Header name duplications - paw-app

Is this normal behavior, that Header name duplicates the same amount of times as it used in other requests?
Paw version 2.2.3
Maybe there is some sort of cache? Because I see duplication even in new document.
Paw version: 2.2.4
It looks better now, but still one duplication exists


How do I delete old snapshot versions

The Problem
Our Nexus (v2.14) is managing several hosted but also a couple of proxy repositories. Inspecting a specific proxy snapshot repository, I can see that a handful of GAVs are in storage (the latest developments). There are multiple (timestamped) snapshot versions within the latest GAVs, some multiple weeks old. I want to get rid of older snapshot versions and free disk space.
The Question
I might be on an entirely wrong track, but I've tried running three different kind of jobs now in order to free some space, but none worked:
Evict Unused Proxied Items From Repository Caches
Remove Snapshots From Repository
Remove Unused Snapshots From Repository
The latter two, I assume, aren't fit to work with proxied repositories (since they fail with the error "The repository with ID=XY is not valid for Snapshot Removal Task!").
The first one, for which I found documentation somewhere, is the job that should be used in my case, I think.
I set it up so that it evicts all items that are older than 7 days.
When I run the task, I expect to not find any snapshot versions that are older than 7 days in the "Browse Storage" view, but there are.
It's entirely possible that my expectations are wrong. But my questions stands nonetheless:
How do I remove old snapshot versions from a proxied snapshot repository in order to free disk space?
Thanks for the help!
PS: I have emptied the trash after running each job just in case, but no dice

Temporarily Stop R From Recording History

I find it very useful, in general, for my R history to be saved. I refer to it weekly, or more. Exploratory work in the console gradually gets refined and added to a file.
Occasionally a command will have a secret in it like an API key or searching a dataframe with confidential info, in which case I would like to be able to disable history being saved just for that one command and re-enable it immediately after. Something as much like bash's ignorespace option as possible.
I would be happy for a solution that worked in either R or RStudio, both would be even better. I know history can be manually disabled by going to Tools > Options > General > Always save history but I'm looking for either a command (or keyboard shortcut) so it can be turned on or off quickly.
Edit: something I thought might work but seemed not to help at all was settling "R_HISTFILE" to FALSE or a non-existent file. It doesn't to help the RStudio history at least. My examination of what it actually did has not been very thorough yet.
As i stated in the comment, there are ways to avoid having an API key stored in the history file. As the comment seemed to have collected some upvotes it might be worth the effort to expand it in an answer.
Occasionally a command will have a secret in it like an API key or searching a dataframe with confidential info, in which case I would like to be able to disable history being saved just for that one command and re-enable it immediately after.
I think right now, it is only possible to find a sultion for the "API key issue" with the current version of RStudio, see the comments in the links of paragraph: "Concerning the confidential info:"
However, while waiting for a soultion this page could be of interest for you: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/httr/vignettes/secrets.html.
Avoid having the API key stored is easier than the confidential info of a data.frame i think.
Concerning the confidential info:
Longer to introduce, but "clean":
I think its worth to add it as a feature request for the great rstudioapi package or adding up here:
Related: https://github.com/rstudio/rstudio/issues/1607 (would enable user to write their own addin)
Related: https://community.rstudio.com/t/configure-rstudio-global-options-on-install/14881 (would enable user to write their own addin)
Fast to introduce, but dirty:
- a hacky dirty workaround would be to introduce an add-in to delete the last insert in the history file.
Information storage
Here is described where the settings are stored: https://support.rstudio.com/hc/en-us/articles/200534577-Resetting-RStudio-Desktop-s-State.
You can navigate to the Rstudio-desktop folder. E.g. on windows enter: %localappdata%\RStudio-Desktop in the explorer.
The global options you are looking for can be found here: ..\monitored\user-settings\user-settings.
The flag "always save history,..." in Rstudio - Tools - Global Options - General is the first value in ..\monitored\user-settings\user-settings.
Unfortunately, RStudio won´t listen on changes in that file, so you would have to restart RStudio to make changes be visible. So for now it is not an option for temporarily stopping Rstudio from recording the history.
Concerning the API key, let me summarize a few approaches of that page:
Add a "popup" to ask for the secret: rstudioapi::askForPassword()
use environmental variables. You avoid the popup, but i think it just moves the logging of the confidential info from the "history" to the envar.
finally see the keyring package for storing the data in the secret store of your OS.

Telepat API Doc -Create App

I have probably multiple newbie questions but I am unsure about how to work with telepat based on just the document.
While creating an APP, we are expected to give a Key. However the field name is keys. Is there any reason for it? I am assuming that it would have to be unique but document does not mention if that is the case or the error we should expect in case the rule is violated.
Referring to http://docs.telepat.io/api.html#api-Admin-AdminCreateContext Admin Create does not seem to require authentication even when doing it from API. It also misses the response on success. Just a 200 may be sufficient but..
There is no way to get App ID. What am I missing?
First of all, what version of Telepat are you using ? Changes to the infrastructure happen often. The latest version is 0.2.5 (although I'd try to download from develop branch since improvements and bug-fixes appear on a day-by-day basis).
You can add multiple API keys for an application and distribute them in whatever way you want. The system is not bothered if you add a key that already exists at the moment.
May be because of old Telepat build. Can't get into detail with this.
admin/app/create returns the application object, including its ID. Also /admin/apps returns a list of all applications you have.

getting past cyclic dependencies when restoring Postgres database

My question is re. cyclic dependencies in the db. If the db has a table t1 which has a custom data type d1, then d1 has to exist before t1 can be restored. Similarly, if a view v1 depends on tables t1 and t2, then both tables have to exist before the view can be restored. This creates problem when dumping a complex db an restoring it on another server.
Is there a way (a switch) that allows restoring a dump, but doesn't do any integrity checking until the entire kaboodle is restored?
The pg_dump utility should take care of this automatically, and generally does; however, a few bugs in dependency tracking have recently been found (and fixed).
The first thing to do would be to make sure that you are on a supported major release and on the latest minor (bug-fix) version of whatever major release you are running.
If you find that you still have the problem, post specifics, so that we can figure out whether you have found a new problem which is not yet fixed, or whether you have lingering dependency mapping problems from before the bug was fixed. Be sure to show the output of select version(); as well as the exact error message.

Symfony2 - Doctrine autoescaping of input fields

I'm using Symfony2 version 2.0.5 with the bundled Doctrine ORM solution. Since I changed the environment from dev to prod, all my form inputs are escaped, when persisting to database. Now I know this is the correct behaviour for preventing sql injections, but when fetching the data back, the string isn't unescaped. Because I directly save JSON strings to database this is causing me big problems.
Also everytime I update this data the string gets escaped again and again.
My Question is, can I deactivate the escaping for certain fields, should I? Or can I unescape the values when fetched from the DB.
And why is this only happening in prod environment? Is this intended?
Best Regards, David!
This is probably caused by PHP configuration — not by Symfony or Doctrine. In php.ini, find all options starting with magic_quotes_ and set them to Off. Don't forget to restart the server.
