R studio graph not appearing in plots window - graph

I am having trouble getting my graphs to appear in the 'plots' window of R studio - once I run the script they appear in a separate R graphics window, separate to R Studio, with the 'plots' tab blank.
Is there a setting or code I should use to change this?
Thank you in advance,

This has been a consistent problem for many users ever since the last couple updates, myself included. It was apparently fixed with 3.5 version of R, which I haven't updated to, but you didn't mention which version you are running.
Either way, if you're running the most updated version or not, try getOption("device") and check the output of that. Per an R support community post, if the output does not say RStudioGD, you can use options(device = "RStudioGD").
The NEXT, and more annoying, solution was to uninstall and reinstall RStudio. Many people found that this solved their problem.
If neither of those work work, the only other solution that people were finding is to downgrade your R version to a compatible version unfortunately! It's really annoying, I know!
Hope I could help!


Problem with find and replace in R Editor

I am currently using R (RGui; R version 4.2.1). I use 'find' and 'replace' in R Editor a lot. Recently, both will only work for one character. So I can find 'a' but it won't find any instances of 'aaa' even if I know they exist. I'd be really happy if anyone can suggest a solution as it's driving me crazy. Thanks!
This was recently fixed in Rgui for Windows. I am using "R version 4.2.1 Patched (2022-09-28 r82941 ucrt)" and it works (using ctrl-h or the Edit menu in the Rgui R Editor).
In the BUG FIXES on Windows subsection within the section CHANGES IN R 4.2.1 patched of https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-devel/NEWS.html it says:
Find and replace operations work again in the script editor in Rgui on Windows.
Same problem - with R 4.2.1 I cannot find and replace using the R editor. I had to close the script up and do it in .txt.
I have the same issue. R version 4.2.1 on Windows 10. It doesn't find anything I search for, even if I can see it right there on the screen. Not even single-character strings. I was editing a non-R file.

r plot shows up only when I type in console but not in script

I ran into a very weird problem: my R code for generating a plot only works if I type it into the console but not when I ran it inside the script (with Ctrl+Enter command)... It's the same problem with all plots (regular plots or ggplots). Also I tried it on two different computers and the same thing happened. Anyone have any idea why this is happening?
One possible reason: I installed the newest version of Rstudio on both computers so it might be an issue with the version. The exact same code worked before on an older version of rstudio...Could this be it? If so, how can I fix it?
I think I figured out what the problem was: the setting in the new version of Rstudio has a default option of outputting the plots inside the Rmarkdown script (at the very end of the script). And that's why I wasn't seeing them. You could change the setting such that it outputs in the console.
Try dev.off() to reset the graphics device.
This helps with a lot of weird graphics behaviour.
Probably too late for the original poster... However, I just ran into the same problem after installing an R update. The way I fixed it was to go to preferences, R markdown, and turn off "show inline output". For me, it was just coming out at the bottom of the chunk instead of in the plot window like I wanted. Hope that helps someone!
I just ran into this problem. I mistakenly put my plot() command inside the r markdown setup chunk. I moved it to its own code chunk and it ran as expected.

R tcltk: error when trying to display a png file depending on the OS

This is an issue I am encountering for different pieces of codes I am writing in R.
Basically, I would like to generate a window that displays a picture (a .png file). Following for instance guidances from this or this, I come up with this kind of code:
tmpFile <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")
download.file("https://www.r-project.org/logo/Rlogo.png", tmpFile)
tcl("image","create","photo", "imageLogo", file=tmpFile)
win1 <- tktoplevel()
tkpack(ttklabel(win1, image="imageLogo", compound="image"))
This works fine under Mac OS, but not on Linux nor on Windows, where I am displayed such an error message:
[tcl] couldn't recognize data in image file
I can find some workarounds when I want to display graphs, using for instance packages tkrplot or igraph. Nonetheless, I would be really eager to understand why I got such errors when running my scripts on Linux or Windows, whereas it works just fine on Mac OS.
Apologies in case this issue is obvious, but I haven't found anything about potential differences with the tcltk package depending on the OS.
Tk's native support for PNG was added in 8.6. Prior to that, you need to have the tkimg extension loaded into Tk to add the image format handler required. If your installation of Tcl/Tk that R is using is set up right, you can probably make it work with:
once you've initialised things sufficiently. Yes, the name used internally is “Img” for historical reasons, but that's just impossible to search for! (This is the key thing in this mailing list message from way back.)
However, upgrading the versions of Tcl and Tk to 8.6 is likely to be a better move.
Finally and a bit lately, I would like to close this issue and sum up the different suggestions that were kindly made in response of my question:
R comes along with Tcl 8.5, even with the latest version 3.3.2, which means that there is no way for embedding a PNG file with the usual command into a window created thanks to Tcl/Tk. For some reasons it is working on Mac OS, but do not expect this to work easily on other OSs.
In order to display pictures, graphs, etc. in a window generated by Tcl/Tk in R, better look for either using the GIF support (when possible) or trying alternative solutions (see the question for possible alternative options).
In case one really wants to display PNG files, the solution consists of installing Tcl 8.5 (for instance ActiveTcl) along with the extension Img. In order to use the Tcl/Tk package that you've just installed on your computer, you can refer to the R FAQ for Windows for instance (as stated in the FAQ, you need to install Tcl 8.5 - I tried with Tcl 8.6, thereby hoping to solve my issue, but it didn't work). Basically, you need to set up an environment variable (MY_TCLTK) and put the path where the package Tcl/Tk is installed. Needless to be said, Tcl/Tk is commonly used in R in order to implement GUIs; if you have to go through very complex procedures to set up the system, the package definitely loses its advantages.
Finally, since Tcl 8.6 should be available soon or later with R (already implemented in the devel version), this issue will be de facto outdated.

emacs ess crashes when trying to access h_elp

My emacs/ess session crashes when I try to access help. This happens if I have two packages loaded with the same functions; for example:
In Rgui interface pops out and asks to choose from which packages I want help. Emacs just crashes. Similar issues happens with install.packages, but there is a way to specify mirror Is there a way to install R packages using emacs?
Is there a similar trick with help?
Well, there is no full proof solution for time being as nobody really understands why these crashes happen. I assume you are on windows, right?
There are plans in ESS to completely internalize all the help (and other) calls in order not to depend on R dialogs. Hopefully in the next version.
For time being put this into your .Rprofile
tis <- utils:::index.search
formals(tis)[["firstOnly"]] <- TRUE
assignInNamespace("index.search", tis, "utils")
It basically makes help system to pick the first package with the found topic. In your case month help page in data.table package will be ignored. Not a big deal as common topic names are quite rare anyways.
I found out that starting library(tcltk) solves this problem. Menu appears even after it is called from emacs+ess. I added library(tcltk) to my Rprofile.site and now everything works great, install.packages() and accessing help when multiple packages load same function

Preventing what was/were previously copied on to my clipboard from appearing on R Console when using R

I am having some problems with my clipboard contents when using R. When I run my scripts/commands in tinn-r, very often I would get something that I had ran earlier pasted onto my R Console instead of the command that I have just selected.
To get over this, I would go to my clipboard and delete its content(text/syntax). However, the same text/syntax that I had just deleted would re-appear on my clipboard and would again appear on my R Console when trying to run a different syntax from my tinn-r.
Good luck. Tinn-R seems to be a particularly buggy way of interacting with R. Though it takes some effort to set up, the StatET plugin interface from Eclipse has been working way better for me than Tinn-R ever did.
