Using jq, how can I limit values based on a key - jq

For an input file that looks like this:
"employees": [
"number": "101",
"tags": [
"value": "yes",
"key": "management"
"value": "joe",
"key": "login"
"value": "joe blogs",
"key": "name"
"number": "102",
"tags": [
"value": "no",
"key": "management"
"value": "jane",
"key": "login"
"value": "jane doe",
"key": "name"
"number": "103",
"tags": [
"value": "no",
"key": "management"
"value": "john",
"key": "login"
"value": "john doe",
"key": "name"
... I'd like to get details for all non-management employees so that the desired output looks like this:
"number": "102",
"name": "jane doe",
"login": "jane"
"number": "103",
"name": "john doe",
"login": "john"
I can't figure out how to limit results based on a key without selecting that key (in this case "management")

The following is a slightly more succinct solution:
| .tags |= from_entries
| select( == "no")
| {number, "name":, "login": .tags.login}

Using from_entries, this worked for me:
$ jq '.employees[] | {number: .number, tags: .tags | from_entries} | select("no") | {number: .number, name:, login: .tags.login}' input
... and the output is:
"number": "102",
"name": "jane blogs",
"login": "jane"
"number": "103",
"name": "john doe",
"login": "john"
There may be a better way to achieve what I wanted, so I'll leave the question open for a while if someone wants to offer a better solution.

Here is another solution which uses from_entries
| {number} + (.tags | from_entries)
| if .management == "no" then {number, name, login} else empty end


How to modify each element of an array in jq

Suppose I have a JSON:
"title": "Title1",
"reference": [
"title": "Title2",
"reference": [
Id like to modify each element of the reference array so that the reference appears twice. I'd like to achieve:
"title": "Title1",
"reference": [
"123 is 123"
"title": "Title2",
"reference": [
"234 is 234",
"345 is 345"
I've tried:
jq '.[] | .reference = [("\(.reference[]) is \(.reference[])")]'
but this fails where the array has more than one item:
"title": "Title1",
"reference": [
"123 is 123"
"title": "Title2",
"reference": [
"234 is 234",
"345 is 234",
"234 is 345",
"345 is 345"
How can I modify the above jq to achieve the desired result?
Thanks in advance!
map(.reference |= map(. + " is " + .))
Will change each .reference to be .reference is .reference
"title": "Title1",
"reference": [
"123 is 123"
"title": "Title2",
"reference": [
"234 is 234",
"345 is 345"
This should work just fine:
jq '.[].reference[] |= "\(.) is \(.)"'
It replaces every item of the reference arrays with a string which contains itself two times and the word "is"

Merge all objects inside an array that share the same key

I'm trying to deduplicate all objects inside the array results that share the same key id, and merge their path arrays.
JSON input:
"type": "apple",
"results": [
"id": "apple1",
"name": "appleName1",
"path": "/some/path/a"
"id": "apple1",
"name": "appleName1",
"path": "/some/path/b"
"id": "apple2",
"name": "appleName2",
"path": "/some/path/c"
"type": "orange",
"results": [
"id": "orange1",
"name": "orangeName1",
"path": "/some/path/a"
"id": "orange1",
"name": "orangeName1",
"path": "/some/path/b"
"id": "orange2",
"name": "orangeName2",
"path": "/some/path/c"
Expected output:
"type": "apple",
"results": [
"id": "apple1",
"name": "appleName1",
"path": [
"id": "apple2",
"name": "appleName2",
"path": [
"type": "orange",
"results": [
"id": "orange1",
"name": "orangeName1",
"path": [
"id": "orange2",
"name": "orangeName2",
"path": [
I've managed to get an approximate solution using:
jq '[{type: .[].type, results: .[].results | group_by(.id) | map({id: .[0].id, name: .[0].name, path: (map(.path))})}]'
But my solution produces two additional elements that aren't supposed to be there.
I know there are some similar questions already answered but I didn't manage to get them to work with this example. Any help is appreciated!
You could group_by the .id field, then for each group take the first item and replace its .path field with a map on the .path fields of all group members:
jq 'map(.results |= (group_by(.id) | map(first + {path: map(.path)})))'
"type": "apple",
"results": [
"id": "apple1",
"name": "appleName1",
"path": [
"id": "apple2",
"name": "appleName2",
"path": [
"type": "orange",
"results": [
"id": "orange1",
"name": "orangeName1",
"path": [
"id": "orange2",
"name": "orangeName2",
"path": [

Need help parsing json output with jq for a complex json

For the below JSON, I need the and output using jq for the ones having
authorization.roles[].name == "Supervisor"
What is the command for jq to to that ? For the below json we expect 1231 id and name AAAA alone as output as that only has Supervisor as role
"results": [{
"id": "1231",
"name": "AAAA",
"div": {
"id": "AAA",
"name": "DDSAA",
"selfUri": ""
"chat": {
"jabberId": "nn"
"department": "Shared Services Organization",
"email": "",
"primaryContactInfo": [{
"address": "",
"mediaType": "EMAIL",
"type": "PRIMARY"
"addresses": [],
"state": "active",
"title": "AAA",
"username": "",
"version": 27,
"authorization": {
"roles": [{
"id": "01256689-c5ed-43a5-b370-58522402830d",
"name": "AA"
}, {
"id": "1e65b009-9f8f-4eef-9844-83944002c095",
"name": "BBB"
}, {
"id": "8a19f1ff-40e5-45d2-b758-14550a173323",
"name": "CCC"
}, {
"id": "d02250e2-7071-46bf-885b-43edff2d88a6",
"name": "Supervisor"
}, {
"id": "1255",
"name": "BBBB",
"div": {
"id": "AAA",
"name": "DDSAA",
"selfUri": ""
"chat": {
"jabberId": "nn"
"department": "Shared Services Organization",
"email": "",
"primaryContactInfo": [{
"address": "",
"mediaType": "EMAIL",
"type": "PRIMARY"
"addresses": [],
"state": "active",
"title": "AAA",
"username": "",
"version": 27,
"authorization": {
"roles": [{
"id": "01256689-c5ed-43a5-b370-58522402830d",
"name": "AA"
}, {
"id": "1e65b009-9f8f-4eef-9844-83944002c095",
"name": "BBB"
}, {
"id": "8a19f1ff-40e5-45d2-b758-14550a173323",
"name": "CCC"
}, {
"id": "d02250e2-7071-46bf-885b-43edff2d88a6",
"name": "Tester"
Don't put commas before closing brackets or curly braces (it's not valid JSON). Your input should look like this:
"results": [
"id": "1231",
"name": "AAAA",
"div": {
"id": "AAA",
"name": "DDSAA",
"selfUri": ""
"chat": {
"jabberId": "nn"
"department": "Shared Services Organization",
"email": "",
"primaryContactInfo": [
"address": "",
"mediaType": "EMAIL",
"type": "PRIMARY"
"addresses": [],
"state": "active",
"title": "AAA",
"username": "",
"version": 27,
"authorization": {
"roles": [
"id": "01256689-c5ed-43a5-b370-58522402830d",
"name": "AA"
"id": "1e65b009-9f8f-4eef-9844-83944002c095",
"name": "BBB"
"id": "8a19f1ff-40e5-45d2-b758-14550a173323",
"name": "CCC"
"id": "d02250e2-7071-46bf-885b-43edff2d88a6",
"name": "Supervisor"
"id": "1255",
"name": "BBBB",
"div": {
"id": "AAA",
"name": "DDSAA",
"selfUri": ""
"chat": {
"jabberId": "nn"
"department": "Shared Services Organization",
"email": "",
"primaryContactInfo": [
"address": "",
"mediaType": "EMAIL",
"type": "PRIMARY"
"addresses": [],
"state": "active",
"title": "AAA",
"username": "",
"version": 27,
"authorization": {
"roles": [
"id": "01256689-c5ed-43a5-b370-58522402830d",
"name": "AA"
"id": "1e65b009-9f8f-4eef-9844-83944002c095",
"name": "BBB"
"id": "8a19f1ff-40e5-45d2-b758-14550a173323",
"name": "CCC"
"id": "d02250e2-7071-46bf-885b-43edff2d88a6",
"name": "Tester"
Then, you can use select to narrow down your target objects (here using any to check if at least one of the role names matches your string -- thx #ikegami), then output any part of the resulting object(s):
jq '
| select(any(.authorization.roles[]; .name == "Supervisor"))
| {id, name}
"id": "1231",
"name": "AAAA"
If instead of a JSON output you need raw text, use the -r (or --raw-output) flag, and provide the fields you are interested in:
jq -r '
| select(any(.authorization.roles[]; .name == "Supervisor"))
| .id, .name

Kusto Query Specific child records

Is there a way to setup a where clause in Kusto to get specific records with child records
Like if I wanted Kyle from below
Where address has Code = street and that value= grant AND Code = Number and that value= 55555
"Firstname": "Bob",
"lastName": "stevens"
"address": [
"code": "street",
"value": "Olsen"
"code": "Number",
"value": "123456"
"Firstname": "Kyle",
"lastName": "richards"
"address": [
"code": "street",
"value": "grant"
"code": "Number",
"value": "55555"
you could try using mv-apply, and filter for records in which the number of conditions met is as expected:
datatable(i:int, d:dynamic)
1, dynamic({"Firstname": "Bob", "lastName": "stevens", "address": [{ "code": "street", "value": "Olsen" }, { "code": "Number", "value": "123456" }]}),
2, dynamic({"Firstname": "Kyle", "lastName": "richards", "address": [{ "code": "street", "value": "grant" }, { "code": "Number", "value": "55555" }]}),
3, dynamic({"Firstname": "Kyle", "lastName": "richards", "address": [{ "code": "street", "value": "grant" }, { "code": "Number", "value": "11111" }]})
| mv-apply address = d.address on (
summarize c = countif((address.code == 'street' and address.value == 'grant') or
(address.code == 'Number' and address.value == 55555))
| where c == 2
| project-away c
{ "Firstname": "Kyle", "lastName": "richards", "address": [ { "code": "street", "value": "grant" }, { "code": "Number", "value": "55555" } ]}
update: in reply to your comment:
I'm trying to do this with a sproc, Would i need to put this into a datatable then query it like that? If so how do I put a query into a datatable
First, there are no stored procedures in Kusto. there are stored functions.
Second, if you want to invoke a similar logic over an existing table, you can define a stored function that takes a tabular argument as its input. And, optionally, use the invoke operator.
For example:
.create function my_function(T:(d:dynamic)) {
| mv-apply address = d.address on (
summarize c = countif((address.code == 'street' and address.value == 'grant') or
(address.code == 'Number' and address.value == 55555))
| where c == 2
| project-away c
let my_table = datatable(i:int, d:dynamic)
1, dynamic({"Firstname": "Bob", "lastName": "stevens", "address": [{ "code": "street", "value": "Olsen" }, { "code": "Number", "value": "123456" }]}),
2, dynamic({"Firstname": "Kyle", "lastName": "richards", "address": [{ "code": "street", "value": "grant" }, { "code": "Number", "value": "55555" }]}),
3, dynamic({"Firstname": "Kyle", "lastName": "richards", "address": [{ "code": "street", "value": "grant" }, { "code": "Number", "value": "11111" }]})
| invoke my_function()

Gremlin filter by count

With the usage of this query in CosmosDB Gremlin API:
g.V().has('person', 'name', 'John').as('his')
I have next output:
"id": "100",
"label": "brand",
"type": "vertex",
"properties": {
"name": [
"id": "233b77e7-7007-4c08-8930-99b25b67e493",
"value": "Apple"
"id": "100",
"label": "brand",
"type": "vertex",
"properties": {
"name": [
"id": "233b77e7-7007-4c08-8930-99b25b67e493",
"value": "Apple"
"id": "101",
"label": "brand",
"type": "vertex",
"properties": {
"name": [
"id": "f3e238e2-f274-489c-a69c-f1333403ee8e",
"value": "Google"
Is there a way to select only brands, which quantity is > 1 (Apple in this case)?
I think that you just need to groupCount() and then use a filter:
g.V().has('person', 'name', 'John').as('his').
You could just groupCount() and then unfold() the resulting Map so that you can filter the entries with where().
