Drupal View, get node id to use a template - drupal

How can I get node id for the Drupal View I just created?
The view has a Page path, and I can see the View.
However, in order to exclude the sidebars from it I had to create a Basic Page and then a template page--node--nodeid.tpl.php to override it. Then, in there, I rendered the view.
But since the View already is a page (I guess) and all content is a node, it should have a node id. That way I wouldn't need to create a Basic Page.
I've tried looking at Theme Information but those templates overrides are for the view, not for the entire page.

Not all content is a node. Your Page View is likely displaying fields from certain other nodes, however.
If your goal is to hide those sidebars on that particular page, you could go into page.tpl.php and do something like:
$path = drupal_get_path_alias(current_path());
if($path != "/my/view/path"){
print render($content['my_sidebar_region']);


Taxonomy block view shows no content

I am using Drupal 8.
I am trying to create a block display to show a list of teasers with the taxonomy term of the current node, within a custom region.
The problem is that when I navigate to the page which contains the custom region no content is displayed.
Other blocks display fine when assigned to the custom region so I don't think its anything to do with my templates.
The same view also has a page display (basically the default taxonomy term view) which shows content correctly when i navigate to the node.
I am a relative Drupal newbie so may be missing something obvious here but as far as i can tell the taxonomy view works as a page but not as a region, so either it must be something to do with the block configuration, or Drupal is just not meant to work like this.
Can anybody suggest what might be causing this, or if this is a bad approach explain why?
are u using exposed filters in your view ?
For it to work in blocs , u need to configure in your view

How to show two views on one page in drupal

How can I show multi views on single page in Drupal?
I need to show two results, (maybe you can think 2 tables, but actually 2 views) on one page.
Anyone please help me.
You can use the panels module. That will allow you to put views in different types of layout on a page. And take arguments as required.
You can do it by creating a page with your first view. For the second view you have to create a block and add it to that page.
btw: please use https://drupal.stackexchange.com/ for drupal specific questions...
As laebs suggested one way is to create block view and to add it to some region when your page is displayed.
Other way would be embedding the view from template file:
With this function you can specify which view and which display you want to embed. You can also pass the parameters this way.
And notice that you have "embed" display type (it may be hidden by default - check view options). If you use it you'll also get those nice "edit view" links when embedding view this way.
There are two ways that I know of without using other modules:
Use the Views Header/Footer area to load another view. Just click "Add" in the Head/Footer area of the Views UI and you should see "Global: View area".
Create a page template and insert the views that you'd like to have on the page within the template using some Drupal API php:
$view = views_get_view('view_machine_name');
print $view->execute_display('default', $args);

Wordpress Page Hierarchy

I have the following page on a site in development:
I want to do some stuff outside the loop, so I created page-press.php based on my understanding of the WP page hierarchy (http://codex.wordpress.org/Template_Hierarchy). It isn't working. I've reset permalinks as well. This isn't the first time I've had problems here and I just ended up creating a template, but this should work shouldn't it?
Yes it is true that the hierarchy should work like that, but for it to work you need the following to be true:
It needs to be in the Single mood
The page need to be a static page
You can't apply any other custom template on the page
The slug of the page needs to be "press"
If all of these are true, then it should work. If not, then check the following, find the id of the page and create a page-$ID.php and check if that works. See if you end up in the page.php template file, or if you end up in index.php try to use var_dump on a few variables like is_single() and so on.
Single mood is when the page is listed by it's own, not in a list.
Static page means this is not a post, or a list view like archive or something like that
Custom template is when you create a page to be a specific "page template" available to choose from, when you edit you page (down right).
Slug is not the same as your title, nor you id. It's most likely a url friendly variation of your title.

Drupal 7: navigation menu with Views?

I want to make a long page consisting of multiple nodes (each of the same Content Type). The page should have navigation on top of it that will allow to jump directly to the desired point of the long page, kind of like here: http://www.apple.com/macbookpro/features.html (there navigation is under the picture)
I used the Views module to assemble a long page from content, and for navigation I tried to use another View of the same content, only inserted in the top of the page as a block. I set this view to display grid of fields; it looks good. Only I could not figure out how to make each cell in the grid to become a link to the content on the same page.
I tried modifying views template, but there $rows variable turned out to be a string with already assembled html. Maybe I could possibly modify the content template, and insert some sort of condition that will change the way content looks based on what part of the page current view is located, but I am not sure how to do that either.
In the views, edit the field selected, and there are options there to configure the field as hyperlinks how you may want them. Also you can just let the field link directly to the node, there is an option for that. cheers

Add destination to drupal view field link

How can I add a desintation to a custom edit link in a view field?
I have a field in my view where I've customized the field to render as a link. How do I add the current view's page to the link as a destination, so that when the person follows the link and fills in the form, they will be redirected back the same view page they were on? Needs to include the page number variable as well.
You can override the theme for a particular field and use PHP to render the link however you like. Get the view arguments from $_GET['q'] if you'd like to manipulate them.
drupal_get_destination(); will give you the current page as "destination=myView/with/args" to append to the link.
