I have a grid and I want to produce a map out of this grid with some map elements (scale, north arrow, etc). I have no problem drawing the grid and the coloring I need, but the additional map elements won't show on the map. I tried putting first=TRUE to the sp.layout argument according to the sp manual, but still no success.
I reproduced the issue with the integrated meuse dataset, so you may just copy&paste that code. I use those package versions: lattice_0.20-33 and sp_1.2-0
library(lattice) # required for trellis.par.set():
trellis.par.set(sp.theme()) # sets color ramp to bpy.colors()
alphaChannelSupported = function() {
!is.na(match(names(dev.cur()), c("pdf")))
library(gstat, pos = match(paste("package", "sp", sep=":"), search()) + 1)
coordinates(meuse.grid) = ~x+y
gridded(meuse.grid) = TRUE
v.uk = variogram(log(zinc)~sqrt(dist), meuse)
uk.model = fit.variogram(v.uk, vgm(1, "Exp", 300, 1))
meuse[["ff"]] = factor(meuse[["ffreq"]])
meuse.grid[["ff"]] = factor(meuse.grid[["ffreq"]])
zn.uk = krige(log(zinc)~sqrt(dist), meuse, meuse.grid, model = uk.model)
zn.uk[["se"]] = sqrt(zn.uk[["var1.var"]])
meuse.sr = SpatialPolygons(list(Polygons(list(Polygon(meuse.riv)),"meuse.riv")))
rv = list("sp.polygons", meuse.sr, fill = "lightblue")
sampling = list("sp.points", meuse.riv, color = "black")
scale = list("SpatialPolygonsRescale", layout.scale.bar(),
offset = c(180500,329800), scale = 500, fill=c("transparent","black"), which = 4)
text1 = list("sp.text", c(180500,329900), "0", cex = .5, which = 4)
text2 = list("sp.text", c(181000,329900), "500 m", cex = .5, which = 4)
arrow = list("SpatialPolygonsRescale", layout.north.arrow(),
offset = c(181300,329800),
scale = 400, which = 4)
precip.pal <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(7, name="Blues"))
spplot(zn.uk, "var1.pred",
sp.layout = list(rv, sampling, scale, text1, text2),
main = "log(zinc); universal kriging standard errors",
scales=list(draw = TRUE),
And that's how it looks...all naked:
So my questions:
Where is the scale bar, north arrow, etc hiding? Did I miss something? Every example I could find on the internet looks similar to that. On my own dataset I can see the scale bar and north arrow being drawn at first, but as soon as the grid is rendered, it superimposes the additional map elements (except for the scale text, that is shown on the map - not the bar and north arrow for some reason I don't seem to comprehend).
The error message appearing on the map just shows when I try to add the sampling locations sampling = list("sp.points", meuse.riv, color = "black"). Without this entry, the map shows without error, but also without additional map elements. How can I show the sampling points on the map (e.g. in circles whose size depends on the absolute value of this sampling point)?
This bothered me for many, many hours by now and I can't find any solution to this. In Bivand et al's textbook (2013) "Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R" I could read the following entry:
The order of items in the sp.layout argument matters; in principle objects
are drawn in the order they appear. By default, when the object of spplot has
points or lines, sp.layout items are drawn before the points to allow grids
and polygons drawn as a background. For grids and polygons, sp.layout
items are drawn afterwards (so the item will not be overdrawn by the grid
and/or polygon). For grids, adding a list element first = TRUE ensures that
the item is drawn before the grid is drawn (e.g. when filled polygons are added). Transparency may help when combining layers; it is available for the
PDF device and several other devices.
Function sp.theme returns a lattice theme that can be useful for plots
made by spplot; use trellis.par.set(sp.theme()) after a device is opened
or changed to make this effective.
However, also with this additional information I wasn't able to solve this problem. Glad for any hint!
The elements you miss are being drawn in panel four, which does not exist, so are not being drawn. Try removing the which = 4.
meuse.riv in your example is a matrix, which causes the error message, but should be a SpatialPoints object, so create sampling by:
sampling = list("sp.points", SpatialPoints(meuse.riv), color = "black")
When working from examples, my advice is to choose examples as close as possible to what you need, and only change one thing at a time.
My objective is to portray the locations with varying numbers of traffic conflicts in a road intersection. My data consists of all the conflicts that we observed in a given time period at an intersection coded into a .CSV file with the following fields "time of conflict", "TTC" (means Time to Collision), "Lat", "Lon" and "Conflict Type". I figured the best way to do so would be using the 'ggmap+stat_density2d' function in R. I am using the following code:
df = read.csv(filename, header = TRUE)
int.map = get_map(location = c(mean.long, mean.lat), zoom = 20, maptype = "satellite")
int.map = ggmap(int.map, extent ="device", legend = "right")'''
int.map +stat_density2d(data = new_xdf, aes(x, y, fill = ..levels.., alpha = ..levels..),
geom = "polygon")
int.map + scale_fill_gradientn(guide = "colourbar", colours = rev(brewer.pal(7,"Spectral")),
name = "Conflict Density")
The output is a very nice map Safety Heat Map that correctly portrays the conflict hotspots. My problem is that in the legends it gives the values of "levels" automatically calculated by the 'stat_density2d()' function. I tried searching for a way to display, say, the counts of all conflict points inside each level on the legend bar but to no avail.
I did find the below link that handles a similar question, but the problem with that is that it creates a new data frame (new_xdf) with much more points than in the original data. Thus, the counts determined in that program seems to be of no use to me as I want the exact number of conflict points in my original data to be displayed in the legends bar.
How to find points within contours in R?
Thanks in advance.
Edit: Link to a sample data file
I would like to visualize how functions in my own R package depend on each other. For this purpose I use the foodweb() function from the mvbutils package.
I can get the right functional dependencies out without a problem but the plot looks a bit messy, with lines crossing each other and function names not aligned vertically or horizontally.
Is there a way to control the layout of the plot similar to the way this works in the igraph package?
dirPath <- "~/dev/stackoverflow/46910042"
## Download example Package
urlPackage <- "https://github.com/kbroman/qtlcharts/archive/master.zip"
download.file(urlPackage, destfile = "master.zip")
unzip("./master.zip", exdir = dirPath, overwrite = TRUE)
## Install or load mcbutils
if (!require(mvbutils)) install.packages("mvbutils")
thefiles = list.files(path = "./qtlcharts-master/R/", full.names = TRUE)
## Now we load all the package files into memory, so we can have
## foodweb generate a map of the package functions.
sapply(thefiles, source)
## Generate plot
par(mar = rep(0.1, 4))
foodweb(border = TRUE, boxcolor = "pink", lwd = 1.5, cex = 0.8)
Plot Output:
One option is to look behind the curtains of foodweb. The mvbutils::foodweb function returns an object of (S3) class foodweb. This has three components:
funmat a matrix of 0s and 1s showing what (row) calls what (column). The dimnames are the function names.
x shows the x-axis location of the centre of each function’s name in the display, in par("usr") units
level shows the y-axis location of the centre of each function’s name in the display, in par("usr") units.
thus one approach we can take is to call foodweb but tell it not to create a plot rather return a foodweb object. This then allows us to manipulate the data directory or via graphics::plot() externally of the defaults provided by the mvbutils::foodweb() function.
Why? Well, to do what you suggest my sense is three options exist:
You can either play with mvbutils::foodweb() parameters.
Work with data structure returned with another plotting package.
Use graphics::par() and graphics::plot to manipulate the plot size and attributes of the foodweb structure returned.
It would be great to know your preference. Excluding, that my sense was to provide a base example:
Plot Package Example
In the case of using graphics::plot, you need to go look at how you manipulate graphics:par. par() allows you to set or query graphical parameters. For example, if we want to clean up the function plot you might choose to modify the grahics::par() fin parameter to increase the figure region dimensions, (width, height), in inches. A simple example but my sense it helps map out and demonstrate the options available to you.
## Generate plot
if (!require(qtlcharts)) install.packages("qtlcharts")
## Here we specify `asNamespace` to get the package internals
fw <- foodweb( where = asNamespace( "qtlcharts"),
plotting = FALSE,
#Display foodweb structure
# Expand plot figure region dimensions...
par(fin = c(9.9,7))
# Plot fw strucuture
border = TRUE,
expand.xbox = 1,
boxcolor = "pink", lwd = 1.5, cex = 0.8)
Plot Output example
Note that the function names are not spaced out. Note I cut the top and bottom white of plot here. In this case, you can play with the par constraints such as margin to get the plot you want.
Pruning your plot
Another option within the constraints of mvbutils::foodweb is to use the prune and rprune option to simplify your plots. These are super poweful and useful especially the regular expression version.
if (!require(qtlcharts)) install.packages("qtlcharts")
fw <- foodweb( where = asNamespace( "qtlcharts"),
plotting = FALSE)
par(fin = c(9.9,7))
border = TRUE,
expand.xbox = 1,
boxcolor = "pink", lwd = 1.5, cex = 0.8)
fw <- foodweb( where = asNamespace( "qtlcharts"),
rprune = "convert_", ## search on `convert_` to negate use `~convert_`
plotting = FALSE)
par(fin = c(9.9,7))
border = TRUE,
expand.xbox = 1,
boxcolor = "pink", lwd = 1.5, cex = 0.8)
Hoping the above information points you in the right direction.
Because of the fact that there are many data, connections etc, the plot is squeezed in order to fit in the screen, hence it becomes messy.
What I would suggest is to save it in a PDF or PNG with big enough width and Height and then you can zoom in. This will save you a lot of time.
## Generate plot
pdf( "mygraph.pdf", width = 50, height = 80 )
par(mar = rep(0.1, 4))
foodweb(border = TRUE, boxcolor = "pink", lwd = 1.5, cex = 0.8)
In addition, you can play with the plot options of foodweb.
Hope it helps.
I am trying to build a network visualisation using the rbokeh package.
g <- random.graph.game(n=100,p=0.3)
L <- as.data.frame(igraph::layout_with_fr(g)) %>% rename(x=V1,y=V2)
url1 <- 'http://icons.veryicon.com/png/Business/Flat%20Finance/person.png'
p <- figure(xlab = "x", ylab = "y", height = 500,width=1000,xgrid=F,ygrid=F,webgl = T,
xaxes = F,yaxes = F,h_symmetry = T,v_symmetry = T) %>%
ly_lines(x = L$x,y=L$y,color = '#FFA700', width = 4, alpha = 0.2) %>%
ly_image_url(x = L$x, y=L$y, image_url = url1, w = rep(0.1,vcount(g)), h=rep(0.2,vcount(g)),
anchor = "center",lname = 'nodes')
The resulting visualisation looks as intended except for the fact that the lines are drawn on top of the image glyphs. Is there a way to control the visual order of the layers in a way that the nodes (images) are drawn on top with lines drawn behind?
The issue here is using webgl = TRUE. For more details, see the Bokeh documentation (see both the "support" and "notes" sections. The main points there are that not all glyphs can be rendered with WebGL (yes for lines, no for images) and that "Glyphs drawn using WebGL are drawn on top of glyphs that are not drawn in WebGL."
If you get rid of webgl = TRUE, you should be in good shape!
Also, to further answer the overall question of how to control the order of layers, the answer is that outside of edge cases like this where one layer was rendered with WebGL and the other wasn't, layers are drawn in the order that they are specified.
I'm still relatively inexperienced manipulating plots in R, and am in need of assistance. I ran a redundancy analysis in R using the rda() function, but now I need to simplify the figure to exclude unnecessary information. The code I'm currently using is:
abio1516<-read.csv("1516 descriptors.csv")
varpart(bio1516[,2:18],~Distance_to_source,~Depth, ~Veg._cover, ~Surface_area,data=abio1516)
plot(rda1516,bty="n",xaxt="n",yaxt="n",main="1516; P=, R^2=",
ylab="Driven by , Var explained=",xlab="Driven by , Var explained=")
The produced plot looks like this:
Please help me modify my code to: exclude the sites (sit#), all axes, and the internal dashed lines.
I'd also like to either expand the size of the field, or move the vector labels to all fit in the plotting field.
updated as per responses, working code below this point
Overall best:xxx")
Start by plotting the rda with type = "n" which generates an empty plot to which you can add the things you want. The dotted lines are hard coded into the plot.cca function, so you need either make your own version, or use abline to hide them (then use box to cover up the holes in the axes).
data(dune, dune.env)
rda1516 <- rda(dune~., data = dune.env)
plot(rda1516, type = "n")
abline(h = 0, v = 0, col = "white", lwd = 3)
points(rda1516, display = "species")
points(rda1516, display = "cn", col = "blue")
text(rda1516, display = "cn", col = "blue")
If the text labels are not in the correct position, you can use the argument pos to move them (make a vector as long as the number of arrows you have with the integers 1 - 4 to move the label down, left, up, or right. (there might be better solutions to this)
The gridExtra package adds a grob of class "pattern" that lets one fill rectangles with patterns. For example,
grid.pattern(pattern = 1)
creates a box filled with diagonal lines. I want to create a stack of panels in which each panel is filled with these diagonal lines. This is easy:
library(lattice); library(gridExtra)
examplePlot <- xyplot(
1 ~ 1 | 1:2,
panel = function () grid.pattern(pattern = 1),
layout = c(1, 2),
# Remove distracting visual detail
scales = list(x=list(draw=FALSE), y=list(draw=FALSE)),
strip = FALSE, xlab = '', ylab = ''
The problem is that the diagonal lines aren't aligned across panels. That is, there is a visual "break" where the bottom of the first panel meets the top of the second panel: at that point, the lines don't line up. This is the problem that I want to fix.
I can eliminate most of the visual break by adding the argument pattern.offset = c(.2005, 0) to the grid.pattern call, and making sure that it applies only to the bottom panel. But this solution doesn't generalize. For example, if I change the pattern (e.g., by using the granularity argument to grid.pattern), this solution won't work. Is there a more general fix?
To make this work, you'll have to take charge of setting the panel.height argument used by print.trellis. (To see why, try resizing your plotting device after running your example code: as the size of the device and the panels changes, so does the matching/mismatching of the lines):
## Calculate vertical distance (in mm) between 45 degree diagonal lines
## spaced 5mm apart (the default distance for grid.pattern).
vdist <- 5 * sqrt(2)
nLines <- 8L ## can be any integer
panelHeight <- list(x = nLines*vdist, units = "mm", data = NULL)
## Plot it
print(examplePlot, panel.height=panelHeight)