I'm trying to run inline R code in the YAML front matter before getting rmarkdown to run the file. However it isn't working for me. Here's an example:
title: "**Title**"
classoption: xcolor=dvipsnames
slide_level: 2
pandoc_args: [
"--bibliography", "`r paste('path/to/bib')`"
<!-- slide 1 -->
## Intro ##
Which throws an error:
pandoc-citeproc: could not find `r paste('path/to/bib')`
This is a simple example, but highlights my main problem. How do I get rmarkdown to run the inline R code in the YAML front matter?
It is a similar problem to these questions:
Manipulate RMarkdown metadata from within R code chunks
YAML current date in rmarkdown
This is how I solved this. I knit from RStudio. Curiously, I had to use one solution for the date and csl fields and a different solution for the bibliography field. !expr did not work in the date or csl lines (for me). And quoted r code didn't work in the bibliography line (for me). I have the bibliography and csl files in a package (inst/docs folder). rmarkdown files, which are not part of that package, use those.
title: "Title"
date: '`r format(Sys.time(), "%d %B, %Y")`'
output: html_document
bibliography: !expr system.file("docs", "my.bib", package = "MyPackage")
csl: '`r system.file("docs", "my.csl", package = "MyPackage")`'
# Introduction
Yada yada [#MyRef04].
# References
my.bib is the BibTex file with MyRef04. csl is the style file
This is a situation where one person maintains a package which has data, code, bibliography, etc. Others, potentially unknown to the package writer, install that package from GitHub and write or run rmarkdown files that use the package. The users almost certainly do not use Git or GitHub and I don't want them to have to download any extra files after installing the package from GitHub.
Update: After posting the above, I happened to install markdown from GitHub because I needed something in the development version. With version ‘1.7.5’ of rmarkdown on GitHub you can use r code in the bibliography line:
title: "Title"
date: '`r format(Sys.time(), "%d %B, %Y")`'
output: html_document
bibliography: '`r system.file("docs", "my.bib", package = "MyPackage")`'
csl: '`r system.file("docs", "my.csl", package = "MyPackage")`'
To install rmarkdown from GitHub
So I found a round about way of getting what I wanted. Rmarkdown I don't think allows R expressions/commands in the YAML, probably for a good reason. What I ended up doing was putting all the output yaml commands in a file called _output.Ryaml like so:
slide_level: 2
in_header: "src/preamble.tex"
pandoc_args: [
"--bibliography", "`r paste('path/to/bib')`",
"--variable", "classoption:xcolor=dvipsnames",
"--variable", "fontsize:9pt"
Then in the main slides.Rmd file, was something like:
title: "**Title**"
author: Luke
<!-- slide 1 -->
## Intro ##
Then, I can generate the slides using the R code (which I put into a Makefile):
knitr::knit('_output.Ryaml', '_output.yaml')
Seems to be working well enough. If anyone's got a better idea, let me know!
I cannot compile to a pdf-beamer from a very simple minimal example (below), with no packages.
I click - Knit - Knit to pdf
(Note this is not a duplicate of previous posts, because those all involved using Kable; I am not using it; fresh restart not calling any packages here)
I tried with and without classoption: table
Knit to html works just fine.
Restarted Rstudio; no improvement
title: "Untitled"
author: "Test"
date: "20 novembre 2018"
classoption: table
keep_tex: yes
# Test nothing
Throws error: ! LaTeX Error: Option clash for package xcolor.
I want it to compile a beamer pdf slide show, of course.
I've put the log file here
My default.beamer (stored at /Users/yosemite/.pandoc/templates/default.beamer I think) is linked HERE
I used to be able to render images in r-markdown using a URL with the following code ![](https://assets-cdn.github.com/images/modules/logos_page/GitHub-Mark) but I get a file not found error ! LaTeX Error: File https://assets-cdn.github.com/images/modules/logos_page/GitHub-Mark' not found.
Am I missing packages? This code still works on some shiny apps published a few month ago.
Below the a working file r-markdown file:
title: "Test"
- \usepackage{graphicx}
latex_engine: xelatex
number_sections: yes
keep_tex: yes
classoption: article
papersize: A4
fontsize: 10pt
geometry: margin=0.9in
linestretch: 1.15
## R Markdown
The LaTeX graphicx package does not include an http client, it is therefore not able to pull the image from the internet. However, a lot of the conversion work from Markdown to LaTeX is performed by pandoc, which can get this image. One just needs to tell pandoc to store all images locally by passing the --extract-media option. This allows LaTeX to find the images when it is invoked by RMarkdown.
pandoc_args: ["--extract-media", "."]
The above will store all images in the same directory as the Rmd file. The files will be named using SHA1 hashes, so you might want to use a separate directory for these files instead.
I have defined certain pandoc options in _output.yml:
author: "abc"
date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%d %B, %Y')`"
But, these get ignored, unless these are defined in the YAML header inside the R Markdown file.
Is this prohibited from including in the separate YAML file? Is so, could you please mention what other parameters should be defined inside the Markdown file.
An _output.yml file can only be used for setting the output formats, as explained within the bookdown book. So you can specify anything which relates to the output format (HTML/PDF/Word) such as:
toc: TRUE
theme: flatly
toc: FALSE
In your examples, the parameters you provide are about document content. So anything like author, title, date, fontsize can't be specified.
This issue has also been addressed within the GitHub issues of R Markdown for further reading.
I am using Rstudio, to create a pdf / html document from an Rmd file. The header looks sth like this:
title: "Title"
author: "Me"
date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%B %d, %Y')`"
bibliography: bibliography.bib
toc: true
number_sections: true
Now, I have some sections, and then include the references. After that, an appendix should follow, but I encounter the exact same problem as described here: Pandoc insert appendix after bibliography
There is a fixed solution in this thread, but I have no idea how I can do that within RStudio directly. To get the document, I just press the "Knit html" button, and do not run any pandoc commands myself. So where should I put the
part, and how should the appendix rmd file look like?
As noted in the rmarkdown manual, you could use this syntax:
after_body: appendix.md
This is equivalent to the general way to add arbitrary pandoc arguments to a Rmd file:
pandoc_args: ["--include-after-body=appendix.md"]
The following might be easier; works if you knit to PDF, Word or HTML:
Everything I wanted to say in the main document.
# References
<div id="refs"></div>
# Appendix
Some details that will bore the readers of the main document.
In the original post, this was also posted as an answer (few years after current question was asked): see https://stackoverflow.com/a/44294306/8234333 and https://stackoverflow.com/a/16428699/8234333
I am using knitr, R markdown, and a custom LaTeX file to write a manuscript. The abstract is set as part of the YAML frontmatter. This works great, except that the results that I would like to include in the abstract are generated later in the document.
Having the abstract in the YAML makes some sense to me and I would prefer to keep it this way. Any thoughts on a way to have the abstract take advantage of calculations that happen later in the document?
A brief example:
title: 'How do I interpret R objects in YAML that are created in the document?'
author: Jeff Hollister
fig_caption: yes
keep_tex: yes
number_sections: yes
html_document: null
word_document: null
fontsize: 11pt
documentclass: article
abstract: This is a test. Is this `r mean(x)` working?
This is a test of outputing a pdf, with R code interpretted in the YAML front mater. Use case
for this would be a manuscript, with abstract as part of YAML, and some of the results in the
abstract being calculated in the body of the Rmd. For instance:
It's not exactly YAML-related, and limited to latex, but maybe this helps. Sorry, the thread is in German, but maybe the code is clear enought.
You can pick items for the abstract as you create your report; the items are written out to a temporary file similar to method use in bibtex and biblatex, and merged to the start and end (for appendix) in a second step.
As a package, you can download it from here .
Install R, knitr, and yaml:
sudo su -
apt-get install pandoc
apt-get install r
url <- "http://cran.us.r-project.org"
install.packages('knitr', repos=url)
install.packages('yaml', repos=url)
Create Variables
Separate the variables into a new file (e.g., v.yaml):
title: 'How do I interpret R objects in YAML that are created in the document?'
author: Jeff Hollister
fig_caption: yes
keep_tex: yes
number_sections: yes
html_document: null
word_document: null
fontsize: 11pt
documentclass: article
abstract: This is a test. Is this `r mean(x)` working?
Create Script
Create a script to load knitr, yaml, and the variables (e.g., knitr.sh), when given a file in Markdown format:
R -e \
"library(knitr); library(yaml); v <- yaml.load_file('v.yaml'); knit('$1')"
Reference Variables
Use R statements (inline or otherwise) to reference the source document variables (document.md):
# `r v$title`
Author: `r v$author`
Run Script
Generate a knitr-processed Markdown file by running the script:
./knitr.sh document.md
View Output
The file document.txt (renaming is a problem left for the reader) should contain the following Markdown:
# How do I interpret R objects in YAML that are created in the document?
Jeff Hollister
It is fairly trivial with shell script magick to insert the variables at the top of the generated file, should they be needed for processing by pandoc. If using YAML variables for pandoc's templates, I'd recommend skipping that route and using R variables instead.