Symfony 2.3
I have two fields on the form with dates: the date_from and date_to.
The controller after submit performs its own validation. After automatic validatin is OK make my own validation of dates. Before adding the code below the form and submit displays after validation:
date_from 2015-10-01 and date_to 2015-10-02
and after adding the code form displays before submit:
date_from 2015-10-01 and date_to 2015-10-02
after submit:
date_from 2015-10-02 and date_to 2015-10-01
Dates are switched. So it writes to the database.
$date_from = $entity->getDatefrom();
$date_to = $entity->getDateto();
$workdays = 0;
for ( $i = $date_from; $i <= $date_to; $i->setTimestamp(strtotime($i->format('Y-m-d') . " +1 day") ) )
if ( !in_array($i, $freedays))
if ( date('N', strtotime($i->format('Y-m-d') ) ) < 6 )
$workdays++ ;
When i remove this code dates are not switched. But ofcourse i don't have count of working days.
You need to dereference the DateTime Object $date_from using clone before assigning it to $i.
$date_from = $entity->getDatefrom();
$date_to = $entity->getDateto();
$workdays = 0;
for ( $i = clone $date_from; $i <= $date_to; $i->setTimestamp(strtotime($i->format('Y-m-d') . " +1 day") ) )
if ( !in_array($i, $freedays))
if ( date('N', strtotime($i->format('Y-m-d') ) ) < 6 )
$workdays++ ;
PHP doesn't copy objects when assigning them to a new variable it just creates a reference.
$i = $date_from
In this for loop it updates the $i for each iteration
$i->setTimestamp(strtotime($i->format('Y-m-d') . " +1 day") )
Because it's only a reference its this same as
$date_from->setTimestamp(strtotime($i->format('Y-m-d') . " +1 day") )
// OR even
$entity->getDatefrom()->setTimestamp(strtotime($i->format('Y-m-d') . " +1 day") )
Using clone make a copy of the original so $i->setTimestamp(...) won't actually apply to $date_from
i am using the following code for weekly calendar it shows like enter image description here
function tribe_events_get_days_of_week( $format = null ) {
switch ( $format ) {
case 'min' :
$days_of_week = Tribe__Events__Main::instance()->daysOfWeekMin;
case 'short' :
$days_of_week = Tribe__Events__Main::instance()->daysOfWeekShort;
$days_of_week = Tribe__Events__Main::instance()->daysOfWeek;
$start_of_week = get_option( 'start_of_week', 0 );
for ( $i = 0; $i < $start_of_week; $i ++ ) {
$day = $days_of_week[ $i ];
unset( $days_of_week[ $i ] );
$days_of_week[ $i ] = $day;
return apply_filters( 'tribe_events_get_days_of_week', $days_of_week );
but, i want to display in month wise. how can i change my existing code.
(As you can tell from this post I am not a programmer, so please help me to see if this is even possible... )
I want to improve the Start / End date display for events in Events Manager (plugin for WordPress)
At the moment the the end times will only show up if different then the start date (good!) but will be in the format:
1 January 2014 - 31 January 2014.
I would like it to display as: 1 - 31 January 2014.
That isn't too hard, but it becomes a little more complicated when events wrap or extend past a month, or a year.
Here are the different cases I am trying to achieve:
Start date only:
1 January 2014
Start and end date in same month
1 – 12 January 2014
Start and end date in different month but same year.
28 January – 3 February 2014
Start and end date in different months and different years.
31 December 2014 – 3 January 2015
Can anyone tell me
a) if this is at all possible to do with a function in the WordPress functions file?
b) point me in the right direction on how to do the conditioning?
I don't even know what to google for, so even that would be a help. (I am not expecting a fully working code example, although you are more then welcome to include that if you want!)
Update: Here is an example of a function that does some of this, but only in the style of the last case in my list above.
function my_em_placeholder_mod_eventdates($replace, $EM_Event, $result){
if ( $result == '#_EVENTDATES' ) {
if( $EM_Event->event_start_date != $EM_Event->event_end_date){
$replace = date_i18n('d M Y', $EM_Event->start).' - '. date_i18n('d M Y', $EM_Event->end);
$replace = date_i18n('d M Y', $EM_Event->start);
return $replace;
Update 2, with working code:
This code works for me at least.
function my_em_placeholder_mod_eventdates($replace, $EM_Event, $result){
if ( $result == '#_EVENTDATES' ) :
$sd = $EM_Event->start;
$ed = $EM_Event->end;
if (!empty ($ed) && $sd != $ed ) {
//Event has an end date and end date is different than start date
if (date('Y', $sd) == date('Y', $ed)) {
// Start and end are in same year
if (date('n', $sd) == date('n', $ed)) {
//Start and end are in the same month
$replace = date_i18n('j', $sd).'-'.date_i18n('j F Y', $ed);
if (date('j', $sd) == date('j', $ed)) {
//Start and end are on the same day
$replace = date_i18n('j F Y', $sd);
} else {
//Start and end are in different months
$replace = date_i18n('j F', $sd).' - '.date_i18n('j F Y', $ed);
} else {
//Start and end are in different years
$replace = date_i18n('j F Y', $sd).' - '. date_i18n('j F Y', $ed);
} else {
// No end date, or start and end date are the same
$replace = date_i18n('j F Y', $sd);
return $replace;
Try this:
function my_em_placeholder_mod_eventdates($replace, $EM_Event, $result){
if ( $result == '#_EVENTDATES' ) :
$sd = $EM_Event->event_start_date;
$ed = $EM_Event->event_end_date;
if (!empty ($ed) && $sd != $ed ) {
//Event has an end date and end date is different than start date
if (date('Y', $sd) == date('Y'. $ed) {
// Start and end are in same year
if (date('n', $sd) == date('n', $ed) {
//Start and end are in the same month
$replace = date_i18n('j', $sd).'-'.date_i18n('j F Y', $ed);
} else {
//Start and end are in different months
$replace = date_i18n('j F', $sd).' - '.date_i18n('j F Y', $ed);
} else {
//Start and end are in different years
$replace = date_i18n('j F Y', $sd).' - '. date_i18n('j F Y', $ed);
} else {
// No end date, or start and end date are the same
$replace = date_i18n('j F Y', $sd);
return $replace;
I have dates stored in array for completion status of projects like below
The first two letters are months and other four letters are years
$arrDates = array('052012', '042013', '082013', '122013', '022014');
I want this array To get converted to wordings as below
$arrDates = array('Completed', 'Next Six Months', 'Next Year', 'Next Year', 'After 2 Years');
I used a for loop like below for checking completed as below
if((date('m') > substr($arrDates[$i], 0,2)) && (date('y') == substr($arrDates[$i], 2,6)))
$strStatus = ' Completed';
and I messed up in finding for next year and other two.
Could some one help me in fixing this?
I think you can use DateTime and dateInterval for this :
$currentDate = DateTime::createFromFormat('mY',$arrDates[0]);
$interval = $currentDate->diff(new DateTime('now'),true);
echo 'Completed';
else if($interval->y >= 2 ){
echo 'After 2 Years';
else if($interval->y == 1){
echo 'Next Year';
else if($interval->m > 6){
echo 'what you want here';
else {
echo 'Next six months';
I think artragis was on the right track with his answer (+1 for that), but the whole thing should be encapsulated in a function for re-use.
* #param string $expectedDate
* #return string Text summary of time to completion
function completionTimeInWords($expectedDate)
$now = new DateTime();
$date = new DateTime();
$date->setTimestamp(strtotime('+1 year'));
$oneYear = $date->diff($now)->days;
$sixMonths = round($oneYear/2);
$date->setTimestamp(strtotime('+2 years'));
$twoYears = $date->diff($now)->days;
$date = DateTime::createFromFormat('mY', $expectedDate);
$interval = $now->diff($date);
$completed = (bool)$interval->invert;
$days = $interval->days;
return 'Completed';
} elseif($days <= $sixMonths){
return 'Next Six Months';
} elseif($days > $sixMonths && $days <= $oneYear){
return 'Within a year';
} elseif($days > $oneYear && $days <= $twoYears){
return 'Next Year';
} elseif($days > $twoYears){
return 'After Two Years';
I tested this with the following code:-
$date = new DateTime();
$date->setTimestamp(strtotime('two weeks ago'));
$arrDates[] = $date->format('mY');
$date->setTimestamp(strtotime('+ 5 months 27 days'));
$arrDates[] = $date->format('mY');
$date->setTimestamp(strtotime('+ 6 months 4 days'));
$arrDates[] = $date->format('mY');
$date->setTimestamp(strtotime('+ 12 months 4 days'));
$arrDates[] = $date->format('mY');
$date->setTimestamp(strtotime('+ 24 months 4 days'));
$arrDates[] = $date->format('mY');
foreach($arrDates as $date){
and got the following output:-
string(9) "Completed"
string(15) "Next Six Months"
string(13) "Within a year"
string(9) "Next Year"
string(15) "After Two Years"
You may need to do some more testing with edge cases as these can be problematic. For example, most of us would agree that 6 months is 183 days, but PHP may disagree on occasion depending on how many days are in each month between now and 6 months hence (if that makes sense). That is why I have divided a year by 2 to get 6 months, rather than using strtotime().
on the select event i have the starting date and the ending date of the event as parameter.
also i have a list of times
and i want to see if any of the items of my list is between of the event start and endtime
the 3 objects are in Date Format
how can i compare the 3 Times of the Dates to see if if its true????
select: function (start, end, allDay) {
var defaultTemplate = undefined;
$.each(jsonTimeTemplates, function(){
templateStartTime = $.fullCalendar.parseDate(this.Start);
templateEndTime = $.fullCalendar.parseDate(this.End);
if(( templateStartTime.getTime() >= start.getTime()) && ( templateStartTime.getTime() <= end.getTime())){
defaultTemplate = this;
in this case jsonTimeTemplates is my list of objects but when i debug with firebug the if sentence never applies.
here i have an screenshot of my debugging where i have
8:00>=8:00 && 8:00 <= 8:15
i hope the dates arent making the problem here.
function compareDates(dateFrom, dateTo){
if ( Date.parse( dateTo ) < Date.parse( dateFrom ) )
return true;
return false;
This function returns true if dateTo is smaller than dateFrom. You can use this function to reach your goal.
Function call:
var startDateStr = $.fullCalendar.formatDate(start, 'MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt');
var endDateStr = $.fullCalendar.formatDate(end, 'MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt');
compareDates(startDateStr, endDateStr);
in the mean time i used the functions gethours and getminutes to do the comparisons. but i hope theres a better way to do this
if( ( templateStartTime.getHours() >= start.getHours() ) && ( templateStartTime.getHours() <= end.getHours() ) &&
(templateStartTime.getMinutes() >= start.getMinutes() ) && ( templateStartTime.getMinutes() <= end.getMinutes() ))
defaultTemplate = this;
How can I compare dates in Groovy ignoring days? Something like this: *MM-yyyy_1 > MM-yyyy_2*
You could do this:
int compareIgnoringDays( Date a, Date b ) {
new Date( a.time ).with { newa ->
new Date( b.time ).with { newb ->
newa.set( date:1 )
newb.set( date:1 )
newa.compareTo( newb )
Which you can test like:
Date a = Date.parse( 'yyyy/MM/dd', '2012/05/23' )
Date b = Date.parse( 'yyyy/MM/dd', '2012/05/24' )
Date c = Date.parse( 'yyyy/MM/dd', '2012/06/01' )
assert compareIgnoringDays( a, b ) == 0
assert compareIgnoringDays( b, a ) == 0
assert compareIgnoringDays( a, c ) == -1
assert compareIgnoringDays( c, a ) == 1
A different way of writing the same functionality is:
int compareIgnoringDays( Date a, Date b ) {
[ a, b ].collect { new Date( it.time ) } // Clone original dates
.collect { it.set( date:1 ) ; it } // Set clones to 1st of the month
.with { newa, newb ->
newa.compareTo( newb ) // Compare them (this gets returned)
You can compare two dates like this:
def myFormat = 'MM/dd/yyyy'
if(Date.parse(myFormat, '02/03/2012') >= Date.parse(myFormat, '03/02/2012))