isabelle termination with distance of real numbers - isabelle

maybe someone can help me with a termination proof in Isabelle. I am trying to construct from the list A a new sub-list B. For constructing B, I read again and again of the whole A. Take out elements and use the result for the search for the next element. I designed a simple example to illustrate that:
given is a list of random real numbers. And we say that a number P is on the list, if an item from the list is greater than P.
definition pointOnList :: "real list ⇒ real ⇒ bool" where
"pointOnList L P ≡ ∃ i. i < length L ∧ P < L!i"
I create a function that always take the next larger element.
fun nextPoint :: "real list ⇒ real ⇒ real" where
"nextPoint (X#Ls) P = (if (X > P)
then (X)
else (nextPoint Ls P))"
And now I'm trying to create a new sorted part-list by take out the next larger element than P but less than Q with nextPoint and continuing with this.
function listBetween :: "real list ⇒ real ⇒ real ⇒ real list" where
"pointOnList L P ⟹ pointOnList L Q ⟹ listBetween L P Q = (if(P ≤ Q)
then(P # (listBetween L (nextPoint L P) Q))
I have already demonstrated nextPoint always returns a growing number:
lemma foo: "pointOnList P A ⟹ A < (nextPoint P A)"
the termination proof with relation "measure (size o fst o snd)“ not working for real numbers…and now I don’t know how to continue.

To show termination in Isabelle, you have to show that the recursive calls follow a wellfounded relation. The easiest way to do that is to give a termination measure returning natural number that becomes smaller with every call. That does not work with real numbers because they are not wellfounded – you could have something like 1 → 1/2 → 1/4 → 1/8 → …
The termination measure to use in your case would be the number of list elements that fulfil the condition, i.e. length (filter (λx. P ≤ x ∧ x ≤ Q)) l. However, note that your definition fails to work if Q is larger than all numbers in the list.
Your definition is somewhat laborious and complicated. I recommend the following definition:
listBetween L P Q = sort (filter (λx. P ≤ x ∧ x ≤ Q) L)
or, equivalently,
listBetween L P Q = sort [x ← L. x ∈ {P..Q}]
Note, however, that this definition does not throw away multiple occurrences of the same number, i.e. listBetween L 0 10 [2,1,2] = [1,2,2]. If you want to throw them away, you can use remdups.
Also note that something like pointOnList L P ≡ ∃ i. i < length L ∧ P < L!i is pretty much never what you want – there is no need to work with explicit list indices here. Just do ∃x∈set L. P < x.

The termination argument relation "measure (size o fst o snd)" does not work for several reasons:
With your lemma foo you have just proven that the value increases. But for termination you need a decreasing measure. So you might want to use the difference
relation "measure (λ (L,P,Q). Q - P)"
Even then there is the problem that measure expects a mapping into the natural
numbers and Q - P is a real number, so this does not work. You used size before, but your lemma foo states nothing about the connection between size and <. Moreover, < is not a well-founded order over the real numbers.
Eventually, I would try to avoid the reasoning on reals in this simple example at all and take as measure something like
measure (λ (L,P,Q). length [ A . A <- L, P < A])"
and adapt the statement of foo accordingly.


Isabelle `subst` but replace right side with left side

Suppose the goal is P l, then I can use apply(subst X) where X is of the form l=r
and as a result I obtain P r. Now my question is whether there exists some other tactic like subst but which could use X to change P r into P l.
Here is an example
theorem mul_1_I : "(x::nat) = 1 * x" by (rule sym, rule Nat.nat_mult_1)
theorem "(λ x::nat . x) ≤ (λ x::nat . 2*x)"
using [[simp_trace]]
apply(rule le_funI)
apply(subst mul_1_I)
apply(rule mult_le_mono1)
lemma nat_mult_1: "1 * n = n"
Right now I have to first prove this auxiliary lemma mul_1_I which applies sym to nat_mult_1 and only then I can use subst. Would be ideal if I didn't have to create new lemma specifically for this.
You can use the symmetric attribute to derive the swapped fact. For example, if x is of the form l = r, then x [symmetric] is the fact r = l (which is also valid due to the symmetry of =). Therefore, in your particular case you can use subst nat_mult_1 [symmetric] directly and avoid creating your auxiliary lemma.

Isabelle termination of function on datatypes containing maps to themselves

Is it possible in Isabelle to define a terminating recursive function f where
f has a single parameter of type t such that values of type t may contain maps to values of type t, and
f performs its recursive calls on all elements in the range of such a map?
For example consider the datatype trie defined in theory Trie_Fun:
datatype 'a trie = Nd bool "'a ⇒ 'a trie option"
and my attempt at a simple function height intended to compute the height of tries (with finitely many outgoing edges):
theory Scratch
imports "HOL-Data_Structures.Trie_Fun"
function height :: "'a trie ⇒ nat" where
"height (Nd _ edges) = (if dom edges = Set.empty ∨ ¬ finite (dom edges)
then 0
else 1 + Max (height ` ran edges))"
by pat_completeness auto
termination (* ??? *)
Here lexicographic_order does not suffice to prove the function to be terminating, but so far I have also not been able to formulate any measure on trie (for termination) that does not itself require a similar recursion.
I must admit here that I am not sure whether I have understood datatypes in Isabelle/HOL correctly (i.e., whether a trie of the above definition is actually always of finite height).
Is it possible to show that height terminates?
Based to the comment by Peter Zeller, I was able to prove termination of height by adding (domintros) to the definition and then performing induction on the trie, using the fact height.domintros, resulting in the following termination proof:
function (domintros) height :: "'a trie ⇒ nat" where
"height (Nd _ edges) = (if dom edges = Set.empty ∨ ¬ finite (dom edges)
then 0
else 1 + Max (height ` ran edges))"
by pat_completeness auto
termination apply auto
proof -
fix x :: "'a trie"
show "height_dom x"
proof (induction)
case (Nd b edges)
have "(⋀x. x ∈ ran edges ⟹ height_dom x)"
proof -
fix x assume "x ∈ ran edges"
then have "∃a. edges a = Some x"
unfolding ran_def by blast
then have "∃a. Some x = edges a"
by (metis (no_types))
then have "Some x ∈ range edges"
by blast
then show "height_dom x"
using Nd by auto
then show ?case
using height.domintros by blast

Shorten proposition with abbreviations in Isabelle

Imagine the following theorem:
assumes d: "distinct (map fst zs_ws)"
assumes e: "(p :: complex poly) = lagrange_interpolation_poly zs_ws"
shows "degree p ≤ (length zs_ws)-1 ∧
(∀ x y. (x,y) ∈ set zs_ws ⟶ poly p x = y)"
I would like to eliminate the second assumption, without having to substitute the value of p on each occurrence. I did this in proofs with the let command:
let ?p = lagrange_interpolation_poly zs_ws
But it doesn't work in the theorem statement. Ideas?
You can make a local definition in the lemma statement like this:
lemma l:
fixes zs_ws
defines "p == lagrange_interpolation_poly zs_ws"
assumes d: "distinct (map fst zs_ws)"
shows "degree p ≤ (length zs_ws)-1 ∧ (∀(x,y) ∈ set zs_ws. poly p x = y)"
The definition gets unfolded when the proof is finished. So when you look at thm l later, all occurrences of p have been substituted by the right-hand side. Inside the proof, p_def refers to the definining equation for p (what you call e). The defines clause is most useful when you want to control in the proof when Isabelle's proof tools just see p and when they see the expanded right-hand side.

Proving a basic identity in Isabelle

Consider the following following definition definition phi :: "nat ⇒ nat" where "phi n = card {k∈{0<..n}. coprime n k}" (see also this answer)
How can I then prove a very basic fact, like phi(p)=p-1 for a prime p ? Here is one possible formalization of this lemma, though I'm not sure it's the best one:
lemma basic:
assumes "prime_elem (p::nat) = true"
shows "phi p = p-1"
(prime_elem is defined in Factorial_Ring.thy)
Using try resp. try0 doesn't lead anywhere. (A proof by hand is immediate though, since the GCD between any m less than p and p is 1. But poking around various file didn't turn out to be very helpful, I imagine I have to guess some clever lemma that I have to give auto for the proof to succeed.)
First of all, true doesn't exist. Isabelle interprets this as a free Boolean variable (as you can see by the fact that it is printed blue). You mean True. Also, writing prime_elem p = True is somewhat unidiomatic; just write prime_elem p.
Next, I would suggest using prime p. It's equivalent to prime_elem on the naturals; for other types, the difference is that prime also requires the element to be ‘canonical’, i.e. 2 :: int is prime, but -2 :: int is not.
So your lemma looks like this:
lemma basic:
assumes "prime_elem (p::nat)"
shows "phi p = p - 1"
proof -
Next, you should prove the following:
from assms have "{k∈{0<..p}. coprime p k} = {0<..<p}"
If you throw auto at this, you'll get two subgoals, and sledgehammer can solve them both, so you're done. However, the resulting proof is a bit ugly:
apply auto
apply (metis One_nat_def gcd_nat.idem le_less not_prime_1)
by (simp add: prime_nat_iff'')
You can then simply prove your overall goal with this:
thus ?thesis by (simp add: phi_def)
A more reasonable and robust way would be this Isar proof:
lemma basic:
assumes "prime (p::nat)"
shows "phi p = p - 1"
proof -
have "{k∈{0<..p}. coprime p k} = {0<..<p}"
proof safe
fix x assume "x ∈ {0<..p}" "coprime p x"
with assms show "x ∈ {0<..<p}" by (cases "x = p") auto
fix x assume "x ∈ {0<..<p}"
with assms show "coprime p x" by (simp add: prime_nat_iff'')
qed auto
thus ?thesis by (simp add: phi_def)
By the way, I would recommend restructuring your definitions in the following way:
definition rel_primes :: "nat ⇒ nat set" where
"rel_primes n = {k ∈ {0<..n}. coprime k n}"
definition phi :: "nat ⇒ nat" where
"phi n = card (rel_primes n)"
Then you can prove nice auxiliary lemmas for rel_primes. (You'll need them for more complicated properties of the totient function)

Isabelle: adjusting lemma to form required for `rule` method

I define an inductive relation called step_g. Here is one of the inference rules:
"∀j ∈ the (T i). ¬ (eval_bool p (the (γ ⇩t⇩s j)))
⟹ step_g a i T (γ, (Barrier, p)) (Some γ)"
I want to invoke this rule in a proof, so I type
apply (rule step_g.G_No_Op)
but the rule cannot be applied, because its conclusion must be of a particular form already (the two γ's must match). So I adapt the rule like so:
lemma G_No_Op_helper:
"⟦ ∀j ∈ the (T i). ¬ (eval_bool p (the (γ ⇩t⇩s j))) ; γ = γ' ⟧
⟹ step_g a i T (γ, (Barrier, p)) (Some γ')"
by (simp add: step_g.G_No_Op)
Now, when I invoke rule G_No_Op_helper, the requirement that "the two γ's must match" becomes a subgoal to be proven.
The transformation of G_No_Op into G_No_Op_helper looks rather mechanical. My question is: is there a way to make Isabelle do this automatically?
Edit. I came up with a "minimal working example". In the following, lemma A is equivalent to A2, but rule A doesn't help to prove the theorem, only rule A2 works.
consts foo :: "nat ⇒ nat ⇒ nat ⇒ bool"
lemma A: "x < y ⟹ foo y x x"
lemma A2: "⟦ x < y ; x = z ⟧ ⟹ foo y x z"
theorem "foo y x z"
apply (rule A)
To my knowledge, nothing exists to automate these things. One could probably implement this as an attribute, i.e.
thm A[generalised x]
to obtain something like A2. The attribute would replace every occurence of the variable it is given (i.e. x here) but the first in the conclusion of the theorem with a fresh variable x' and add the premise x' = x to the theorem.
This shouldn't be very hard to implement for someone more skilled in Isabelle/ML than me – maybe some of the advanced Isabelle/ML hackers who read this could comment on the idea.
There is a well-known principle "proof-by-definition", i.e. you write your initial specifications in a way such the the resulting rules are easy to apply. This might occasionally look unexpected to informal readers, but is normal for formalists.
I had similar problems and wrote a method named fuzzy_rule, which can be used like this:
theorem "foo y x z"
apply (fuzzy_rule A)
subgoal "x < y"
subgoal "x = z"
The code is available at
