How to connect domain to WordPress on Google Compute Engine - wordpress

I already own a domain from
And I've deployed WordPress on Google Compute Engine (GCE)
I want to connect this domain to my WordPress installation. How do I do that?
And also if it's possible to connect domain to my WordPress installation, how to create subdomains on GCE?

Domains and subdomains are controlled via DNS. You need to make the DNS record for, or whatever other subdomain you want point to you GCE instance's IP address.
If you want different subdomains to show different sites you will need to set up virtualhosts in your HTTP server (or perhaps use a Wordpress plugin).


AWS Wordpress site accessible using both domain and public IP. How to disable?

My wordpress site is accessible from both the IP address and the domain name. and IP
How to redirect IP address to domain name?
The IP address is also indexed on Google.
Installed using Bitnami marketplace on AWS
It seems this have been discussed on bitnami community:
Credits to user Jota (Bitnami Engineer):
You need to made 3 changes in the solution to make it work with the
domain only:
Change the WordPress configuration file to use your domain
Change the WP database to use that domain (*)
Change Apache to redirect all the requests to your domain
(*) This link do not work right now. But this topic is discussed here:

How to host the main domain and subdomains at 2 different hosting sites from godaddy?

I have bought the domain from godaddy.
And I have designed the UI which is the main site hosted at say webflow or wordpress.
Now I want to host the dashboard of the main site to the subdomain of this main site from heroku.
How to achieve that?
Domain bought: goDaddy
main site:
sub domain:
main site hosted at: wordpress
sub domain hosted at:
Now I want to change the subdomain to
I tried creating an 'A' record at goDaddy DNS settings for but it wants me to enter an IP address of heroku but when I created a DNS Zone in Heroku for, it doesn't seem to provide an IP address. It only provides the DNS Target value.
I laso tried to put the in Goddaddy dns settings in Points To field but it doen't accpets it. It requires an IP address.
Heroku uses dynamic IP address for the dynos so it’s impossible for Heroku to provide an IP address instead it provides a DNS target. Unfortunately GoDaddy doesn’t support ALIAS/ANAME records. You might want to check out other DNS providers who support ALIAS/ANAME out of the box to configure the APEX domain.

WP site accessible at subpath of domain used by Squarespace site

Alright this is a super weird request and it's just a stopgap measure until the client cleans up their many web properties, so no need to tell me that it's a convoluted way to do things. Current setup: is registered with GoDaddy but points to a Squarespace
site (CNAME & A records, etc) is a Wordpress site on Godaddy hosting
Question: Can I make the WP site at instead appear as If so, how?
I can set the site_url and home_url in WP, and I can set up a forwarding rule from Squarespace to the IP of the GoDaddy shared hosting account. Would that be enough?
I had thought I would need to set an A record with the host as, but slashes aren't allowed. Any insight greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading!
the only way to get this done that I am aware, is to use some form of land balancer, e.g.:
AWS Elastic Load balancer
Nginx / apache proxy
AWS CloudFormation custom backends
last option will also speed up your site.
Unless your DNS provider have some custom option, DNS alone can't do that.

Google Domain with A name record is pointing to Google nameservers but wordpress GCP vm installation won't resolve to the domain

The domain is registered with Google Domains and is pointing to the correct nameservers by default for Google Cloud Platform. I created DNS records pointing to the IP of the VM in the Google Domains DNS settings.
The VM is a Bitnami Wordpress installation on GCP
The VM works on it's assigned IP address, but does not resolve when trying to use the TLD. I changed the hardcoded wordpress site URL using SSH.
I am looking for a solution to this, I am sure it is something quite easy that I am overlooking

Point a url to another ip

I have a small website hosted in aws server. I do not want to write a blog engine so I want to use wordpress in cpanel.
Lets say my blogs will show up in domain/blogs url. will it be possible to somehow show the blogs from the wp cpanel when user visits that url and if the user only visits then they shud be in the aws server.
It seems that you want to keep the website with AWS and host your blog with any other provider.
You can do that via creating the subdomain like
1.Get Wordpress hosting with and your web host will provide the IP address of their web server.
2.Just go to DNS manager of your domain and add following A record. >> webhost's given IP address.
