ASP.Net Chart controls Vs Highcharts -

I want to develop a web dashboard in .NET. The backend will be Vb.NET. There are lot of chart controls in ASP.Net using which charts can be created. But as far as I know these charts wont be interactive. so I am thinking to use Highcharts. Please help me with your Suggestions. What is the best way to develop interactive dashboard in .NET?

Highcharts is a great product that is very easy to integrate in .NET.
For the page that needs a chart, you simply call a controller method that returns your data with Json and load that into the chart.
Here's a great tutorial:


Is there any better controls then MS chart controls

Currently i am using Microsoft charting controls to show reports in my website. but i am fed of them as these controls are not interactive and very heavy to load. I have used SSRS but didn't not find it user friendly. is there any better alternative and free to use. please suggest.
You can use Zed-graph and best interactive chart control is google api u can refer this link and you can refer

Chat for Spring MVC webUI

I am required to show stacked bar chart in my web application. The application uses JSP with spring MVC and mysql as the backend. Please suggest any easy to use charting libraries that I can use. Just have 2 charts completely in the application and hence would be helpful to have a library that would be simple to use and render in my application via my controller api.
Thanks in advance
Well, what you really need is probably a JavaScript library, and your choice will depend on which base library you choose. I have used Dojo in the past, but have recently settled on jQuery. I think jqChart has a stacked bar chart, if I am not mistaken. I am sure there are some open source libraries for jQuery that do charting as well.
Your other option is to generate the chart as an image and post it on your page using straight img tags, but I think that's not a very optimal way of doing things now a days.

Quality charts ideas

I'm currently developing an ASP.NET page report.
I am looking for a chart which display quality by grade on bar height.
I was wondering if you have any ideas for me as I have searched the web for few days now.
Microsoft Chart Control
Google Chart Tools (ajax)
SSRS rocks, Just have a try with this tutorial :
Google has a very easy to use Chart API. You can use your ASP.NET page to gather the data and then render the chart using Google's API
Try this:
There are lots of other Javascript and Flash based charting libraries as well:
FusionCharts XT is the leading enterprise charting solution.
Check out their gallery -
They also provide integration with ASP.NET (C#) -
They've provided tutorials on how to plot charts using a database too -
They provide HTML5 charts as well as Flash charts.
The chart portfolio contains over 90 charts and widgets, and 550+ maps.

Charts and Tabs ASP.NET

I am currently working on a project that is dealing with charts and tabs within an ASP.NET page. I am assigned to create a chart that will be generated from an array and a menu like system using tabs to select different options for the chart.
I have no idea how to implement this, I am using VS Web Developer 2010. I am new to ASP.NET framework and how to implement charts and tabs with this information. Basically it will be a form that the user will submit options and it will calculate a forecast of payments based on the options selected.
Please help, not sure where to even begin with ASP.NET. I have seen some things regarding AJAX controls but for some reason the controls are not loaded into VS.
For charts you can use chart control
I don't understand the part of the menu, but I think you can use the tabcontrol in the containers section of the toolbox
I'd highly recommend looking at Highcharts. It's a JavaScript library for rendering charts. It will create charts on the client-side so I'm not sure whether it meets your requirements (there are other products that support server-side generation of charts but I'm less familiar with these).
I'm not sure what you mean by using tabs for selecting different options, but Highcharts does have a lot of different rendering models and looks really good.
Take a look at their demo gallery and documentation for more information.
If you are reluctant to use client side charting solutions, try Highcharts.Net. It is a C# wrapper written around the Highcharts JS library. So you write all your code using Classes and objects in C#, and the library translates that into JS.
The added bonus is that you get to use ASP .Net's state management for data persistence. The project also has samples that can be downloaded here.
If you are using MVC, you could try out DotNet.Highcharts along with samples.

Dynamic pie chart creation in .net

I want to create a pie chart in my web site.The chart should get the values from database and generate a pie chart as well.
Please help me ,how do i get this.
Thanks in advance.
I would say have a look at the Asp.Net Charting control. New ASP.NET Charting Control - ScottGu . The samples found in that post are quite detailed and cover numerous chart types.
There are plenty of charting components you can use in ASP.NET, including free ones.
For server-side rendering I can recommend ASP.NET Charting from Microsoft (formerly Dundas Charts)
For client-side rendering you can use HighCharts or AmCharts (requires flash).
I recommend Fusion Charts. Ive implemented it in my project. Its easier to implement and is also very professional.
There is also a helper for Fusion Charts with Asp.Net (webforms and mvc)
Here a sample for a Pie Chart:,%20adding%20data%20by%20DataSource&referringTitle=Home
Project site:
