Bitbucket not showing changes in themes directory - wordpress

I'm using Sourcetree on OS X. I'm working on a WordPress project. For some reason, changes I make in the 'themes' directory are not being shown as Unstaged files. If I add a test file to /wp-admin/ or /wp-content/ it shows the test file as unstaged. I can't figure out why themes files are not being tracked.
I checked .gitignore and it's empty.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

To clarify the question. If SourceTree fails to recognize un-tracked files here are some steps you should take.
Double check that you are not listing the file/directory in .gitignore
Open up a GIT console for that repository and run git status This should show whether any changes are detectable by GIT.
Go to the directory in which you are having problems and look to see if you have any .gitignore files or .git folders. If they exist then deleting them should allow you to add these files to your repository
Sometimes having a Repo inside a repo is by design (often referred to as a sub-repository) and could cause issues if removed.
I just replicated this scenario with two repos and source tree appeared to see the untracked files once the .git was removed.
Could you open up a terminal window to that themes directory and do an ls -a?

If you use SourceTree, open the terminal and use git add <fileName> -f to force shown any changes in this folder then you can push to Bitbucket


Can build_site() not overwrite .gitignore in public/?

I'm following the suggestion on this section to put the public/ folder under version control. Hugo seems to generate an automatic .gitignore files every time I build the site. The default .gitignore ignores everything except itself. Now after I run build_site(), I need to manually overwrite the default .gitignore for the changes to show up.
Is there an option that can turn off the overwriting of .gitignore?
I experienced a similar problem when generating my site with a theme I forked from github. I use git to to track changes in the course files and then to push the generated site to GitHub where the site is hosted. I created a .gitignore file in the source files for the hugo site so it would ignore .DS_Store and .icloud files but when I ran hugo -D, the .gitignore file in the generated site repo would also be modified but appear empty.
The issue was that there was extra .gitignore files lurking in the template and theme files that I had forked. Deleting them with and regenerating the site files from source without running hugo mod clean --all fixed the issue.

How to ignore .dll files from all directories

I have a project and it has a lot of directories containing .dll files. Now I want to ignore all files having .dll extension from all directory. I have .gitignore file in root directory.I tried many combinations but none seems to work.
Please help
Just use
That will ignore all .dll files recursively, in all folders.
Ignoring files
From time to time, there are files you don't want Git to check in to GitHub. There are a few ways to tell Git which files to ignore.
Create a local .gitignore
If you create a file in your repository named .gitignore, Git uses it to determine which files and directories to ignore, before you make a commit.
A .gitignore file should be committed into your repository, in order to share the ignore rules with any other users that clone the repository.
GitHub maintains an official list of recommended .gitignore files for many popular operating systems, environments, and languages in the github/gitignore public repository.
In Terminal, navigate to the location of your Git repository.
Enter touch .gitignore to create a .gitignore file.
The Octocat has a Gist containing some good rules to add to this file.
If you already have a file checked in, and you want to ignore it, Git will not ignore the file if you add a rule later. In those cases, you must untrack the file first, by running the following command in your terminal:
git rm --cached FILENAME
Create a global .gitignore
You can also create a global .gitignore file, which is a list of rules for ignoring files in every Git repository on your computer. For example, you might create the file at ~/.gitignore_global and add some rules to it.
Open Terminal.
Run the following command in your terminal:git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global

Meteor.JS: How to Remove All Packages from a Project

I want to remove the meteor installation from my meteor project directory while keeping my source code intact, so that I can archive the project without the installed packages. I also want the package configuration to be retained in the archive so that I can re-install the project without having to re-add and re-remove the packages again.
How do I do this?
Meteor already creates a .gitignore file for you. That file tells you everything that should be archived. So you can simple look at that file and only archive that (either by deleting everything else, or just writing a script that reads the .gitignore file and interprets it). Alternatively, of course, you could just add everything to git (in which case git will interpret the .gitignore file for you), and then create an archive from the git repo.
Of course, that .gitignore file only excludes .meteor/local, so as Kyll already said, you could just delete that folder.

Git Archive but first put all the files inside a folder then start archiving

As title suggest, I want to know if there is a single git command that put all my project in one folder first (not including .gitignored files) and then proceed archiving the folder— leaving ignored files not included when archiving which is nice.
This can be beneficial for me as I am working on WordPress plugin with multiple release. Some references.
I want all the files (minus the .gitignored files) move to a folder first then proceed archiving that folder
It is possible in one command provided you define an alias but this isn't git-related:
you can:
clone your repo elsewhere (that way you don't get any ignored or private file)
move your files as you see fit in that local clone
archive (tar cpvf yourArchive.tar yourFolder)
But git archive alone won't help you move those files, which is why I would recommend a script with custom bash commands (not git commands).
You don't really need to copy / clone the repo anywhere.
Make sure you committed all your changes.
Process the files any way you want.
Run tar -cvjf dist/archive-name.tbz2 --transform='s,^,archive-name/,' $(git ls-tree --full-tree -r --name-only --full-name HEAD)
run git reset --hard to restore without any of the changes you made in step #2.
The --transform='s,^,archive-name/,' is so your files will be extracted toarchive-name/....`, you can remove it if you don't need that.

What causes a fatal: not a git repository error?

I am working on webpage, and I need version tracking, so I'm uploading it to github.
Here is the underlying set up.
Now that I have the base CMS ready to go, I need to get the base code uploaded before I start making changes.
lloydm#lloydm-E6320:~/Downloads/rtt/rtt-code$ pwd
lloydm#lloydm-E6320:~/Downloads/rtt/rtt-code$ git status
# On branch master
# Untracked files:
# (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
# wordpress/
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
lloydm#lloydm-E6320:~/Downloads/rtt/rtt-code$ ls
app.yaml cron.yaml php.ini wordpress
lloydm#lloydm-E6320:~/Downloads/rtt/rtt-code$ git add .
fatal: Not a git repository: wordpress/wp-content/plugins/../.git/modules/appengine-wordpress-plugin
I've never used github before, so I was just following the github website stuff. I have zero idea what this error means or how to prevent it. I can't find anything that I think is related to it.
You need to set up your git repo correctly.
I think you followed this section "Installing WordPress on your development environment" from the link you provided
So what you did was download WordPress into your folder which you set up to be a .git repository. However, the WordPress project builder you downloaded itself contains a .git repository.
Check if you have a /workpress/.git file. It likely contains something like :
gitdir: ../.git/modules/wordpress
If you do, then that explains the error I think.
As for setting it up correctly, there are many tutorials available.
One way is to use Git for theme deployment, rather than having it manage your entire WordPress installation -->
Another way is to add wordpress as a submodule
or Just make a ~/Downloads/rtt/rtt-code/wordpress/myWebpage directory and set up a git repo in it.
I think you just need to go into the wordpress folder and then run the git status command. As the directory(rtt-code) is not a git directory but contains within it the git repo, that is wordpress, you are getting this error.
Inside the wordpress folder, all your git commands would work perfectly well...
