vCPUs mapped to CPU on multiple servers - openstack

I have openstack deployed across multiple servers. Each server has 2 CPU, 8 Cores each, 16 threads each. If I turn hyper-threading on, how many max vCPUs can I use on my openstack deployment so that I don't overcommit any vCPUs for any VM.

I recommend against turning on hyperthreading in when working with KVM in general, however I am biased. When hyperthreading and kvm were both young, there were many issues that cropped up around vcpu and hyperthreading.
For clarity, hyperthreading simply creates a soft-logical processor in the linux kernel in an effort to reach a higher efficiency in the cpu processing queue.
Overcommitting, vCPUs and logical CPUs
A vCPU is a virtual cpu allocated to a virtual machine.
A logical CPU is a CPU logically allocated to your host system's Linux kernel.
As seen with hyperthreading, sometimes the logical CPUs outnumber the physical CPUs or cores on the host.
You are technically overcommitting the moment you have more vcpu cores than physical cores. Note how I said PHYSICAL cores, not logical CPUs. What linux shows you in proc/cpuinfo may not be an accurate reflection of available physical cores, in part thanks to hyperthreading.
As kvm allocates vCPUs they are not set with any sort of CPU affinity by default. What this means is, the vCPUs are going to whichever logical processor in linux seems to be most available at the time. If someone kicks off a make 'MAKE=make -j64' World sort of job, you might see some pretty significant utilization spin up and begin to fire hose around whatever logical CPUs are most available at any given instruction set.
Now if you have an 8 physical core box, hosting 4 virtual machines, with 2 vCPUs a piece this is fine. But think about what happens with hyperthreading enabled... now you have 16 logical CPUs, but only 8 cores. What happens when you bring up 4 more virtual machines? You run the risk of having virtual machines directly impacting resource availability to their neighbors. This is technically overcommitting.
Don't overcommit if you don't have to.
Also consider the needs of the host. You might want to set cpu_affinity on the host system when you perform CPU intensive actions and consider that physical core as dedicated to the HOST, and subtract it from the available ( max ) vCPU count available to VMs.
Learn how to set affinity's with taskset:
Max vCPU per VM
As for cpu quotas, this is basically a function of your hypervisor not of OpenStack. You'll want to handle that with a CFM and some careful planning.
For instance, RedHat tunes their own KVM packages:
The maximum amount of virtual CPUs that is supported per guest varies
depending on which minor version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 you are
using as a host machine. The release of 6.0 introduced a maximum of
64, while 6.3 introduced a maximum of 160. Currently with the release
of 6.7, a maximum of 240 virtual CPUs per guest is supported.
Here is some info on tuning PER vm cpu / resource allocation


What are some computers that support NUMA?

What are some computers that support NUMA? Also, how many cores are required? I have tried searching in Google and Bing but couldn't find any answers.
NUMA Support
The traditional model for multiprocessor support is symmetric multiprocessor (SMP). In this model, each processor has equal access to memory and I/O. As more processors are added, the processor bus becomes a limitation for system performance.
System designers use non-uniform memory access (NUMA) to increase processor speed without increasing the load on the processor bus. The architecture is non-uniform because each processor is close to some parts of memory and farther from other parts of memory. The processor quickly gains access to the memory it is close to, while it can take longer to gain access to memory that is farther away.
In a NUMA system, CPUs are arranged in smaller systems called nodes. Each node has its own processors and memory, and is connected to the larger system through a cache-coherent interconnect bus.
The system attempts to improve performance by scheduling threads on processors that are in the same node as the memory being used. It attempts to satisfy memory-allocation requests from within the node, but will allocate memory from other nodes if necessary. It also provides an API to make the topology of the system available to applications. You can improve the performance of your applications by using the NUMA functions to optimize scheduling and memory usage.
Multiple Processors
Computers with multiple processors are typically designed for one of two architectures: non-uniform memory access (NUMA) or symmetric multiprocessing (SMP).
In a NUMA computer, each processor is closer to some parts of memory than others, making memory access faster for some parts of memory than other parts. Under the NUMA model, the system attempts to schedule threads on processors that are close to the memory being used. For more information about NUMA, see NUMA Support.
In an SMP computer, two or more identical processors or cores connect to a single shared main memory. Under the SMP model, any thread can be assigned to any processor. Therefore, scheduling threads on an SMP computer is similar to scheduling threads on a computer with a single processor. However, the scheduler has a pool of processors, so that it can schedule threads to run concurrently. Scheduling is still determined by thread priority, but it can be influenced by setting thread affinity and thread ideal processor, as discussed in this topic.

Difference between CPU Usage and CPU Utilization?

I was wondering if there is a scientific differentiation in terminology when speaking of CPU Usage and CPU Utilization. I have the feeling that both words are used as synonyms. They both describe the relation between CPU Time and CPU Capacity. Wikipedia calls it CPU Usage. Microsoft uses CPU Utilization. But I also found an article where Microsoft uses the term CPU Usage. Now VMware defines to use CPU Utilization in the context of physical CPUs and CPU Usage in the context of logical CPUs. Also, there is no tag for cpu_utilization in stackoverflow.
Does anyone know a scientific differentiation?
CPU usage as a percentage during the interval.
o VM - Amount of actively used virtual CPU, as a percentage of total available CPU. This is the host's view of the CPU usage, not the guest operating system view. It is the average CPU utilization over all available virtual CPUs in the virtual machine. For example, if a virtual machine with one virtual CPU is running on a host that has four physical CPUs and the CPU usage is 100%, the virtual machine is using one physical CPU completely.
virtual CPU usage = usagemhz / (# of virtual CPUs x core frequency)
o Host - Actively used CPU of the host, as a percentage of the total available CPU. Active CPU is approximately equal to the ratio of the used CPU to the available CPU.
available CPU = # of physical CPUs x clock rate
100% represents all CPUs on the host. For example, if a four-CPU host is running a virtual machine with two CPUs, and the usage is 50%, the host is using two CPUs completely.
o Cluster - Sum of actively used CPU of all virtual machines in the cluster, as a percentage of the total available CPU.
CPU Usage = CPU usagemhz / effectivecpu
CPU usage, as measured in megahertz, during the interval.
o VM - Amount of actively used virtual CPU. This is the host's view of the CPU usage, not the guest operating system view.
o Host - Sum of the actively used CPU of all powered on virtual machines on a host. The maximum possible value is the frequency of the processors multiplied by the number of processors. For example, if you have a host with four 2GHz CPUs running a virtual machine that is using 4000MHz, the host is using two CPUs completely.
4000 / (4 x 2000) = 0.50
Time accounted to the virtual machine. If a system service runs on behalf of this virtual machine, the time spent by that service (represented by cpu.system) should be charged to this virtual machine. If not, the time spent (represented by cpu.overlap) should not be charged against this virtual machine.
Very doubtful. You will probably find exact definitions in some academic text books but I bet they'll be inconsistent between text books. I've seen definitions in manpages that are inconsistent with the actual implementation within the code. This is a case where everyone assumes the definitions are so obvious they never check to see if theirs is consistent with others.
My suggestion is to fully definite your use and go with that. Others can then have a reference (your formula/algorithm) and can translate between yours and theirs.
By the way, figuring out utilization, usage, etc. is very complicated and fraught with traps. OSs move tasks around, logical CPUs move between cores, turbo modes temporarily bump clock rates, work is offloaded to internal coprocessors, processors go to sleep or drop in frequency, hyperthreading where multiple logical CPUs contend for shared resources, etc. What's worse is that it is a moving target. Exact and well-defined metrics today will start to get out of date quickly as hardware and software architectures continue to evolve per Moore's law and any SW equivalent.
Within a single context (paper, book, web article, etc.), there may be a difference, but there are not, as far as I know, consistent universally accepted standard definitions for these terms.
Within one authors writings, however, they might be used to describe different things. For example (not an exhaustive list):
How much of a single CPUs computing capacity is being used over a specific sample period
How much of a single CPUs computing capacity is being used by a specific schedulable entity (thread, process, light-weight process, kernel, interrupt routine, etc.) over a specific sample period
Either of the above, but taking all CPUs in the system into account
Any of the above, but with a difference in perspective between real CPUs and virtual CPUs (whether hyperthreading or CPUs actually being emulated by VMware, KVM/QEMU, Xen, Virtualbox or the like)
A comparative measure of how much CPU capacity is being used in one algorithm over another
Probably several other possibilities as well....

Openstack: How to decide hardware capacity?

I'm reading some OpenStack material recently, but didn't get a chance to try yet. I got the sense that Openstack could management a large number of virtual machines via API or dashboard interface. User could easily create/start virtual machines.
Then I come out a confusion. As the underlying computer hardware might vary, some computer maybe only able to host one virtual machine, some maybe ten. When user start a virtual machine, does user manually or Openstack automatically designate a hardware computer to host the virtual machine? In either case, how to decide the hardware computer's capacity? Does Openstack provide the functionality to set capacity attribute of hardware computer?
When you run OpenStack, each physical machine (which OpenStack calls compute hosts) will periodically report how many CPUs it has and how much RAM it has, as well as how many CPUs and how much RAM have been allocated to virtual machines that are currently running.
The OpenStack scheduler uses this information to determine which compute host to run a VM on. First, it checks to see if a host has enough CPUs (by applying the CoreFilter) and enough RAM (by applying the RamFilter). Compute hosts that don't have enough CPUs or RAM available won't even be considered.
Once it has a set of candidate hosts that have enough CPU and RAM, the scheduler needs to pick one of them. By default, the scheduler will use a "spread-first" strategy, allocating VMs to machines that have the most amount of CPU/RAM that isn't currently allocated to VM. It's possible to change this strategy to a "fill-first" behavior, so that the compute host with the least amount of free resources will get allocated first. This is configured by setting the nova.scheduler.least_cost.compute_fill_first_cost_fn parameter.
For more information, see the chapter on scheduling in the OpenStack Compute Admin guide.

MPI: cores or processors?

Hi I am kind of MPI noob so please bear with me on this one. :)
Say I have an MPI program called foo.c and I run the executable with
mpirun -np 3 ./foo
Now this means the program will be run in parallel using 3 processors (1 process per processor). But since most processors today have more than one core, (take 2 cores per processor say) does this mean the program will be run on 3 cores or 3 processors?
Probably this has to do with my poor understanding of what the difference between a core and a processor really is so if you could also explain a little more that would be helpful.
Thank you.
mpirun will execute a number of "processes" on the machine. The cpu or core where these processes are executed is operating-system dependent.
On a N cpu machines with M cores on each cpu, you have room for N*M processes running at full speed.
But, typically:
If you have multiple cores, each process will run on a separate core
If you ask for more processes than the available core*cpus, everything will run, but with a lower efficiency (yes, you can run multi-process jobs on a single-cpu single-core machine...)
If you are using a queuing system or a preconfigured MPI system for which a list of remote machines exists, the allocation will be distributed on the remote machines.
(Depending of the mpi implementation, there might be some options to force a specific cpu or core, but you should not need to worry about that).
Distribution of processes to cores and processors is handled by the operating system and the MPI implementation. Running on a desktop, the operating system will generally put each process on a different core, potentially redistributing processes during run-time. In larger systems such a s a supercomputer or a cluster, the distribution is handled by resource managers such as SLURM. However this happens, one or multiple processes will be assigned to each core.
Regarding hardware, a core can run only a single process at a time. Technologies such as hyper-threading allows multiple processes to share the resources of a single core. There are cases where two or more processes per core is optimal. For instance, if a processes is doing a large amount of file I/O another may take its place and do computation while the first is hung on a read or write.
In short, give MPI the number of processes you want to execute. Distribution of these processes is then handled transparent to the user. The number of processes that you use should be determined by requirements of the application (powers of 2, number of files to be read), the number of cores available, and the optimal number of processes per core for the application.
The OS Scheduler will try to optimally allocate separate cores to your parallel application's processes in a multi core system OR to separate processors in multi processor system.
The interesting case is a multi-core multi cpu system. Again you can let the OS Scheduler do it for you , OR you can enforce the ( logical/physical) core affinity to your processes to bind them to a particular core.
The mpirun command uses a hostlist. If don't specify it, it will probably use "localhost" and run all your processes there. If you run 3 processes and you have a 4 core machine, you probably get good speedup because the OS will generally put them on different cores. If you only have two cores, then one core will get two processes.
The previous is not entirely true, since the OS is allowed to move processes, so you may want to use numactl to bind them to a core.
If you are on a multi-node cluster, then a well-setup mpi will generate a hostfile where each node appears as many times as it has cores. So on a 4 node cluster with 8 cores per node, you can request up to 32 processes and expect close to perfect speedup. (If your code and your algorithm allow that, of course.) Requesting 9 processes on that cluster may put 8 on one node and the 9th on another, which is of course not great for performance. You'd hope that your cluster software comes with an mpirun that spreads the processes out better than that.
from performance view of MPI job,there are some explicit rule:
1) if you code is pure MPI code (BLAS is not tuned with openMP), turn off hyperthread and set the tasks number of job per node to the cores of node
2) if you code is MPI+openMP, you can set PPN (processes per node) to the cores of node and OMP_NUM_THEADS to the 2(if there are two hardware threads per core)
3) if you code is MPI+openMP and you cluster is huge then you can set PPN (processes per node) to 1 and OMP_NUM_THEADS to the logical CPU numbers to save the communication overhead
In order to provide a useful framework I would consider this hierarchy:
a motherboard can hold one or more chips/dice;
a chip/die can contain one or more cores (independent CPUs);
a CPU can work out one or more threads concurrently (the multithreading I know of consists of two threads)
In the early days, you had most often one motherboard with one chip with one CPU running one thread. Only one process at a time could be dealt with, and the attending hardware set was referred to as the processor. There was was one-to-one mapping between pieces of software (the task to run) and pieces of hardware (the device to run the task).
Process is definitely a software notion. 'Thread' is, cast quite simply, a specification of 'process' in the context of parallel concurrent computing. Nowadays processor can refer to a physical device as well as its extended processing capabilities (multithreading again, which to be sure is a technological implementation). For example, you can have machines with two chips on the motherboard, with four core/CPUs per chip, and with each core/CPUs running two threads concurrently. Then you would be able to run 2x4x2=16 processes (without oversubscription of resources, of courses).
The MPI syntax you quote addresses processes (option np), or threads if you like. The description part of man mpirun even refers to processes as 'slots' (for example, see the specs for the hostfile).
Slots indicate how many processes can potentially execute on a node.
This usage sounds like a legacy of that close correspondence between units of hardware and units of software that was standard back then. 'Slot' is originally a material/hardware feature, not unlike the term 'socket' that has undergone a similar change of semantics at times.
So indeed I feel quite some sympathy for your confusion. If you are a Linux user, you can visualize the report of cat /proc/cpuinfo. These lines refer to one processor named '2' out of four:
processor : 2
physical id : 0
siblings : 4
core id : 2
cpu cores : 4
They say that in this one machine I have gotten only one chip (since 'phyical id' takes only one value in the whole list, omitted), that this one chip as 4 'cpu cores' and that this one chip is running four siblings (4 threads, so there is no multithreading). In this case there are 4 processing elements, and 4 cpu cores.
In the example above with multithreading, you would see a listing for 16 processors, 2 values for 'physical id' (chips), 'cpu cores' equal to 4 (per chip) and `siblings' equal to 8 (per chip) since multithreading is enabled on that chip. In this case you have four times as many processors as cores.
Therefore, in this extended context, 'processor' indicates the machine's capability to work on a 'process', and this is what MPI and you want to use, regardeless of the number and feats of cores that can enable this. You only need to gain an overview of where these processing capabilities come from.
Another useful Linux command is then lscpu:
CPU(s): 4
On-line CPU(s) list: 0-3
Thread(s) per core: 1
Core(s) per socket: 4
Socket(s): 1
There 'socket' indeed is the physical connection in the motherboard where the chip is plugged into, so it is a byname of chip indeed. Indeed no multithreading here.
I am indebted to the discussions in this other post

NonStop ODBC: how the connections (ODBC servers) are assigned to CPUs?

We have an ODBC pool running on a NonStop server. The pool is connected to SQL/MX.
This pool is used by a few external Java applications, each of which has an JDBC pool connected to ODBC pool (e.g. 14 connections per application).
With time (after a few application recycles) we see an imbalance between CPUs -- some have 8 ODBC processes running, some only 5. That leads to CPU time imbalance too.
Up to this point we assumed that a CPU is assigned to ODBC process in round-robin fashion. That would maintain the number of ODBC processes more or less equally distributed. It's not the case though.
Is there any information on how ODBC pool decided which CPU to choose for every new allocated process? Does it look at CPU load? Available memory? Something else?
Sadly, even HP's own people (available to us, that is) couldn't answer those questions with certainty. :-(
And in fact connections are assigned to CPUs in round-robin fashion. But if one of the consumers (with its own pool) is restarted for any reason, the connections will be released on the CPUs where they were allocated (obviously), but new ones will be allocated on the next CPU according to round-robin algorithm. Thus some CPUs will become less busy, and some more. Thus imbalance.
