Asymmetrical Border Image in CSS - css

How would one create the following 'paintbrush' effect as a border around a div in CSS? The div in this case would be the red box.
Here is another example of a similar situation. The div in this case would be the blue box.

I would say that your best bet is to go with the border-image property
You can find some more info/examples here You just need to find the stroke effect that you like and apply it in your case to the border-image
Heres a example


Border Shaping and Styling in CSS

I want to envelop my div in borders that look somewhat like this: ,
but I'm wondering what's the right approach to make this.
Is it just a border with images or is it something more complicated to get that border shape?
You can create any shape of your div using CSS3 and then apply borders to it. Have a look at

CSS cogged right border

Having the situation described in this image, I need to find solution for such a border using CSS-only, if it is possible. The height is not fixed, it can be variable. And the border should start and end like it is shown. And there is a border for that wavy line.
Red color on the screen is just to show you how it works.
I need this to work on IE9+.
IE 9+ is difficult, since border-image property won't work here...
If you can do it withour proper endings, you can just use the border-color in combination with a background image, that is y-repeated and right aligned.

Can I get these curved corners with CSS?

I need to create this layout and I'd like to do as much of it as possible with CSS, rather than using images and whatever.
As such, how can I do this in CSS? (if at all?)
As you can see, there is the image behind, with the button overlaid with padding. The bit that I'm struggling with is creating the curves on the IMAGE above and to the left of the button and bottom to the right of the button (I've pointed them out on the pic below).
Any help would be great.
I know just enough CSS to be dangerous so I can't detail every step, but I think you can approach it like this:
Split the background image into two separate images both at a z-index of 0 at the height of the top of the grey box. I think you can use two div's that reference the same original image with different offsets (similar to CSS Sprites) but I don't know the details of how to do that. The left edge of the lower div would start where the grey box ends. Round the lower-left corner of each "image" div.
Add the grey box at a z-index of 1 with appropriate rounding, and then the blue box at a z-index of 2, again with appropriate rounding.
The background of the block element containing all of this would also have to be grey to match the grey border and properly fill in grey where your right-most arrow is pointing.
You don't have to split your image at all, only the container divs.
Let me detail a bit:
You can have your image set as a background image instead of putting it in a src attribute of an img tag. This technique is most commonly used when working with CSS sprites.
So, if you have you uppermost div at a constant width and height, if you try to apply the background image in it, you'll see it fits very nice.
On the bottom, you have two divs or whatever block element you'll like, just be sure to put fixed width and height, so the background will be applied and you will be able to actually see it.
Then all you have to do is fiddle with css background-position to adjust the SE chunk of image.
I'll be putting a small demo together to better illustrate the idea.
After you have a big div at the top, and two smaller at the bottom, where two of them share the same background-image, but with different background-position, you can safely add some css3 border-radius to fit your roundness needs. You can also use some tool like to add a compatibility layer on all browsers with ease.
That is very easy to realize with pure css. The page you have shown is divided into 3 divs without any margin. You only need to set the right border radius for each div.
This is a function of the background image, which is a css element if that's what you mean, but it is not a seperate attribute for a selector, at least not in standard CSS. Wait until CSS3 becomes more prevelant, then it's corner-radius or some such thing.
Well it's 3 probably 3 seperate divs, a hole "burned" into the background image, or a div being overlayed for the button.
The best way to figure out how it's done is to read the source of the page you found it on.
For convenience:
If you have a webkit based browser like chrome or safari then enable developper mode mouse over the button "right click" and choose inspect element. Otherwise you can pour over the page source until you find what you want.

How to hide the background underneath the border

I need to modify a website to make the clickable zone of all links bigger for mobile devices. I gave all links a transparent border and a negative margin of the same size, to not affect the text-flow. Now this works like a charm. But not on elements that have a background. The background spreads out to the transparent border. This is behaviour seams to be consistent among all browsers. here a other example:
Why is this? I was always thinking that the border is outside of the element. How could I fix this. (I need a solution that does not require to modify the HTML).
How about background-clip: padding-box;?
i think that if the border were outside the element, the behaviour you are behind (that clicking on the border behaves as clicking inside the element) wouldn't work either
if the background-image is not repeated, you can set background-position x position to the same amount that your border width. else, you can also try setting the border-color to the same as the color behind the element, but if it is an image, good luck
CSS background fills the area of the border, with the border-color layering over this.
As you have a transparent border, it is displaying the background-color behind it.
With plain HTML/CSS, I'm not sure there is a way around this.
This jsFiddle demostrates this:
try this:
<span style="background: red">link</span> test test test <br/>
test test test
notice: the span means an inline element with another style (other CSS values). other that div which will force a new block.

Circular background behind a transparent png image

I have a div that contains a background image of size 64x64. I would like to give this div a circular shadow or radial background when the user hover's over the div with the mouse.
If I simply give the div a box shadow, the shadow is cast around in a square shape. If I make the div have a radius, then I will need to make my div bigger than 64x64 so that it doesn't crop?
Have a look at at the following example that illustrates what I am trying to describe:
The 4th example (shown in link above) in particular doesn't suit what I am after because:
it's size is much larger than my 64x64 image
the image looks to have a circular border now, which is not what I want; I am after a circular shadow or background behind it
It will probably just be easier and more effective and more efficient to add a nice radial shadow to an image sprite and change the location of the background image on hover.
The simplest solution would be to add an appropriate background-color, but that would only work when you need an offset of 0 0, like your example.
The more general case would be to create a pseudo-element and apply the shadow and background color to that. I can describe this in more detail if the first idea doesn't apply to your case.
