web.config with multiple impersonation - asp.net

My applications use data from one SQL server on our network. The SQL server is on separate machine from the IIS server that hosts my applications. I am using integrated security, Windows authentication, and impersonation in the web.config. Now I need to connect to another SQL box that does work with the impersonated account. So how do I pass proper identity to each of the SQL servers to get data from each? The web.config only allows one impersonation.


Publish asp.net web api to azure, database connection not working

After publishing the web api to azure in Visual Studio, and adding two sql databases in the wizard the account database connected itself without problems to the app service in azure. The data containing database, however, did not. How do I tell the app service web api to use that database?
Depending on how your solution was created, you will have a "web.config" and/or an "app.config" file.
Open these up and check the "connectionStrings" section. You should have an entry for each database connection. Verify that these are pointing to the proper databases with the proper security.
In Web.config, the "connectionStrings" section is in the section "configuration".
In "App.config the connectionStrings section is in the same place.
You will have to allow certain IP addresses to connect to it. Look at the SQL Database server's Firewall setting. You can the IP address of your computer (or IP range), to access SQL Database
Make sure to enable Allow Azure services and resources to access the server

Connecting to internal SQL Server 2008 R2 from DMZ web server using IIS7 using a trusted connection?

I'm trying to connect and getting an error like:
Login failed. The login cannot be used with Windows Authentication
I'm using mirrored local accounts on SQL Server and web server because I'm simply trying to use a trusted connection between machines not on the same domain. It seems like something that would be fairly common, but after days of trying to find an answer that applied to my situation, I do not recognize that any of the answers were applicable... that or the fact that I'm only a .NET developer and not a sysadmin or DBA means I have it and just don't know it.
Here's what I can say:
CMS web server: ASP.NET 4.0 web app running on Windows Server 2008, IIS7, on corporate DMZ
CMS database server: SQL Server 2008 R2 on a domain server
For various reasons that I won't go in to, encrypting the credentials is not sufficient.
The database port that the application needs to connect on is not the standard port and is set up to listen on a different port.
Setting up DB mirroring isn't an option and doesn't really address the requirements (in my way of thinking)
Also, FYI if this is helpful to know:
Content entry happens on internal web server which publishes content to same DB that is accessed by the DMZ web server.
Content server is set up to have the website run the app pool in integrated mode with a windows domain user that has been set as a service account using the -ga switch and given all the appropriate rights and everything runs perfect.
External web server, without domain access, using mirrored accounts (same username and password set up on the SQL Server machine and web machine).
Local account on the web server set as a service account using -ga switch and running as the app pool identity for my app.
On the SQL Server box, created local user with identical creds and given same permissions that the domain user identity has
Connecting to SQL Server via MGMT studio installed on web server with the SQL Server user creds works fine.
Now, if I put in the username in to the connection strings, everything is perfect. As soon as I put the trusted_connection=yes in the connection string like I did with the domain server connection strings, I get the trust error.
So if my connection string is like this, it works fine:
Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;Username=MyUser; Password=MyPassword;
If I change my connection string to either of these, it fails:
Data Source=myServerAddress;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;Integrated Security=SSPI;
I'm working with one of the client's network admins and he's not necessarily a DBA and doesn't have experience with configuring web apps. So it's possible that we're missing something and any advice or ideas would help. What am I missing?
If using SQL credentials are not an option, then you should use Active Directory and create a one-way trust (have DMZ server domain trust your internal domain), create a service account in your internal domain which your DMZ application can use, and grant that account access to the database. Then it will be able to generate SSPI context.

How to connect SQL Server 2008 with IIS 7 on Windows Server 2008

I am using Amazon EC2 server, with Windows Server. It has installed SQL Server 2008 R2 Express and IIS7. I have made a web site, and want to test this web app. But it is not connecting to the SQL Server. I have tried different connection strings. But it is giving this error:
Server Error in '/' Application.
Cannot open database "Avon" requested
by the login. The login failed. Login
failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK
I have tried to change it from windows authentication to SQL Server authentication and vice versa. But same error.
My connection string is
connectionString="data source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=SSPI;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|Avon.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=true;"
I have copied Avon.mdf and Avon.ldf file into App_data. I want it to connect either by local server, or by IP address.
I appreciate your answers.
If the identity under which the application is running does not have access to the database, you will need to provide user name and password in the connection string.
Password=somepassword;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=someuserid;Initial Catalog=DatabaseName;Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS
You could also try changing your Application pool identiy to a user that has access to the database. or set up asp.net impersonation
Application pool on II7 work in context of user NETWORK SERVICE. In your connection string you have Integrated Security=True.
1) Change connection string to use userId+password
2) Change application pool user - not recommended if you don't understand how it works
3) Allow user NETWORK SERVICE connect to your sql server\data base - not recommended because many others services use this technical account.

Application pool identity in IIS and Integrated security to SQL Server

If I have an ASP.NET web app using impersonation and a SQL Server connectionstring with Integrated Security = true, does the identity of the IIS application pool of the app play any role?
Does the identity need to be set to some specific user (LocalSystem, NetworkServices or a domain user)? This is on Windows 2003.
If the SQL Server is on a different box than IIS then the identity of the IIS application pool has to be trusted for constrained delegation. See How To: Use Protocol Transition and Constrained Delegation in ASP.NET 2.0. If the IIS app is running as NETWORK SERVICE or SYSTEM then the IIS machine account has to be trusted for constrained delegation. The linked resource has all the steps to set this up.
If the SQL Server is on the same machine as IIS then there isn't any requirement afaik.

ASP.NET trusted DB connection to other server works in Casini, not in IIS

Our website connects to a database correctly when running the website locally using the built-in web server. But, when we deploy the site to our server running IIS, we get a database connection error. The database server is different from our IIS server. Note that a trusted connection to a different database on the SAME server as IIS works fine.
What do we need to do to connect to a SQL database on a different server with a trusted connection?
When you're running a web site using Cassini, the account used by the web server process is your own account that you use to log on to your Windows machine. That account will be different on IIS.
Consider the security implications of opening the database up to a broader access than you may need with trusted connection. Perhaps you could use Windows authentication with a service account. That is, create an application-specific user in SQL Server with limited permissions. Then, you will get the benefits of connection pooling while avoiding passing credentials.
I'd check the user account that app domain in IIS is using to connect to SQL Server. The account in IIS may not have access to network resources as well which would explain the trouble reaching the other database server.
Sounds like you need to configure the database server to provide access to the database you're trying to connect to.
Assuming SQL Server, log into SQL Server Enterprise Manager and under Security -> Logins, open the properties for the applicable user (probably the Network Service or ASP.NET account of the web server) and go to the Database Access tab and ensure that the Permit checkbox is ticked for the database you are connecting to.
