Oauth using HWIOAuthBundle for a specific TLD - symfony

I've a strange problem, we've got a symfony application that uses google/oauth through HWIOAuthBundle for login, that always works well for every user, our application is worldwide spread, so recently we've got a problem with an specific tld .eg, the rest of the world can authenticate except the egypt.
When someone from Egypt try authenticate, the application redirects to the page login again, I received to status redirect code before that:
302: Moved temporarily
302: Found.
I don't know if is enough information, on my point of view isn't a symfony appllication problem, because is working for the whole world except egypt, and only happens for .net.br in our homolog environment when application is on live using .com.br is working properly included for Egypt.


Diagnosing an additional redirect in a "Request initiator chain" when moving from localhost to a hosted site

I'm in the process of deploying my React site to AWS via Amplify, and the first step on the site is authenticating with Spotify. Here in their auth guide, they call the type of auth I am performing "Authorization Code Flow" where the first step is the site requesting a scoped auth and receiving a code via a http redirect.
This all works fine and dandy when I am running the app locally - the network logs and associated looks like this (apologies, I'm not sure how to best reproduce for you this devtools output):
localhost network logs
localhost initiator chain
But when I attempt this on my live site soundfound.io I instead receive in additional redirect which makes it impossible for me to retrieve the code (I believe at least - I could not figure out a workaround where I just capture the code from the 2nd 302 here but if you do, please enlighten me b/c I'm at the end of my rope here).
live network logs
localhost initiator chain
and here - my boilerplate AWS Amplify domain config: https://ibb.co/SV1N809
I've been reading up but this is just not clicking with me - WHO or WHAT is causing this additional redirect? It's certainly not the React application itself, that doesn't make any sense. Spotify knows about both redirect urls (localhost:3000/redirect and soundfound.io/redirect) so I don't understand how that could behave differently. The only place I can think to look is within the domain registration and control part of AWS Amplify - but I don't see (or don't understand) anything that would cause this sort of issue?
I'm just so lost as to where to begin trying to troubleshoot this, any and all help would be appreciated. Thanks
The AWS Amplify automatically creates a rule in the console App settings under "Rewrites and redirects" that redirects all requests to my base domain "soundfound.io" to "www.soundfound.io". Erasing this rule solved the issue.

Microsoft application - Redirect URI allows 'localhost' but not ''

I have developed an application that allows MSA (Microsoft Account) authentication. I have registered my app here: https://apps.dev.microsoft.com.
When testing my app locally, I can access my app with no problem at my SSL URL of https://localhost:44300, and MSA works fine. When I registered my app, I used https://localhost:44300/signin-microsoft as the Redirect URI.
Problem: I can also access my app at, as one would expect. However, MSA here doesn't work. The error page says, We're unable to complete your request.
Microsoft account is experiencing technical problems. Please try again later. And the URL of the error page reveals that the error is with a mismatch in the Redirect URI: https://login.live.com/err.srf?lc=1033#error=invalid_request&error_description=The+provided+value+for+the+input+parameter+'redirect_uri'+is+not+valid.+The+expected+value+is+'https://login.live.com/oauth20_desktop.srf'+or+a+URL+which+matches+the+redirect+URI+registered+for+this+client+application.
In the Microsoft Apps page, when I try to update the Redirect URI from https://localhost:44300/signin-microsoft to, it doesn't allow me to save my change and it shows me this error: Your URL can't contain a query string or invalid special characters, and it provides a 'Learn More' link: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/active-directory-v2-limitations#restrictions-on-redirect-uris
After reading the info in this link, I see nowhere that a URI like mine ( would be an unacceptable URL, as I'm not breaking any of their rules: I have no invalid characters, no query strings, etc.
My research: Looking online, people are getting the Your URL can't contain a query string or invalid special characters because they are actually using a query string or invalid special characters, such as in this link: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/4f638860-ea57-4f0e-85e0-b28e1e357fe2/office-365-app-authorization-redirect-uri-issue?forum=WindowsAzureAD. I couldn't find a case where someone has entered a valid URI and they weren't allowed to save it.
Why I need to work: I need to expose this website, which is running on my local box. In order to have the website running without having an instance of Visual Studio opened all the time, I'm using csrun to host my website in Azure local fabric (by the way, my app is an Azure Cloud Service, with a ASP.NET MVC 5 app as a web role). I followed this instruction for csrun: http://www.bardev.com/2013/03/12/how-to-deploy-application-to-windows-azure-compute-emulator-with-csrun/. Using csrun, it allowed me to host my website in (but, as with, MSA doesn't work). My end goal is to expose this website with a public URL using ngrok (https://www.sitepoint.com/use-ngrok-test-local-site/), so that anyone can access my site.
Therefore, my main question is: how can I have the Redirect URI be instead of https://localhost:44300/signin-microsoft?
Make sure you access this portal through https://identity.microsoft.com as this is the only way the steps below will work.
You can get around this error right now by adding the reply URL through the manifest. Login to the portal, select the app you want to configure, and scroll down and hit the Edit Application Manifest button. Then you can add your to the replyUrls field.
There's some funny behavior that will only allow this right now if you only register other localhost reply Urls. If this is the only reply URL you need then it shouldn't be a problem.

arcanist install-certificate fails

I set up my own hosted phabricator, everything is working fine (Diffusion repo etc)
I ran into problem after I installed arcanist on my dev box and run 'arc install-certificate', got exception as following:
rying to connect to server...
Open this page in your browser and login to Phabricator if necessary:
Then paste the API Token on that page below.
Paste API Token from that page: cli-e644viducdcccrge4i7zo5nfa66d
Usage Exception: The token "cli-e644viducdcccrge4i7zo5nfa66d" is not a valid API Token. The server returned this response when trying to use it as a token: ERR-CONDUIT-CORE: Attempting to access attached data on PhabricatorUser (via getAwayUntil()), but the data is not actually attached. Before accessing attachable data on an object, you must load and attach it.
I am wondering what's might go wrong? Thank you very much for your insights!
I've seen this problem occur many times with our users. In every case so far, the problem has been that users have set up the phabricator uri incorrectly.
Check your project .arcconfig or your global .arcrc files (if you're doing this outside a project).
Verify that the URI to your Phabricator site is correct. The typical issue I've seen is accessing using http:// rather than https://

ASP.net Identity 2.0 not creating a valid authentication when signing in

I am having a problem implementing Microsoft's latest Identity 2.0 in my ASP.net 4.5 Web Forms project. This is my scenario...
I have downloaded the latest Webforms.Samples code from https://aspnet.codeplex.com/SourceControl/latest and pretty much performed a straight port (for the purposes of testing) into my project.
In development, the code/implementation works correctly, when we move to our IIS 7.5 staging server, after a period of time (usually 3 or 4 hours, but varies) the test users experience the following problem...
When they login, the login process appears to run correctly and redirects them back to the specified return url, but the authorisation is not complete/recognised and they get immediately returned back to the login page.
I should say that the login page/process doesn't fail (no errors) and the underlying code return 'success' (as this is the only path that will invoke the redirect), but the actual mechanism appears to be passive. To prove this, I have created a test page that simply echoes the user's identity and even immediately after an apparently successful login, the user identity is anonymous.
The only way I have found of fixing the issue is to restart the web application and again it runs fun for a while.
Can anyone give me any pointers on where I can look to begin to debug this issue or what the cause might be?
ASP.NET_SessionId + OWIN Cookies do not send to browser This page seems to provide a workaround to the issue by creating a session on application start up.
Starting with this great analysis by #TomasDolezal, I had a look at both the Owin and the System.Web source.
The problem is that System.Web has its own master source of cookie information and that isn't the Set-Cookie header. Owin only knows about the Set-Cookie header. A workaround is to make sure that any cookies set by Owin are also set in the HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies collection.
The workaround I created is now outdated: I've made a small middleware
(source, nuget) that does exactly that, which is intended to be placed immediately above the cookie middleware registration.
Use Microsoft's suggestion of a SystemWebCookieManager instead.

Unknown 302 redirect at root. Crawlers cannot follow through

The whole thing started when I noticed Facebook Debugger and other crawler tools are unable to parse my page. Facebook throws a critical error saying that it cannot follow the redirect. I believe Search Engine bots are hitting the same end. The website is functioning normally via all major web browsers.
It's probably worth to mention I am experimenting with ASP.NET Routing, using Web Forms under IIS8.
Given a website (http://example.com), here's what happens.
Case 1: Trying to access the root, this is what I get with a Web Sniffer simulator
Case 1 observations:
First thing I notice is '302' redirect instead of '200 OK'. It gives a 302 redirect with or without leading 'www'.
I noticed is that the Location Header is simply "/", confirmed by the page from IIS that I cannot see with a regular browser, which says the page is moved to "/". I believe something messes up at this point and the crawler is unable to follow through for some reason.
Case 2: Trying to access a given category page with a Web Sniffer simulator
Case 2 observations:
As you might figured out already, identical to case 1. And once again Facebook debugger cannot go through it, resulting to a redirect it cannot follow.
1: How can I force an absolute path in the location headers instead of relative and will this be sufficient for the crawlers to follow through?
2: What could cause a 302 redirect happening in the first place in both www and non-www versions of the website?
Your web application is most likely depending on a cookie. The application sends a Set-Cookie header and redirects to the same page in order to receive a new request with the cookie data available. Search engines / bots, the Facebook bot and your Web Sniffer simulator will not send that cookie data and hence the web application keeps sending the 302 redirect responses.
The solution is to change your application to not require cookies for just simply viewing your web pages.
