I have a wordpress site with avada and fusion core. How can I set a full width containers height, or a background image height?
Like this: http://evowpthemes.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/brooklyn-WordPress-full-screen-theme.jpg
My WordPress https://floridapsychics.org/
The content width 1200px works for all elements for all common WP content type.
My WooCommerce shop https://floridapsychics.org/shop
For all WooCommerce content types such as shop listing, categories and product the content width is being calculated and restricted to 1064px
I'm using WP 2023 child theme. I've set the content area for site and templates to be 1200px from the theme editor. For some reason I can't set the content area for woocomemrce shop, category and product pages. It is calculating the width which comes out to be 1064px even though I've set the content width to be 1200px for all woocommerce pages from theme editor.
How do I set it to 1200px like the rest of my pages?
The width is deduced by some left and right padding settings.
I am not familiar to WP 2023 child theme, but please look for theme settings related to left/right padding or spacing.
Is there a way to prevent the resizing of images in the <img> tag when a user is adjusting the site font size?
I have a container with a fixed height and when the text is enlarged on the site, it is pushing images outside of that container.
Here is an abridged version of the code:
I have a problem with featured image in Wordpress. When I add featured image for page header and after that I scroll down this image is not stable - it changes position as I scroll down a page (simultaneously). I have no idea how to make this image stable (the same like "backgroud: fixed"). The result I expect is to scroll down the page without moving image in header (it should change the content of image but not position of entire image).
My wordpress theme: Hestia.
What can i do to solve this problem?
Thank you for any suggestions.
I am very new to Magento. I'm using Luma Home Page and I have a blank one
I would like to add an image that fully stretch out to cover the entire browser viewport.
Can I do that from the admin panel
Tweaking the following CSS inside home page content?
<p><img src="{{media url="wysiwyg/qualytaly/home-main.jpg"}}" width="1280" height="460" /></p>
if not what would be the procedure to be followed?
Can you please check parent div properties. If parent div has some fixed width then your image will not go in full width even with 100% width.
In my Telescope App I integrated Embedly Thumbnail, the thumbnail is displaying but it is very blur. Do i need to change the width and height ratio or is there any option to make it look good.
The Aspect Ratio should be correct only then the generated image will be good.
In the admin setting panel change the width and height property to your choice but maintain aspect ratio. I used 800x720.
The images may look blurry especially if you are using the Grid layout, which uses larger thumbnail images. In settings, try setting the thumbnail width and height to 700 and 350.