Read CollectionFS file from server's filesystem when hosted on - meteor

Im trying let the user Upload a txt file and then let him click a button "analyze" and then perform some analysis.
I have the app working locally, Im using FS.Collection and FileSystem however I had several problems deploying to Here is my collection:
FS.debug = true;
Uploads = new FS.Collection('uploads', {
stores: [new FS.Store.FileSystem('uploads')]
and here is how I try to read the uploaded file:
var fs = Npm.require('fs');
var readedFile = fs.readFileSync(process.env.PWD+'/.meteor/local/cfs/files/uploads/+file.copies.uploads.key, 'utf-8');
The above works in local but not after I deploy to, in the debug messages I see something like this: Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory
So I do not know how to read the file when the app is deployed, how would you do it?, or do you think I should deploy the app to Amazon EC2? Im afraid to deploy to amazon and have the same problem...

Short example of using http to download a file that was uploaded via collectionFS.
var file = Uploads.findOne({ _id: myId }); // or however you find it
// this will be async obviously
if ( err ) console.log("Error "+err+" downloading file"+myId);
else {
var content = result.content; // the contents of the file
// now do something with it
Note that you must meteor add http to get access to the http package.

This is probably the package you want:
it has a nice UI too and much less trouble than FSCollection.


Flutter Local File Downloader

Here I need some help about flutter local file downloading. Currently I am use this code to download Web local file(PDF)
here is code :
var bytes,
OnlineOrderDetailsModel itemsDetails,
) {
html. AnchorElement(
..setAttribute('download', "${itemsDetails.onlineOrder!.id}.pdf")
//..setAttribute('_blank', "$orderId.pdf");
generate pdf at the end:
List<int> bytes = await;
savePDF(bytes, itemsDetails);
Now I want to download local file from My Android Application. If anyone have any solution
Please share your repository...

How to get the dimensions of an image from firebase storage in firebase functions?

I have an app having firebase back-end. and when i made i didn't thought about the dimensions of images as if they ll be useful in future so i just kept the images as they are and kept their URLs in firestore.
But now i m in need of dimensions of images before showing them to user so i have thought of making a function that i ll execute only once in order to set the files with their dimension in firestore and i ll also add some client side code in order to get the dimensions before uploading them.
So i have tried almost everything to get the file dimensions in functions but couldn't do it.
sample[abstract code]
this code works in node.js but fails in firebase functions
const fs = require('fs')
const request = require('request')
import sizeOf from 'image-size'
const FIRE = ''
const FILE = 'file.jpg';
request.head(FIRE, (err, res, body) => {
.on('close', () => {
sizeOf(FILE, (err1, dimensions) => {
const result = {
"width": dimensions.width,
"height": dimensions.height
console.log(dimensions.width, dimensions.height);
response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
const responseData = {
'Error': false,
'Message': "result : " + result
help me if someone knows something about this!
and moreover also tell me about how firebase keeps images, i mean in what manner ? whenever i open the url it doesnt show me the image instead it just downloads the image unline other urls on random websites.
I have got a trick to do it. It is quite prone to error, but will work for sure :
get all the urls of images using an api and do the stuff locally using node.js and post the result to another api, which will then feed the data to firestore ?
Your code is trying to write to:
const FILE = 'file.jpg';
Which is a file in the same directory as where your index.js is stored. This is (as the error message says) a read-only directory in the Cloud Functions container. If you want to write any files, they must be in /tmp (also known as tempfs). See Write temporary files from Google Cloud Function

can't upload image to cloudinary from firebase cloud function

According to cloudinary's documentation one should be able to upload an image to cloudinary using google cloud storage.
However when I attempt to do so, I get the following error in my cloud functions logs.
ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'gs://'
this is my cloud function:
import * as functions from 'firebase-functions';
import * as cloudinary from 'cloudinary';
cloud_name: functions.config().cloudinary.cloudname,
api_key: functions.config().cloudinary.apikey,
api_secret: functions.config().cloudinary.apisecret,
export const uploadImageToCloudinary =
.onFinalize(object => {
function(error, result) {
if (error) {
I have added /.wellknown/cloudinary/<cloudinary_cloudname> to my bucket as well added permission in cloud platform to allow cloudinary object viewer access
Is there an extra step I'm missing - I can't seem to get this working?!
Cloudinary does support Google cloud storage upload, but it's a relatively new feature and the current version of the node SDK doesn't handle gs:// urls.
In your example, it's trying to resolve the gs:// URL on the local server and send the image to Cloudinary, rather than sending the URL to Cloudinary so the fetch happens from Cloudinary's side.
Until this is added to the SDK, you could get this working by triggering the fetch using the URL-based upload method, or by making a small change to the SDK code.
Specifically, it's a small change in lib/uploader.js - you need to add the gs: prefix there, after which it should work OK.
diff --git a/lib/uploader.js b/lib/uploader.js
index 2f71eaa..af08e14 100644
--- a/lib/uploader.js
+++ b/lib/uploader.js
## -65,7 +65,7 ##
return call_api("upload", callback, options, function() {
var params;
params = build_upload_params(options);
- if ((file != null) && file.match(/^ftp:|^https?:|^s3:|^data:[^;]*;base64,([a-zA-Z0-9\/+\n=]+)$/)) {
+ if ((file != null) && file.match(/^ftp:|^https?:|^gs:|^s3:|^data:[^;]*;base64,([a-zA-Z0-9\/+\n=]+)$/)) {
return [
params, {
file: file
After applying that diff, I did successfully fetch an image from Google Cloud Storage

Lightswitch HTML - chat application upgrade

I wanted to know if anyone has given this a go and got it working?
Basically my issue is i cant open the file to begin with, whether it be Visual Studio 2012, 2013 or 2015, so I have followed the guide and used the files from the downloaded project for this error message to occur:
which is caused by this line under the sendmessage_execute function:
chat.server.send(screen.displayname, screen.message);
im hoping someone has got this working and could point out anything different from the user guide, heres what I have used/done:
Under the PROJECT.Server I have:
created a folder called SignalR with the file ChatHub.cs in
added the json2.js (both) and signalR (both) files to the scripts
Under the Project.HTMLClient
added the json2.js (both) and signalR (both) files to the scripts
referenced the scripts including the localhost in the default.htm file
Created a screen. called ChatScreen and added all the referenced code here from the guide online (3 strings and 1 button)
i also installed the Nu-GET as instructed
More research for this was required, I found this post which explains how to do it a lot easier and in an application for both 2013/2015, works a treat and can easily be adapted for other screens
I have also managed to edit there block of code to list all messages in a string, this is not stored and refresh's each time but its now possible to have a conversation while on the same screen
var string;
myapp.ChatScreen.created = function (screen) {
string = "";
$(function () {
chat = $.connection.chatHub;
chat.client.broadcastMessage = function (message) {
string = string + message + ";";
screen.updates = string.split(';').join("\r\n");
.done(function () {
.fail(function () {
alert("Could not Connect! - ensure EnableCrossDomain = true");
It would be better practice using an array and displaying it this way but the code above demonstrates it works

File download from API to Meteor server and upload to S3

I am sending a request from my Meteor server to download a file via an API. I then want to upload that file to S3. I keep getting the following "NoSuchKey: The specified key does not exist." I initially thought it was maybe a problem with my AcessKey/SecretKey form AWS but after googling this for a while the only examples I could find of other people getting this error is when trying to download a file from S3.
Setting up cfs:s3
var imageStore = new FS.Store.S3("images", {
accessKeyId: "MyAcessKeyId", //required if environment variables are not set
secretAccessKey: "MySecretAcessKey", //required if environment variables are not set
bucket: "BucketName", //required
Images = new FS.Collection("images", {
stores: [imageStore]
Start file transfer from API and upload to S3
client.get_result(id, Meteor.bindEnvironment(function(err, result){ //result is the download stream and id specifies which file to download.
if (err !== null){
var file = new FS.File(result);
Images.insert(file, function (err, fileObj) {
if (err){
Note: I was getting the following error so I added Meteor.bindEnvironment.
"Meteor code must always run within a Fiber. Try wrapping callbacks that you pass to non-Meteor libraries with Meteor.bindEnvironment."
Node.js example from API Documentation
client.get_result(id, function(err, result){
if (err != null) {
file.writeFile(path.join('public', path.join('results', filename)), result, 'binary');
What ended up fixing the problem for me was moving part of the setup to the lib folder. Although I tried several different ways I was unable to get it to execute entirely on the server. It looks like the documentation was updated recently which states everything a bit more clearly. If you follow this setup it should eliminate the error. See the section titled Client, Server, and S3 credentials
Note: Make sure not to place you secret key is not in you lib folder as this is accessible from the client.
