for", "\nModel:",
class(aod) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
attr(aod, "heading") <- head
if (missing(parallel))
parallel <- "no"
parallel <- match.arg(parallel)
have_mc <- have_snow <- FALSE
if (parallel != "no" && ncpus > 1L) {
if (parallel == "multicore")
have_mc <- .Platform$OS.type != "windows"
else if (parallel == "snow")
have_snow <- TRUE
if (!have_mc && !have_snow)
ncpus <- 1L
if (have_snow) {
cl <- parallel::makeForkCluster(ncpus)
if (RNGkind()[1L] == "L'Ecuyer-CMRG")
Terms <- terms(object)
object$formula <- Terms
object$call$formula <- Terms
md <- missing(direction)
direction <- match.arg(direction)
backward <- direction == "both" | direction == "backward"
forward <- direction == "both" | direction == "forward"
if (missing(scope)) {
fdrop <- numeric(0)
fadd <- attr(Terms, "factors")
if (md)
forward <- FALSE
else {
if (is.list(scope)) {
fdrop <- if (!is.null(fdrop <- scope$lower))
attr(terms(update.formula(formula(object, what = "mu"),
fdrop), what = "mu"), "factors")
else numeric(0)
fadd <- if (!is.null(fadd <- scope$upper))
attr(terms(update.formula(formula(object, what = "mu"),
fadd), what = "mu"), "factors")
else {
fadd <- if (!is.null(fadd <- scope))
attr(terms(update.formula(formula(object, what = "mu"),
scope), what = "mu"), "factors")
fdrop <- numeric(0)
models <- vector("list", steps)
if (!is.null(keep))
keep.list <- vector("list", steps)
if (is.list(object) && (nmm <- match("nobs", names(object),
0)) > 0)
n <- object[[nmm]]
else n <- length(residuals(object))
fit <- object
bAIC <- extractAIC(fit, scale, k = k, ...)
edf <- bAIC[1]
bAIC <- bAIC[2]
if (
stop("AIC is not defined for this model, so stepAIC cannot proceed")
nm <- 1
Terms <- terms(fit, "mu")
if (trace)
cat("Start: AIC=", format(round(bAIC, 2)), "\n",
cut.string(deparse(as.vector(formula(fit, what = "mu")))),
models[[nm]] <- list(deviance = mydeviance(fit), df.resid = n -
edf, change = "", AIC = bAIC)
if (!is.null(keep))
keep.list[[nm]] <- keep(fit, bAIC)
usingCp <- FALSE
while (steps > 0) {
steps <- steps - 1
ffac <- attr(Terms, "factors")
if (!is.null(sp <- attr(Terms, "specials")) &&
!is.null(st <- sp$strata))
ffac <- ffac[-st, ]
scope <- factor.scope(ffac, list(add = fadd, drop = fdrop))
aod <- NULL
change <- NULL
if (backward && length(scope$drop)) {
aod <- droptermAllP(fit, scope$drop, trace = max(0,
trace - 1), k = k, test = "none", parallel = parallel,
ncpus = ncpus, cl = cl)
rn <- row.names(aod)
row.names(aod) <- c(rn[1], paste("-", rn[-1],
sep = " "))
if (any(aod$Df == 0, na.rm = TRUE)) {
zdf <- aod$Df == 0 & !$Df)
nc <- match(c("Cp", "AIC"), names(aod))
nc <- nc[!][1]
ch <- abs(aod[zdf, nc] - aod[1, nc]) > 0.01
if (any(ch)) {
warning("0 df terms are changing AIC")
zdf <- zdf[!ch]
if (length(zdf) > 0)
change <- rev(rownames(aod)[zdf])[1]
if (is.null(change)) {
if (forward && length(scope$add)) {
aodf <- addtermAllP(fit, scope$add, trace = max(0,
trace - 1), k = k, test = "none", parallel = parallel,
ncpus = ncpus, cl = cl)
rn <- row.names(aodf)
row.names(aodf) <- c(rn[1], paste("+",
rn[-1], sep = " "))
aod <- if (is.null(aod))
else rbind(aod, aodf[-1, , drop = FALSE])
attr(aod, "heading") <- NULL
if (is.null(aod) || ncol(aod) == 0)
nzdf <- if (!is.null(aod$Df))
aod$Df != 0 |$Df)
aod <- aod[nzdf, ]
if (is.null(aod) || ncol(aod) == 0)
nc <- match(c("Cp", "AIC"), names(aod))
nc <- nc[!][1]
o <- order(aod[, nc])
if (trace)
print(aod[o, ])
if (o[1] == 1)
change <- rownames(aod)[o[1]]
usingCp <- match("Cp", names(aod), 0) > 0
fit <- update(fit, paste("~ .", change), evaluate = FALSE,
what = "All", trace = FALSE)
fit <- eval.parent(fit)
if (is.list(fit) && (nmm <- match("nobs", names(fit),
0)) > 0)
nnew <- fit[[nmm]]
else nnew <- length(residuals(fit))
if (nnew != n)
stop("number of rows in use has changed: remove missing values?")
Terms <- terms(fit, "mu")
bAIC <- extractAIC(fit, scale, k = k, ...)
edf <- bAIC[1]
bAIC <- bAIC[2]
if (trace)
cat("\nStep: AIC=", format(round(bAIC, 2)),
"\n", cut.string(deparse(as.vector(formula(fit,
"mu")))), "\n\n")
if (bAIC >= AIC + 1e-07)
nm <- nm + 1
models[[nm]] <- list(deviance = mydeviance(fit), df.resid = n -
edf, change = change, AIC = bAIC)
if (!is.null(keep))
keep.list[[nm]] <- keep(fit, bAIC)
if (!is.null(keep))
fit$keep <- re.arrange(keep.list[seq(nm)])
step.results(models = models[seq(nm)], fit, object, usingCp)
<bytecode: 0x0000026ddc5c40e8>
<environment: namespace:gamlss>
Not sure about your problem, but I prefer using

Error in Psych::Mediate: Object Not Found

I'm running a mediation analysis on a dataset in r and can't figure out how to get psych::mediate to work--I've done the same on another dataset before and didn't change anything, but it's not working with this new data for some reason.
I tried:
1. Turning 'condition' into a condition.f factor
2. Explicitly naming DATA a "data.frame"
3. Specifying different parameters such as "z" or "mod" in the function
4. Checked capitalization on all the variable column names.
None of the above seem to work.
Mediation_RA = psych::mediate( y = "DV_See", x = "Share_T", m = "Seff", data = DATA)
I'd expect a full output with mediation values, but have gotten:
Error in psych::mediate(y = "DV_See", x = "Share_T", m = "Seff", data = DATA) :
object 'ex' not found
I don't see and object 'ex' anywhere, and that's not a name of any columns in the DATA data frame.
Following the suggestion of #r2evans, you can use the following modified function:
mymediate <- function (y, x, m = NULL, data, mod = NULL, z = NULL, n.obs = NULL,
use = "pairwise", n.iter = 5000, alpha = 0.05, std = FALSE,
plot = TRUE, zero = TRUE, main = "Mediation")
cl <-
if (class(y) == "formula") {
ps <- fparse(y)
y <- ps$y
x <- ps$x
m <- ps$m
mod <- ps$prod
ex <- ps$ex
x <- x[!ps$x %in% ps$m]
z <- ps$z
} else {
ex = NULL
all.ab <- NULL
if (is.numeric(y))
y <- colnames(data)[y]
if (is.numeric(x))
x <- colnames(data)[x]
if (!is.null(m))
if (is.numeric(m))
m <- colnames(data)[m]
if (!is.null(mod)) {
if (is.numeric(mod)) {
nmod <- length(mod)
mod <- colnames(data)[mod]
if (is.null(mod)) {
nmod <- 0
else {
nmod <- length(mod)
var.names <- list(IV = x, DV = y, med = m, mod = mod, z = z,
ex = ex)
if (any(!(unlist(var.names) %in% colnames(data)))) {
stop("Variable names not specified correctly")
if (ncol(data) == nrow(data)) {
raw <- FALSE
if (nmod > 0) {
stop("Moderation Analysis requires the raw data")
else {
data <- data[c(y, x, m, z), c(y, x, m, z)]
else {
data <- data[, c(y, x, m, z, ex)]
if (nmod == 1) {
mod <- c(x, mod)
nmod <- length(mod)
if (!is.matrix(data))
data <- as.matrix(data)
if ((dim(data)[1] != dim(data)[2])) {
n.obs = dim(data)[1]
if (!is.null(mod))
if (zero)
data <- scale(data, scale = FALSE)
C <- cov(data, use = use)
raw <- TRUE
if (std) {
C <- cov2cor(C)
else {
raw <- FALSE
C <- data
nvar <- ncol(C)
if (is.null(n.obs)) {
n.obs <- 1000
message("The data matrix was a correlation matrix and the number of subjects was not specified. \n n.obs arbitrarily set to 1000")
if (!is.null(m)) {
message("The replication data matrices were simulated based upon the specified number of subjects and the observed correlation matrix.")
eX <- eigen(C)
data <- matrix(rnorm(nvar * n.obs), n.obs)
data <- t(eX$vectors %*% diag(sqrt(pmax(eX$values,
0)), nvar) %*% t(data))
colnames(data) <- c(y, x, m)
if ((nmod > 0) | (!is.null(ex))) {
if (!raw) {
stop("Moderation analysis requires the raw data")
else {
if (zero) {
data <- scale(data, scale = FALSE)
if (nmod > 0) {
prods <- matrix(NA, ncol = length(ps$prod), nrow = nrow(data))
colnames(prods) <- paste0("V", 1:length(ps$prod))
for (i in 1:length(ps$prod)) {
prods[, i] <- apply(data[, ps$prod[[i]]], 1, prod)
colnames(prods)[i] <- paste0(ps$prod[[i]], collapse = "*")
data <- cbind(data, prods)
x <- c(x, colnames(prods))
if (!is.null(ex)) {
quads <- matrix(NA, ncol = length(ex), nrow = nrow(data))
colnames(quads) <- ex
for (i in 1:length(ex)) {
quads[, i] <- data[, ex[i]] * data[, ex[i]]
colnames(quads)[i] <- paste0(ex[i], "^2")
data <- cbind(data, quads)
x <- c(x, colnames(quads))
if (raw) {
C <- cov(data, use = use)
if (std) {
C <- cov2cor(C)
xy <- c(x, y)
numx <- length(x)
numy <- length(y)
if (!is.null(m)) {
numm <- length(m)
nxy <- numx + numy
m.matrix <- C[c(x, m), c(x, m), drop = FALSE]
else {
numm <- 0
nxy <- numx
df <- n.obs - nxy - 1
xy.matrix <- C[c(x, m), y, drop = FALSE]
total.reg <- matReg(x, y, m = m, z = z, C = C, n.obs = n.obs)
direct <- total.reg$beta
if (!is.null(z)) {
colnames(direct) <- paste0(colnames(direct), "*")
rownames(direct) <- paste0(rownames(direct), "*")
if (numm > 0) {
a.reg <- matReg(x = x, y = m, C = C, z = z, n.obs = n.obs)
b.reg <- matReg(c(x, m), y, C = C, z = z, n.obs = n.obs)
cprime.reg <- matReg(c(x, m), y, C = C, n.obs = n.obs,
z = z)
a <- a.reg$beta
b <- b.reg$beta[-(1:numx), , drop = FALSE]
c <- total.reg$beta
cprime <- cprime.reg$beta
all.ab <- matrix(NA, ncol = numm, nrow = numx)
for (i in 1:numx) {
all.ab[i, ] <- a[i, ] * t(b[, 1])
colnames(all.ab) <- m
rownames(all.ab) <- x
ab <- a %*% b
indirect <- c - ab
if (is.null(n.obs)) {
message("Bootstrap is not meaningful unless raw data are provided or the number of subjects is specified.")
mean.boot <- sd.boot <- ci.quant <- boot <- se <- tvalue <- prob <- NA
else {
boot <- psych:::boot.mediate(data, x, y, m, z, n.iter = n.iter,
std = std, use = use)
mean.boot <- colMeans(boot)
sd.boot <- apply(boot, 2, sd)
ci.quant <- apply(boot, 2, function(x) quantile(x,
c(alpha/2, 1 - alpha/2), na.rm = TRUE))
mean.boot <- matrix(mean.boot, nrow = numx)
sd.boot <- matrix(sd.boot, nrow = numx)
ci.ab <- matrix(ci.quant, nrow = 2 * numx * numy)
boots <- list(mean = mean.boot, sd = sd.boot, ci = ci.quant,
ci.ab = ci.ab)
else {
a.reg <- b.reg <- reg <- NA
a <- b <- c <- ab <- cprime <- boot <- boots <- indirect <- cprime.reg <- NA
if (!is.null(z)) {
var.names$IV <- paste0(var.names$IV, "*")
var.names$DV <- paste0(var.names$DV, "*")
var.names$med <- paste0(var.names$med, "*")
colnames(C) <- rownames(C) <- paste0(colnames(C), "*")
result <- list(var.names = var.names, a = a, b = b, ab = ab,
all.ab = all.ab, c = c, direct = direct, indirect = indirect,
cprime = cprime, total.reg = total.reg, a.reg = a.reg,
b.reg = b.reg, cprime.reg = cprime.reg, boot = boots,
boot.values = boot, sdnames = colnames(data), data = data,
C = C, Call = cl)
class(result) <- c("psych", "mediate")
if (plot) {
if (is.null(m)) {
else {
mediate.diagram(result, main = main)
You can test the mymediate function using the following example:
mod.k2 <- mymediate(y="OccupAsp", x=c("Intelligence","Siblings","FatherEd","FatherOcc"),
m= c(5:6), data=R.kerch, n.obs=767, n.iter=50)

Re: couldn't find function in R even when I've installed the packages

I have this code for my paper and it still could not find the function even when I've properly re-installed the necessary packages.
expoUtility <- function(x, alpha, param_beta, W){
(1-exp(-alpha*(W + x)^(1-param_beta)))/alpha
Round.Probability.Table <- cbind(Round.Probability.Table,c(1:10))
Round.Probability.Table <- Round.Probability.Table[,1:3]
names(Round.Probability.Table) <- c("Round","CasesAtEnd","Probability")
for (i in 1:9) {
Round.Probability.Table$Probability[i] <- 1/choose(Round.Probability.Table$CasesAtEnd[i],Round.Probability.Table$CasesAtEnd[i+1])
LL.expoUtility <- function (parameters) {
alpha <- parameters[1]
param_beta <- parameters[2]
W <- parameters[3]
sigma <- parameters[4]
LL <- foreach(i=1:nrow(data), .combine = "c") %dopar% {
sv <- expoUtility(data$Bank.Offer[i], alpha = alpha, param_beta = param_beta, W = W)
cv <- combn(Set.Cases.Remaining[[i]], Round.Probability.Table[1+match(data$Round[i], Round.Probability.Table$Round),2]) %>%
apply(2,mean) %>%
sapply(FUN = predictedBankOffer, b = data$Bank.Offer.Percent[i], r = data$Round[i]) %>%
sapply(FUN = expoUtility, alpha = alpha, param_beta = param_beta, W = W)*Round.Probability.Table$Probability[data$Round[i]]
cv <- sum(cv)
delta <- combn(Set.Cases.Remaining[[i]], Round.Probability.Table[1+match(data$Round[i], Round.Probability.Table$Round), 2]) %>%
apply(2,mean) %>%
sapply(FUN = predictedBankOffer, b = data$Bank.Offer.Percent[i], r = data$Round[i]) %>%
sapply(FUN = expoUtility, alpha = alpha, param_beta = param_beta, W = W) - cv
delta <- delta^2 %>%
sum() %>%
if (data$Answer[i] == 0) {
z <- (cv-sv)/(delta*sigma)
} else {
z <- (sv-cv)/(delta*sigma)
LL <- sapply(LL, FUN = pnorm, mean = 0, sd = 1, log.p = TRUE)
LL.logUtility <- function (parameters) {
sigma <- parameters[1]
LL <- foreach(i=1:nrow(data), .combine = "c") %dopar% {
sv <- log(data$Bank.Offer[i])
cv <- combn(Set.Cases.Remaining[[i]], Round.Probability.Table[1+match(data$Round[i], Round.Probability.Table$Round),2]) %>%
apply(2,mean) %>%
sapply(FUN = predictedBankOffer, b = data$Bank.Offer.Percent[i], r = data$Round[i]) %>%
sapply(FUN = log)*Round.Probability.Table$Probability[data$Round[i]]
cv <- sum(cv)
delta <- combn(Set.Cases.Remaining[[i]], Round.Probability.Table[1+match(data$Round[i], Round.Probability.Table$Round), 2]) %>%
apply(2,mean) %>%
sapply(FUN = predictedBankOffer, b = data$Bank.Offer.Percent[i], r = data$Round[i]) %>%
sapply(FUN = log) - cv
delta <- delta^2 %>%
sum() %>%
if (data$Answer[i] == 0) {
z <- (cv-sv)/(delta*sigma)
} else {
z <- (sv-cv)/(delta*sigma)
LL <- sapply(LL, FUN = pnorm, mean = 0, sd = 1, log.p = TRUE)
ptm.1 <- proc.time()
mle.1 <- maxLik(logLik = LL.expoUtility, start = c(0.1233,0.958,82370,0.1625), method = "NM", tol = 1e-20, iterlim = 3)
Error in { : task 1 failed - "could not find function "expoUtility""
Called from: e$fun(obj, substitute(ex), parent.frame(), e$data)
I am guessing that the problem lies on the foreach and doParallel package. I am also using a Windows OS and I obtain the code from a MAC OS. Will this affect the coding?
I think the problem lies on the foreach, there is a parameter .packages that loads the package for every worker. From the help of foreach:
.packages: character vector of packages that the tasks depend on. If
ex requires a R package to be loaded, this option can be used to load
that package on each of the workers.
So, I think you need to declare the package that you are using on those functions in the foreach, like this:
LL <- foreach(i=1:nrow(data), .packages=c("name of the package you are using"),
.combine = "c") %dopar% {
"Rest of your code"

R: incorporating fisher.test into Hmisc's summaryM leads to error

catTestfisher <-
function (tab)
st <- if (!is.matrix(tab) || nrow(tab) < 2 | ncol(tab) <
list(p.value = NA, statistic = NA, parameter = NA)
else {
rowcounts <- tab %*% rep(1, ncol(tab))
tab <- tab[rowcounts > 0, ]
if (!is.matrix(tab))
list(p.value = NA, statistic = NA, parameter = NA)
else fisher.test(tab)
list(P = st$p.value, stat = "", df = "",
testname = "Fisher's Exact", statname = "", latexstat = "", namefun = "",
plotmathstat = "")
I wanted to use library(Hmisc)'s summaryM function but with Fisher's exact test, so I wrote a catTestfisher function and set catTest = catTestfisher in my own summaryM2 function, which is exactly the same as summaryM, except for catTest = catTestfisher
summaryM2 <-
function (formula, groups = NULL, data = NULL, subset, na.action = na.retain,
overall = FALSE, continuous = 10, na.include = FALSE, quant = c(0.025,
0.05, 0.125, 0.25, 0.375, 0.5, 0.625, 0.75, 0.875, 0.95,
0.975), nmin = 100, test = FALSE, conTest = conTestkw,
catTest = catTestfisher, ordTest = ordTestpo)
marg <- length(data) && ".marginal." %in% names(data)
if (marg)
formula <- update(formula, . ~ . + .marginal.)
formula <- Formula(formula)
Y <- if (!missing(subset) && length(subset))
model.frame(formula, data = data, subset = subset, na.action = na.action)
else model.frame(formula, data = data, na.action = na.action)
X <- model.part(formula, data = Y, rhs = 1)
Y <- model.part(formula, data = Y, lhs = 1)
getlab <- function(x, default) {
lab <- attr(x, "label")
if (!length(lab) || lab == "")
else lab
if (marg) {
xm <- X$.marginal.
X$.marginal. <- NULL
else xm <- rep("", nrow(X))
if (length(X)) {
xname <- names(X)
if (length(xname) == 1 && !length(groups))
groups <- xname
if (!length(groups) && length(xname) > 1) {
warnings("Must specify groups when > 1 right hand side variable is present.\ngroups taken as first right hand variable.")
groups <- xname[1]
svar <- if (length(xname) == 1)
factor(rep(".ALL.", nrow(X)))
else"interaction", list(X[setdiff(xname, groups)],
sep = " "))
group <- X[[groups]]
glabel <- getlab(group, groups)
else {
svar <- factor(rep(".ALL.", nrow(Y)))
group <- rep("", nrow(Y))
groups <- group.freq <- NULL
glabel <- ""
quants <- unique(c(quant, 0.025, 0.05, 0.125, 0.25, 0.375,
0.5, 0.625, 0.75, 0.875, 0.95, 0.975))
nv <- ncol(Y)
nameY <- names(Y)
R <- list()
for (strat in levels(svar)) {
instrat <- svar == strat
n <- integer(nv)
type <- n
comp <- dat <- vector("list", nv)
names(comp) <- names(dat) <- nameY
labels <- Units <- vector("character", nv)
if (test) {
testresults <- vector("list", nv)
names(testresults) <- names(comp)
gr <- group[instrat]
xms <- xm[instrat]
if (all(xms != ""))
xms <- rep("", length(xms))
group.freq <- table(gr)
group.freq <- group.freq[group.freq > 0]
if (overall)
group.freq <- c(group.freq, Combined = sum(group.freq))
for (i in 1:nv) {
w <- Y[instrat, i]
if (length(attr(w, "label")))
labels[i] <- attr(w, "label")
if (length(attr(w, "units")))
Units[i] <- attr(w, "units")
if (!inherits(w, "mChoice")) {
if (!is.factor(w) && !is.logical(w) && length(unique(w[!])) <
w <- as.factor(w)
s <- !
if (na.include && !all(s) && length(levels(w))) {
w <- na.include(w)
levels(w)[] <- "NA"
s <- rep(TRUE, length(s))
n[i] <- sum(s & xms == "")
w <- w[s]
g <- gr[s, drop = TRUE]
if (is.factor(w) || is.logical(w)) {
tab <- table(w, g)
if (test) {
if (is.ordered(w))
testresults[[i]] <- ordTest(g, w)
else testresults[[i]] <- catTest(tab)
if (nrow(tab) == 1) {
b <- casefold(dimnames(tab)[[1]], upper = TRUE)
pres <- c("1", "Y", "YES", "PRESENT")
abse <- c("0", "N", "NO", "ABSENT")
jj <- match(b, pres, nomatch = 0)
if (jj > 0)
bc <- abse[jj]
else {
jj <- match(b, abse, nomatch = 0)
if (jj > 0)
bc <- pres[jj]
if (jj) {
tab <- rbind(tab, rep(0, ncol(tab)))
dimnames(tab)[[1]][2] <- bc
if (overall)
tab <- cbind(tab, Combined = apply(tab, 1,
comp[[i]] <- tab
type[i] <- 1
else {
sfn <- function(x, quant) {
o <- options(digits = 10)
c(quantile(x, quant), Mean = mean(x), SD = sqrt(var(x)),
N = sum(!
qu <- tapply(w, g, sfn, simplify = TRUE, quants)
if (test)
testresults[[i]] <- conTest(g, w)
if (overall)
qu$Combined <- sfn(w, quants)
comp[[i]] <- matrix(unlist(qu), ncol = length(quants) +
3, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(names(qu),
c(format(quants), "Mean", "SD", "N")))
if (any(group.freq <= nmin))
dat[[i]] <- lapply(split(w, g), nmin = nmin,
function(x, nmin) if (length(x) <= nmin)
else NULL)
type[i] <- 2
else {
w <- as.numeric(w) == 1
n[i] <- sum(!, 1, sum)) & xms ==
g <- as.factor(gr)
ncat <- ncol(w)
tab <- matrix(NA, nrow = ncat, ncol = length(levels(g)),
dimnames = list(dimnames(w)[[2]], levels(g)))
if (test) {
pval <- numeric(ncat)
names(pval) <- dimnames(w)[[2]]
d.f. <- stat <- pval
for (j in 1:ncat) {
tab[j, ] <- tapply(w[, j], g, sum, simplify = TRUE,
na.rm = TRUE)
if (test) {
tabj <- rbind(table(g) - tab[j, ], tab[j,
st <- catTest(tabj)
pval[j] <- st$P
stat[j] <- st$stat
d.f.[j] <- st$df
if (test)
testresults[[i]] <- list(P = pval, stat = stat,
df = d.f., testname = st$testname, statname = st$statname,
latexstat = st$latexstat, plotmathstat = st$plotmathstat)
if (overall)
tab <- cbind(tab, Combined = apply(tab, 1,
comp[[i]] <- tab
type[i] <- 3
labels <- ifelse(nchar(labels), labels, names(comp))
R[[strat]] <- list(stats = comp, type = type, group.freq = group.freq,
labels = labels, units = Units, quant = quant, data = dat,
N = sum(! & xms == ""), n = n, testresults = if (test) testresults)
structure(list(results = R, = groups, group.label = glabel,
call = call, formula = formula), class = "summaryM")
After trying to test it on the following data, I get a warning and an error:
sex <- factor(sample(c("m","f"), 500, rep=TRUE))
treatment <- factor(sample(c("Drug","Placebo"), 500, rep=TRUE))
> summaryM2(sex ~ treatment, test=TRUE, overall = TRUE)
Error in round(teststat, 2) :
non-numeric argument to mathematical function
I tried stepping through the summaryM2 function line by line, but could not figure out what's causing the problem.
In your catTestfisher function, the output variables stat (test statistic) and df (degrees of freedom) should be numeric variables not empty strings. In the programming stat is coverted to teststat for rounding before being outputted (hence the error message for round("", 2) is non-numeric argument to mathematical function). See lines 1718 to 1721 in the summary.formula code) .
You can set df = NULL but a value is required for stat (not NA or NULL) otherwise no output is returned. You can get around the problem by setting stat = 0 (or any other number), and then only displaying the p value using prtest = "P".
catTestfisher2 <- function (tab)
st <- fisher.test(tab)
list(P = st$p.value, stat = 0, df = NULL,
testname = st$method, statname = "", latexstat = "", namefun = "",
plotmathstat = "")
output <- summaryM(sex ~ treatment, test=TRUE, overall = TRUE, catTest = catTestfisher2)
print(output, prtest = "P")
Descriptive Statistics (N=500)
| |Drug |Placebo |Combined |P-value|
| |(N=257) |(N=243) |(N=500) | |
|sex : m|0.52 (133)|0.52 (126)|0.52 (259)| 1 |
Note there is no need to define your own summaryM2 function. Just use catTest = to pass in your function.

Optimization with non-box bounds in R

I am using optim() with the Nelder-Mead and BFGS to fit a rather
complicated function with 4 parameter
initial <- c(dep=2, z0=2, na=6, zjoint=5)
The function to be minimised is the sum of squares of the function and
an observed wind profile (functions can be seen below). I do this
individually for about 2000 wind profiles, so I end up with a
distribution for each parameter.
The function (wpLELDefault) has box bounds for the parameter,
0 <= dep, z0, na, zjoint
28 >= dep, z0, zjoint
but also the condition that
dep + z0 < 28
now the function wpLELDefault() is implemented in such a way, that it
returns NA if the parameter are out of the allowed range.
If I use Nelder-Mead the parameter distribution is very sensitive to the initial values for optim() and in a majority of cases
ending at the extreme sides or having a rough distribution with many spikes.
BFGS works much better (smoother parameter value distribution), but does seem to have often problems with the NA values, consequently not being able to fit many wind profiles.
Using L-BFGS-B with bounds poses the problem on how to specify the
non-box condition for dep+z0.
So my question:
What is the best way to approach this problem?
Are there more robust optimization routines to NA values returned by the function?
Which ones in R allow to specify non-box bounds? I would prefer a function which deals gracefully with returned NAs as I also want to fit another function with more complex bounds.
I looked at the CRAN Task View Optimization and Mathematical Programming, but I could not find anything (I must admit, my knowledge at the issue of optimization is rather limited).
The function wpLELDefault
wpLELDefault <- function(
na, # = 7,
h, # = 28,
za, # = 37,
z0sol,# = 0.001,
noU = FALSE,
check = TRUE
vk <- 0.41
ok <- ifelse(
z = z,
ua = ua,
dep = dep,
z0 = z0,
na = na,
zjoint = zjoint,
h = h,
za = za,
z0sol = z0sol
if (!isTRUE(ok)) {
ustar <- ua * vk / log( (za - dep) / z0)
z0h <- z0 * exp( -6.27 * vk * ( ustar^(1/3) ) )
uzjoint <- (ustar / vk) * log( (h - dep)/z0 ) * exp( - na * (1 - zjoint/h ) )
ustarsol <- ifelse(
(zjoint == 0),
uzjoint * vk / log( zjoint / z0sol )
result <- list(
z = NA,
u = NA,
u.onlyTop = NA
if (!noU) {
result$z <- as.numeric(z)
result$u <- as.numeric(
function(z) {
if (z >= h) {
u <- ( ustar/vk ) * log( (z-dep) / z0 )
} else if (z >= zjoint) {
uh <- ( ustar/vk ) * log( (h-dep) / z0 )
u <- uh * exp( -na*(1-(z/h)) )
} else if (z >= 0) {
u <- ( ustarsol/vk ) * log( (z ) / z0sol )
} else {
u <- NA
names(result$u) <- paste0("h", z)
result$u.onlyTop = as.numeric(
function(z) {
zd <- ((z-dep) / z0)
if (zd < 0){
u <- NA
} else {
u <- ( ustar/vk ) * log( (z-dep) / z0 )
if (! {
if (u < 0) {
u <- NA
result$parametrization <- "default"
result$dep <- as.numeric(dep)
result$z0 <- as.numeric(z0)
result$na <- as.numeric(na)
result$zjoint <- as.numeric(zjoint)
result$h <- as.numeric(h)
result$za <- as.numeric(za)
result$z0sol <- as.numeric(z0sol)
result$vk <- as.numeric(vk)
result$ua <- as.numeric(ua)
result$ustar <- as.numeric(ustar)
result$z0h <- as.numeric(z0h)
result$uzjoint <- as.numeric(uzjoint)
result$ustarsol <- as.numeric(ustarsol)
result$noU <- noU
result$check <- check
class(result) <- c("wpLEL")
The function fitOptim.wpLEL.default.single
fitOptim.wpLEL.default.single <- function(
initial = c(dep=25, z0=0.8*28, na=9, zjoint=0.2*2),
h = 28,
za = 37,
z0sol = 0.001,
) {
## Function to be minimised
wpLELMin <- function(par, z, u, ua, h, za, z0sol) {
if (
z = z,
ua = ua,
dep = par[1], # par$dep,
z0 = par[2], # par$z0,
na = par[3], # par$na,
zjoint = par[4], # par$zjoint
h = h,
za = za,
z0sol = z0sol
) {
p <- wpLELDefault(
z = z,
ua = ua,
dep = par[1], # par$dep,
z0 = par[2], # par$z0,
na = par[3], # par$na,
zjoint = par[4], # par$zjoint
h = h,
za = za,
z0sol = z0sol,
check = FALSE
result <- sum( ( (p$u - u)^2 ) / length(u) )
} else {
result <- NA
return( result )
ua <- u[length(u)]
result <- list()
result$method <- "fitOptim.wpLEL.default.single"
result$initial <- initial
result$dot <- list(...)
result$z <- z
result$u <- u
result$fit <- optim(
par = c(
fn = wpLELMin,
z = z,
u = u,
ua = ua,
h = h,
za = za,
z0sol = z0sol,
result$wp <- wpLELDefault(
z = z,
ua = ua,
dep = result$fit$par["dep"],
z0 = result$fit$par["z0"],
na = result$fit$par["na"],
zjoint = result$fit$par["zjoint"],
h = h,
za = za,
z0sol = z0sol
class(result) <- c(class(result), "wpLELFit")
