Meteor Flow Router issue with update - meteor

I have a Meteor app and I'm transitioning from IronRouter to FlowRouter. So far so good, but there are aspects I don't understand yet.
I have a route as follows:
FlowRouter.route('/documents/:docId/edit', {
name: 'documentEdit',
subscriptions: function (params, queryParams) {
this.register('documentEdit', Meteor.subscribe('documentSingle', params.docId));
action: function (params, queryParams) {
BlazeLayout.render('layout', { top: 'header', main: 'documentEdit' });
First option:
Then I also have a template:
<template name="documentEdit">
<div class="container">
<h1>Edit document</h1>
{{#if isReady 'documentEdit'}}
{{#autoForm collection="Documents" doc=this id="documentForm" type="update" meteormethod="documentUpdateMethod"}}
{{> afQuickField name='title'}}
{{> afQuickField name='content' rows=6}}
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Update</button>
<a class="btn btn-link" role="button" href="{{pathFor 'documentsList'}}">Back</a>
with a template helper as follows:
isReady: function(sub) {
if(sub) {
return FlowRouter.subsReady(sub);
} else {
return FlowRouter.subsReady();
This is as it is mentioned here, but I'm not getting the values pre-filled in the textboxes on the UI (which is normal when editing fields).
Second option:
When I do the following it works and I don't really understand why it works (found it browsing in different forums and tried it out):
<template name="documentEdit">
<div class="container">
<h1>Edit document</h1>
{{#with getDocument }}
{{#autoForm collection="Documents" doc=this id="documentForm" type="update" meteormethod="documentUpdateMethod"}}
{{> afQuickField name='title'}}
{{> afQuickField name='content' rows=6}}
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Update</button>
<a class="btn btn-link" role="button" href="{{pathFor 'documentsList'}}">Back</a>
and the helper:
getDocument: function () {
return Documents.findOne();
So the questions are:
for the 1st option: any idea why it does not work. I would prefer that one as it's the documented way of doing things
for the 2nd option: not sure why I need (in the template helper) to do a Document.findOne() without even having to pass the id of the doc I want to edit:

You want to do template level subscriptions with Flow Router, that's one of the primary pattern changes.
So you'd do:
Setup the subscription at the template level. Autorun so it'll resubscribe on route changes.
Template.documentEdit.onCreated(function() {
var self = this;
this.autorun(function() {
var docId = FlowRouter.getParam('docId');
self.subscribe('documentSingle', docId));
Setup the template helper to pick up from the route, and grab the id and populate the helper/document.
getDocument: function () {
var docId = FlowRouter.getParam('docId');
var doc = Documents.findOne(docId) || {};
return doc;
Do a template level load check and if it's there render it, otherwise show loading...
<template name="documentEdit">
<div class="container">
<h1>Edit document</h1>
{{#if Template.subscriptionReady}}
{{#with getDocument }}
{{#autoForm collection="Documents" doc=this id="documentForm" type="update" meteormethod="documentUpdateMethod"}}
{{> afQuickField name='title'}}
{{> afQuickField name='content' rows=6}}
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Update</button>
<a class="btn btn-link" role="button" href="{{pathFor 'documentsList'}}">Back</a>

Not knowing how this worked, seeing that all the tutorials I have read that deals with update used Iron router, I have spent 7 days worth of trying retrying, looking through others code, reading tutorials. Happy it now works.


Meteor template rendered twice

This Meteor client Template.payment.onRendered gets fired twice, which calls the server side method twice, How can I only get it to fire the backend method once if it must do the rendering twice, else how can it get it to render only once? thx
'click .menuItem': (event) => {
let menuShortName = event.currentTarget.dataset.template;
Session.set('taskSelected', menuShortName);'mainAction', menuShortName);
'taskInputs': function () {
let task = Session.get('taskSelected');
let tasks = task ? task.split(',') : [];
let data = DisplayCol.find({action: {$in: tasks}}, {sort: {createdAt: 1}}).fetch();
return {items: data};
'mainAction': function (menuShortName) {
DisplayCol.remove({userId: this.userId});
lib.displayMakeUp({'action': menuShortName});
'displayMakeUp': (doc) => {
for (let i = 0; i < attrItems.length; i++) {
if (attrItems[i].action === doc.action || attrItems[i].action.indexOf(doc.action + '_') >= 0) {
let group = {};
group = attrItems[i];
group.userId = Meteor.userId();
Template.payment.onRendered(function () {'getClientToken', function (error, clientToken) {
if (error) {
} else {
braintree.setup(clientToken, "dropin", {
container: "payment-form", // Injecting into <div id="payment-form"></div>
onPaymentMethodReceived: function (response) {
var nonce = response.nonce;
{{> header}}
{{#if currentUser}}
{{#if isVerified}}
{{> index}} <-------------------------- (1)
<p>Check your email for your verification link!</p>
{{> terms}}
<template name="index">
<div id="main">
{{#if (display 'mainMenu')}}
{{> mainMenu}}
{{else}} {{#if (display 'content')}}
{{> Template.dynamic template="content" data=taskInputs}} <------------------- (2)
{{#if (session 'showFooter')}}
{{> footer}}
<template name="content">
{{> subMenu}}
<div id="main">
<div id="content">
<button type="submit" style="display:none"></button>
{{#if Template.subscriptionsReady}}
{{#each this.items}}
{{> sub}} <---------------------------------- (3)
<template name="sub">
{{#if isEqual element "payment"}}
{{> payment}} <--------------------------------------- (4)
<template name="payment">
<form role="form">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6 col-xs-12">
<div id="payment-form"></div>
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success">Submit</button>
Based on what I see, it looks like you are rendering the template inside an each block. This will render one instance of your template for each each iteration.
{{#each this.items}}
{{> sub}} <---------------------------------- (3)
Keep in mind that each template instance will fire all its callbacks (including onRendered). If you only want one instance then take it out of the each
Try using this package to limit rendering. You can also yield sub to payment (instead of checking the element) try checking if this is the first run inside your route.
{{> yield sub}}
if (Tracker.currentComputation.firstRun) {

MeteorJS update AutoForm not loading doc

I have a template with an update Autoform:
<template name = "editLocationPage">
<div class="flow-text">
{{#if Template.subscriptionsReady}}
{{#autoForm collection="Locations" doc=currentDoc id="editLocationPage" type="update"}}
<legend>Edit Location / Asset</legend>
{{> afQuickField name='id'}}
{{> afQuickField name='text'}}
{{> afQuickField name='description' rows=3}}
{{> afQuickField name='type'}}
{{> afQuickField name='parent'}}
<button type="submit" class="btn waves-effect waves-light">Submit</button>
<button type="reset" class="btn waves-effect waves-light red">Reset</button>
Some helpers to subscribe and pass the doc to the template:
Template.editLocationPage.onCreated(function() {
var self = this;
self.autorun(function() {
self.subscribe('singleLocation', Session.get("idTreeView").toString());
currentDoc: function() {
return Locations.find({"id":Session.get("idTreeView").toString()}).fetch()[0];
A schema:
// Data subset subscribed to on client
Meteor.publish('locations', function() {
return Locations.find({}, {fields: {
text: true,
id: true,
Meteor.publish('singleLocation', function(locationId) {
return Locations.find({id:locationId});
The document is ok (findOne returns a valid doc) but the form does not work. Any ideas?
I just found the problem. I needed to add the schema:
{{#autoForm schema=locationFormSchema id="editLocationPage" type="update" collection=Locations doc=currentDoc}}
with a helper:
currentDoc: function() {
return Locations.findOne({"id":Session.get("idTreeView").toString()});
locationFormSchema: function() {
return Schema.locations;

Meteor Users: add user by admin user only

I'm using the useraccounts package in my Meteor app. I want an admin to be able to add a new user (and disable signing up through the frontend). Therefore, I have added a Collection with a SimpleSchema as per the suggestion of meteor-collection2. I'm alos using AutoForm to create an 'Add user' page.
<template name="addCustomerProfile">
<div class="container">
<h1>Edit document</h1>
{{#if isReady 'updateCustomerProfile'}}
{{#autoForm collection="Users" id="userForm" type="insert" }}
{{> afQuickField name='emails.0.address'}}
{{> afQuickField name='emails.0.verified'}}
{{> afQuickField name='services.password'}}
{{> afQuickField name='username'}}
{{> afQuickField name='profile.firstName'}}
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Add User</button>
I can add users whenever the 'services.password' is not added to the form, but obviously no default password is set for the user in the Mongo database in that case. How can I add a field so the admin can set a default password for that user (which the user will then be able to change later on).
Why not just forbidClientAccountCreation and sendEnrollmentEmail?
forbidClientAccountCreation: true
'inviteUser': function (doc) {
check(doc, YourForm);
let userId = Accounts.createUser(doc);

Template helper not invoked on update aldeed autoform

I am using meteoric-autoform and doing an update to my values, The form is not getting populated with existing values and also the update is not happening.
I could also see that the template helper method that I have for fetching the id is not getting invoked at all.
assesment: function () {
alert("entered helper");
var template = Template.instance();
return Assesments.findOne({_id:});
<template name="assesmentEdit">
{{#ionModal customTemplate=true}}
{{# autoForm collection="Assesments" id="assesments-edit-form" type="update"}}
<div class="bar bar-header bar-stable">
<button data-dismiss="modal" type="button" class="button button-clear">Cancel</button>
<h2 class="title">Edit Assesment</h2>
<button type="submit" class="button button-positive button-clear">Save</button>
<div class="content has-header overflow-scroll">
{{> afQuickField name="name" }}
{{> afQuickField name="email"}}
{{> afQuickField name="category"}}
{{> afQuickField name="location"}}
As you can see in the docs, update forms require a doc attribute.
{{# autoForm doc=assesment collection="Assesments" id="assesments-edit-form" type="update"}}

How to reload (re render) template in Meteor

I am working on a chat app that supports multiple languages. The basics of the app is working fine however I have small problem when changing chat rooms.
Each room is setup to support 2 languages. When sending a chat message you can choose which language you are sending the message in. This is done by clicking on a small icon of a flag which toggles between the 2 flag icons. The template for this is:
<template name="chatBar">
<div id="chatBar" class="input-append input-prepend">
<form id="chatForm">
<span class="add-on"><img src="/images/flags-iso/flat/16/{{chatMessageLang}}.png" id="lang"></span>
<input id="chatMessageLanguage" type="hidden" value="{{chatMessageLang}}">
<input id="chatMessageTarget" type="hidden" value="{{chatMessageTargetLang}}">
<input class="input-xxlarge" id="chatMessage" type="text" placeholder="← choose your language and then type your message here…">
<button class="btn" id="sendNewMessage" type="submit">Send</button>
and is called from another template:
<template name="chat">
{{> chatroom}}
<div id="chatWindow">
{{#each chats}}
<li class="{{messageClass}} {{_id}}">
<img src="/images/flags-iso/flat/16/{{langOriginal}}.png">
<span class="message" lang="{{langOriginal}}">{{original}}</span>
{{#if translated}}
<span class="message" lang="{{langTranslated}}">{{translated}}</span>
{{#if correction}}
<i class="icon-remove"></i>
<span class="friendCorrection">{{correction}}</span>
<span class="messageOptions">{{{messageOptions}}}</span>
{{> chatBar}}
The problem I have is when I change chatrooms the language options are being retained from the previous chatroom I was in. The code for setting the languages for the chatbar is:
chatMessageLang: function() {
//return getCurrentChatroomInfo().langFrom.iso;
return Meteor.user().profile.langNative;
chatMessageTargetLang: function() {
var chatroomLang1 = getCurrentChatroomInfo().langFrom.iso;
var chatroomLang2 = getCurrentChatroomInfo().langTo.iso;
if(Meteor.user().profile.langNative == chatroomLang1){
return chatroomLang2;
} else {
return chatroomLang1;
function getCurrentChatroomInfo(){
return Chatrooms.findOne({_id : Router.current().params['_id']})
How do I make the variable chatMessageTargetLang reactive to the loaded chatroom (each chatroom has their own route).
