PCL: Flatten ground plane but keep distance over the ground - point-cloud-library

From LiDAR data I have separated ground and non-ground points with PMF. Now I want to flatten all the ground points (z = 0) but keep the distance above the ground for all non-ground points. This can be done in LASTools with LASground -replace_z.
The wanted result is shown in the image below.
Image of wanted output

basically you want to "normalize" the terrain Z value to the ground surface.
You create a ground model using your ground points - for example a grid with cells - aka raster - holding an interpolated value of the ground Z value, and then subtracting all the points to that value. Just build a grid over your XY bounding box; below an example of a 90 X 100 grid:
int nRowCells = 100;
int nColCells = 90;
vector< vector <float> > grid;
for(int i=0; i < nRowCells; ++i)
std::vector<coord> row(nColCells, .0f);
grid.push_back( row );
Then you assign each of your ground point to a cell using its coordinate and cell resolution.
By the way, in LasTools this is possible to the "lasheight" module, if you do some Googleing you will read about how it works.


3D Projection Modification - Encode Z/W into Z

This is a little tricky to explain, so bare with me. I'm attempting to design a 2D projection matrix that takes 2D pixel coordinates along with a custom world-space depth value, and converts to clip-space.
The idea is that it would allow drawing elements based on screen coordinates, but at specific depths, so that these elements would interact on the depth buffer with normal 3D elements. However, I want x and y coordinates to remain the same scale at every depth. I only want depth to influence the depth buffer, and not coordinates or scale.
After the vertex shader, the GPU sets depth_buffer=z/w. However, it also scales x/w and y/w, which creates the depth scaling I want to avoid. This means I must make sure my final clip-space w coordinate ends up being 1.0, to avoid those things. I think I could also adopt to scale x and y by w, to cancel out the divide, but I would rather do the former, if possible.
This is the process that my 3D projection matrix uses to convert depth into clip space (d = depth, n = near distance, f = far distance)
z = f/(f-n) * d + f/(f-n) * -n;
w = d;
This is how I would like to setup my 2D projection matrix. Compared to the 3D version, it would divide both attributes by the input depth. This would simulate having z/w encoded into just the z value.
z = ( f/(f-n) * d + f/(f-n) * -n ) / d;
w = d / d;
I think this turns into something like..
r = f/(f-n); // for less crazy math
z = r + ( r * -n ) / d;
w = 1.0;
However, I can't seem to wrap my math around the values that I would need to plug into my matrix to get this result. It looks like I would need to set my matrix up to perform a division by depth. Is that even possible? Can anyone help me figure out the values I need to plug into my matrix at m[2][2] and m[3][2] (m._33 and m._43) to make something like this happen?
Note my 3D projection matrix uses the following properties to generate the final z value:
m._33 = f / (f-n); // depth scale
m._43 = -(f / (f-n)) * n; // depth offset
Edit: After thinking about this a little more, I realized that the rate of change of the depth buffer is not linear, and I'm pretty sure a matrix can only perform linear change when its input is linear. If that is the case, then what I'm trying to do wouldn't be possible. However, I'm still open to any ideas that are in the same ball park, if anyone has one. I know that I can get what I want by simply doing pos.z /= pos.w; pos.w = 1; in the vertex shader, but I was really hoping to make it all happen in the projection matrix, if possible.
In case anyone is attempting to do this, it cannot be done. Without black magic, there is apparently no way to divide values with a matrix, unless of course the diviser is a constant or etc, where you can swap out a scaler with 1/x. I resorted to performing the operation in the shader in the end.

How to calculate ray in real-world coordinate system from image using projection matrix?

Given n images and a projection matrix for each image, how can i calculate the ray (line) emitted by each pixel of the images, which is intersecting one of the three planes of the real-world coordinate system? The object captured by the camera is at the same position, just the camera's position is different for each image. That's why there is a separate projection matrix for each image.
As far as my research suggests, this is the inverse of the 3D to 2D projection. Since information is lost when projecting to 2D, it's only possible to calculate the ray (line) in the real-world coordinate system, which is fine.
An example projection matrix P, that a calculated based on given K, R and t component, according to K*[R t]
3310.400000 0.000000 316.730000
K= 0.000000 3325.500000 200.550000
0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
-0.14396457836077139000 0.96965263281337499000 0.19760617153779569000
R= -0.90366580603479685000 -0.04743335255026152200 -0.42560419233334673000
-0.40331536459778505000 -0.23984130575212276000 0.88306936201487163000
t= -0.0294278883669
-604.322 3133.973 933.850 178.711
P= -3086.026 -205.840 -1238.247 37.127
-0.403 -0.240 0.883 0.673
I am using the "DinoSparseRing" data set available at http://vision.middlebury.edu/mview/data
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
RealMatrix rotationMatrix = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(rotationMatrices[i]);
RealVector translationVector = MatrixUtils.createRealVector(translationMatrices[i]);
// construct projection matrix according to K*[R t]
RealMatrix projMatrix = getP(kalibrationMatrices[i], rotationMatrices[i], translationMatrices[i]);
// getM returns the first 3x3 block of the 3x4 projection matrix
RealMatrix projMInverse = MatrixUtils.inverse(getM(projMatrix));
// compute camera center
RealVector c = rotationMatrix.transpose().scalarMultiply(-1.f).operate(translationVector);
// compute all unprojected points and direction vector per project point
for (int m = 0; m < image_m_num_pixel; m++) {
for (int n = 0; n < image_n_num_pixel; n++) {
double[] projectedPoint = new double[]{
// undo perspective divide
projectedPoint[0] *= projectedPoint[2];
projectedPoint[1] *= projectedPoint[2];
// undo projection by multiplying by inverse:
RealVector projectedPointVector = MatrixUtils.createRealVector(projectedPoint);
RealVector unprojectedPointVector = projMInverse.operate(projectedPointVector);
// compute direction vector
RealVector directionVector = unprojectedPointVector.subtract(c);
// normalize direction vector
double dist = Math.sqrt((directionVector.getEntry(0) * directionVector.getEntry(0))
+ (directionVector.getEntry(1) * directionVector.getEntry(1))
+ (directionVector.getEntry(2) * directionVector.getEntry(2)));
directionVector.setEntry(0, directionVector.getEntry(0) * (1.0 / dist));
directionVector.setEntry(1, directionVector.getEntry(1) * (1.0 / dist));
directionVector.setEntry(2, directionVector.getEntry(2) * (1.0 / dist));
The following 2 plots show the outer rays for each images (total of 16 images). The blue end is the camera point and the cyan is a bounding box containing the object captured by the camera. One can clearly see the rays projecting back to the object in world coordinate system.
To define the ray you need a start point (which is the camera/eye position) and a direction vector, which can be calculated using any point on the ray.
For a given pixel in the image, you have a projected X and Y (zeroed at the center of the image) but no Z depth value. However the real-world co-ordinates corresponding to all possible depth values for that pixel will all lie on the ray you are trying to calculate, so you can just choose any arbitrary non-zero Z value, since any point on the ray will do.
float projectedX = (x - imageCenterX) / (imageWidth * 0.5f);
float projectedY = (y - imageCenterY) / (imageHeight * 0.5f);
float projectedZ = 1.0f; // any arbitrary value
Now that you have a 3D projected co-ordinate you can undo the projection by applying the perspective divide in reverse by multiplying X and Y by Z, then multiplying the result by the inverse projection matrix to get the unprojected point.
// undo perspective divide (redundant if projectedZ = 1, shown for completeness)
projectedX *= projectedZ;
projectedY *= projectedZ;
Vector3 projectedPoint = new Vector3(projectedX, projectedY, projectedZ);
// undo projection by multiplying by inverse:
Matrix invProjectionMat = projectionMat.inverse();
Vector3 unprojectedPoint = invProjectionMat.multiply(projectedPoint);
Subtract the camera position from the unprojected point to get the direction vector from the camera to the point, and then normalize it. (This step assumes that the projection matrix defines both the camera position and orientation, if the position is stored separately then you don't need to do the subtraction)
Vector3 directionVector = unprojectedPoint.subtract(cameraPosition);
The ray is defined by the camera position and the normalized direction vector. You can then intersect it with any of the X, Y, Z planes.

OpenGL Math - Projecting Screen space to World space coords

Time for a little bit of math for the end of the day..
I need to project 4 points of the window size:
<0,0> <1024,768>
Into a world space coordinates so it will form a quadrilateral shape that will later be used for terrain culling - without GluUnproject
For test only, I use mouse coordinates - and try to project them onto the world coords
Here's how to do it exactly, step by step.
Obtain your mouse coordinates within the client area
Get your Projection matrix and View matrix if no Model matrix required.
Multiply Projection * View
Inverse the results of multiplication
Construct a vector4 consisting of
x = mouseposition.x within a range of window x
transform to values between -1 and 1
y = mouseposition.y within a range of window y
transform to values between -1 and 1
remember to invert mouseposition.y if needed
z = the depth value ( this can be obtained with glReadPixel)
you can manually go from -1 to 1 ( zNear, zFar )
w = 1.0
Multiply the vector by inversed matrix created before
Divide result vector by it's w component after matrix multiplication ( perspective division )
POINT mousePos;
ScreenToClient( this->GetWindowHWND(), &mousePos );
CMatrix4x4 matProjection = m_pCamera->getViewMatrix() * m_pCamera->getProjectionMatrix() ;
CMatrix4x4 matInverse = matProjection.inverse();
float in[4];
float winZ = 1.0;
in[2]=2.0* winZ -1.0;
CVector4 vIn = CVector4(in[0],in[1],in[2],in[3]);
pos = vIn * matInverse;
pos.w = 1.0 / pos.w;
pos.x *= pos.w;
pos.y *= pos.w;
pos.z *= pos.w;
sprintf(strTitle,"%f %f %f / %f,%f,%f ",m_pCamera->m_vPosition.x,m_pCamera->m_vPosition.y,m_pCamera->m_vPosition.z,pos.x,pos.y,pos.z);
I had to make some adjustments to the answers provided here. But here's the code I ended up with (Note I'm using GLM, that could affect multiplication order). nearResult is the projected point on the near plane and farResult is the projected point on the far plane. I want to perform a ray cast to see what my mouse is hovering over so I convert them to a direction vector which will then originate from my camera's position.
vec3 getRayFromScreenSpace(const vec2 & pos)
mat4 invMat= inverse(m_glData.getPerspective()*m_glData.getView());
vec4 near = vec4((pos.x - Constants::m_halfScreenWidth) / Constants::m_halfScreenWidth, -1*(pos.y - Constants::m_halfScreenHeight) / Constants::m_halfScreenHeight, -1, 1.0);
vec4 far = vec4((pos.x - Constants::m_halfScreenWidth) / Constants::m_halfScreenWidth, -1*(pos.y - Constants::m_halfScreenHeight) / Constants::m_halfScreenHeight, 1, 1.0);
vec4 nearResult = invMat*near;
vec4 farResult = invMat*far;
nearResult /= nearResult.w;
farResult /= farResult.w;
vec3 dir = vec3(farResult - nearResult );
return normalize(dir);
Multiply all your matrices. Then invert the result. Point after projection are always in the -1,1. So the four corner screen points are -1,-1; -1,1; 1,-1;1,1. But you still need to choose th z value. If you are in OpenGL, z is between -1 and 1. For directx, the range is 0 to 1. Finally take your points and transform them with the matrix
If you have access to the glu libraries, use gluUnProject(winX, winY, winZ, model, projection, viewport, &objX, &objY, &objZ);
winX and winY will be the corners of your screen in pixels. winZ is a number in [0,1] which will specify where between zNear and zFar (clipping planes) the points should fall. objX-Z will hold the results. The middle variables are the relevant matrices. They can be queried if needed.

Implementing Ray Picking

I have a renderer using directx and openGL, and a 3d scene. The viewport and the window are of the same dimensions.
How do I implement picking given mouse coordinates x and y in a platform independent way?
If you can, do the picking on the CPU by calculating a ray from the eye through the mouse pointer and intersect it with your models.
If this isn't an option I would go with some type of ID rendering. Assign each object you want to pick a unique color, render the objects with these colors and finally read out the color from the framebuffer under the mouse pointer.
EDIT: If the question is how to construct the ray from the mouse coordinates you need the following: a projection matrix P and the camera transform C. If the coordinates of the mouse pointer is (x, y) and the size of the viewport is (width, height) one position in clip space along the ray is:
mouse_clip = [
float(x) * 2 / float(width) - 1,
1 - float(y) * 2 / float(height),
(Notice that I flipped the y-axis since often the origin of the mouse coordinates are in the upper left corner)
The following is also true:
mouse_clip = P * C * mouse_worldspace
Which gives:
mouse_worldspace = inverse(C) * inverse(P) * mouse_clip
We now have:
p = C.position(); //origin of camera in worldspace
n = normalize(mouse_worldspace - p); //unit vector from p through mouse pos in worldspace
Here's the viewing frustum:
First you need to determine where on the nearplane the mouse click happened:
rescale the window coordinates (0..640,0..480) to [-1,1], with (-1,-1) at the bottom-left corner and (1,1) at the top-right.
'undo' the projection by multiplying the scaled coordinates by what I call the 'unview' matrix: unview = (P * M).inverse() = M.inverse() * P.inverse(), where M is the ModelView matrix and P is the projection matrix.
Then determine where the camera is in worldspace, and draw a ray starting at the camera and passing through the point you found on the nearplane.
The camera is at M.inverse().col(4), i.e. the final column of the inverse ModelView matrix.
Final pseudocode:
normalised_x = 2 * mouse_x / win_width - 1
normalised_y = 1 - 2 * mouse_y / win_height
// note the y pos is inverted, so +y is at the top of the screen
unviewMat = (projectionMat * modelViewMat).inverse()
near_point = unviewMat * Vec(normalised_x, normalised_y, 0, 1)
camera_pos = ray_origin = modelViewMat.inverse().col(4)
ray_dir = near_point - camera_pos
Well, pretty simple, the theory behind this is always the same
1) Unproject two times your 2D coordinate onto the 3D space. (each API has its own function, but you can implement your own if you want). One at Min Z, one at Max Z.
2) With these two values calculate the vector that goes from Min Z and point to Max Z.
3) With the vector and a point calculate the ray that goes from Min Z to MaxZ
4) Now you have a ray, with this you can do a ray-triangle/ray-plane/ray-something intersection and get your result...
I have little DirectX experience, but I'm sure it's similar to OpenGL. What you want is the gluUnproject call.
Assuming you have a valid Z buffer you can query the contents of the Z buffer at a mouse position with:
// obtain the viewport, modelview matrix and projection matrix
// you may keep the viewport and projection matrices throughout the program if you don't change them
GLint viewport[4];
GLdouble modelview[16];
GLdouble projection[16];
glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, viewport);
glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, modelview);
glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, projection);
// obtain the Z position (not world coordinates but in range 0 - 1)
GLfloat z_cursor;
glReadPixels(x_cursor, y_cursor, 1, 1, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_FLOAT, &z_cursor);
// obtain the world coordinates
GLdouble x, y, z;
gluUnProject(x_cursor, y_cursor, z_cursor, modelview, projection, viewport, &x, &y, &z);
if you don't want to use glu you can also implement the gluUnProject you could also implement it yourself, it's functionality is relatively simple and is described at opengl.org
Ok, this topic is old but it was the best I found on the topic, and it helped me a bit, so I'll post here for those who are are following ;-)
This is the way I got it to work without having to compute the inverse of Projection matrix:
void Application::leftButtonPress(u32 x, u32 y){
GL::Viewport vp = GL::getViewport(); // just a call to glGet GL_VIEWPORT
vec3f p = vec3f::from(
((float)(vp.width - x) / (float)vp.width),
((float)y / (float)vp.height),
// alternatively vec3f p = vec3f::from(
// ((float)x / (float)vp.width),
// ((float)(vp.height - y) / (float)vp.height),
// 1.);
// now p elements are in (-1, 1)
vec3f near = p * vec3f::from(APP_FRUSTUM_NEAR);
vec3f far = p * vec3f::from(APP_FRUSTUM_FAR);
// ray in world coordinates
Ray ray = { _camera->getPos(), -(_camera->getBasis() * (far - near).normalize()) };
_ray->set(ray.origin, ray.dir, 10000.); // this is a debugging vertex array to see the Ray on screen
Node* node = _scene->collide(ray, Transform());
cout << "node is : " << node << endl;
This assumes a perspective projection, but the question never arises for the orthographic one in the first place.
I've got the same situation with ordinary ray picking, but something is wrong. I've performed the unproject operation the proper way, but it just doesn't work. I think, I've made some mistake, but can't figure out where. My matix multiplication , inverse and vector by matix multiplications all seen to work fine, I've tested them.
In my code I'm reacting on WM_LBUTTONDOWN. So lParam returns [Y][X] coordinates as 2 words in a dword. I extract them, then convert to normalized space, I've checked this part also works fine. When I click the lower left corner - I'm getting close values to -1 -1 and good values for all 3 other corners. I'm then using linepoins.vtx array for debug and It's not even close to reality.
unsigned int x_coord=lParam&0x0000ffff; //X RAW COORD
unsigned int y_coord=client_area.bottom-(lParam>>16); //Y RAW COORD
double xn=((double)x_coord/client_area.right)*2-1; //X [-1 +1]
double yn=1-((double)y_coord/client_area.bottom)*2;//Y [-1 +1]
_declspec(align(16))gl_vec4 pt_eye(xn,yn,0.0,1.0);
gl_mat4 view_matrix_inversed;
gl_mat4 projection_matrix_inversed;

position spheres along a bezier curve

I am trying a couple of tutorials from http://nehe.gamedev.net, in order to learn openGL programming, I would like to position spheres along a Bezier curve such that they appear as a string of pearls. how can I position such spheres along the curve. I am drawing the curve using de Casteljau's algorithm and hence can get the XYZ points on the curve.
If your spheres are small enough relative to the overall length of the Bezier curve, you can just position your spheres at even intervals to get an appearance similar to a string of pearls. (If the spheres are relatively large then you'll have to start worrying about sphere overlap more -- not an easy problem, and probably not very instructive for learning OpenGL.)
The parameter value t of a Bezier curve varies from 0 to 1. To evaluate your Bezier curve at 10 locations (the ends and eight interior points) you can do something like this:
for( int i = 0; i <= 9; ++i )
double t = i / 9.0;
double x, y;
EvalBezier( t, x, y );
DrawSphere( x, y, radius );
Where EvalBezier( t, x, y ) fills in (x,y) for a given t. Just pick radius to give you a pleasing result. If you want to try to pick radius automatically, just use half the minimum distance from the point i to points i-1 and i+1 as a rough estimate. If you do this, remember to handle the end points specially, using either only the next or previous points (whichever you have).
