Meteor template exclusive subscription - meteor

I have two different templates in one route. Both return a number of items from a uniform collection however, when I do
Template.stepOneSelect.onCreated(function() {
var instance = this;
instance.autorun(function() {
var subsciption = instance.subscribe('stepOne');
instance.occupations = function() {
return Occupations.find();
it returns Occupations from the whole route. There isn't a way for me to query the ones I need in one template because I query them on the server with other Collection that I am not subscribed to in that template.
So I need
stepOneTitles: function () {
return Template.instance().occupations();
to only return the Occupations from that template and I am getting all the occupations from the route
I have two collections, CareerPaths and Occupations.
CareerPaths has fields like occupationOneId which is an _id of the Occupation. It would be easy if I had a field in each Occupation that states which step of the CareerPath it is but one Occupation can be in different steps of a CareerPath. So I need to be returning Occupations based on CareerPaths. The route has two sections, one with a list of CareerPaths with a limit (only 10 at a time) and the other section should have ALL the Occupations from the first step of a career path, etc. I haven't found anything in publishComposite to only return the Children of a publication.

If I am getting this right, you are trying to display only the data published by a particular subscription. The easy way to do this would be to move the query used in the publication into client/server code, then call the query from both the publication and the client-side query.


Meteor with Angular2 , Fetching all entries from a collection in single shot

I have successfully integeraed meteor with angular2 but while fetching the data from collection facing difficulties in getting at one shot, here is the steps:
Collection Name : OrderDetails
No Of records : 1000
Created publication file to subcribe the collection:
Meteor.publish('orderFilter', function() {
return OrderLineDetails.find({});
this.dateSubscription =
MeteorObservable.subscribe('orderFilter').subscribe(()=> {
let lines = OrderDetails.find({expectedShipDate:{$in:strArr}},{fields:
In this lines attribute fetches all the collection entries, but fails to subscribe for the changes
When I try with below one,
OrderDetails.find({expectedShipDate:{$in:strArr}},{fields:{"expectedShipDate":1,"loadNo":1},sort:{"expectedShipDate":1}}).zone().subscribe(results => {
// code to loop the results
In this am able to subscribe for the collection changes, but the results are looped for 1000 times , as 1000 entries in the colleciton.
Is there any way to get the whole collection entries in one single shot and mean time to subscribe the changes in the collection ?.
Yes, there are a couple of ways you can do it, mostly depending on how you want to handle the data.
If having everything at once is important, then use a Method such as:'getAllElements', (err, result) => {
// result.length === all elements
While on server side doing
getAllElements:function(){return myCollection.find().fetch()}
Now, if you want to listen to changes, ofcourse you'll have to do a subscription, and if you want to lower the amount of subscriptions, use rxjs' debounceTime() function, such as (from your code):
this.theData.debounceTime(400).subscribe(value => ...., err =>)
This will wait a certain amount of time before subscribing to that collection.
Now, based on your intent: listening to changes and getting everything at once, you can combine both approaches, not the most efficient but can be effective.
As #Rager explained, observables are close to streams, so when you populate data on miniMongo (front end collection you use when you find() data and is populated when you subscribe to publications) it will start incrementing until the collection is in sync.
Since miniMongo is populated when you subscribe to a publication, and not when you query a cursor, you could either:
Try the debouceTime() approach
Use a Meteor.Method after subscribing to the publication, then sync both results, keeping the first response from the method as your starting point, and then using data from Collection.find().subscribe(collectionArray => ..., err=>) to do whatterver you want to do when changes apply (not that recommended, unless you have a specific use case for this)
Also, .zone() function is specific to force re-render on Angular's event cycle. I'd recomend not use it if you're processing the collections' data instead of rendering it on a ngFor* loop. And if you're using an ngFor* loop, use the async pipe instead ngFor="let entry of Collection | async"
I don't think that's possible. When you subscribe to an Observable it handles values as a "stream", not necessarily a loop. I have seen some makeshift helper methods that handle the data synchronously, though the time it takes to subscribe is not decreased. Check out this article for an under the hood look... A simple Observable implementation
However, you can set it up to only loop once.
The way that I've been setting up that scenario, the collection only gets looped through one time (in the constructor when the app starts) and detects changes in the collection. In your case it would look like:
values: YourModel[] = []; //this is an array of models to store the data
theData: Observable<YourModel[]>;
errors: string[];
subFinished: boolean = false;
this.theData = OrderDetails.find({expectedShipDate:{$in:strArr}},{fields:{"expectedShipDate":1,"loadNo":1},sort:{"expectedShipDate":1}}).zone();
//push data onto the values array
value => this.values = value,
error => this.errors.push("new error"),
() => this.subFinished = true
The "values" array is updated with whatever changes happen to the database.

Re-create template while switching routes

How can we re-create template while switching routes?
For example, i have subscriber template. It detects when user scrolls down to a display and subscribes to more data. It takes several parameters.
{{>subscriber name='topics' count=5}}
//rough sample code
Template.subscriber.onCreated(function() {
var self = this;
var type = Template.currentData().name;
var count = Template.currentData().count;
var user = Template.currentData().user;
var skipCount = 0;
self.subscribe(type, skipCount, user);
var block = true;
$(window).scroll(function() {
if (($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height()) >= ($(document).height()) && block) {
block = false;
skipCount = skipCount + count;
self.subscribe(type, skipCount, user, {
onReady: function() {
block = true;
onStop: function() {
I use this template with different parameters in different routes.
The problem is if user switches some routes, and scrolls down in one page, all subscribers he gets in another pages will actualy work in this page. More, they will store increased values for them variables, and will do all included logic.
I found a bad decision when we use Route.getName (for example) comparing and name parameter of subscriber. It is not a best option. Can someone help me to find a good practice for that?:)
Simple Example:
We have 3 different routes:
These routes templates have included special subscriber-templates. And subscribtion works fine on scroll.
Ok, now let's visit all of them: News, Videos, Topics.
Good, now scroll down and... I have three instance of subscriber template what will subscribe on them own publications, because they not destroyed when we switch routes.
And, as a result - when user scrolling Topics page, he will call subscribtion for News and Videos too, and he will take data from these collections too;)
And - this is a problem:)
Looks like we find a decision. If i use Template.instance (autorun/subscribe) it will start working expected, except some strange cases:)
First of all, when i go in another route in next iteration (scroll down) it returns me data from old, destroyed template + error. Next time (next iteration) it will start to subscribe to a correct data. looks like i have mistake in autorun section...or not?
Attached print screen from console
It sounds like you have multiple subscriptions to the same collection and that therefore the list of documents shown in various contexts can change in unexpected ways. Meteor manages multiple subscriptions on the same collection by synchronizing the union of the selected documents.
The simplest way to manage each of your views is to make sure that the data context for a particular view uses a .find() with the query you need. This will typically be the same query that your publication is using.
A different but less efficient approach is to .stop() the subscription when you leave a view.

Meteor: Publish a subset of another publication

I have a custom publication on my server (which in some way join 2 collections).
This resulting set of this publication is exactly what I need but for performances issues I would like to avoid sending it entirely to the client.
If I did not care about performances, I would only subscribe to the
publication and do something like
I am therefore trying to find a way to publish a subset of the custom publication so that the filter would be applied on the custom publication on the server side.
Is there a way to chain or filter publications (server side) ?
For the question we can assume the custom publication to look like this and cannot be modified:
Meteor.publish('customPublication', function() {
var sub = this;
var aCursor = Resources.find({type: 'someFilter'});
Mongo.Collection._publishCursor(aCursor, sub, 'customPublication');
if i understand the question right, you are looking for
It let's you "publish a set of related documents from various collections using a reactive join. This makes it easy to publish a whole tree of documents at once. The published collections are reactive and will update when additions/changes/deletions are made."
Ok I came to the following workaround. Instead of working on the publication, I simply added a new collection I update according to the other collections. In order to do so I am using the meteor hooks package
function transformDocument(doc)
doc.aField = "aValue"; // do what you want here
return doc;
ACollection.after.insert(function(userId, doc)
var transformedDocument = transformDocument(doc);
ACollection.after.update(function(userId, doc, fieldNames, modifier, options)
var transformedDocument = transformDocument(doc);
delete transformedDocument._id;
ACollection.after.remove(function(userId, doc)
Then I have the new collection I can publish subsets the regular way
You can filter whatever you want into this db, no need to worry if the field is virtual or real
Only one operation every time a db changes. This avoid having several publication merging the same data
Cave eats:
This requires one more Collection = more space
The 2 db might not be always synchronised, there is few reasons for this:
The client manually changed the data of "AnotherCollection"
You had documents in "ACollection" before you added "AnotherCollection".
The transform function or source collection schema changed at some point
To fix this:
insert: function () {
return Meteor.isServer;
update: function () {
return Meteor.isServer;
remove: function () {
return Meteor.isServer;
And to synchronise at meteor startup (i.e. build the collection from scratch). Do this only once for maintenance or after adding this new collection.
var documents = ACollection.find({}).fetch();
_.each(documents, function(doc)
var transformedDocument = transformDocument(doc);

Meteor: Get count of collection by name. Accessing global scope on server

I'd like to create a method that returns the count of a generic collection.
Calling the method would look something like this:'getCollectionCount', 'COLLECTION_NAME');
And the result would be the collection count.
The server method code would look something like this:
getCollectionCount: function (collectionName) {
return window[collectionName].find().count();
This won't work because window isn't defined on the server, but is something similar possible?
Use global instead of window.
Note that this uses the variable name assigned to the collection object, not the name given to the collection. For this to work with Meteor.users you need to assign another variable name.
if (Meteor.isServer) {
users = Meteor.users;
if (Meteor.isClient) {'count', 'users', function (err, res) {
// do something with number of users
Also probably a good idea to check that global[collectionName] is actually a collection.
I came up with this code which makes the following assumptions :
collections are declared in the global scope as top level objects.
collections are searched by collection name, not the collection variable identifier.
So client code should declare their collections like this :
MyCollection=new Meteor.Collection("my-collection");
And use the function like this :
console.log("actual server-side count is : ",result);
console.log("published subset count is : ",clientResult);
The method supports execution on the client (this is known as method stub or method simulation) but will only yield the count of the collection subset replicated client-side, to get the real count wait for server-side response using a callback.
return Meteor.users;
var globalScope=Meteor.isClient?window:global;
for(var property in globalScope){
var object=globalScope[property];
if(object instanceof Meteor.Collection && object._name==collectionName){
return object;
throw Meteor.Error(500,"No collection named "+collectionName);
return getCollection(collectionName).find().count();
As Meteor.users is not declared as a top level variable you have to account for the special case (yes, this is ugly).
Digging into Meteor's collection handling code could provide a better alternative (getting access to a collection handle by collection name).
Final words on this : using a method call to count a collection documents is unfortunately non-reactive, so given the Meteor paradigm this might be of little use.
Most of the time you will want to fetch the number of documents in a collection for pagination purpose (something like a "Load more" button in a posts list for example), and as the rest of the Meteor architecture you'll want this to be reactive.
To count documents in a collection reactively you'll have to setup a slightly more complicated publication as showcased in the "counts-by-room" example in the docs.
This is something you definitely want to read and understand.
This smart package is actually doing it right :
It provides a helper function that is publishing the counts of any cursor.
Keep track of the collections on some other property that the server has access too. You could even call it window if you really wanted to.
var wow = new Meteor.Collection("wow");
collections["wow"] = wow;
getCollectionCount: function (collectionName) {
return collections[collectionName].find().count();
If you don't want the package users to change how they work with collections in the app then I think you should use MongoInternals to get collections by name from the db. Not tested but here is an example:
//on server
count: function( name ){
var db = MongoInternals.defaultRemoteCollectionDriver().mongo.db;
var collection = db.collection( name );
return collection && collection.count({});
Another example of MongoInternals use is here. Documentation of the count() function available from the mongo driver is here.

Meteor: Remove collection attributes when another collection is deleted

I have two collections: one for Posts and one for Categories. Posts have one or more categories. I'd like for the Posts collection to be updated if a category is deleted, so that posts do contain any non-existent categories. I've got this to work, but I'm not sure it is the most efficient way to do it.
This code is what fires when a category delete button is pressed. This both removes the category from the collection, and goes through each post that contains the category and updates the category array to exclude the deleted category.{
'click .delete-category': function(e){
var category =;
var posts = Posts.find({categories: category}).fetch();
for (var i=0;i<posts.length;i++){
var cats = _.without(posts[i].categories, category);
Posts.update(posts[i]._id, {$set: {categories: cats}});
First I set the a 'category' variable to equal the name of the category being deleted.
Second, I actually remove the category from the collection.
Lastly, I set a 'posts' variable equal to a fetch of all posts that contain the category name, which returns an object of posts. I iterate through the posts, and, with the help of underscore, I use the '_.without' function to return an array of categories that excludes the deleted category. I then call Posts.update to update the categories with the new array.
My concern, though, is that I'm calling Posts.update each time in the For loop. It's a client side call, so maybe that doesn't matter as much? I still feel like there is a better way to do this. Any help?
I think you are looking for the $pull operator (docs):
The $pull operator removes all instances of a value from an existing
With this your code can be simplified to this:{
'click .delete-category': function(e){
var category =;
Posts.update({categories: category}, {$pull: {categories: category}}, {multi:true});
It's a client side call, so maybe that doesn't matter as much?
Your assertion is wrong, Posts.update is not just a client-side call. Actually, a stub that using minimongo simulates the effect of the update operation is executed on the client while in parallel the update is also remotely executed on the server.
