Import export as ACP in alfresco share - alfresco

I am not able to find Import and Export as ACP option in Alfresco share 5.0. In earlier versions I used to do it via exporer but as it is no longer avilable in this version how can we do import export contents as ACP files?

You're right, the deprecation of Explorer caused many headaches to me too.
It seems that the usual operation has been replaced by Importing Module Data feature, at least for modules.
You can import the data by using an XML file or an ACP file as part of your module's initialization.
First place your ACP or XML file somewhere in your module's classpath.
Often this will be within the config folder structure. Next add the
following configuration to your module-context.xml file, specifying
either the XML or ACP file by its location on the classpath.
It also seems that alfresco is going to reinstate some features on version 5.1 as forecasted by Jeff Potts blog article.

I don't know if it is already useful but there is an excellent add-on to import and export in acp for multiple versions. It's compatible with 5.0. You can download it here :
Paste the jar file in your tomcat/shared/lib/ folder and restart Alfresco and let's go.


How to add an import file type in CVAT

I am trying to add the possibility to import an audio file in CVAT. I downloaded the development environment but I can't find which files I have to modify in order to add this feature. I searched for an explanation of the architecture in the documentation but I couldn't find it.
Do you know where I can find this information?

config.js vs preview.js for storybook?

On the storybook website, they describe customizing your configuration using files named preview.js and main.js.
At the company I work at, it seems like the .storybook directory seems to contain a bunch of files with other names, like a webpack.config.js or even just config.js.
Does it not matter what you name the files in the .storybook directory? Does it just run all of them arbitrarily?
The file names very much matter. What is happening is that your project is using the older standard (though it's still compatible) and the file names have been changed since Storybook 5.3. I understand it can be confusing, but the information available in the migration guide should help.

how can I import npm modules in meteor for once in my project instead of importing on every page?

I have to import npm modules in my existing project of Meteor. I am using some modules on each page and in meteor I am forces to import npm module on each page.Is there any common page where I import modules once and use it in my application throughout?
The reason you must import modules (regardless if they are npm packages, atmosphere packages, or other files in your project) in every JavaScript file in Meteor is because you have the ecmascript package installed.
This wonderful package allows you to take advantage of all the great new ECMAScript 2015 (or ES6) features (eg. arrow functions, classes, constants, block scoping​, etc.). One such feature (and the one that you are talking about) that it also includes is modules.
In ES6, modules are a built-in construct where units of reusable code are scoped at the file level such that there is exactly one module per file and one file per module. This means that in order to use any piece of code defined outside of a file you must first import it. This is very similar to import in Java and #include in C++, but subtly different. You can learn more about ES6 modules here.
Long story short, there are tons of advantages to the new spec, however if you wish to revert back to the global nature of pre-ES6, you can simply remove the ecmascript package from your meteor project, follow the original folder structure​ guidelines, and you will no longer have to import modules in every file..

Adding a new language (like Java, Javascript etc) in Sonarqube server

I have 4 XML files(rule set) for languages Java, CSS, XML and WEB (one XML per language)
I was able to import the rules(XML file) for Java language but I dont see other three languages on Sonarqube server. How can I create a new language tab and import their rules? Is there a plugin I can use?
To add support for more languages, you need to install dedicated plugins that you will find:
In the Update Center - read the documentation about it
Or in the list of other community plugins - in which case you have to install them manually by copying the plugin into <install_folder>/extensions/plugins folder

import play framework module as jar into java project

I have created a play module, how I can import the exported jar to normal java project(not play project)?
When I tried it it gives error:
The type play.libs.F$Promise cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files
You need to include the play libs as well. Have a look at the deployment documentation. activator dist allows you to create a standalone distribution for your entire play-app.
You can also search the jars in the output for the one which contains the classes you need and just add this one jar to your project.
Or: use sbt/maven to manage your dependencies and add the entire play-framework. (seems to be a bit of an overkill though)
