Print css, only load images at print time - css

I'm currently developing a complex print style sheet which is in some ways different from the HTML currently displayed on screen. I've hit a hurdle with a balance between performance and achieving the desired layout.
Basically there is a gallery of images which are loaded via javascript on the fly. Images are built dynamically via JS and output to the DOM on each request for the next image.
My problem lies in that I need to build this for printing purposes. I think I'm left with a scenario where I will have to build additional html on the page just for the print page to look correct; that isn't so much of a problem, except the images are rather big, and even using "display:none" and media print { display:block; } won't prevent the images from being downloaded on desktop devices behind the scenes by the browser. In essence I need them to stay dormont on screens, and come to life using print styles.
I had considered using the css background-image property - which I believe doesn't cause the image to load in the browser, however background image doesn't seem to reliably print across different browsers.
I've also tried using onbeforeprint javascript, but again, this is mess of browser inconsistency.
Can anyone suggest any sort of solution for this? at the moment it seems like I'm going to have to suck up the additional overhead of all the images to achieve reliable results.

If background images are an option, you could prevent the download of those when setting the parent element of the image container to display: none
Example HTML:
<div class="invisible">
<div class="img-container">
Related CSS:
.invisible {
display: none;
.img-container {
background: url(;
#media print {
.invisible {
display: block;
Apart from that a similar question had been asked: Prevent images from loading
May be that will help you, if background images are definitely NOT an option.


How to preload images with PhoneGap?

I've come to believe that there's two things happening. Firstly, if you want to preload a url, you can do this:
content: url( display:none;
But as far as I know, this doesn't help in this case:
content: url(../img/img_1.png) display:none;
In this latter case, the image is already local, so it doesn't have to "download" it? Is that true? Or will the first bit of code cache the image even more?
I ask, because even though I do this, and I then transition to another page, using jquery mobile, the next page still takes a few seconds to load the background image. Even though it's a local asset.
How do I get around this?
From the tests I've done, it seems that two things can cause a delay when loading an image:
When the image needs to be loaded from a URL, or
When the image is locally located, but needs to be placed on the display screen
What i didn't realise is that with PhoneGap, even with the images local, it might take a little while to load. This is what was causing issues for me. Well, this and the fact that I was loading from URLs. So in my case I used the "CSS3 Caching Plugin" like so:
jQuery(function($) {
This solved my problem of loading images that was in the CSS file. But then for my own convenience, I added a section to the css file for locally cached files. Like so:
#cacheMe1 { background: #ffffff url('../img/img1.png') 50% 50% repeat-x; }
#cacheMe2 { background: #ffffff url('../img/img2.png') 50% 50% repeat-x; }
#cacheMe3 { background: #ffffff url('../img/img3.png') 50% 50% repeat-x; }
#cacheMe4 { background: #ffffff url('../img/img4.png') 50% 50% repeat-x; }
This solved caching for most images, plus it allowed me to still keep URLs as loading in the app (i have a gallery section where its currently acceptable to see the images load, rather than on display).
What I also did that seems to be working, is that I use the "InAppBrowser" plugin to preload entire pages by opening them in a hidden window:
var ref ='', '_blank', 'hidden=yes');
If you open a bunch of files on load of the app, it seems when you either open these URLs again, or switch to the window with:;
So there's two decent ways I've found to cache files that works perfectly for my scenario. Hope it helps someone else!
I do not know if I understood well, but maybe it can useful for you:
<img src="my.png" onerror="this.src = 'image-not-found.png';" />
When I was facing problems with preloading images I had to abandon an idea of using display:none; cause it didn't work properly (as long as I remember the browser refuses to load content of invisible elements in order to speed page load up and reducing the traffic). Instead I created a div that in browser's opinion was visible, but it had zero width and height. Required images I load as background-image for this block. The whole trick is that background-image property can take multiple values. The CSS will look like this:
#preload {
height: 0;
width: 0;
background-image: url(image-1.png), url(image-2.png);
So you don't get mess in the markup. Hope this trick will work in your case.
You don't need to attach the image to the DOM directly, therefor there is no need to use css to hide it. Use JavaScript to preload images.
var image = new Image();
image.src = "yourfile.jpg"
you can then provide a longer term solution using appcache.

CSS'ing TinyMCE on a Diazo'ed Plone site

I had thought that TinyMCE was supposed to remain untouched by the Diazo theme, however some CSS from somewhere is leaking in and making certain functions harder to use. One such example is below, the line height on all the rows has become super short, making each row hard to select.
In Firebug, I can fix this by adding a min-height value here, a value set in dialog.css:
.radioscrolllist .list {min-height: 2em;}
However, I cannot find where to actually set this and have it stick. I've tried putting it in the Diazo theme style.css, in ploneCustom.css, and customizing both portal_skins/tinymce/themes/advanced/skins/plone/dialog.css and portal_skins/tinymce/plugins/plonebrowser/css/plonebrowser.css — none of these seem to do the trick though.
Any ideas on how/where to make this fix? The problem only shows up on the Diazo version of the site, not from the unthemed version. It looks like the only CSS files that load on the TinyMCE iframe are:
This is what I have in my project CSS to deal with a similar issue, though I find different issues on each project depending on what I do with the general CSS & columns in particular:
/* Fix TinyMCE gremlins */
#internallinkcontainer div.row {
/* Image browser was jumbled */
float: none;
#content #internallinkcontainer .list.item span,
#content #internallinkcontainer .list.item a {
/* Link browser was packed too much */
position: inherit;
#internallinkcontainer input[type="radio"] {
vertical-align: middle;
/* #end */
Which get's my Link Browser looking like this again:
Apart from the Diazo-CSS troubles, it sounds like you might be having trouble with
plone.css getting cached. The following is from the developer manual with amendments by myself that have not yet been pulled in.
plone.css is automagically generated dynamically based on the full portal_css registry configuration. It is used in e.g. TinyMCE to load all CSS styles into the TinyMCE in a single pass. It is not used on the normal Plone pages.
plone.css generation:
Note: plone.css is #import-ed by dialog.css which "hides" it from a browser refresh of a normal Plone page, even when Plone is in development mode. This means you may find you do not see your CSS updates within the TinyMCE plugin (e.g. in the link/image browser) whilst developing your theme. If this is the case, then simply do a hard refresh in your browser directly on: /plone.css to clear the cached version.
I just faced the same issue last week. My workaround was adding this in my theme's CSS (the tinymce dialogs are not part of the iframe that contains the content being edited; they are in the main frame):
#internallinkcontainer.radioscrolllist { line-height: auto !important; }
#internallinkcontainer .list.item span, #internallinkcontainer .list.item a { position: static !important; }
(Clearly we should find a less hacky solution, but I haven't had a chance.)
You almost answered it to yourself: You can customize column.css, that'll work, no important-declarations needed.
Additionally this seems not to be Diazo-related, the ploneCustom.css will also not be delivered to the dialog-window in a non-diazo'ed site, hmm.

How to customize Twitter Bootstrap from Illustrator design

I'm working on a new web app and I'd like to create my GUI mockups in Illustrator then implement them in HTML5 and CSS3 using Twitter Bootstrap. I know how to use the CSS classes to create my pages but I'd like to know the process of customizing Twitter Bootstrap to match my mockups as much as possible. I'm talking about colors, typography, margins, padding, borders, button styles and so on. I'd like to create completely different themes for this and every future project I'll be working on.
I'm a programmer but I love GUI design too so I'd like to know how professional designers make all the pieces fit in.
Thanks in advance.
In order to get the most out of Bootstrap (especially the new "mobile first" features) I recommend using your Illustrator file as a jumping off point, rather than a spec.
I agree with the other commenter who suggested leaving the Bootstrap file in place and writing a second file with selective overrides. This is much easier with Bootstrap 3 since the flat design means less to clobber with your own declarations.
I always start with laying out a static version of the pages using plain Bootstrap then methodically cherry picking styles using the inspector (e.g. body backgrounds, typography, colors) in priority order as they stand out to me visually. I usually wind up with something that is close, but slightly different (often better), than the original design.
Good luck! If you don't fight it too hard, Bootstrap offers a lot out of the box.
I'm pretty new to Bootstrap but the general consensus seems to be to leave the actual Bootstrap.css intact and create different CSS files to override Bootstrap. For example in this snippet (SCSS by the way) I commented a section as "General" and placed some default overrides for my site. Most notably would be the restyled input boxes from rounded to square.
html, body {
height: 100%;
.wrap {
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
min-height: 100%;
body {
a {
color: #FF4329;
&:hover {
text-decoration: none;
input[type="text"], .btn {
-webkit-border-radius: 0;
-moz-border-radius: 0;
border-radius: 0;
Also note that you can customize the files you download from Bootstrap so if you plan on using on the the grid system then that's all you need to download.
If you're planning to use the grid system of Bootstrap, there're plugins for Photoshop and Illustrator that create guidelines for you (you can even specify the padding, number of columns and margin).
Bootstrap is based on CSS. When you design something in Illustrator, you'll have to export assets like images but it's important to make use of CSS also for the most things you can. Remember, it's faster to apply a CSS background-color instead of using an image for that purpose as background-image.
I make my scratches on paper and pass right away to html. With chrome developer tools you can easily change the css styles applied, apply new rules, etc

Background loads slowly when page switches

Today when I wrote css I found that there are some problems appearing. I used bootstrap and darkstrap to design. In darkstrap the body's style is
body {
color: #c6c6c6;
background-color: #2f2f2f;
And in my own css:
body {
background: url(../img/11.jpg) no-repeat fixed;
background-size: 100% 100%
It looks no problem but the only question is when I switch the page, the page seems to have an asynchronous load (but I didn't refresh the page), first completing the style in darkstrap, then loading my style after 1 second. But I put my css before the bootstrap and darkstrap. And I just not refresh the page.
At last, I quote the body style in darkstrap, when I switch the page again, the body's background-color also complete after 1 seconds, it looks awful, I know the image load may send a http request and its loading may last. But I just switch the page... so where is the problem?
Where are you loading the scripts and css? Is it and the end of the page body?
One way to fix this might be to move the script loading into the page <head> section. When you do this, all of it will be loaded before any body markup. This will ensure that your CSS and the bootstrap css is ready before you see anything on the page. The downside of this is that it might make the page appear to take longer to load.
There could be other reasons, but this is the first thing that sprang to mind for me.

PHP: Add hover effect to image

I am working on a PHP file. I'm working on the menu bar, the menu bar contains all the image buttons, if someone hovers on one of the buttons I want them to change image(color). Could someone help me out with this?
$globalsettings = array(
'src' => $sImageURL.'global1.png',
'alt' => $clang->gT("Global participant settings"),
'title' => $clang->gT("Global participant settings"),
'style' => 'margin-left:5px',
'style' => 'margin-right:1px'
You can create hover effects using CSS (cascading stylesheets). Your CSS must be in an external stylesheet or embedded style element.
I'm using BUTTON that will style all <button> elements, but you can replace it with whatever element you want to style, such as an <img> with IMG (lowercase or uppercase).
background: url(my_bg.png);
BUTTON:hover {
background: url(my_hover_bg.png);
If you don't know how to use stylesheets, just insert embedded styling into the <head> of your HTML document.
<style type="text/css">
/* Place CSS here */
If you want you can take it a step further and use CSS sprites (like old videos games used to do it). CSS sprites are a collection of images in one single image, and you simply change the position of the location of the background, and it creates the effect. You can achieve this like this:
#myelement {
background: url(my_bg.png) -0 -0;
#myelement:hover {
background: url(my_bg.png) -0 -100px;
There are also old school ways of hover effects but they're like Frontpage-era, so I don't recommend using them. CSS hover effects is the standard of today.
You're trying to solve 2 problems in one step. You need to get the images to display and then swap between them on hover.
You can't dynamically edit a button in JS (ok, you could with canvases and html 5 but it's non-trivial). So, you need to use CSS (or possibly JS) to to swap between 2 images.
Where those images come from is up to you - you can either pre-generate them which is a little work up front but easy to implement and no PHP required. This would be the preferred option if there's only one or two variations in colour.
Alternatively, you can have a PHP script which generates the images on-the-fly (and ideally caches them to save recomputing them later). This allows for infinite variation but requires more overhead on the server. This approach is commonly used to generate thumbnails as the source image isn't known in advance
Note that PHP has no control over when each image is displayed - it simply provides images to your CSS/JS in exactly the same way as a webserver would serve a static image.
If you want to edit an image in PHP, you need to look at the GD+ library
You can use css to do this quite easily by using the content: selector.
for example, your markup might look like this:
<div class="link" id="link1">
<img />
and the css would be something like:
#link1 a img{
#link1:hover a img{
by using the selectors you assign in your script, you should find it pretty easy to amend this to suit your needs.
here is a working fiddle demonstrating this
You can use sprite image and onhover change position.
also you will get benefit of performance.
