Rich data for email - rich-snippets

Does rich data for emails exists?
I recently made a purchase and my Google Inbox made this view above the actual email content. (Image provided below)
Is this some rich data everyone can add to their emails?

Some Google services (like Gmail and Inbox) support Google’s "Email Markup".
It makes use of the vocabulary, which is also supported by Google Search for their Rich Snippets etc.
The Stack Overflow tag for questions about this is google-schemas.


Styling Shopify emails

So Gmail doesn't show embedded styles. But Shopify email with embedded styling looks styled as expected. My question is does Shopify preprocess its emails templates to turn embedded styles to inline?
All mail clients read and interprete mail in their own way.
Shopify displays the content as webpage in a browser.
It is therefore much more difficult to code a beautiful mail that a beautiful website.
There are several "good practice" to make pretty mail (the best is not to use div but tables)
You can find some doc on table here
And a summary of all the web tools and their compatibility to the mail clients here.
And doc about font in mail here

Custom Report in Google Analytics

I am new to Google Analytics.I want to create custom report which should look like this What will be my custom metrics and custom dimensions and what changes i need to do in my tracking code to generate such kind of report.
I second faridghar answer. However, to get a straight response to your question I will suggest creating a custom report and using other tools to accomplish what you want to achieve. Simply follow this youtube video steps. It will explain everything except the email ID issue, you can still follow their instructions to implement a similar solution as they did with the user's names.
It is forbidden to collect personally identifiable information (PII) in Google Analytics. In your example, "Client Name", "Email ID" and "Address" are all PII. Therefore, while it may be technically possible to achieve this, you would be violating Google Analytics policy. More info here.
One way around this would be to hash the data before you send it to GA. This would only really make sense for the email field as your other fields are probably not unique.

Share On LinkedIn Description field not displayed in new UI

Posts made via the Share on LinkedIn API for users on the new user interface appear on their accounts with at most: a user message/comment, image, title, and link domain. However, the documentation on the Share on LinkedIn API ( describes that the request body can also contain a "description" field with text up to 256 characters. When the description and all the post fields are provided explicitly to the API (as in the example in the documentation), the description field does not appear for users on the new UI. The description field did appear for users when they were on the old UI.
The Share on LinkedIn API provides an additional option for sharing by omitting the post details fields (title, image, description), and allowing LinkedIn to generate the post based on the Open Graph data it finds at the link URL. However, the result is the same as above for users on the new UI.
Is this a bug, or is the documentation out-of-date?
These are your only options. Choose one:
Share image.
Share description.
If you try to share both, you will only see an image.
I argued with LinkedIn support about this for two weeks I've also directly contacted many of the developers. They have agreed that this is the logic and this is how it is designed to work. I tested this theory out on Wikipedia (has a description, no image) and GitHub (has both description and image). Results:
Wikipedia: Description ONLY -- Works (but no image)!
GitHub: Image ONLY -- Works (but no description)!
I made test site, with only description, to verify this, and it appears confirmed.
Sure, the Official Microsoft LinkedIn Share Documentation makes no mention whatsoever of this, but once again, reality is in direct conflict with Microsoft's understanding.

Image preview for web sharing in Line chat

I make a website and I try to share it via Line chat. It seems that Line chat has a feature to display web preview like Facebook does. My question is, how to control which image and description that will be shown in Line chat? I know for Facebook but I never know in Line. I have tried googling around but I don't know the keyword for it. The google result is not what I expected.
Thank you for your help.
I think what you are searching is using HTML Meta Tags on sites. Social Media such as facebook, twitter, etc. usually reads index.html's <meta> tags to provide a preview about the sites. You may learn more about meta tags here.

How do I add real-time analytics to my Q or A on SO?

Is it possible to add some sort of tracking or live analytics to the questions or answers I post here on Stack Overflow?
Bottom line: is it possible to add Analytics to a page that is not ours?
Note that this topic hasn't been removed because the information can be usefull for other usecases.
Yes it is! Using an image beacon created primarily to track live github pages.
It's really simple, just follow the steps:
Setup instructions:
First, log in to your Google Analytics account (if you don't have an Analytics account yet, get one here) and set up a new property:
Select "Website", use new "Universal Analytics" tracking
Website name: anything you want (e.g. StackOverflow Questions and Answers)
WebSite URL:
Click "Get Tracking ID", copy the UA-XXXXX-X ID on next page
Next, add a tracking image to the questions/answers pages you want to track:
UA-XXXXX-X should be your tracking ID
accounttype/question_name is an arbitrary path.
Add this image to your question/answer (if you have both in the same page, choose only one), and you're ready!
Example used for this page:
Once everything is setup, install this custom dashboard in your account for a nice real-time overview (as shown in screenshot below).
Edit 14-05-2014:
After it being discussed at Meta.SE, I should add the detail to this answer that the use of this beacon or anything similar, might be subject of approval by the terms of service of the targeted website.
In the case of SE, it violates the Stack Exchange terms of service, section 3(e): Subscriber represents, warrants and agrees that it will not contribute any Subscriber Content that ... (e) contains a virus, trojan horse, worm, time bomb or other computer programming routine or engine that is intended to damage, detrimentally interfere with, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate any system, data or information.
