remove tooltip space between border and content highcharts - graph

i'm using highcharts for genetating graphs, problem is, highcharts is generating space between border and content of Tooltip and labels of the Pie diagram is visible between that generated space.
can any has solving for my problem.
Please check with below example.
$(function () {
var chart;
$(document).ready(function () {
chart = new Highcharts.Chart({
chart: {
renderTo: 'graf1',
plotBackgroundColor: null,
plotBorderWidth: null,
plotShadow: false
title: {
margin: 40,
text: 'Podíl všech potřeb'
tooltip: {
borderWidth: 1,
backgroundColor: "rgba(255,255,255,0)",
borderRadius: 0,
shadow: false,
useHTML: true,
percentageDecimals: 2,
backgroundColor: "rgba(255,255,255,1)",
formatter: function () {
return '<div class="tooltop">' + '<br />' + '<b>' + Highcharts.numberFormat(this.y).replace(",", " ") + ' Kč [' + Highcharts.numberFormat(this.percentage, 2) + '%]</b></div>';
plotOptions: {
pie: {
allowPointSelect: true,
cursor: 'pointer',
dataLabels: {
zIndex: 1,
enabled: true,
color: '#000000',
connectorWidth: 2,
useHTML: true,
formatter: function () {
return '<span style="color:' + this.point.color + '"><b>' + + '</b></span>';
series: [{
type: 'pie',
name: 'Potřeba',
data: [
['Firefox', 45.0],
['IE', 26.8], {
name: 'Chrome',
y: 12.8,
sliced: true,
selected: true
}, ['Safari', 8.5],
['Opera', 6.2],
['Others', 0.7]
.label {
z-index: 1!important;
.highcharts-tooltip span {
border:1px solid green;
.tooltip {
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="graf1" style="width: 400px; height: 250px; float:left"></div>
tooltip space between order and content highcharts

SVG tooltip elements can be hidden through:
tooltip: {
borderWidth: 0,
backgroundColor: "rgba(255,255,255,0)",
shadow: false,
This will eliminate the space between border and HTML content.

you are using div class="tooltop" where as tooltop class is nowhere. Also, .highcharts-tooltip is used in highcharts at two places . one at datalables and second in tiiptip.
Unless you want specific border color , you can remove that css class from your code and tooltip loks good.
.tooltipSpan {
See this Fiddle

Highcharts creates these using svg which makes it so the background shows up underneath certain elements. To avoid this undesired behavior the border and background settings have been turned off and all these are controlled, instead, using html in the formatter function. Using HTML makes it so the background does not show up underneath certain elements.
tooltip: {
backgroundColor: undefined,
borderColor: undefined,
borderWidth: 0,


Using chartjs, how to define relative width and height of canvas?

Using Chart.js version 4.2.0, I try to display a chart on a maximized window on Windows 11 where height of chart is 100% of screen's height and width of chart is 80% of screen's width.
I tried with following code
<div height="100%" width="80%">
<canvas id="canvas">
But this simple attributes don't do the job.
Finally, I have found this solution
<canvas id="canvas">
, options:
{ responsive: true
, maintainAspectRatio: true
, aspectRatio: 1.65
var ctx = document.getElementById("canvas").getContext("2d");
var myChart = new Chart(ctx, config); = '80%';
This works correctly but is a little tricky because width (not height) is set dynamically in Javascript code and aspectRatio must be manually fixed in options.
Is there a simple solution to define width to 80% of screen and height to 100% of screen ?
My current screen size are 1920x1080.
What I obtain is
When I suppress aspectRatio in options, I obtains following chart
It seems that the standard way for a chart.js plot to fill a certain area with a size set in css, is to do these:
include the canvas in a div that doesn't contain anything else
set the size in the style of the div, not the canvas (that is already done in your code)
have at least one size in absolute units, (that is not both in %) - in your case
<div style="height:100vh; width:80vw">
<canvas id="myChart"></canvas>
See also this comment from the docs.
set chart options maintainAspectRatio: false and responsive: true - the latter for the chart to be redrawn when you resize the window.
Here's a code snippet doing these, including a plugin I wrote that displays the current sizes of the canvas, div and window
const plugin = {
id: 'canvasSizeMonitor',
currentWidth: 0,
currentHeight: 0,
resizing: false,
const canvas = chart.canvas,
div = canvas.parentElement;
`div: ${div.offsetWidth}x${div.offsetHeight}\n`+
`canvas: ${canvas.offsetWidth}x${canvas.offsetHeight}\n`+
`0.8 * ${window.innerWidth} = ${Math.round(0.8*window.innerWidth)}\n`+
'---------\n'//`aspRatio: ${chart.options.aspectRatio.toFixed(3).replace(/[.]?0*$/, '')}\n\n`;
if(!plugin.resizing &&
(chart.canvas.offsetWidth !== plugin.currentWidth ||
chart.canvas.offsetHeight !== plugin.currentHeight)){
plugin.resizing = true;
plugin.resizing = false;
plugin.currentWidth = chart.canvas.offsetWidth;
plugin.currentHeight = chart.canvas.offsetHeight;
}, 500
chart = new Chart(document.getElementById("myChart"), {
type: 'line',
data: {
datasets: Array.from({length: 8}, (_, i)=>({
label: `k = ${i+1}`,
data: Array.from({length: 100}, (_, j)=>({
x: j/50, y: Math.exp(-j/10)*Math.cos((i+1)*j*Math.PI/100)
options: {
parsing: {
xAxisKey: 'x',
yAxisKey: 'y'
pointStyle: false,
borderWidth: 1,
responsive: true,
maintainAspectRatio: false,
//aspectRatio: 1,
scales: {
x: {
type: 'linear',
grid: {
drawOnChartArea: true,
lineWidth: 1
color: '#000',
ticks: {
display: true,
color: '#000',
padding: 10
title: {
display: true,
text: 'x',
align: 'end'
y: {
type: 'linear',
ticks: {
padding: 10,
color: '#000',
grid: {
drawOnChartArea: true,
lineWidth: 1
color: '#000',
title: {
display: true,
text: 'f[k](x)',
align: 'end'
position: 'right'
animation: {duration: 0}
plugins: [plugin]
<script src=""
integrity="sha512-t41WshQCxr9T3SWH3DBZoDnAT9gfVLtQS+NKO60fdAwScoB37rXtdxT/oKe986G0BFnP4mtGzXxuYpHrMoMJLA==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>
<body style="margin: 0">
<pre id="sizes" style="position: absolute; top: 0; right: 10px; text-align: right;background-color:rgba(255, 200, 100,0.4)"></pre>
<div style="height:100vh; width:80vw; padding:0; margin: 0; background: red">
<canvas style="background: #ddd" id="myChart"></canvas>

ApexCharts polarArea — background colour for rings

I'm trying to give a background colour to my ApexCharts polarArea chart (I want the areas marked by red dots in the image to be grey/white):
I can't find a way to do this. I've tried adding fill to the various options, but nothing. I thought it might be possible with polygons like the radar chart, but no.
The closest I have come is by adding a CSS class to the chart on the containing Vue component:
<Chart class="chart" :myValues='this.myValues' :key="componentKey" />
.chart {
width: 320px;
height: 320px;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
background-color: #fff;
border-radius: 50%;
margin: auto;
padding-top: 3px;
padding-right: 4px;
But annoyingly it's not centred on the chart origin and even with pixel precise increments to padding it's not quite right! Also, if possible I'd like alternating colours for each of the rings, like is possible with the radar chart.
My full chart Vue component:
<div class="polarChart">
<apexcharts height="360" type="polarArea" :options="chartOptions" :series="series"></apexcharts>
<style scoped>
.polarChart {
align-items: center;
import VueApexCharts from 'vue-apexcharts'
export default {
name: 'Chart',
components: {
apexcharts: VueApexCharts,
props: ['myValues'],
data: function() {
return {
series: this.myValues,
plotOptions: {
polarArea: {
dataLabels: {
offset: 30
chartOptions: {
labels: ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'],
colors:['#403d39', '#ffbe0b', '#00b4d8', '#e73265', '#90be6d', '#ada7c9'],
legend: {
show: false
yaxis: {
max: 100,
show: false
xaxis: {
categories: ['A.', 'B.', 'C.', 'D.', 'E.', 'F.']
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
formatter: function (val, opts) {
return Math.round(opts.w.globals.series[opts.seriesIndex]) + "% " + opts.w.globals.labels[opts.seriesIndex]
background: {
enabled: true,
style: {
colors: ['#403d39', '#ffbe0b', '#00b4d8', '#e73265', '#90be6d', '#ada7c9'],
tooltip: {
// enabled: false
chart: {
type: 'polarArea',
stroke: {
colors: ['#fff']
fill: {
opacity: 1
responsive: [{
breakpoint: 480,
options: {
chart: {
width: '100%'
legend: {
position: 'bottom'
methods: {
updateChart() {
this.series = [{
data: this.freshnessValues

Setting individual color for each part of Box Plot in Highchart

I would like to have top of the box and bottom of the box in different colors, and also top of the whisker and bottoom of the whisker in different color for each box (region).
But all of the lines in the box are in the same color (red) and top and bottom of the whisker are in the same color (green)
Live demo with steps to reproduce
Highcharts.chart('container', {
chart: {
type: 'boxplot'
title: {
text: 'All Patients'
legend: {
enabled: true
xAxis: {
categories: ['Asia Pacific', 'Europe', 'Latin America', 'North America', 'SWAC'],
title: {
text: ' '
yAxis: {
title: {
text: 'Annual Center Volume 2016'
tickInterval: 5,
min: 0,
max: 75
//plotLines: [{
// value: 932,
// color: 'red',
// width: 1,
// label: {
// text: 'Theoretical mean: 932',
// align: 'center',
// style: {
// color: 'gray'
// }
// }
plotOptions: {
boxplot: {
fillColor: '#F0F0E0',
lineWidth: 2,
upperQuartileColor: 'green',
lowerQuartileColor: 'green',
medianColor: '#0C5DA5',
medianWidth: 3,
stemColor: '#A63400',
stemDashStyle: 'solid',
stemWidth: 1,
whiskerColor: '#3D9200',
whiskerLength: '20%',
whiskerWidth: 3
series: [{
name: 'Region Runs',
showInLegend: false,
color: 'red',
data: [
[2, 4, 18, 43, 53],
[5, 9, 16.5, 32, 52],
[1, 3, 6, 11.5, 21],
[3, 9, 20, 38, 73],
[1, 2, 8, 16, 20]
tooltip: {
headerFormat: '<em>Experiment No {point.key}</em><br/>'
name: '75th Percentile',
type: 'line',
color: 'red',
marker: {
symbol: 'square'
name: 'Median',
type: 'line',
marker: {
symbol: 'square'
name: '25th Percentile',
type: 'line',
color: 'red',
marker: {
symbol: 'square'
name: '90th percentile',
type: 'line',
color: '#3D9200',
marker: {
symbol: 'square'
name: '10th percentile',
type: 'line',
color: '#3D9200',
marker: {
symbol: 'square'
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Box Plot Charts -->
<div id="pdfContentHolder" style="margin:auto; width: 720px; height: 800px;">
<div id="container" style="min-width: 310px; height: 400px; max-width: 800px; margin: 0 auto" >
Thanks in advance guys!
Currently it's not possible in Highcharts to have box bottom and top in different colors. Same with top and bottom whiskers. Here is an explanation and enhancement proposition from github issue (
Currently each box is a single SVG shape and a border is applied by
stroke parameter which cannot be "separated" for smaller edges. As a
result, you can apply only single color.
Your goal requires a rebuild core of boxplot, so we cannot threat it
as a bug, but feature request.

Adding a colored border (not shadow) to the label text on a Highcharts treemap

I would like the label text on my Highcharts treemap to be white with a black border, so that it is consistent and clearly visible on all colors. Is this possible? I have played with the textShadow options, and it looks okay (although not great) in Chrome, but it looks very unprofessional in Internet Explorer. See the fiddle here:
$(function () {
title: "",
series: [{
type: "treemap",
data: [
name: 'Name One',
value: 20,
color: "#FFFF00"
}, {
name: 'Name Two',
value: 20,
color: '#000099',
}, {
name: 'Name Three',
value: 1,
color: '#007799',
}, {
name: 'Name Four',
value: 1,
color: '#FFCC00',
levels: [{
level: 1,
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
align: 'center',
style: {
fontSize: '20px',
color: '#FFFFFF',
textShadow: "0 0 3px #000, 0 0 3px #000",
I do not want to use the "contrast" option because I need all the text to look the same, hence white with a black border. What is the best way to make this look better in all standard browsers?
There is no default Highcharts way to deal with IE rendering poorly text-shadow. It is possible to set useHTML to true and add multiple labels that will be imitating shadow. (Looks fine in Chrome, Firefox and IE11).
dataLabels: {
useHTML: true,
formatter: function () {
return '<div class=dataLabelContainer><div style="position: absolute; top: -1px; left: 1px; color: #000;">'+this.key+'</div><div style="position: absolute; top: 1px; left: 1px; color: #000;">'+this.key+'</div><div style="position: absolute; top: 1px; left: -1px; color: #000;">'+this.key+'</div><div style="position: absolute; top: -1px; left: -1px; color: #000;">'+this.key+'</div><div style="position: absolute; color: #fff;">'+this.key+'</div></div><div style="color: #fff;">'+this.key+'</div></div>';
enabled: true,
align: 'center',
style: {
fontSize: '20px',
I think this is not possible with the textShadow attribute wich is not well interpreted with IE. However you can add a background on your labels to be more visible :
$(function() {
title: "",
series: [{
type: "treemap",
data: [{
name: 'Name One',
value: 1,
color: "#FFFF00"
}, {
name: 'Name Two',
value: 1,
color: '#000099',
levels: [{
level: 1,
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
align: 'center',
borderRadius: 5,
backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)',
style: {
fontSize: '20px',
color: '#000',
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="container"></div>
You can inspire yourself from the documentation:

base chart slice color on series value?

Right now I'm using a custom palette to display warning level counts in a pie chart. However, occasionally an alarm comes in with an unexpected severity which messes up the colors. I would like to set up some CSS classes like warningPie, criticalPie or minorPie with orange, red and yellow respectively. Then, I'd like to use the series label text to apply the class.
I don't see anything in the dxchart documentation that would make this possible. Does anyoe have any ideas?
Here is my full chart code if anyone is curious.
dxPieChart: {
dataSource: fieldValueCount(['severity']),
palette: ['#CC3300', '#FF9900', '#FFFF00', '#33CC33', '#0066FF'],
animation: true,
legend: {
backgroundColor: '#FCFCFC',
border: {
color: 'black',
width: .5,
visible: true,
cornerRadius: 10
visible: false
series: [{
type: 'doughnut',
argumentField: 'severity',
valueField: 'count',
label: {
visible: false,
font: {
size: 12,
color: 'black'
radialOffset: -15,
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
connector: {
visible: false,
width: 0.5
position: 'inside',
customizeText: function(arg) {
globalTest = arg;
return arg.value + ' (' + arg.percentText + ')';
border: {
color: 'black',
width: .5,
visible: true
hoverStyle: {
border: {
color: 'black',
width: .5,
visible: true
tooltip: {
enabled: true,
color: 'cornflowerblue',
font: {
size: 14
customizeText: function(arg) {
globalTest = arg;
var content = arg.argumentText + '<br>' + arg.value + ' (' + Math.round(arg.percent * 100) + '%)';
return content
title: {
text: ' ',
font: { size: 14 },
horizontalAlignment: 'center'
You can use customizePoint and customizeLabel options in the pie chart.
