auto scroll down parent div when div grows using css - css

I have a parent div which contains many child divs and child divs can also have top parent div contains a scroll bar , if any of the child div grows i want the scroll bar of the parent one to come down to make the grown content visible to the user with out scrolling down.the scroll bar should automatically come down when any of the div grows to make the coontent visible using css.this is the css which i applied on the parent div.

Suppose you want scroll down to the copyright section of this page.
just right click on this page, click view source and find out the id of the copyright section div.
which is "copyright".
now add this to the current url.
now hit this url in the browser and see the magic.


bootstrap stick nav to bottom but stop at end of container

I'm working on a static site that has a side nav on some pages and the nav is meant to stick to the bottom of the screen while scrolling. How can I get the nav to stop sticking at the bottom of the parent container? The nav should stay inside the parent.
Right now it continues to stick even after the container is out of view and eventually overlaps the footer.
Here's the demo site:
Your element has the attribute "fixed-bottom" as one of its classes. This will affix the y-axis placement of your navigational element to the bottom of the screen, not to the bottom of the parent container.
There are a couple of things you can do to clean this up. If you just want it not to overlap, you can add padding to the bottom of your element; I found that padding it with 100px worked cleanly as in the picture below.
You may also look to affix it to the actual parent container with usage of the "relative" tag, the solution of which is discussed in various other posts on this site:
Fixed position but relative to container

How to mix scrolling and fixed elements?

I'd like to have many elements fixed, but then have the main text block scroll.
Before I start coding, I'd just like some advice on the best way to do this. Should I wrap ALL the fixed elements together, and then inside that, have a relative element for the scrolling part?
Here is what I am trying to do:
I think you should create a main wrapper for your page which will have a relative position and that you center horizontally on your page (using margin: 0 auto; for example).
Then add inside that wrapper a <nav> for your top navigation and set its css position property to fixed, and then do the same for the sidebar with a <aside>.
Then add inside the wrapper a <div id="content"></div> for instance for your content and set its css position property to relative. If you want the content of this div to scroll vertically, you can add the following css : overflow: auto;
If I understand you well, you want your content to change without the page being reloaded & that the content scrolls, but not the rest.
You can :
Wrap your content into an iframe, so you can change the content without refreshing the whole page with a fixed height,
Just use a fixed height to your content div, and set this :
height: XXX px; //Fixed height;
Note : your mouse will have to hover the content to scroll it.
Well an advice?
Create separately three blocks; for fixed Nav, Fixed sidebar(for category) and scrolled main block(article). It'll be easy to order, I guess.
How many Category will display on the fixed sidebar? if the list heigher than window's screen, some category will be hidden unless you make it 'overflow:auto'. also consider about possibility of user resizing the screen.
Happy Coding !

floating jquery menu UI above it's containing div

I have a div (it's a popup for an openlayers map, but it could pretty much be any fixed size div), that contains a jquery ui menu (which is wrapped in a ul). The menu doesn't fit inside the div very well, so I'd like to make the menu float above it so that as the menu grows I don't have to grow the size of the containing div. Is this possible?
The containing div is itself positioned absolutely, I've tried setting the ul that represents the menu to position:absolute;z-index:100 but that doesn't work. I've also tried setting overflow:visible with no joy.
This screenshot shows the issue I have:
I've added a jsfiddle that opens a popup when you click the small orange circle, and you can see that the menu inside there is bigger than the containing div.
If you tell me that my answer is not what you mean I will delete it cause I am not sure what you really need to do. You want this scrolls to disappear and if the text is bigger than the popup just to float over no matter it is going outline ?
If this is what you want you have to remove the overflow: auto from .olFramedCloudPopupContent and again to remove overflow: auto from inline style of the element #chicken_contentDiv (I am not sure that you add it with jQuery).

Creating absolute positioned div that becomes fixed on scroll - is it possible?

I had this idea for a website of creating a fixed horizontal navigation bar that simply scrolls through the content when you press the menu items but I wanted to have an "introduction" div on top of it with a background image and a logo, lets say of 300px height that displays when you first load the page.
So the navigation bar would appear attached to the bottom of this "introduction" div and only when you scrolled past it would it become attached to the top of the window and become fixed positioned when you scrolled.
If you clicked a certain menu item or if you simply scrolled up to the start of the page it would attach itself to the bottom of the "introduction" div again.
Is this possible to do simply with CSS or would I have to use javascript to achieve this effect?
Thanks in advance!
I think you'll need JavaScript for this one. It will not be hard however. The only thing you need to do is to switch the positioning of the menu to 'fixed' when the menu would otherwise scroll out of the viewport.

How can menu items be displayed from bottom up using CSS

I have my menu working the way I want with the exception that menu elements are displayed from the top down as supposed to bottom up. I tried changing the CSS properties, but still can't get it working. I need my DIV container to be align on the bottom of the parent container. I used 'bottom: 0' CSS property but that doesn't have any affect using both 'position: absolute' and 'position: relative'.
How can I align all the elements within the parent DIV be displayed at bottom: 0 (bottom up)?
Then click on the Projects bottom link (refresh if you need to reset the menu items). I need that same behaviour I already have, just the menu items should start from the bottom up and be aligned all the way to the bottom.
Any suggestions?
The best way to accomplish this is to either put the divs inside the sought after parent element. Ergo the <li> you want to associate these links with. Give the parent <li> a style of position:relative. The on hover set the position of the child div or li to abosulte and left:0;top:0;. Then from there you can style it closer or farther with margin.
Try using padding-top to push them down with an id or class on each sub menu.
Then if that fails, try using min-height: auto; on each parent.
