Telescope Owl Carousel - meteor

I am trying to use owl-carousel with Telescope but i am not able to make it to work. I have no dynamic data at this point. Below are the steps I followed.
Create a Telescope package.
Added Theme Zeiss.
Add the owl-carousel package
Then on the user Profile, where the telescope app shows the list of Posts the user has liked in a tabular format, i want to display it as a carousel with the images. (Please note this is the end goal, for now i am just trying to get the basic owl-carousel functionality work)
Below are the steps i took.
On the User_profile template i added a new template carousel
<template name="carousel">
<div class="user-profile-votes grid grid-module">
<div id="owl-carousel">
<div class="item"><h1>1</h1></div>
<div class="item"><h1>2</h1></div>
<div class="item"><h1>3</h1></div>
<div class="item"><h1>4</h1></div>
<div class="item"><h1>5</h1></div>
<div class="item"><h1>6</h1></div>
<div class="item"><h1>7</h1></div>
<div class="item"><h1>8</h1></div>
<div class="item"><h1>9</h1></div>
<div class="item"><h1>10</h1></div>
<div class="item"><h1>11</h1></div>
<div class="item"><h1>12</h1></div>
<div class="item"><h1>13</h1></div>
<div class="item"><h1>14</h1></div>
<div class="item"><h1>15</h1></div>
<div class="item"><h1>16</h1></div>
<div class="customNavigation">
<a class="btn prev">Previous</a>
<a class="btn next">Next</a>
After that is done, i added the js file supporting the template as below.
Template.carousel.rendered = function() {
Meteor.setTimeout(function() {
var owl = $('#owl-carousel');
navigation : true,
loop: true,
autoplay: 1000,
items : 10, //10 items above 1000px browser width
itemsDesktop : [1000,5], //5 items between 1000px and 901px
itemsDesktopSmall : [900,3], // betweem 900px and 601px
itemsTablet: [600,2], //2 items between 600 and 0
itemsMobile : false, // itemsMobile disabled - inherit from itemsTablet option
mouseDrag: true,
touchDrag: true,
afterInit : function(elem){
var that = this
}, 0)
With this the carousel works, shows me 10 different elements, as you can see in the below video. Even the Autoplay works, the however the buttons or dots don't. I tried zillions of things and referred many articles changed timeout, added autorun, etc. However, this is a static list.
Not sure why it's not working, any help will be great.

This owl-carousel package is using Owl Carousel 2
The link in the is wrong , that is old version. The Options & Events are different from this version.


featherlight.js first picture clicked in gallery doesn't have navigation arrows

I'm using the featherlightGallery add on for featherlight.js.
It works OK except when I click on the 1st image in a set, the image opens but not as a "gallery". In other words, there is no "next" navigation button.
If I click the 2nd (or later) image, the gallery opens and I can click next and forward as expected.
<div class="tidy">
<div class="pfTitle" data-fid="12">
<div class="tih"><img src="img/upload.png" class="tup" alt="upload" title="upload"></div>
<div class="tpHolder">
<div class="tiWrap">
<div class="tiLink" data-imglink="ANNAWAN/Photos-Misc/100_0708.jpg">
<img src="../data/towerFiles/ANNAWAN/Photos-Misc/100_0708.jpg"
class="ssImg Photos-Misc" title="Photos-Misc"
<div class="tiDel"><img src="img/x.png" class="ssImg delTpic" title="delete"></div>
<div class="tiWrap">
<div class="tiLink" data-imglink="ANNAWAN/Photos-Misc/IMGP6500.JPG">
<img src="../data/towerFiles/ANNAWAN/Photos-Misc/IMGP6500.JPG"
class="ssImg Photos-Misc" title="Photos-Misc"
data-featherlight-gallery="Photos-Misc" data-featherlight-target-attr="src">
<div class="tiDel"><img src="img/x.png" class="ssImg delTpic" title="delete"></div>
<div class="tiWrap">
<div class="tiLink" data-imglink="ANNAWAN/Photos-Misc/IMGP6501.JPG">
<img src="../data/towerFiles/ANNAWAN/Photos-Misc/IMGP6501.JPG"
class="ssImg Photos-Misc" title="Photos-Misc"
data-featherlight-gallery="Photos-Misc" data-featherlight-target-attr="src">
<div class="tiDel"><img src="img/x.png" class="ssImg delTpic" title="delete"></div>
When a thumbnail is clicked (bound to class tiLink) , this function is run:
// obj is the object (image thumbnail) that as clicked
function tiLink(obj){
var ilink=$(obj).data("imglink");
if( !ilink ){return;}
// var viewLink="../data/towerFiles/"+ilink;
var gal=$(obj).find("img").attr("title");
// single view
// gallery view
previousIcon: '◀', /* Code that is used as previous icon */
nextIcon: '▶', /* Code that is used as next icon */
galleryFadeIn: 100, /* fadeIn speed when slide is loaded */
galleryFadeOut: 300 /* fadeOut speed before slide is loaded */
One other note: the image data is loaded and created dynamically.
Why doesn't the 1st image have prev/next navigation if it is chosen first?
EDIT: the "non-gallery" problem happens with whatever picture I click first in the set.
EDIT #2:
JSFiddle demonstrating the problem
Looks like you're over complicating things. You have a single gallery, just bind it once. Call something like this once:
$('.tiLink').featherlightGallery({targetAttr: 'data-imglink', ...})
If you have multiple independent galleries, bind them individually, probably something like:
$('.gallery').each(function() { $(this).find('.item').featherlightGallery(...) })

Masonry doesn't work properly with Meteor

I have created a test project with Meteor which uses Masonry. I added the package mrt:jquery-masonry(or isotope:isotope), and it works well at the beginning. However, the problem comes now.
Basically, I want to implement the feature that when user clicks the button, the page will be added one more div. Below is my code:
<div class="container">
{{> masonryContent}}
var $container = $('.masonry-container');
columnWidth: 300,
gutterWidth: 50,
itemSelector: '.masonry-item'
.masonry-item {
width: 300px;
<template name="masonryContent">
<div class="masonry-container">
<div class="masonry-item">
<div class="masonry-item">
<div class="masonry-item">
<p>another test...</p>
{{#if showItem}}
<div class="masonry-item">
<p>new added item...</p>
"click #click-me": function(e) {
Session.set('show_me', true);
showItem: function() {
return !!Session.get('show_me');
The problem is when I click the button, the new div was created; however, it wasn't placed by following Masonry rules. The new created item just overlapped to the first item, but I expect it performs the way to append to the last item.
I would appreciate if anyone could help me on this.
Thanks in advance!
As meteor does partial rendering the element needs to be there in the DOM for masonry to work. So there are two ways of getting over the problem
1) Hide or unhide the element when the button click happens
2) re-render the DOM
You can use the chrome dev tools to see what DOM elements are touched/refreshed (Green color).
There is a typo in masonry in the template name insertion.
Check the package state, many mrt packages are not well supported anymore.

Smooth Scroll Interfering with Prev and Next on Carousel in Bootstrap 3

I was originally having problems with the below JS smooth scroll as it made any real links rather then #location stop working.
$('.navbar-nav > li').click(function(event) {
var target = $(this).find('>a').prop('hash');
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: $(target).offset().top
}, 500);
So I changed it to
$('a[href*=#]').click(function() {
if (location.pathname.replace(/^\//,'') == this.pathname.replace(/^\//,'')
&& location.hostname == this.hostname) {
var $target = $(this.hash);
$target = $target.length && $target
|| $('[name=' + this.hash.slice(1) +']');
if ($target.length) {
var targetOffset = $target.offset().top;
.animate({scrollTop: targetOffset}, 1200);
return false;
Which sorted the original problem of being unable to add a working "blog" link in the navbar however it has now rendered the left and right (next and prev) carousel buttons not working.
I would be grateful if someone can help me out with this as it is driving me crazy.
The html for the carousel is as follows
<section id="main-slider" class="carousel">
<div class="carousel-inner">
<div class="item active">
<div class="container">
<div class="carousel-content">
<h1>Responsive Website Design</h1>
<p class="lead">With 20% of all website traffic in the UK coming from tablets and smart phones then never before has it been a better time to have a responsive website.</p>
<div class="item">
<div class="container">
<div class="carousel-content">
<h1>Free Consultation</h1>
<p class="lead">I understand every business has different needs so we can discuss what it is your want to achieve and using my expert advice make it a reality.</p>
<div class="item">
<div class="container">
<div class="carousel-content">
<h1>Built to be SEO/Google Friendly</h1>
<p class="lead">Having a website built is the first step but next you need to put it in front of your target audience. On site SEO is where it all begins.</p>
<a class="prev" href="#main-slider" data-slide="prev"><i class="icon-angle-left"></i></a>
<a class="next" href="#main-slider" data-slide="next"><i class="icon-angle-right"></i></a>
First of all, the answers above are correct. I just wanted to spell it out a little clearer for anyone needing help.
The code that needs to be updated is the SmoothScroll function itself. You will need to know the ID of the carousel from your bootstrap page. Just add the carousel ID to the not().click function and it will work like a charm. Here is an example of what I did. The change was made on the third line of code, where you see the carousel ID#.
$(function() {
$('a[href*=#]:not([href=#carousel-299058])').click(function() {
if (location.pathname.replace(/^\//,'') == this.pathname.replace(/^\//,'') && location.hostname == this.hostname) {
var target = $(this.hash);
target = target.length ? target : $('[name=' + this.hash.slice(1) +']');
if (target.length) {
scrollTop: target.offset().top - 70
}, 500);
return false;
Try replacing this:
$('a[href*=#]:not([href=#])').click(function() {
$('a[href*=#]:not([href=#media])').click(function () {
Happy coding!
I was using the smooth scrolling javascript everyone uses and having the same issue, like all obedient little developers out there I was using #myCarousel:
<a class="right carousel-control" href="#myCarousel" data-slide="next">
and as soon as I changed [href=media] to [href=myCarousel] my Bootstrap carousel controls started working again.
I had this issue recently and my solution was to use a class on each link as opposed to the href attribute selectors within the jQuery function.
This does mean a little extra HTML mark-up but I felt it was more robust and causes less interference with additional scripts that may be added within your project.
So this:
$('a[href*=#]:not([href=#])').click(function() {
Becomes this:
$('.your-class-name').click(function() {
And any smooth scrolling links you add to your page will become:
And scroll to:
<div id="section">... Content ...</div>
Dont forget to add : \\. It is necessary to add it since the latest version of JQUERY.
$('a[href*=\\#]:not([href=\\#carousel-299058])').click(function() {

Ratchet CSS and Marionette Regions

Hello MarionetteJS Gurus,
I have what is probably a very simple problem, but I can't wrap my head around how to solve it. I have an application with 2 regions and 1 layout, and I'm utilizing the Ratchet CSS library for prototyping. Functionally, the goal is simple: display a list of contacts in one view, with a header and search bar. If the user selects a contact, remove the search bar and retain only the header.
The problem appears to be the wrapping divs that are required to swap views in and out. The Ratchet CSS needs the header bars to be directly above the content section in order to properly dock them at the top of the viewport, but Marionette's regions and layouts (at least with my configuration) are preventing this from happening. Perhaps I could better structure my views?
JSFiddle of the resulting output: You'll notice that the header/search area overlaps the content area.
menuRegion contains a footer menu, and mainRegion contains a layout consisting of a header region, a search region, and a "main content" region. Below are some snippets of my code:
var App = new Marionette.Application();
headerRegion: "#header-region",
menuRegion: "#menu-region",
mainRegion: {
selector: "#main-region",
regionType: MainRegion
List.Layout = Marionette.Layout.extend({
template: "#contacts-layout",
regions: {
headerRegion: "#header-region",
searchRegion: "#secondary-header-region",
contactsRegion: "#contacts-region"
List.Search = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
tagName: "div",
template: "#contact-list-search",
className: "bar bar-standard bar-header-secondary"
List.Header = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
template: "#contact-list-header"
<!-- Application Layout -->
<script type="text/template" id="contacts-layout">
<div id="header-region" class="bar bar-standard"></div>
<div id="secondary-header-region">
<div id="contacts-region" class="content"></div>
<script type="text/template" id="contact-list-header">
<nav class="bar bar-standard"><h1 class="title">Contacts</h1></na>
<script type="text/template" id="contact-list-search">
<input type="search" placeholder="Search" />
<script type="text/template" id="menu-template">
<nav class="bar bar-tab bar-footer">
The wrapping divs inside the regions did not seem to be a problem. However, you need to set those bar specific css classes to the regions instead of it's nested elements. Like:
<div id="header-region" class="bar bar-standard">
<h1 class="title">All Contacts</h1>
<div id="secondary-header-region" class="bar bar-header-secondary">
<input type="search" placeholder="Search">
You could pre-set those classes on your region elements or add these specific classes on region initialization, see:

CSS that operates like a boolean AND for multiple complex selectors?

I'm writing a Stylish user style sheet, and am trying to see if something is possible. I am customizing a page that has a structure like this:
<div class="main">
<div class="someExtraLayers">
<div class="page">
<div class="someOtherLayers">
<div class="post">
blah blah
<div class="post">
foo foo
<div class="post">
bar bar
Where 'someExtraLayers' and 'someOtherLayers' indicate a few levels of divs inside divs. I'm not fully replicating the page's structure here for brevity's sake.
I have this in my user CSS: {
display:block !important;
Essentially, I'm making visible the first post element, and this does most of what I want to do. The thing I want to add is that I only want to make that element visible if the content of the page class is 1. If it's not 1, then I don't want to display the first post element.
CSS doesn't seem to offer conditionals, or boolean ANDs, that work this way. But I'm still new-ish to CSS, so I might be missing something. If I have to use a Greasemonkey script instead, I'll do that, but I was hoping there's some CSS trickery that will let me accomplish this.
Stylish cannot do this because Stylish just injects CSS and CSS does not have a selector for text content.
To do what you want, you will have to install Greasemonkey (Firefox) or Tampermonkey (Chrome) and then a userscript can set that visibility.
Assuming that div contains only 1, then something like this complete GM/TM script will do what you want. It uses the awesome power of jQuery selectors.
You can also see a live demo of the code at jsFiddle. :
// ==UserScript==
// #name _Show the first post on page 1
// #include http://YOUR_SERVER.COM/YOUR_PATH/*
// #require
// #grant GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==
var pageHasOne = $("div.main:has(");
pageHasOne.each ( function () {
var jThis = $(this); //-- this is a special var inside an .each()
var pageDiv = jThis.find ("");
if ($.trim (pageDiv.text() ) == "1") {
//--- Show the first post div. !important is not needed here.
jThis.find ("").css ("display", "block");
} );
Given the logic that jQuery javascript must use, we can see part of the reason why CSS doesn't attempt to provide selectors for this. It's beyond mission scope for CSS, but the kind of thing that javascript was made for.
Also note that this is for a static page. If the page uses AJAX for its content, the logic becomes a bit more involved.
CSS can not access HTML content.
To solve the problem, you will also need to add a class so CSS can "see" it:
<div class="main one">
<div class="someExtraLayers">
<div class="page">
<div class="someOtherLayers">
<div class="post">
blah blah
<div class="post">
foo foo
<div class="post">
bar bar
.one .post:nth-child(1) {
display:block !important;
