"Could not create directory" Error when installing plugins - Wordpress - wordpress

The back story: I transferred all the data from wordpress.com site to a self hosted site. That messed with a lot of the images in the posts etc. (not displaying) so naturally I just started messing with things (I don't really know what I'm doing). After changing a bunch of file permissions (with FileZilla) the images started to work but now all my plugins stopped working. I deleted them and tried to reinstall and I get this error:
Unpacking the packageā€¦
Installing the pluginā€¦
Could not create directory. /homepages/35/d579288618/htdocs/kevin-heinrich.com/kevin-heinrich/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/
Plugin install failed.
I don't really know where the "/homepages/35/d579288618/htdocs/..." part of the error is coming from...
I have tried changing ALL my file permissions to 777, no luck.
I tried manually downloading a plugin and putting it into the plugins folder via FTP, no luck. (The folder is in there but nothing appears on my dashboard).
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm afraid to keep messing around on my own because well, I break things.

Wow what a simple problem. After literally a month of banging my head against the wall...
My problem was that my plugins folder was in my uploads folder NOT my wp-content directory. I moved and boom solved.
Hopefully any other idiot who tinkers where he/she shouldn't might find this helpful :)

Just had this issue. Check that user and group in /etc/php/php-fpm.d/www.conf are set to www-data. By default it's http.


Wordpress site stuck in maintenance mode

I can't figure out why my wp site is stuck in maintenance mode. I made no update and there's no .maintenance file. I can't even access to admin.
Has anyone encountered similar issue?
Try renaming the plugins/ folder to _plugins/ and see if you can access your website, if you can, rename the plugins folder to plugins/. Try disabling every plugin and re-enabling the plugin until your site breaks again to find the culprit.
If you can't access your website after renaming the plugins folder, disable your theme (by renaming the folder).
These are the common troubleshooting steps, if you provide more details, I will be able to help you more :/
Finally got it, it was a domain redirection error. The url pointed to a folder with a default index.html.
If anyone is still having this problem in 2017, I fixed it by going to my /wp-content/endurance-page-cache and deleting two files called _index.html and a_index.html (to be safe, I would download these first so that if this ISN'T the issue you can still recover them). This is what my domain was redirecting to.
Before I figured it out, I deactivated the WP Maintenance Mode plugin, looked through the directory for a .maintenance file (which I didn't find even after showing hidden files), and completely deleted the plugin. So hopefully if anyone is having this issue, this will work for you!

Joomla 3 Global Configuration missing css

This is not really question, more an answer...
I recently updated Joomla to version: 3.4.8 and after that the Global configuration page was missing the CSS-styling.
I quickly tried solving it and came across alot of similar cases from searching Google... Some had "answers", but not and easy fix..So if anyone else is stuck with this problem, here is the solution :)
Run your FTP and locate the folder name "libraries" in your Joomla install on your server.
Then take a backup of this "Just in case".
Delete this folder and replace it width the same folder from a fresh Joomla install.
Some of the files in that folder was causing the issue, and if don't bother finder the specific file, then just do the above and the problem is solve.
Hope this helps someone :D
Run your FTP and locate the folder name "libraries" in your Joomla install on your server.
Then take a backup of this "Just in case".
Delete this folder and replace it width the same folder from a fresh Joomla install.
Some of the files in that folder was causing the issue, and if don't bother finder the specific file, then just do the above and the problem is solve.
Hope this helps someone :D
So basically you were hacked. Simply replacing the libraries and includes folder is enough to get your site online again, however it is not the solution. You need a complete security audit and review conducted.
Many hacks for Joomla install dodgy session or cache handlers - as a hook for them - and this can and will create an issue when loading the Configuration page.
Also if you are on a mac and you upload dot underscore ._ files to some parts of the libraries folder you can again kill the configuration page as Joomla is stupid and includes all the files in the folder irrespective of filename (actually a security issue in itself, but been that way for ages)

Where is the wordpress folder in XAMPP?

I have installed XAMPP on my mac and recently downloaded and installed Bitnami-Wordpress. It all works fine but I just cant find the Wordpress folder. I can open wordpress in my browser with http://localhost/wordpress. So I thought there must be a wordpress folder in htdocs. But I just cant find it in htdocs or any subfolders. I want to access the themes folder. Maybe I am searching in the wrong place? I am really lost here. Any help will be appreciated!
I had this problem before.
WordPress is considered an app so it is usually in C:\xampp\apps\wordpress\htdocs
It can vary but that should be a good lead.
And yes, I don't know why finding it is not more trivial either. I found it challenging also.
Old thread but I was looking for the location.
On macOS Wordpress install is located in:

Uninstalling a magento extension

I've been trying to uninstall a magento plugin I've recently installed to reinstall it using Magento Connect. The log said that the plugin uninstalled successfully and if I go to the admin panel, the plugin's no longer there but when I went back to Magento Connect, the plugin is still listed there so I can't reinstall. Why is this happening?
Based on the answers, what I've tried so far are:
Clear cache through Admin Panel
Removed wordpress entry in core_resource
I've made sure wordpress xml in etc/modules is removed
I've made sure Fishpig folder in app/code/community is removed
Cleared cache in var/cache
Cleared cache in downloader/cache
Checked if there's xml for wordpress in var/package (there was none)
Reindexed magento
And none of this worked. The wordpress extension was still listed as installed in Magento Connect. I've been trying to uninstall repeatedly but it just won't go away even though the log said that the uninstall process completed. I've also tried reinstalling and upgrading. No success.
to remove the extension:
remove all the modules files, includeing the file which enables the module:
also make sure the entry is gone from the database by removing the correct entry in table:
then refresh the magento cache
It should then disappear from connect.
Which module have you installed? Can you give me name so I can give you solution if possible for me. If module add new own tables in db then dont delete any module file otherwise may be magento crash. Its better way to uninstall from magento connect manages.
Clear the .cache folder in the downloader directory, in addition there is also another area where an xml can be present in var/package/
The package files are from magento connect so delete from here and have another check!
delete all files in var/cache/ and double check you are actually working in the right folder! if you have another caching system then clear it.
To delete the extension from Magento Connect (I believe you have already uninstalled it from Magento) you will need to delete the file var/package/Fishpig_Wordpress_Integration_{{version}}.xml
Thank you very much for all your help and time. I really appreciate it. I've managed to solve the problem. It's apparently a problem with permissions. I didn't realize soon enough that the permission for all folders had to be 777. I had most folders set to 777 except for 2 files on my etc folder (local and locals.xml) because of security issues. But after getting a go signal changing said permissions, I managed to uninstall the plugin and reinstall it. Now the Wordpress is fully integrated in the website with no problems and I've also returned the permissions for local and locals.xml back to it's original. Thanks again a lot for all your time.

wordpress wp-login.php?redirect_to wrong path

This is a weird one. I googled for hours but seems to me not a single person has this same issue.
I moved my website from http://www.domain1.com/wpfolder to http://www.domain2.com . Everything works fine except I cannot get the "wp-login.php?redirect_to" path to point to the correct url.
WordPress keeps setting it to:
It should be setting it to:
The "wpfolder" doesn't exist anymore..
I followed the instructions exactly on how to move a WordPress website, but the darn URL won't change...
Some forum mentioned changing the "site_url" and "home" from "http://www.domain2.com" to "http://domain2.com". Now I can finally get to the admin panel, but I don't get why it needs to be that way?
I cleaned my browser cookies and checked the wp-content folder for cache already. Nada..
Also the rest of the site is functional.
I would appreciate if anyone can help.
I moved the WordPress website from GoDaddy to Bluehost by copying the files and the database and the problem went away. I am not sure why this fixed it, but assuming it has something do with the cache.
If anybody has more information, I would love to read about it.
I was facing the same issue, with same redirection to one of the sub-directory in which wordpress was installed.
Resolved this issue, by clearing the cache, if some cache plugin is active.
Or by deleting the cache plugin if any present and is currently not yet active.
As some entries made by cache plugin inside wp-config.php file creates the above mentioned problem.
After removing the cache plugin, it resolves the WP-admin URL issues.
