Programming: Detect the direction and stop of change of a number - functional-programming

Any language, just pseudocode.
I'm searching around for an algorithm that detects direction and the stop of changes to a number. E.g.:
function detectChange(int number) {
if number is rising return "rising"
if number is dropping return "dropping"
if number is unchanged return "unchanged"
main() {
int number
while(true) {
//The read doesn't always happen
if readObscure.readoccured() {
//read the number from an obscure source
number = readObscure()
I've been working on an approach with a time delta but with little success. One problem is e.g. that with the timing approach I always miss the last change. Maybe I could solve that too but it's already pretty hacky.
So I'd be glad about a clean "textbook" solution, preferably without using time but just logic. If there's none without time, but still a clean solution, I'd appreciate that too.
Solution can be written in any "human readable" language (no haskell please) or pseudocode, I don't care.
I should have mentioned that the readObscure() function may also return the same number over and over again, or won't return a number at all, in which case I want to assume that the number is "unchanged".
Let's also update this with some examples:
readObscure() returns the numbers 1,2,14,15,8,17,20
This should be "rising"
readObscure() returns the numbers 1,2,14,15,17,20,20,20
This should be "rising" and then "unchanged"
So the question also is, how to define rising, unchanged, dropping. I'd like someone who maybe worked on those problems before to define it. The result should equal a "human sorting", so I look at the numbers and can immediatly tell, they are not rising, or they are rising.
I've been made aware of Rx (Reactive Extensions)
But for my personal case this is using a sledge-hammer to crack a nut.

Just make it so that whenever you add a value:
Take the value of the current and the last value, compute its delta.
Then, add it to wherever you're holding the deltas.
If you want something to "fire" everytime you "add a value," it's probably best to bind it to the container or some sort of callback/event-based mechanism/structure to ensure this. Boost.Signals2 (C++) is supposed to be a good way to handle this, but something as simple as creating an asynchronous thread of execution to compute and then push your value to the back of the storage vector would be good enough.


optimization: vector.erase() of pointer

I have a question about deleting a dynamic vector of pointers and optimization.
Here is my code. It checks wether an element has to be set to nullptr and then it delete all those elements.
for (auto* el : elements)
if (el != 0)
// do something
el = nullptr;
elements.erase(std::remove(elements.begin(), elements.end(), nullptr), elements.end());
Is the complexity of this operation onerous for the machine ?
And if it is, then is there a better way of doing it and it is worth it ? Because, here, the preservation of the index order is not important for me.
Thank you !
Is the complexity of this operation onerous for the machine ?
It is a bit costly, but not much more than the previous operation. Indeed, remove will typically check the value of each item, and if an item needs to be removed, the algorithm shifts the item on the right to put it on the current analysed item. erase is often relatively cheap since it just resizes the vector to skip the remaining garbage at the end (generally without any copy or reallocation) and call the destructor of the discarded items (costly only if there is a lot of them and the destructor is non-trivial). This operation can be as costly as the previous one.
And if it is, then is there a better way of doing it and it is worth it ? Because, here, the preservation of the index order is not important for me.
Yes, this is possible: you can just iterate over the array with a classical loop and swap the current item with the one of the end to discard it. You need to maintain a end iterator moving from the end to the beginning. The loop stops when the end iterator is reached. Note that the swapped items coming from the end should be checked by your predicate too.
Alternatively, you could just use std::partition at this algorithm does a quite similar job and is simpler: it puts the items validating a given condition to the left part and put the other on the right part. You can then just resize the array to remove the unwanted right part.
std::partition should is bit less efficient than the other swap-based approach only if there is a lot of item to remove since it has to maintain the consistency of both sides.
Here is an (untested) example with std::partition:
auto discardedBegin = partition(elements.begin(), elements.end(), doSomething);
elements.erase(discardedBegin, elements.end());

FRP vs. State Machine w/ Lenses for Game Loop

I'm trying to understand the practical difference between a FRP graph and a State Machine with lenses- specifically for something like a game loop where the entire state is re-drawn every tick.
Using javascript syntax, the following implementations would both essentially work:
Option 1: State Machine w/ Lenses
//Using Sanctuary and partial.lenses (or Ramda) primitives
//Each update takes the state, modifies it with a lens, and returns it
let state = initialValues;
eventSource.addEventListener(update, () => {
state = S.pipe([
(state) //the first call has the initial settings
Option 2: FRP
//Using Sodium primitives
//It's possible this isn't the best way to structure it, feel free to advise
cCharacter = sUpdate.accum(initialCharacter, updateCharacter)
cBackground = sUpdate.accum(initialBackground, updateBackground)
cState = cCharacter.lift(cBackground, mergeGameObjects)
I see that Option 1 allows any update to get or set data anywhere in the game state, however all the cells/behaviors in Option 2 could be adjusted to be of type GameState and then the same thing applies. If this were the case, then I'm really confused about the difference since that would then just boil down to:
cGameState = sUpdate
.accum(initialGameState, S.pipe(...updates))
And then they're really very equivalent...
Another way to achieve that goal would be to store all the Cells in some global reference, and then any other cell could sample them for reading. New updates could be propagated for communicating. That solution also feels quite similar to Option 1 at the end of the day.
Is there a way to structure the FRP graph in such a way that it offers clear advantages over the event-driven state machine, in this scenario?
I'm not quite sure what your question is, also because you keep changing the second example in your explanatory text.
In any case, the key benefit of the FRP approach — as I see it — is the following: The game state depends on many things, but they are all listed explicitly on the right-hand side of the definition of cGameState.
In contrast, in the imperative style, you have a global variable state which may or may not be changed by code that is not shown in the snippet you just presented. For all I know, the next line could be
eventSource2.addEventListener(update, () => { state = state + 1; })
and the game state suddenly depends on a second event source, a fact that is not apparent from the snippet you showed. This cannot happen in the FRP example: All dependencies of cGameState are explicit on the right-hand side. (They may be very complicated, sure, but at least they are explicit.)

Do you make safe and unsafe version of your functions or just stick to the safe version? (Embedded System)

let's say you have a function that set an index and then update few variables based on the value stored in the array element which the index is pointing to. Do you check the index to make sure it is in range? (In embedded system environment to be specific Arduino)
So far I have made a safe and unsafe version for all functions, is that a good idea? In some of my other codes I noticed that having only safe functions result in checking conditions multiple time as the libraries get larger, so I started to develop both. The safe function checks the condition and call the unsafe function as shown in example below for the case explained above.
Safe version:
bool RcChannelModule::setFactorIndexAndUpdateBoundaries(factorIndex_T factorIndex)
if(factorIndex < N_FACTORS)
return true;
return false;
Unsafe version:
void RcChannelModule::setFactorIndexAndUpdateBoundariesUnsafe(factorIndex_T factorIndex)
If I am doing it wrong fundamentally please let me know why and how I could avoid that. Also I would like to know, generally when you program, do you consider the future user to be a fool or you expect them to follow the minimal documentation provided? (the reason I say minimal is because I do not have the time to write a proper documentation)
void RcChannelModule::setCuurentFactorIndexUnsafe(const factorIndex_T factorIndex)
currentFactorIndex_ = factorIndex;
Safety checks, such as array index range checks, null checks, and so on, are intended to catch programming errors. When these checks fail, there is no graceful recovery: the best the program can do is to log what happened, and restart.
Therefore, the only time when these checks become useful is during debugging and testing of your code. C++ provides built-in functionality for dealing with this through asserts, which are kept in the debug versions of the code, but compiled out from the release version:
void RcChannelModule::setFactorIndexAndUpdateBoundariesUnsafe(factorIndex_T factorIndex) {
assert(factorIndex < N_FACTORS);
Note: [When you make a library for external use] an argument-checking version of each external function perhaps makes sense, with non-argument-checking implementations of those and all internal-only functions. If you perform argument checking then do it (only) at the boundary between your library and the client code. But it's pointless to offer a choice to your users, for if you want to protect them from usage errors then you cannot rely on them to choose the "safe" versions of your functions. (John Bollinger)
Do you make safe and unsafe version of your functions or just stick to the safe version?
For higher level code, I recommend one version, a safe one.
High level code, with a large set of related functions and data, the combinations of interactions of data and code are not possible to fully check at development time. When an error is detected, the data should be set to indicate an error state. Subsequent use of data within these functions would be aware of the error state.
For lowest level -time critical routines, I'd go with #dasblinkenlight answer. Create one source code that compiles 2 ways per the debug and release compiles.
Yet keep in mind #pete becker, it this really likely a performance bottle neck to do a check?
With floating-point related routines, use the NaN to help keep track of an unrecoverable error.
Lastly, as able, create functions that do not fail and avoid the issue. With many, not all, this only requires small code additions. It often only adds a constant of time performance penalty and not a O(n) penalty.
Example: Consider a function to lop off the first character of a string - in place.
// This work fine as long as s[0] != 0
char *slop_1(char *s) {
size_t len = strlen(s); // most work is here
return memmove(s, s + 1, len); // and here
Instead define the function, and code it, to do nothing when s[0] == 0
char *slop_2(char *s) {
size_t len = strlen(s);
if (len > 0) { // negligible additional work
memmove(s, s + 1, len);
return s;
Similar code can be applied to OP's example. Note that it is "safe", at least within the function. The assert() scheme can still be used to discovery development issues. Yet the released code, without the assert(), still checks the range.
void RcChannelModule::setFactorIndexAndUpdateBoundaries(factorIndex_T factorIndex)
if(factorIndex < N_FACTORS) {
} else {
Since you tagged this Arduino and embedded, you have a very resource-constrained system, one of the crappiest processors still manufactured.
On such a system you cannot afford extra error handling. It is better to properly document what values the parameters passed to the function must have, then leave the checking of this to the caller.
The caller can then either check this in run-time, if needed, or otherwise in compile-time with a static assert. Your function would however not be able to implement it as a static assert, as it can't know if factorIndex is a run-time variable or a compile-time constant.
As for "I have no time to write proper documentation", that's nonsense. It takes far less time to document this function than to post this SO question. You don't necessarily have to write an essay in some Word file. You don't necessarily have to use Doxygen or similar.
But you do need to write the bare minimum of documentation: In the header file, document the purpose and expected values of all function parameters in the form of comments. Preferably you should have a coding standard for how to document such functions. A minimal documentation of public API functions in the form of comments is part of your job as programmer. The code is not complete until this is written.

QDoubleSpinBox thousand separator while user is typing

I want to make a QDoubleSpinBox that would format the value into currency so it would be readable by users.
So far I've accomplished these things:
set showGroupSeparator to true - but it will only work when focus is released.
used the valueChanged signal to update the group separators directly by calling ui->doubleSpinBox->setValue(amount);
void DialogCashPayment::on_sbAmount_valueChanged(double arg1)
The Problem is
The cursor position will not be in the correct position when the
amount is > than 10k, sometimes the amount will completely disappear.
in short its really buggy.
Is there any approach on this? Maybe I've overlooked something simple. Please raise a comment if something is not clear. Thanks!

What is the effect of calling QAbstractItemModel::beginInsertRows() and endInsertRows() if no insertion actually takes place?

I'm implementing drag/drop behavior in my model, which is derived from QAbstractItemModel. My code (C++) for the drop event looks something like this:
beginInsertRows(destination_index, row, row);
The call to AcquireDroppedComponent can fail for a number of reasons and reject the drop, in which case no new rows will be inserted in the index stored in destination_index. My question is will calling begin/endInsertRows cause problems if this happens? My limited testing on Windows 7 so far shows no undesirable behavior, but I want to be thorough and not rely on the specific behavior of one platform. I can check beforehand if the drop will succeed or not, but I'd like to avoid the extra code if I can. My question also applies for the other begin/end functions like beginRemoveRows, beginInsertColumns, etc.
Calling these methods without doing the actions you indicate breaks their contract. How the clients of your model will cope with that is essentially undefined.
I can check beforehand if the drop will succeed or not, but I'd like to avoid the extra code if I can.
That "extra" code is absolutely necessary.
I'd refactor your code to perform acquisition and model change separately:
if (destination->acquireDroppedComponent(component)) {
beginInsertRows(destination_index, row, row);
The acquireDroppedComponent would store the data of the dropped object without modifying the model, and return true if it was successful and the data is usable. You then would call insertDroppedComponent to perform the model change.
