Go loop pointer changes [duplicate] - pointers

This question already has answers here:
Using Pointers in a for loop
(2 answers)
How to understand this behavior of goroutine?
(2 answers)
Golang Reusing Memory Address Copying from slice?
(2 answers)
Register multiple routes using range for loop slices/map
(1 answer)
Convert slice of string to slice of pointer to string
(2 answers)
Closed 9 months ago.
I am using a for range loop in Go to iterate through a slice of structs.
In each loop, I a pointer to the current item to a variable.
I am confused why the pointer changes value in the next loop.
For example this code:
package main
import "fmt"
type t struct {
val int
func main() {
l := []t{{1}, {2}}
var p *t
for _, i := range l {
fmt.Println("begin", p)
p = &i
fmt.Println("end", p)
I would expect to produce:
begin <nil>
end &{1}
begin &{1}
end &{2}
But actually does:
begin <nil>
end &{1}
begin &{2}
end &{2}
For reference, in my actual code, I am checking for a condition during the loop, and returning the current item and previous one. So I am trying to save a pointer to it, so that in the next iteration it will have access to the previous as well.

The problem is that you're taking the address of the loop/range variable and not the address of the item in slice. However, you're just making a lot of unnecessary work for yourself. For one, why don't you use the i, v := range or better yet i, _ := and then you can do i-1 to get the previous item? Secondly, even if you want it saved in a pointer, still use this syntax and then assign p = &l[i] so you have the address of the item in the slice rather than the address of the loop/range variable.
People are way too eager to use for/each style constructs when it's obviously better to work with the index... If you want index-1 on every iteration, using the index should be your go to way of doing that.

Building off Tim's comment, it seems like you can copy the value on each loop, instead of the pointer, and dereference it after.
package main
import "fmt"
type t struct {
val int
func main() {
l := []t{{1}, {2}}
var p t
var i t
for _, i = range l {
fmt.Println("begin", &p)
p = i
fmt.Println("end", &p)

Another option is to get the pointer to the current item by using the index:
package main
import "fmt"
type t struct {
val int
func main() {
l := []t{{1}, {2}}
var p *t
for index, _ := range l {
fmt.Println("begin", p)
p = &l[index]
fmt.Println("end", p)


Initializing a map in a non-pointer type function in Go [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why can't I append to a slice that's the property of a struct in golang?
(1 answer)
Golang Operator Overloading
(1 answer)
How to modify the value of a simple type through pointer receiver method in Go?
(2 answers)
Struct is empty after Json unmarshal when accessed by another package
(1 answer)
Remove an element of a slice in a struct [duplicate]
(1 answer)
Closed 2 years ago.
I'm sure there's a good explanation for this, but I've not been able to find it. Can anyone help me understand what is happening the following code example?
package main
import (
type work struct {
data map[string]string
func (w work) doSome() {
w.data = make(map[string]string)
w.data["k1"] = "v1"
func main() {
work := work{}
if work.data == nil {
fmt.Println("data is nil")
} else {
fmt.Println("data is", work.data)
This prints out data is nil, which is not what I expected. If I rework this to be a pointer type (i.e. *work) for doSome method , it initializes the struct's variable. I'd like to understand why these are different. I assume it's something to do with map being a pointer, of sorts, but haven't been able to find a good reference to explain this.
Playground link - https://play.golang.org/p/lTN11TRkRNj
With a value receiver (func (w work) doSome()) the function gets a copy of the work struct. When it sets w.data, it is set for that copy, not for the instance of work declared in main.
Maps are essentially reference types, so if you initialized the map in main, this would've worked:
func (w work) doSome() {
w.data["k1"] = "v1"
func main() {
work := work{data:map[string]string{}}
Or, you should use a pointer receiver, so the work declared in main is sent to doSome as a pointer:
func (w *work) doSome() {
w.data = make(map[string]string)
w.data["k1"] = "v1"
func main() {
work := work{}

Cannot append to slice inside a function [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Why does append() modify the provided slice? (See example)
(1 answer)
Closed 4 years ago.
I tried to add an element to my slice inside a function. I can change the element of the slice but cannot add a new element to it. Since slices act like reference why can't I change it?
Below is the code I have tried:
package main
import (
func main() {
a := []int{1, 2, 3}
func change(a []int) {
a[0] = 4
a = append(a, 5)
Slice are pointers to underlying array. It is described in Golang:
Map and slice values behave like pointers: they are descriptors that
contain pointers to the underlying map or slice data. Copying a map or
slice value doesn't copy the data it points to. Copying an interface
value makes a copy of the thing stored in the interface value. If the
interface value holds a struct, copying the interface value makes a
copy of the struct. If the interface value holds a pointer, copying
the interface value makes a copy of the pointer, but again not the
data it points to.
you are passing a copy of the slice not the original slice. Return the value after appending to the slice and then assign it to the original slice as
package main
import (
func main() {
a := []int{1, 2, 3}
a = change(a)
func change(a []int) []int{
a = append(a, 5)
return a
Playground Example
Or you can pass a pointer to slice of int but it is not recommended since slice it self is a pointer to bootstrap array.
package main
import (
func main() {
a := []int{1, 2, 3}
func change(a *[]int){
*a = append(*a, 5)
Note: Everything in Golang is pass by value.
One thing to be considered is even if you are returning the updated slice and assigning to the same value, its original len and cap will change, which will lead to a new underlying array of different len. Try to print the length and cap before and after changing the slice to see the difference.
fmt.Println(len(a), cap(a))
The length is the number of elements referred to by the slice. The capacity is the number of elements in the underlying array (beginning at the element referred to by the slice pointer).
Since the underlying array will check you can check it using reflect and unsafe for fetching the underlying array which is going to be different if cap of a slice change after appending data which is your case.
package main
import (
func main() {
a := []int{1, 2, 3}
hdr := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&a))
data := *(*[3]int)(unsafe.Pointer(hdr.Data))
a = change(a)
hdr = (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&a))
newData := *(*[4]int)(unsafe.Pointer(hdr.Data))
func change(a []int) []int {
a = append(a, 5)
return a
Playground Example
This is the best part of slices that you need to worry about its capacity when appending data more than its capacity, since it will point to a new array allocated in the memory of bigger length.

Pointer problems

TL;DR Somehow, I am appending a pointer to a list instead of the object within a for loop of objects so at the end the entire slice is composed of the same object multiple times. I just don't know how to fix that.
The Long Way
I am still having a super hard time trying to figure out pointers in go. I posted a question yesterday and got some help but now I am stuck on a slightly different issue in the same piece of code.
I am working with gocql and cqlr go packages to try and bit a small object mapper for my Cassandra queries. Essentially the problem I am having is I am appending what appears to be a pointer to an object, not a new instance of the obj to the array. How do I fix that? I have tried adding & and * in front of value but that doesn't seem to work. How do I fix these? The bind function needs an & according to their docs.
type Query struct {
query string
values interface{}
attempts int
maxAttempts int
structType reflect.Type
func (query Query) RetryingQuery() (results []interface{}) {
var q *gocql.Query
if query.values != nil {
q = c.Session.Query(query.query, query.values)
} else {
q = c.Session.Query(query.query)
bindQuery := cqlr.BindQuery(q)
value := reflect.New(query.structType).Interface()
for bindQuery.Scan(value) {
results = append(results, value)
The docs ask for var value type then in bind you would pass &value. I quoted the docs below.
var t Tweet
var s []Tweet
for b.Scan(&t) {
// Application specific code goes here
append(s, t)
The issue is I cannot directly go var value query.structType to define its type then pass the reference of that to bindQuery.Scan().
What is printed
&{result1 x86_64 24 3.2.0-74-generic Linux}
&{result2 x86_64 24 3.19.0-25-generic Linux}
&{result3 x86_64 4 3.13.0-48-generic Linux}
&{result4 x86_64 2 3.13.0-62-generic Linux}
&{result5 x86_64 4 3.13.0-48-generic Linux}
What is in the slice
Spoiler, it is result5 repeated over and over. I understand that I am just appending the pointer to same object to the list and that every loop iteration the object is changed and that changes all the results in the slice to that new object. I just don't know how to fix it.
Well I can at least tell you what you're doing. bindQuery takes a pointer. It changes the value stored at the address.
What you're essentially doing is this:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
var q int
myInts := make([]*int, 0, 5)
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
q = i
fmt.Printf("%d ", q)
myInts = append(myInts, &q)
for _, value := range myInts {
fmt.Printf("%d ", *value)
Which, as you can probably guess, gives you this:
0 1 2 3 4
4 4 4 4 4
[0x104382e0 0x104382e0 0x104382e0 0x104382e0 0x104382e0]
Things get a little more confusing with reflect. You can get your type as an interface, but that is it (unless you want to play with unsafe). An interface, in simple terms, contains a pointer to the original type underneath (and some other stuff). So in your function you are passing a pointer (and some other stuff). Then you're appending the pointer. It might be nice just to get concrete and type switch your interface. I assume you know what types it could be. In which case you'd have to have something along these lines:
package main
import (
type foo struct {
fooval string
type bar struct {
barval string
func main() {
f1 := foo{"hi"}
f2 := &foo{"hi"}
b1 := bar{"bye"}
b2 := &bar{"bye"}
func doSomething(i interface{}) {
n := reflect.TypeOf(i)
// get a new one
newn := reflect.New(n).Interface()
// find out what we got and handle each case
switch t := newn.(type) {
case **foo:
*t = &foo{"hi!"}
fmt.Printf("It was a **foo, here is the address %p and here is the value %v\n", *t, **t)
case **bar:
*t = &bar{"bye :("}
fmt.Printf("It was a **bar, here is the address %p and here is the value %v\n", *t, **t)
case *foo:
t = &foo{"hey!"}
fmt.Printf("It was a *foo, here is the address %p and here is the value %v\n", t, *t)
case *bar:
t = &bar{"ahh!"}
fmt.Printf("It was a *bar, here is the address %p and here is the value %v\n", t, *t)
You could also just keep calling value = reflect.New(query.structType).Interface() inside of the loop which will give you new interfaces every time. Reassigning value after every append. Last time through the loop would make one extra though..

Difference between &Struct{} vs Struct{}

Is there a reason why I should create a struct using &StructName{} instead of Struct{}? I see many examples using the former syntax, even in the Effective Go Page but I really can not understand why.
Additional Notes:
I'm not sure whether I explained my problem well with these two approaches so let me refine my question.
I know that by using the & I will recieve a pointer instead of a value however I would like to know why would I use the &StructName{} instead of the StructName{}. For example, is there any benefits of using:
func NewJob(command string, logger *log.Logger) *Job {
return &Job{command, logger}
instead of:
func NewJob(command string, logger *log.Logger) Job {
return Job{command, logger}
Well, they will have different behavior. Essentially if you want to modify state using a method on a struct, then you will need a pointer, otherwise a value will be fine. Maybe an example will be better:
package main
import "fmt"
type test_struct struct {
Message string
func (t test_struct)Say (){
func (t test_struct)Update(m string){
t.Message = m;
func (t * test_struct) SayP(){
func (t* test_struct) UpdateP(m string) {
t.Message = m;
func main(){
ts := test_struct{}
ts.Message = "test";
ts.Say() // will still output test
tsp := &test_struct{}
tsp.Message = "test"
tsp.SayP() // will output test2
And you can run it here go playground
Assuming you know the general difference between a pointer and a value:
The first way allocates a struct and assigns a pointer to that allocated struct to the variable p1.
p1 := &StructName{}
The second way allocates a struct and assigns a value (the struct itself) to the variable s.
Then a pointer to that struct may be assigned to another variable (p2 in the following example).
s := StructName{}
p2 := &s

why can't I use reflection to take the address of a slice?

How come this works:
slice := make([]string, 0, 10)
sliceptr := &slice
this too:
sliceptr := &[]string{"foo","bar","baz"}
But this doesn't:
sliceaddrval := reflect.ValueOf([]string{"foo","bar","baz"}).Addr()
It panics with: reflect.Value.Addr of unaddressable value
EDIT: Overall what I'm trying to do is take a struct that is of an unknown type, make a slice of structs of that type and return a pointer to it (I'm using github.com/jmoiron/modl which requires a pointer to slice to populate with results from a SQL query).
reflect.Value takes an interface{}, and an interface{} to a value can't be used to change the original. Otherwise, you could end up with code changing data in your struct when you didn't even intend to pass it a pointer. (Or, in this case, changing the length of a slice that was passed by value.) So if you take the address you'd have to do it before the ValueOf.
To make a pointer to a slice that you can to pass to a package that will append to it (like modl or Google App Engine GetMulti), you'd use something like http://play.golang.org/p/1ZXsqjrqa3, copied here:
package main
import (
type row struct { i, j int }
func main() {
aRow := row{}
valueType := reflect.ValueOf(aRow).Type()
slicePtrVal := reflect.New(reflect.SliceOf(valueType))
slicePtrIface := slicePtrVal.Interface()
// standing in for `modl` or whatever populates the slice
func getQueryResults(slicePtr interface{}) {
sPtr := slicePtr.(*[]row)
(*sPtr) = append((*sPtr), row{1,3})
Appending to a slice in a reflect.Value yourself takes another few lines of reflect, but it sounds like the package you're working with takes care of that part for you. For general info, code to do the append is at http://play.golang.org/p/m3-xFYc6ON and below:
package main
import (
type row struct { i, j int }
func main() {
aRow := row{}
// make a pointer to an empty slice
rowType := reflect.ValueOf(aRow).Type()
slicePtrVal := reflect.New(reflect.SliceOf(rowType))
slicePtrIface := slicePtrVal.Interface()
// append a zero row to it
rowVal := reflect.Zero(rowType)
sliceVal := reflect.Indirect(slicePtrVal)
sliceVal.Set(reflect.Append(sliceVal, rowVal))
