Can you float a div in the lower right of its parent div and have text wrap around it? [duplicate] - css

This question already has answers here:
How can I wrap text around a bottom-right div?
(9 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I would think this would be a common issue, but my search for a solution leads me to believe it may not be possible. I simply want to place a div in the lower right corner of its parent div, yet have the text in the parent div flow around it.
Although I've found many posts addressing this question, I have not found one that appears to work. Most of these posts were several years old, which gives me a sliver of hope that there may be a way to do it after all with HTML 5?
I should have mentioned that this is in pursuit of a responsive design, so a static solution will not work.
Here's what I'm attempting to do:
I have a background image in the lower right of the div. I would like the text within this div to not flow across the image, but around it instead. I thought I'd be able to place an empty div (represented by the purple rectangle in the referenced page) in the lower corner to prevent text from flowing across the background image, but I can't seem to find a way to accomplish this.

Didn't see a demo there - or anyone doing it with a pseudo element (which would be a bit more semantically correct because it's styling and not content) so let me just post that then :
<div id="parent">
#parent:before {
content: '';
height: 35%;
float: right;
#parent div {
width: 130px;
height: 65%;
float: right;
clear: right;
When it comes to responsiveness in this particular case there are two aspects. First would be the background but since that isn't responsive itself for the most part and positioned at the bottom right, some width and height may have to be set along with the break points in the media queries.
Another form of responsiveness, automatic adjustment to the amount of text, is a tricky one that doesn't seem to be solvable without JavaScript. When height is left to auto, the floated elements will not inherit any height. This causes for the effect to not render. And because children cannot refer up the tree to relate to their parent's unknown height there isn't a pure CSS approach available.
So the example still has a fixed height and a minor bit of JS that's commented out but which should come close to making it adapt. It's a workaround but it's all current browser support will allow.
And now what can be used in the future!
The image itself could be cropped and saved as png, leaving transparent space around it. Then we can apply shape-outside and shape-image-threshold rules to it. With the current spec any text will then wrap when it's floated. Browser support it still limited at this point but it's very promising. The great thing I noticed about it is that when the floated element is given top margin, the text will start to flow above it! This does not occur in the example at the top of this post, it will only make the block appear longer (and empty as well). Because of this, a minimal bit of vanilla JS can make it fully responsive by only setting margin and without using an additional pusher element :
<img id="image" src="image.png" alt="">
#image {
shape-outside: url(image.png);
shape-image-threshold: 0.5;
float: right;
window.onload = placeBottom;
window.onresize = placeBottom;
function placeBottom() {
var parent = document.getElementById('parent'),
image = document.getElementById('image'); = 0;
var space = parent.clientHeight-image.clientHeight; = space + 'px';
It's actually very straightforward :
Credit for the latter part to Paulie_D for putting me on the track of CSS shapes and later recognising that images used in this way are subject to same domain policy. Meaning they have to be hosted by the site itself or when linked externally, CORS restrictions will need to be relaxed.


Correct way to position in bootstrap container

I'm creating a website which will contain one page with absolute positioned divs. Technologies I use is CSS layout, Bootstrap framework, angular 2.
Problem that I'm now facing is that I need to place some divs absolutely. They are placed within the container. Structure looks like this:
<div class="container">
<div class="myowncontainer">
... some stuff at the beginning ...
<div class="absolutecontainer col1 row1">
... content ...
... more of the absolute containers ...
width: 2600;
height: 700;
position: absolute;
left: 5px;
top: 5px;
... and other rows and columns ...
Before you ask why I'm not using bootstrap features to build a table, the col1 and row1 can't be displayed as table. If you are familiar with sports, I need to show the double KO system, each of absolutely positioned divs is one match. It will not form a table by any means.
So, what makes it hard: when I place the divs absolutely, they will overflow out of the container div. I would like to position them WITHIN the container. I have tried also some relative positioning, but failed. There was always something that made it very hard or imposible to position the divs correctly.
Actual problems:
in chrome the myowncontainer is not of the specified width and height, the absolutely positioned divs are touching the edges of page even though the myowncontainer is bigger to provide some space around it. other browsers work fine (firefox, edge).
absolute positioning has the 0,0 point in the upper left corner of the PAGE, not the parent DIV. So the absolute divs are overflowing the container to the top and left. Maybe the relative positioning should be used, but how do I specify relative to WHAT? I mean, angular 2 places some tags around a code snippet when this snippet is also a component. I don't want to place it relatively to this generated tag.
what's the worst, in android's chrome the content is not shown at all. The absolute divs are completely missing. I haven't checked other browsers, makes no sense to me when the most commonly used browser is not working at all.
Of course I know the responsivness of such page will be bad, but that's what users have to accept, this is not a common page, it is a big overview that HAS to be placed exactly as I want it. It is also the only page in whole system that won't be responsive. So if you know how exactly should I place the divs, don't care about the responsivness... or if there is any way? I don't think so :) I believe everything can be solved by one simple trick, probably the relative positioning... but how? Site is online (still not used) and I can send URL privately if needed.
Thanks to everybody in advance.

Overflow auto on p tags as a site wide default?

I have a large number of instances on my site where ive got an image floated to the side of text. When the text is long enough to wrap below the image I dont want it to take up the full width of the div, instead I want all the text to stay vertically aligned.
I can do this by setting overflow auto to the p tag. Ive had to do this so many times im considering making this rule global for all p tags. What the risks / down sides to doing this? Ive done it as a test and had a quick look and everything looks fine.
<img src="" />
<p>Here is my text Here is my text Here is my text Here is my text Here is my text Here is my text Here is my text Here is my text Here is my text Here is my text Here is my text Here is my text Here is my text Here is my text Here is my text</p>
img {
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
float: left;
div {
width: 300px;
margin: auto;
p {
overflow: auto;
This is, as always, a judgement call. In my experience, styling tags directly will lead to unintentional side effects and make long term maintenance harder. (What if you actually need a 'p' tag to be a paragraph later?
My recommendation would be to use a class on the div and preface all the relevant selectors with it. Also look in to the new html5 tags 'figure' and 'figcaption'.
.media-box {
width: 300px;
margin: auto;
.media-box img {
/* ... */
.media-box p {
/* ... */
Because the spec says that overflow:auto is user agent-dependent, the risk of doing this is that it not achieve the desired behaviour in all browsers. Also, you may see scroll bars on some browsers because the spec recommends that behaviour for overflowing elements.
The behavior of the 'auto' value is user agent-dependent, but should cause a scrolling mechanism to be provided for overflowing boxes.
The way this works is by creating a new block formatting context.
Also, found a Quirks Mode article about it. Seems to mention that setting a width or height is important for correct functionality in some browsers.
The risks/downsides would be in the case that you don't want the above behaviour, you will then have to replace the overflow: auto on those <p> tags that you want a different behaviour on.
The questions I would ask myself are:
Who is going to be maintaining/developing this site in the future?
Are they likely to want their <p> tags to behave this same way?
Is it easy for them to override the behaviour?
In most cases I would favour a simple CSS class that I can apply to the <p> tags myself. Any future developer will be able to see the classes applied to the p tags and copy the behaviour. Anyone who wants a normal <p> just doesn't apply that class.
I would only favour blanket element selectors like this for theme type styling (i.e. "I want ALL <p> tags to look a certain way on this website". If you don't want that, I would faviour creating a class specifically for the prupose with a nice descriptive name.
The choice, however, is ultimately yours.
overflow:auto on paragraphs is bad practice. A paragraphs nature is to wrap around. There are a number of techniques you could use here. But I would just set the paragraph and image to their own widths so that they each only take up a certain amount of space.
article img{float: left, width: 20%}
article p{float: left, width: 80%}
This would be your best practice, and that is because this allows your elements to only take up the specified width that you have requested, and no more, no less. Without overwriting other elements space. In honest, there is no real need for overflow:anything

Difference between float and align property in CSS

I am designing a website for my client and do not have much experience in web design and CSS. I also want to design it in standard CSS way.
The question is I am quite confused with CSS align property and float property. I know there is much difference between these two properties but I am still not able to handle it correctly at the time of development.
Can anyone explain to me the exact difference between these two properties?
"text-align" applies to the content of a box, while "float"
applies to the box itself.
Align - You use align to align text and other items rather it be left, right, centered, or justified. Align DOES NOT remove the item from the document flow.
Float - Floats an object to the left or right and REMOVES it from the document flow. (i.e. A thumbnail image with paragraph text flowing around it -- you will usually need to set some margins on the image so it looks right).
You will most likely be using float to lay the page out. I would suggest the useage of a grid system. Here is the easiest, most compatible grid system I know of to date.
Also you will need to understand what using the classes "first" and what the CSS clearfix does. You will also need to understand generating a baseline grid (vertical grid, not just horizontal) so that all elements not only line up left to right but up and down as well.
First I would like to suggest that you refer to the Head First series of CSS and HTML by O'Reilly publications. This is a must read book for those new to designing.
So, the float property is used to move a lot of blocks (for example your sidebar, your content area etc.) and the HTML align thing you are talking about, you can do the same in CSS in this way.
text-align: right;
The above code mentioned will be CSS and equivalent HTML code will be.
<div class="test"> This text will be aligned from right </div>
For the time being refer to O'Reilly head first with HTML AND CSS, will help you a lot.
If you give float to the child div then the parent div becomes independent of the dimensions of child div i.e., the parent div will not increase its width and height automatically.(If you haven't given any dimensions to the parent div then it inherits width:0 and height:0)
Many designers face problems because of float because it is not friendly with layout but it is very useful.
We can make the float friendly with layout by using css selector :after.
whereas if we give Text-align to the child div , the parent div will not be affected.
This is all I know.
align is a property to align a single element for table , text, span etc
float is a property to align block level elements like sidebar, div etc
text-align applies to the text in the container, while float applies to the container itself.
div {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
background-color: lightblue;
.textAlign {
text-align: right;
.float {
float: right;
<div class="textAlign">text align example</div>
<div class="float">float example</div>

Positioning things inside a DIV (css-related)

i'll try to make my question really simple 2 you
Basically, i have a DIV, in which i have a picture
What CSS styles should i apply to the picture to position it correctly inside the div
with the condition that everytime i resize the browser window it stays there (inside the div) at the same distance from the borders
Sorry for wasting your time but i'm still a newbie which needs help, thank you alot!
<div id="super_div">
<img id="eyes" src="images/eyes.png" />
that's the question :)
You need to look at absolute positioning. First, you set the containing div's position attribute to relative. For example:
position: relative;
Then, you set the image's position property to absolute and use the top and left or right properties to place it inside the parent div. So, for example:
position: absolute;
top: 20px;
left: 20px;
That's how you make the image keep its current position no matter what. Here's a link to an article explaining the basics. Hope this helps.
This will get it horizontally centered:
If you need it vertically centered as well then things get a bit more tricky. You can either resort to tables, use a background image (if this is appropriate to your situation) or fiddle with the css. I used the code on as a basis for solving a similar situation I had a while ago..

How can a URL fragment affect a CSS layout?

Compare these 3 URLs (look at the top navigation bar in each case):
as above but with the url fragment #navigation
as above but with the url fragment #node-2655
Note, that the only difference is the URL fragment on the end.
The first two pages display absolutely fine (in Firefox at least). It's the third one where the problem lies. The fragment #node-2655 pushes the top navbar off the top of the screen. When you then scroll back up to the top of the page, the navbar has been cut in half. This happens when using any URL fragment that causes the navbar to be out of the initial viewport when the page is first loaded.
So, how can using a url fragment affect the css layout like this?!
as suggested below, removing the overflow: hidden on the container element that held the navbar fixed the problem. I'd love to understand why though!
Remove the overflow:hidden on #main in css_75afd7072eaf4096aaebf60674218e31.css
I'd say it's a rendering bug in FireFox as it's fine in Opera. There shouldn't be anyway an anchor would change the CSS like you say (unless you are using jQuery or something).
I am having this problem too, and think I can see what is happening.
The "column" block with the massive (5678 pixel) margin and padding makes that block very tall. In browsers other than Firefox, the positive and negative values cancel each other out, but FF really does make it that tall - kind of.
FF also knows the two cancel each other out, but seems to look at the 5678px padding and decides the column block is poking out the bottom of the #wrapper block. This is overflow - and with overflow set to auto on #wrapper, you see the true size of #wrapper with a scroll-bar down the side.
With overflow set to hidden, FF takes away the scrollbar, but still seems to scroll the contents of #wrapper so that the item the fragment points to is at the top of the page. This is normal behaviour for fragment links in scrollable blocks, but since there is no scrollbar, you cannot scroll the content back down again, hence it looks like the layout has been effected by the fragment.
So in short, I suspect that FF is operating an invisible scrollbar in this example. That could be considered a bug, but it is probably correct behaviour. Being able to scroll the content up and down inside a non-overflowed fixed-sized block using URL fragments, is a technique that can be used effectively to implement image "sliders" that work even in the absence of JavaScript.
Hope that helps. This has been puzzling me for years, and this explanation suddenly struck me out the blue. My current workaround for this is to use jQuery "scroll to" plugin to scroll the whole page down to the fragment, as this seems to prevent the contents of #wrapper from scrolling internally.
You can also take "display: hidden" off #wrapper, but your page then ends up half a mile long.
I'll just point out that there may be some weird inheritance from the 30+ stylesheets linked to in the head. There may not, either, and it's probably a rendering bug (possibly related to :target styling) that Dan suggested. I just felt it worth pointing out that if you've got more than thirty stylesheets, you likely to start seeing some weirdness, whatever else might happens.
The reason is the column with the large padding has expanded it's container, but the expansion is then hidden but overflow:hidden; but with the use of the fragment it is being scrolled into the position of the fragment, effectively chopping off anything above that. You can use javascript and set scrollTop to 0 and it scroll it back to the normal position.
Basically a wierd edge case which browsers do not seem to handle very well.
Sorry this isn't an "answer," tho it is a response to the other comments here. This problem is just flabbergasting. It is very easy to isolate (i.e., has nothing to do with number of stylesheets), and doesn't have a proper "solution," as there is no way to achieve the desired rendering.
<!DOCTYPE html>
#container {
margin: 1em auto;
width: 40em;
#wrapper {
overflow: hidden;
position: relative;
#c1 {background-color: #aaf;}
#c2 {background-color: #ccf;}
.column {
float: left;
margin-bottom: -5678px;
padding-bottom: 5678px;
width: 50%;
#footer {
background-color: #eee;
padding: 1px;
text-align: center;
p {margin: 1em;}
<div id="container">
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="c1" class="column">
<p>This is some content in a short column. We would need some Javascript to change its height if we wanted a different background color for each column to stretch the full height of the respective columns...or we can use large padding together with an equal negative margin.</p>
<li>Jump to P1</li>
<li>Jump to P2</li>
<li>Jump to P3</li>
<div id="c2" class="column">
<p id="p1">The desired effect is to have the height of the two columns appear the same. We use 'overflow:hidden' on the containing div (#wrapper) to wrap it around the floated columns.</p>
<p id="p2">These paragraphs have fragment identifiers. Problem comes in when clicking one of the links on the left. Instead of scrolling just the page, the browser scrolls the div with 'overflow:hidden' so the target is at the top. It does this even if the target is already visible.</p>
<p id="p3">Opera does not exhibit this behavior. This occurs in Chrome/Safari, Firefox, and IE. (Interestingly, IE also works as expected if we completely remove the DOCTYPE declaration.)</p>
<div id="footer">
<p>Footer stuff.</p>
<p>To see why 'overflow: hidden' (or any other piece of the CSS) is needed, just try disabling it.</p>
Just as a side-note, the above technique is generally used to provide flexible-width mulit-column layouts. This is probably becoming less important these days as fixed-width layouts are becoming a lot more comment - browsers are able to magnify the web page to see small text, and fixed-width makes it a lot easier to control the typography of a page, e.g. set the width (in ems) to display the ideal nine words per line regardless of what font size and magnification the user chooses.
Sorry if that does not sound like an answer, but it is basically suggesting to discard this old model and consider moving to fixed-width columns (which is a whole new subject).
I was able to solve this with some javascript to scroll the body to the position the overflow hidden element was scrolled to.
setTimeout(() => {
let intendedScroll = document.getElementById("fragmentfix").scrollTop;
document.getElementById("fragmentfix").scrollTop = 0;
window.scrollTo(0, intendedScroll);
}, 0)
