i am trying to put elements on a listview and treeview with javafx, but both controls wont refresh theyre content. i am using an obvservable list to control the items and every time i delete one item, the listview or treeview removes it from the datasource. but the view is not updating. i am still seeing all the items. the only difference is, the removed item can not be selected any more. for example link 2 shows the collaped item list. image 1 shows the items before they are collaped. the items are collapsed but the old entry is still visible. does anybody know a solution for this problem. thank you all for helping me
link 1: treeview is not collapsed
link 2: treeview is collapsed but not updating old view
this is the custom cell factory i use to display a listview:
public ListCell<T> call(final ListView<T> param) {
ListCell<T> cell = new ListCell<T>(){
protected void updateItem(final T persistentObject, final boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(persistentObject, empty);
if(persistentObject instanceof POProcessStep){
POProcessStep poProcessStep = (POProcessStep) persistentObject;
if (persistentObject != null) {
super.setText(poProcessStep.getId() + " - " + poProcessStep.getTitle());
}else if(persistentObject instanceof POProcess){
POProcess poProcess = (POProcess) persistentObject;
if (persistentObject != null) {
super.setText(poProcess.getId() + " - " + poProcess.getTitle());
}else if(persistentObject instanceof POCategory){
POCategory poCategory = (POCategory) persistentObject;
if(persistentObject != null){
super.setText(poCategory.getId() + " - " + poCategory.getTitle());
}else if(persistentObject instanceof String){
if(persistentObject != null){
return cell;
Your cell factory's updateItem(...) needs to handle the case where the cell is empty. This will be exactly the scenario when an item is removed (or becomes empty because a node in the TreeView was collapsed) and the cell that previously showed an item is reused as an empty cell:
public ListCell<T> call(final ListView<T> param) {
ListCell<T> cell = new ListCell<T>(){
protected void updateItem(final T persistentObject, final boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(persistentObject, empty);
if (empty) {
} else {
// ... rest of your code.
return cell ;
I have tried searching both google and stackoverflow for answer to my question but I could not find any.
I have a program that adds/reads data from a database and to a tableview. I want to be able to edit the previously entered data from the tableview by adding two buttons (Save and abort) to the current row being edited.
I am having some troubles understanding the routines like Callback etc. But I have managed to get a column with two buttons to appear when I start the edit. But I get buttons on every column I just want the buttons on the currently
selected row. Also I don't really understand how to get the current object from the save-button to be able to save it.
And also how the abort-button should work to cancel all changes.
public void setUpTableView() {
columnAnkomstdatum.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("arrivalDate"));
columnSupplier.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("supplier"));
columnRadiopharmaceutical.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("radiopharmaceutical"));
columnActivity.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("startActivity"));
columnCalibrationdate.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("startDate"));
columnBatchNumber.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("batchNumber"));
columnContaminationControl.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("contaminationControll"));
columnRoom.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("room"));
columnUser.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("user"));
columnSupplier.setOnEditCommit(t -> {
ArrayList<Radiopharmaceutical> radioListfromSupplier = new RadiopharmaceuticalDao().getRadiopharmaceuticalsBySupplierName(t.getNewValue().getSupplierName());
radioList = FXCollections.observableArrayList(radioListfromSupplier);
if(tableview.getColumns().size() <= 9) {
private void addButtonsToTable() {
TableColumn<RegRadio, Void> editRow = new TableColumn<>("Edit");
Callback<TableColumn<RegRadio, Void>, TableCell<RegRadio, Void>> cellFactory = new Callback<TableColumn<RegRadio,Void>, TableCell<RegRadio,Void>>() {
public TableCell<RegRadio, Void> call(final TableColumn<RegRadio, Void> param) {
final TableCell<RegRadio, Void> cell = new TableCell<RegRadio, Void>() {
private final Button btnSave = new Button("Save");
private final Button btnAbort = new Button("Avbryt");
btnSave.setOnAction((ActionEvent event) -> {
RegRadio rr = getTableView().getItems().get(getIndex());
btnAbort.setOnAction((ActionEvent event) -> {
public void updateItem(Void item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
if (empty) {
} else {
HBox pane = new HBox(btnSave, btnAbort);
return cell;
In your updateItem callback you can check if the cell is in the selected row in order to decide if you should show the buttons or not. Additionally you also need a flag to check if the user is editing. Something like this:
public void updateItem(Void item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
var selectedCells = tableview.getSelectionModel().getSelectedCells();
if (empty || !isEditing || selectedCells.isEmpty || getTableRow().getIndex() != selectedCells.get(0).getRow()) {
} else {
HBox pane = new HBox(btnSave, btnAbort);
Another approach would be to change the visibility of the buttons depending on whether the cell is in the selected row:
public void updateItem(Void item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
if (empty) {
} else {
HBox pane = new HBox(btnSave, btnAbort);
var selectedCells = tableview.getSelectionModel().getSelectedCells();
pane.setVisible(!selectedCells.isEmpty() && getTableRow().getIndex() == selectedCells.get(0).getRow())
(I haven't compiled and tested these code samples)
How can I change the appearance of a cell based on the status of another cell in the same column of a tableView in JavaFX.
colHidden.setCellValueFactory(param -> {
return param.getValue().hiddenProperty();
colHidden.setCellFactory(tc -> new CheckBoxTableCell<>());
I have a cell which contains CheckBoxTableCell<>(). When I select this checkbox the content of the cell colLabel should be replaced by asterisks.
You can do something like this. The basic idea here is to "remember" the property corresponding to the check box in the same row, assuming the cell is not empty, and add a listener to it that updates the text. Then remove the listener from the previous property whenever the cell updates.
colLabel.setCellFactory(col -> new TableCell<RowType, ColumnType>() {
private ObservableValue<Boolean> hiddenProperty ;
ChangeListener<Boolean> listener = (obs, wasHidden, isNowHidden) -> updateText(isNowHidden);
protected void updateItem(ColumnType item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
if (hiddenProperty != null) {
if (empty) {
hiddenProperty = null ;
} else {
hiddenProperty = getTableView().getItems().get(getIndex()).hiddenProperty();
private void updateText(boolean hidden) {
if (hidden) {
} else {
setText(getItem().toString()); // or other format for string, etc
Replace RowType and ColumnType with the actual types used by colLabel (i.e. this assumes you have TableColumn<RowType, ColumnType> colLabel ;).
I have a litre problem with table view. When I remove element from observable list, the row correspandont on this element is not deleted.
I have a relations list ( person1, type, person2 => children)
When I add a new child the rellation is created (null, neutral, null => child).
After add some people, I change the relations beetwen them, so, when I indicate the siblings, some realtions are deleted. But it is still visible in table view. It is not selectable, but when I click on, it is indique . the last relation in the list.
When I add new Person, the row are overrided.
this.relationSimLeftColumn.setCellValueFactory(cellData -> cellData.getValue().simLeftProperty());
this.relationSimRightColumn.setCellValueFactory(cellData -> cellData.getValue().simRightProperty());
this.relationTypeColumn.setCellValueFactory(cellData -> cellData.getValue().typeProperty());
and cell factory :
private Callback<TableColumn<GTX_Relation, GTX_Member>,
TableCell<GTX_Relation, GTX_Member>> setMemberCellFactory(String parameter) {
Callback<TableColumn<GTX_Relation, GTX_Member>, TableCell<GTX_Relation, GTX_Member>> callback =
new Callback<TableColumn<GTX_Relation, GTX_Member>, TableCell<GTX_Relation, GTX_Member>>() {
public TableCell<GTX_Relation, GTX_Member> call(TableColumn<GTX_Relation, GTX_Member> param) {
TableCell<GTX_Relation, GTX_Member> cell = new TableCell<GTX_Relation, GTX_Member>() {
protected void updateItem(GTX_Member item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
ImageView imageview = new ImageView();
if (item != null) {
imageview.setImage(new Image(item.getPhoto()));
} else {
if (!empty) {
String path = parameter.equals("LEFT") == true ?
ImageFiles.NO_NAME_FEMALE.toString() : ImageFiles.NO_NAME_MALE.toString();
imageview.setImage(new Image(path));
return cell;
return callback;
Your cell factory needs to handle the case where the cell is empty.
When you remove an item from the table's items list, a cell that was previously used to display an item will (potentially) be reused as an empty cell; i.e. its updateItem(null, true) method will be called. Your current implementation doesn't do anything for the case where item == null && empty == true, so the cell's appearance won't be changed.
You need
protected void updateItem(GTX_Member item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
ImageView imageview = new ImageView();
if (item != null) {
imageview.setImage(new Image(item.getPhoto()));
} else {
if (empty) {
} else {
String path = parameter.equals("LEFT") == true ?
ImageFiles.NO_NAME_FEMALE.toString() : ImageFiles.NO_NAME_MALE.toString();
imageview.setImage(new Image(path));
I want to be able to color individual Tree Item of treeView based on some condition.
This answer seems good but I am unable to implement it.
I am unable to understand how to use setCellFactory method to format individual TreeItems.
I have a class
public class Bag {
public String caption,assignment="";
Boolean eval;
public Set<Vertex> Nodes = new HashSet<Vertex>();
public Vector<Bag> ChildBags = new Vector<Bag>();
public String toString()
return assignment+ " " +caption;
Here's my css file:
-fx-text-fill:#33cc00 ;
-fx-text-fill: #0033cc
So I want to color to green the caption ( the toString() method returns ) of all those nodes whose eval property is true.
and assignment string which toString() method returns for all the nodes should be blue.
How can I do so?
By overriding the updateItem method of the TreeCell, you can adjust the TreeCell's properties based on the value of the TreeItem the cell contains.
In the following example a pseudoclass is assigned to all cells that contain a value with the prefix "child" and all empty cells get a black background.
TreeView<String> treeView = ...
PseudoClass childPseudoClass = PseudoClass.getPseudoClass("child");
treeView.setCellFactory(tv -> new TreeCell<String>() {
protected void updateItem(String item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
if (empty || item == null) {
// update for empty cell / cell containing null
pseudoClassStateChanged(childPseudoClass, false);
setStyle("-fx-background-color: black;");
} else {
// update for filled cell
pseudoClassStateChanged(childPseudoClass, item.startsWith("child"));
CSS Stylesheet
.tree-cell:child {
-fx-background-color: red;
The updateItem method is called by the TreeView every time the value changes, e.g. if a new TreeItem is associated with the cell or the value property of a TreeItem is modified.
You could also use the factory to add listeners to the TreeCell, before it's returned, in case you prefer this and e.g. want to change the cell based on the treeItem property.
EDIT: To apply different colors to the text, you need to use different Nodes for the text parts.
treeView.setCellFactory(tv -> new TreeCell<Bag>() {
private final Text assignment;
private final Text caption;
private final Node graphic;
assignment = new Text();
caption = new Text();
graphic = new HBox(4, assignment, caption);
protected void updateItem(Bag item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
if (empty || item == null) {
} else {
if (item.eval) {
To color the text you need to use the -fx-fill property instead of the -fx-text-fill property.
This question is related to this. Now I want to colour the row where field value equals to some value.
private TableView<FaDeal> tv_mm_view;
private TableColumn<FaDeal, String> tc_inst;
tc_inst.setCellValueFactory(cellData -> new SimpleStringProperty(""+cellData.getValue().getInstrumentId()));
tc_inst.setCellFactory(column -> new TableCell<FaDeal, String>() {
protected void updateItem(String item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
if (item == null || empty) {
} else {
// Style row where balance < 0 with a different color.
TableRow currentRow = getTableRow();
if (item.equals("1070")) {
currentRow.setStyle("-fx-background-color: tomato;");
} else currentRow.setStyle("");
The problem is I don't want to show tc_inst in my table. For this reason I set visible checkbox in SceneBuilder to false. In this case colouring part doesn't work at all. How can hide tc_inst so that colouring works?
Use a row factory, instead of a cell factory, if you want to change the color of the whole row:
tv_mm_view.setRowFactory(tv -> new TableRow<FaDeal>() {
public void updateItem(FaDeal item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty) ;
if (item == null) {
} else if (item.getInstrumentId().equals("1070")) {
setStyle("-fx-background-color: tomato;");
} else {
Note that if the value of instrumentId changes while the row is displayed, then the color will not change automatically with the above code, unless you do some additional work. The simplest way to make that happen would be to construct your items list with an extractor which returned the instrumentIdProperty() (assuming you are using the JavaFX property pattern in FaDeal).