Calling a random function from a .vb file in an .aspx file? -

I set up my project as follows:
Make empty ASP project
Add index.aspx
Add url mapping for index to Web.config
Great, it works. Now I want to call a function inside the aspx file, I go ahead and make the function
Class Class1
Public Shared Function SayHi() As String
Return "Hi"
End Function
End Class
and go on to the aspx file and start writing
<% Class1.
but intellisense offers no autocomplete, in fact its as if the class doesn't even exist. How can I achieve this simple task?

The Class will need to be made public:
Public Class Class1
Public Shared Function SayHi() As String
Return "Hi"
End Function
End Class
And you can use it like this, using the fully qualified name:
<%= WebApplication1.Class1.SayHi()%>


Can you create and call statics inside a module in VB.Net

My module is a page directory to strongly type pages in a large ASP.Net webforms application using VB.Net.
Public Module PageDirectory
Public Module Sub
Private _subDirectory As String = "/sub/"
Public ReadOnly Property MyPage As String
Return _subDirectory + "mypage.aspx"
End Get
End Property
End Module
End Module
I want to declare it like this on a page Response.Redirect(PageDirectory.Sub.MyPage)
but i can't seem to get a module inside a module. My assumption was that a module is the equivalent to a c# static.
Module already says that everything in the class is static, that's why you can't have modules inside of modules.
If you want specific class member be static, you use "shared" on that class member.
I think I've worked out the answer. But unsure if its the 'right' way to do this.
Public Module PageDirectory
Private _subDirectory As String = "/sub/"
Public Structure SubStruct
Public Shared ReadOnly Property MyPage As String
Return _subDirectory + "mypage.aspx"
End Get
End Property
End Module
End Module

Calling methods in App_Code from an ASP.NET Custom Control

I am using VS2008 and have a solution file which contains 1 Website and 1 Class Library Project.
The Class Library is a Custom Control which derives from Label. The Website contains a reference to the control - it builds successfully and the compiled .dll gets added to the Website's /bin folder. I can then use it in any of the website's .aspx pages without error.
What I cannot do, however, is reference any of the Website's data access methods that are in static classes in /App_Code from within the custom control.
I don't want to repeat the website data access logic all over again within the custom control when I know it will already exist in the website - I just want to be able to call a method from a class in /App_Code . If I try and reference anything in /App_Code from within the Class Library, it fails to build and says it can't find the Namespace or that it doesn't exist in the current context.
How can I achieve this so that the Custom Control builds as a standalone control, but can make use of classes in the website it gets used in? Delegates, possibly? Was hoping it might be more straightforward than that.
EDIT: I should add that the reason the control is in a separate Class Library is so that I can include JavaScript as an embedded resource within the Control. So when it's used in a .aspx page, it adds a WebResource.axd? style link to the page instead of a load of plaintext JavaScript in the <head> section.
In the website App_Code folder, I have a static class that handles data access (snippet):
public static class DBAccess
public static DataTable GetSomeData(Int32 SomeParam, DateTime OtherParam)
SqlConnection cn = SqlLibrary.GetConnection(DBConnectionString);
DataTable _dt;
SqlLibrary.SProcFill(out _dt, cn, "usp_SomeData_Select", SomeParam, OtherParam);
return _dt;
In the Class Library's custom control (which I want to build independently of the website's existence, yet be capable of calling its methods when used as a control in an .aspx page):
namespace MyCustomControls
public class StatusControl : Label
private Int32 _someProperty = -1;
private DateTime _otherProperty = DateTime.Now;
public StatusControl()
//some constructor logic
public void FetchData()
//what I'd **like** to do here is:
DBAccess.GetSomeData(_someProperty, _otherProperty);
//...but DBAccess isn't "visible" to this control at build time

access a public function in .ascx

how can i access a public function in an .ascx file using C#?
If the function is not static you will need to first obtain an instance of the class containing the function and then invoke the function on this instance. For example:
// obtain an instance of the type containing the function
Foo instance = new Foo();
// invoke the function on this instance
string result = instance.Bar();
Obviously it would be better to do this in the code behind file instead of polluting your markup.
Like other public functions in .NET Framework - via object reference. But sometimes Visual Studio doesn't automatically see your User Control's public members. Try to rebuild your user control and the site if IntelliSense window doesn't show it to you.
Where are you calling the function from? The containing page? Masterpage? Parent control? The control itself? Regardless, you'll need to somehow obtain a reference to the control instance (unless the method is static) in order to invoke this method. And the type of your reference must match that of the class that defines the method.
MyControl myControl = (MyControl)Page.FindControl("Id_Of_The_Control");
if (myControl != null)
if you don't want to add your ascx control into a placeholder programmatically, just implement IAttributeAccessor and IUserControlDesignerAccessor interfaces to your user control class like;
public partial class yourascxclassname: System.Web.UI.UserControl, IAttributeAccessor, IUserControlDesignerAccessor
you can access only public members of your ascx control.

How to declare a GLOBAL variable an aspx website?

How to declare a global variable or a public sub in a web application that all aspx pages can have access to?
use a static variable in one of your code files.
"Global" variables can be kept in Cache using Cache.Add, or Application state using Application.Add.
"Globally-available" methods are generally an antipattern and should be avoided. If you need a utility function you can add a static method to a class, but beware the Ball of Mud antipattern.
1.You can use session variables which will be available to all pages in the scope of current session.
2.You can use application variables which will be available to entire application code untill application ends.
Application("name") = value;
Global.asax inherits from YourWebSiteApplicationClass...
public class YourWebSiteApplicationClass : HttpApplication
public string GlobalVariable;
public YourWebSiteApplicationClass()
GlobalVariable = "GLOBAL_VARIABLE";
...and in any .aspx or .cs(.vb) file...
<% = ((YourWebSiteApplicationClass)this.ApplicationInstance).GlobalVariable %>
Create a PageBase class and have your pages inherit from it.

fluent nhibernate Exception error

am trying to implement fluent nhibernate in MVC project...there were no build errors... but when i run the project i get this exception
System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidationException: The element 'class' in namespace 'urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2' has incomplete content. List of possible elements expected: 'meta, subselect, cache, synchronize, comment, tuplizer, id, composite-id' in namespace 'urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2'.
have no idea what am doing wrong here... the following is the code for opening session factory...
Private Function CreateSessionFactory() As ISessionFactory
Dim sessionFactoryObject As ISessionFactory
sessionFactoryObject = Fluently.Configure().Database(FluentNHibernate.Cfg.Db.MsSqlConfiguration.MsSql2005.ConnectionString("Data Source=.\sqlexpress;Initial Catalog=Designs;User ID=sa;Password=root")).Mappings(Function(x) x.FluentMappings.Add(GetType(DesignMap))).BuildSessionFactory()
Return sessionFactoryObject
End Function
this is really driving me nuts....thanks in advance...:)
update-the mappings
the design table map
Public Class DesignMap
Inherits ClassMap(Of Design)
Public Sub DesignMap()
Id(Function(x) x.DesignId)
Map(Function(x) x.DesignType)
References(Function(x) x.Designer, "DesignerId")
End Sub
End Class
the designer table map
Public Class DesignerMap
Inherits ClassMap(Of Designer)
Public Sub DesignerMap()
Id(Function(x) x.DesignerId)
Map(Function(x) x.DesignerName)
Map(Function(x) x.DesignerCompany)
HasMany(Function(x) x.DesignersDesigns)
End Sub
End Class
new edit-- the entity property looks like this
Public Overridable Property Name() As String
Return _name
End Get
Protected Set(ByVal value As String)
_name = value
End Set
End Property
am i going the right way..?
I'm not quite sure as the mappings seem ok. I can see one error tough, you have only mapped one of your classes:
.Mappings(Function(x) x.FluentMappings.Add(GetType(DesignMap)))
That should not cause this type of error tough. If you add both your mappings and call the method .ExportTo(#"C:\your\export\path") you will get the actual xml mappings. This way it's easier to see the error. You can do that like this:
.Mappings(Function(x) x.FluentMappings.Add(GetType(DesignMap)).Add(GetType(DesignerMap
You can also use the method AddFromAssemblyOf (or some other. There is a few choices) if you don't want to add the mappings one by one.
Try exporting the mappings and see if you can find any error. Or you can post the xml mappings and someone else might find something.
There are several things that can cause this. When using automappings, you will get this if you incorrectly specify the assemblies and namespaces to look in. Other things (more likely in your case) that could cause it, are entity properties that aren't marked as public virtual, having an entity constructor with arguments, but neglecting to make a default constructor, or inheriting your entities from a base class.
I would probably first check to make sure all of your entity properties are "public virtual".
found the problem...the constructor for the map was should be like this...
Public Class DesignMap
Inherits ClassMap(Of Design)
Public Sub New()
Id(Function(x) x.DesignId)
Map(Function(x) x.DesignType)
References(Function(x) x.Designer, "DesignerId")
End Sub
End Class
problems of working in both C# and at the same time i guess..!!
and "Matthew Talbert" was correct...making all the properties Overrideable is important..
thanks guys...:)
