How to add ccavenue donate button in wordpress? - wordpress

I am new to payment gateways integration, I want one donate button which will be processed by ccavenue, user will need to type the donation amount, I want the overview of How I'll integrate it? what plugin, API, Extension, Theme, Custom code change I'll need to do.
I tried to contact ccavenue team but they are not available, Their servers are down. I tried to watch youtube videos, but all videos are about paypal donation button integration, But my client is demanding only for ccavenue donate button.

I got solution, I used WooCommerce CCAvenue gateway for gateway integration and, WooCommerce Quick Donation for donation input by user.


WordPress multiple payment gateways selection on WooCommerce checkout

I am novice to WordPress and working on my first website in WordPress. I am using WordPress 4.9.8 with WooCommerce 3.5.2.
The requirement is, I want to provide different payment gateways list to customers on checkout page. e.g. paypal, worldpay, stripe etc., so that they can select the gateway they want and make the payment. I will use payment plugins for it.
But I am not sure how to provide list of payment gateways in checkout page. Can anyone help?
You can go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments to enable/disable the payment gate you want, and if you want to use more payment gate like Stripe, you need to install a plugin like this
Here is a screenshot showing my Payment Settings screen in WooCommerce, I'm using only PayPal and you can see it's enabled.
You can Add all payment method in Woocommerce.
WooCommerce → Settings → Checkout
Take a tour for this article hope it will help you
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Show the credit/debit card page directly on paypal

I'm working on an e-commerce site which runs on WordPress platform. Woocommerce plugin is used to create the products and using PayPal standard payment gateway.
Whenever I check out the product, the PayPal is showing the "Paypal login page" but I wanted to show "Pay with credit/debit" by default.
I tried setting this '' to the checkout button in my site. I doesn't work.
I know "Express checkout" is used to show the "Paypal credit/debit" card page directly. But in my products, I have maintained the recurring payment option. "Express Checkout" doesn't provide the recurring payment option.
May I know where I'm going wrong.
Note: I'm using latest versions of woocommerce and wordpress.
I believe since you are using PayPal standard, you may need to utilize another form of integrating recurring payments for your respective products. Looks like PayPal does endorse a specific extension to WooCommerce that can handle recurring payments, link HERE.
Also, here's the actual link to the extension which is mentioned on the previous page, HERE.
According to REST API documentation, on v2/checkout/orders you may set the application_context.landing_page to BILLING.
Unfortunately, I can't see any difference on user experience behaviour.

Donation Page on Wordpress Website integrated with CCAvenue

I'm trying to create a webpage on Wordpress website, where a potential donor can write their name, contact details and the amount (in USD) that they would like to donate.
Once the user clicks on the Donate button, they should be able to make the donation through CCAvenue Payment Gateway.
The problem is, none of the solutions that I have found so far tell me how can I keep the field of Donation Amount open to the user and how can I send these variables to CCAvenue API.
Any suggestions on how to do it, would be greatly appreciated.
I am also trying to do the same I found one cool plugin which is GiveWP you can create a donate forms and integrate plenty of payment gateway addons, including the CCAvenue Gateway addon.
Check it out here:
Hope this helps you :)

Different Paypal accounts depending on product

I'm currently testing Woocommerce on my Wordpress site, and I'd like to know if it is possible to have two Paypal accounts linked to your shop. The idea would be to dedicate one account for a type of product and the other one for another type.
I've tried to look into the extensions available, but couldn't find a way to do this.
If you want to use Paypal, you can use Paypal Adaptive payments.
You can link each products to a Vendor as a marketplace website will do. ie : for woocommerce WC-Vendors, Dokkan...
Depending on which e-commerce plugin you have embed into your website, you can create a dedicated payment gateway that will switch the producct owner email, but this will a time wasting and maybe a untrustly method.
Hope it helps

How to make customer to use the Paypal in the checkout page, not actual paypal page

I am new in Woocommerce and want to know if there is a feature for this:
When customer add the product to the cart and try to check out, they mostly click the Paypal method to pay.
But when they click Paypal method to pay, the checkout page directly transfer to Paypal page.
So, I want to make my site that customer can easily use paypal in the checkout page, not transfer to the actual Paypal page.
Is there any way I can do that?
You likely need a different PayPal extension (like PayPal Pro) for WooCommerce.
See the "Keep Customers On Your Site" options on the PayPal Extension Comparison
