DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN Subdomain and Domain Issue - wordpress

I have a basic wordpress website with a few simple plugins such as gravityforms etc. For the sake of this question the site has a domain of domain.com
To manage user input we have another system on a subdomain, sub.domain.com
Some users are intermittently receiving the following error 'DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN' whether that be on the domain or subdomain.
Is it possible that this issue is an issue on one of domain.com or sub.domain.com and the users browser shows errors with both purely because the urls have the same domain?

Add wildcard DNS on cpanel. You can create wildcard dns following instruction on the below.


Wordpress using differet domain

Hello I have the following environment:
Domain A (redirect to domain B) Apache server
Domain B (separate web server where is installed Wordpress) Apache server
So if I digit the url of domain A I see the homepage of Wordpress site.
My problem is that if I click any link in the website I will be redirected to the Domain B because the site use the permalink of the wordpress installation.
Is there any chance to use the domain A name as base URL?
sorry - this question is not clear. Did you migrate the site? Or are you making a copy? Are those domains different - or maybe subdomains. Maybe try to share those domains if they are live. Hard to help if it's not clear what the question is about.
I have installed wordpress under the domain:
I have another domain:
that is configured to point to every single page of domain-a
so if I point to URL: www.domain-b/example-page I can see correctly the wordpress page. My problem is that if I click on every link inside this page the permalink is cofigured for domain-a so I will be redirect to the url domain-a. I need to stay always inside the domain-b url.
Is there any wordpress configuration that I can do to solve it?
I cannot reproduce the environment because is under a VPN.

How to redirect to another sub-domain using IIS?

I have changed my domain name from (www.example.com)
to (in.example.com)
the issue is that all old facebook links and campaigns links redirect to the old domain which will show an error due to the change of the domain.
and I am really not good with IIS rules, I have searched on how to make rules to handle this but I could not make it.
all that I need is very simple: if the user open http://www.example.com/Vehicle/all
it should redirect him to
if the user visits the direct domain it should not remain on the same original domain: http://www.example.com
You Can do redirection from your cpanel. you will find redirection under Domains section

Redirect subdomain.example.com to example.com in firebase web hosting, but keep the URL intact

I have hosted https://example.com on firebase web hosting
Now, I would like https://subdomain.example.com to go the https://example.com hosted site, but URL should be intact and still show https://subdomain.example.com.
I will handle the UI on Web Pages based on the subdomain name and hence retaining subdomain is very important.
If I use 'redirect to existing domain' option, then URL is changed. Is there any configuration which allows me to do this on firebase?
Website is built using AngularIO, so any suggestion as part of Angular deployment is also welcome.
While there are similar questions on the site, I couldn't find any solution. So, asking here again with more clear description. Thanks for your help.
Just connect subdomain.example.com but don't set it as a redirect. All domains/subdomains connected to a project that are not redirects will resolve the same content.

How the subdomain keep the full url of the url that it is redirecting to?

I am not sure about the title of my question so let me an explain the situation with example:
I have a wordpress website at: wwww.mywebsite.com
(DNS: Godaddy, hosted on Azure, SSL enabled)
I setup a forum website hosted on another Azure account with a url like: myforum.azurewebsites.net
I want to have a subdomain "forum" (forum.mywebsite.com) to redirect to the forum website. I managed to achieve the redirection by using Godaddy subdomain settings. I also enabled the masking so the user see the forum.mywebsite.com on the browser.
The problem is that the forum url does not show the subfolders url. For instance if someone wants to login, the user should see: forum.mywebsite.com/login but the user only sees: forum.mywebsite.com
How can I achieve the redirection in a way that the url keeps the subfolder path as well.
You will want to set the custom domain on Azure which will require you to create a CNAME record in your DNS on Godaddy for forum.mywebsite.com that has the value of myforum.azurewebsites.net

What Cloudflare page rules should be added for a WordPress website to run on HTTPS naked (non www) URLs only?

Here is the existing configuration of my site:
I have a CNAME record www to example.com in Cloudflare DNS settings.
Nothing in .htaccess of the original host server.
WordPress site has its Website and Home address set to http://example.com
I don't have a clear understanding of what Cloudflare does and how it integrates with WordPress. However, I would like to achieve this without making any changes in WordPress. What DNS and Page Rules combo should I configure in order to serve all the URLs ONLY over https without www?
Based on this answer here, I tried changing my DNS settings but it didn't work. And I can't get my head around Cloudflare Page Rules.
In order to accomplish this you should create two Page Rules. One that redirects all traffic to https, and another that directs all www traffic to the root domain.
You can find directions for these Page Rules on this KB article (they are the first two). Or there is a video tutorial as well. If you are already maxed out on Page Rules there is also an option now to purchase additional rules without changing plans.
(I'm from Cloudflare)
