How to programmatically close QMenu - qt

I have pretty specific situation. I want to place a QAction into QToolbar and reach following behaviour:
Checkable QAction with icon.
Classic arrow on the right side which is used for showing menu
By pressing this arrow my QDialog should appears on screen instead of QMenu-like one
Now I'm a bit confused with implementing all this things together.
For now I've created QAction added it to toolbar and also created an empty QMenubecause I didn't get the idea of how to add the "dropdown" arrow another way.
So, I also connected my slot to QMenu aboutToShow() signal and now, I can create my dialog and exec() it just before QMenu shows. But here's the main problem appears: after I did everything with my dialog an click OK button QMenu trying to appear, but as it is empty it shows nothing and further actions become available only after I left-click somwhere to "close" this menu.
Is there any way to force QMenu not to show or can inherit from QMenu and reimplemnt its behaviour (I've tried to do such trick with exec() show() popup() methods of QMenu after subclassing from it, but none of them are being called when menu appears on the screen) ?

Here's the solution, which worked for me.
class QCustomMenu : public QMenu
QCustomMenu(QObject *parent = 0):QMenu(parent){};
In code:
QAction* myActionWithMenu = new QAction ( "ActionText", toolbar);
QCustomMenu* myMenu = new QCustomMenu(toolbar);
connect(myMenu, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SLOT(execMyMenu()));
execMyMenu() implementation:
void execMyMenu(){
m_activeMenu = (QCustomMenu*)sender(); // m_activeMenu -- private member of your head class, needs to point to active custom menu
QMyDialog* dlg = new QMyDialog();
// setup your dialog with needed information
// handle return information
m_myTimer = startTimer(10); // m_myTimer -- private member of your head(MainWindow or smth like that) class
Now we have to handle timerEvent and close our menu:
void MyHeadClass::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event)
// Check if it is our "empty"-menu timer
if ( event->timerId()==m_myTimer )
m_activeMenu->close(); // closing empty menu
killTimer(m_myTimer); // deactivating timer
m_myTimer = 0; // seting timer identifier to zero
m_activeMenu = NULL; // as well as active menu pointer to NULL
It works great on every platform and does what I wanted.
Hope, this would help someone. I've spent week trying to find this solution.


QT: MAC menu shared among multiple QWidgets only triggers MainWindow's functions

I have an application generally structured as the following:
class MultiEditor : public QWidget
MultiSplitter *mSplitter;
MultiEditor::MultiEditor( Main *main, QWidget * parent )
mActions[SplitHorizontally] = action = new QAction(tr("Split To Right"), this);
action->setShortcut( tr("Ctrl+P, 3", "Split To Right"));
connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(splitHorizontally()));
settings->addAction( action, "editor-split-right", editorCategory);
void MultiEditor::splitHorizontally()
... do something on &mSplitter (above);
and a class MainWindow:
MainWindow::MainWindow(Main * main)
mEditors = new MultiEditor(main);
mMenu = createMenus();
and a class SubWindow that creates a widget:
SubWindow::SubWindow( QVariant * splitterData = 0, QWidget * parent = 0 )
sEditors = new MultiEditor(Main::instance(), this);
#ifndef Q_OS_MAC
QMenuBar *newMenu = main->createMenus();
newMenu->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy ::Expanding , QSizePolicy ::Fixed );
and the actual menu constructor:
QMenuBar * MainWindow::createMenus()
QMenuBar *menuBar;
QMenu *menu;
QMenu *submenu;
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
menuBar = new QMenuBar(0);
menuBar = new QMenuBar();
menu->addAction( currentMultiEditor()->action(MultiEditor::SplitHorizontally) );
return menuBar;
Let's suppose that I have the MainWindow and a open SubWindow.
Both create a MultiEditor with a Splitter inside.
All this works good on Ubuntu: every action is associated with the right Splitter. If I click on the SubWindow's Splitter, for example, and I trigger the action "splitHorizontally", the SubWindow's MultiEditor:splitHorizontally() is triggered, and the SubWindow's Splitter is affected.
This does not happen on Mac. Here, if I click on a SubWindow's Splitter, the mSplitter of the MainWindow is affected.
I believed that clicking on a mSplitter, I would focus that mSplitter, so the MAC's parentless menu would act on whatever mSplitter focused. But it happens that it get stucked with the mSplitter on the MainWindow.
Actually, could it be that I was thinking that the function currentMultiEditor() was dynamic (every time the action was triggered, a different MultiEditor was called), but in the truth the multiEditor is fixed when creating the menu (in MAC the menu is created only on the MainWindow, so the currentMultiEditor() would be MainWindow's mEditors, and that would still be anytime the action were triggered from anywhere)?
What is the best design for you?
Should I create new menus on MAC too? How?
If I understood your question correctly, this looks indeed like a focus issue and I'm not surprised Linux behaves differently than macOS.
Probably on macOS even if you open a window and click somewhere, the focus remains on the parent window, thus calling the unexpected QAction slot.
I think you have 2 options:
when a subwindow is open, make sure it gains the focus. Call the QWidget::setFocus() method on one of the visible widgets of the window
accept keystrokes only in one place and redirect them to the current context, which in other terms is your active window
Hope that helps

QAction doesn't show QMenu

I'm creating my UI from Qt Designer and it generares this code:
toolBar = new QToolBar(MainWindow);
QIcon icon;
icon.addFile(QStringLiteral(":/main"), QSize(), QIcon::Normal, QIcon::Off);
MainWindow->addToolBar(Qt::TopToolBarArea, toolBar);
actionConvert = new QAction(MainWindow);
Now, back in my frame code:
QMenu *menuAdd = new QMenu (this);
menuAdd->addAction (tr("&Files..."));
menuAdd->addAction (tr("&Directory..."));
ui->actionConvert->setMenu (menuAdd);
When I run the application I can see the qaction in the toolbar even the arrow pointing down, which indicates that there is a menu, but when I click it, the menu doesn't appear...any ideas?
There does not seem to be anything wrong with your example code.
It's possible that the reason you aren't seeing the menu is that you need to press and hold the button for a few seconds in order for the menu to appear. A single click will just execute the button's normal action.
See: QToolButton::ToolButtonPopupMode.
You should add menu with menuBar() method as in my case:
void MainWindow::ueInitMenu()
this->ueSetCodeRegisterPlacesAction(new QAction(tr("Places"),
this->ueCodeRegisterPlacesAction()->setStatusTip(tr("Shows places code register"));
this->ueSetCodeRegisterMenu(this->menuBar()->addMenu(tr("Code register")));
} // ueInitMenu
especialy the line:
this->ueSetCodeRegisterMenu(this->menuBar()->addMenu(tr("Code register")));
so in your case:
this->menuBar()->addMenu(tr("System menu");
and then add actions. Also take a look at Menus Example.

QMenu exec to return on a QMenu click (instead of QAction)

I am building a menu and I would like to be able to click both on QAction and QMenu items.
When running exec, nothing happens if I click on a QMenu.
Even if I added an action to the QMenu.
Is there a way to do this?
Here is what I tried:
QMenu* menu = new QMenu( "xxx", topMenu );
QAction* action = menu->menuAction();
topMenu->addAction( action );
I do not know why exec() makes it different, but to walk-around it you can create subclass of QMenu to be your topMenu so that it handles mouse release event manually like this:
void CustomMenu::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) {
QAction *const actionAtEvent = actionAt(event->pos());
if (actionAtEvent)
Original, not helpfull answer:
It might help you to use QMenu::menuAction() to get associated QAction and connect it's signals.

Qt Menu with QLinEdit action

I want to have a line edit field in a popup menu I've got. I'm basically letting the user pick from one of several common sizes for something, but I want them to be able to enter a custom size as the last entry in the menu.
So I've got something like this (snipped from larger code, new_menu is the menu of interest):
QWidget *widget = new QWidget(new_menu);
QHBoxLayout *layout = new QHBoxLayout;
QLineEdit* le = new QLineEdit;
QWidgetAction* wa = new QWidgetAction(new_menu);
connect(le, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(leslot()));
Which works great, the LineEdit shows up nice and centered in the menu, it's got the placeholder text, I can click it and edit, everything. However, when I hit enter on the textBox, it emits the returnPressed signal and the menu emits a triggered signal with one of the other actions on the list, so at best I'm changing my configuration twice and at worst things break.
Additionally, when I click off the edge of the LineEdit (still in the menu though, but not in the editable area), the menu emits a triggered signal with the QWidgetAction associated with it, which isn't what I want.
So two questions:
1) Can I get the return to work the way I want. It's fine if the menu closes when it's hit, but it can't emit another action too.
2) Can I get it to not emit an action at all when the lineEdit is clicked?
Here's what I ended up doing for anyone that follows. I subclassed QLineEdit thusly:
class EnterLineEdit : public QLineEdit {
void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *evt) {
if (evt->key() == Qt::Key_Enter || evt->key() == Qt::Key_Return) {
emit returnPressed();
} else {
This lets me manually emit the returnPressed signal when enter/return is hit and not pass it up the widget hierarchy, so the menu never sees it when enter is hit over the lineedit. I connected the returnPressed signal to the hide() slot of the menu so that the menu will still close, but without triggering an action.

QTreeWidget right click menu

I looked around and it seems that the problem is present not only for tree widget but also for other widgets. But in my case, I found a solution, although an incomplete one. I am adding actions to my tree widget, so that when you right click on it, a popup with these actions appears. However, when I add items to my tree widget and I right click on them, the same popup appears.
What I would like to do is that when you right click on the tree widget, a tree widget popup menu appears and when you right click on items, another corresponding popup menu appears. Does anybody knows how to do this?
First,config QTreeWidget to response(emit signal) right mouse click:
Second,connect the signal with your slot "MainWindow::prepareMenu":
Third,create context menu in the slot:
void MainWindow::prepareMenu( const QPoint & pos )
QTreeWidget *tree = treeWid;
QTreeWidgetItem *nd = tree->itemAt( pos );
QAction *newAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/Resource/warning32.ico"), tr("&New"), this);
newAct->setStatusTip(tr("new sth"));
connect(newAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(newDev()));
QMenu menu(this);
QPoint pt(pos);
menu.exec( tree->mapToGlobal(pos) );
First you should set the context menu policy to CustomContextMenu:
Then you can connect to the QWidget::customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint&) signal and show your context menu.
For those who prefer to use designer more, here is another way to do it:
1) Set context menu policy to custom context menu
Either by code:
or using graphical designer, click on the tree widget and set it using Property Editor:
2) Create Handler function
In designer, right click on the treeWidget and select "Go to Slot..." option. A window similar to this will appear:
Click on the "CustomContextMenuRequested(QPoint)" option. Handler function will be defined, declared, and it will be connected automatically.
void MainWindow::on_treeWidget_customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &pos)
// this function will be called on right click
This step can also be done by defining and connecting the slot function yourself.
3) Create the options on the context menu.
Go to action editor tab (Usually docked at the bottom of designer). Add actions you want to have on context menu by clicking new button on top left. You will encounter such an interface :
You can (optionally) have a tooltip or icon for the action, or make it checkable. You can crate a shortcut like Ctrl+C for a copy action.
4) Create the menu and fire it
void MainWindow::on_treeWidget_customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &pos)
QMenu menu(this); // add menu items
ui->actionDelete->setData(QVariant(pos)); // if you will need the position data save it to the action
menu.exec( ui->treeWidget->mapToGlobal(pos) );
5) Create handler functions for each action
Like in step 2, either create slot function and connect it manually, or right-click on on an action, click the "Go to slots..." option and select triggered() slot.
6) Lastly, apply your logic in the slot function
void MainWindow::on_actionEdit_triggered()
QTreeWidgetItem *clickedItem = ui->treeWidget->itemAt(ui->actionDelete->data().toPoint());
// your logic
Take a look at overloading QAbstractItemModel and providing your own OnContextMenuRequested. Via this function you can have different items create different context menus.
Here's some shortened pseudo-ish code from one of my projects that may be helpful:
void MyModel::OnContextMenuRequested(const QModelIndex& index, const QPoint& globalPos)
// find 'node' corresponding to 'index'
vector<pair<string,BaseNode*> > actions = node->GetActions(true);
if(actions.size()==0) return;
// the ptr list helps us delete the actions
boost::ptr_list<QObject> actionPtrList;
QList<QAction*> qtActions;
for(unsigned int i=0;i<actions.size();i++)
QAction* act = new QAction(actions[i].first.c_str(),NULL);
// create and show the context menu
QMenu *menu = new QMenu("Item actions",NULL);
QAction* act = menu->exec(qtActions,globalPos);
if(act==NULL) return;
// act on the resulting action 'act'
