opencl - cost of creation image - opencl

In my host program, i checked time for creating image.
it takes 0.03 seconds for just creation without copying.
it take longer than execution time of some kernel why this thing happened?
fmt.image_channel_data_type =CL_FLOAT;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &time_start_temp);
cl::Image2D test_image=cl::Image2D(gContext,CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY,fmt,width,height,0,NULL);//width= 2560 height=1440
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &time_end_temp);
time_elapsed = getTimeElapsed(time_end_temp, time_start_temp);
LOGI("image copy TIME, %f ", time_elapsed);
float getTimeElapsed(struct timespec end, struct timespec start) {
struct timespec temp;
float res;
temp.tv_sec = end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec - 1;
if ((end.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec) < 0) {
temp.tv_nsec = 1e9 + end.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec;
} else {
temp.tv_sec = end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec;
temp.tv_nsec = end.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec;
res = ((float) temp.tv_sec) + ((float) temp.tv_nsec / 1e9);
return res;

You don't show all your code but if there are clEnqueue calls ahead of creating the image, some runtimes will do an implicit clFinish before creating your image and so your 30 ms might include that. This is because the image and buffer allocation and free calls are synchronous while the command queue functions are asynchronous and the driver is not being optimal. If you put a clFinish before your test, does the timing change? What runtime are you using?


OpenCL Atomic add for vector types?

I'm updating a single element in a buffer from two lanes and need an atomic for float4 types. (More specifically, I launch twice as many threads as there are buffer elements, and each successive pair of threads updates the same element.)
For instance (this pseudocode does nothing useful, but hopefully illustrates my issue):
int idx = get_global_id(0);
int mapIdx = floor (idx / 2.0);
float4 toAdd;
// ...
if (idx % 2)
toAdd = (float4)(0,1,0,1);
toAdd = float3(1,0,1,0);
// avoid race condition here?
// I'd like to atomic_add(map[mapIdx],toAdd);
map[mapIdx] += toAdd;
In this example, map[0] should be incremented by (1,1,1,1). (0,1,0,1) from thread 0, and (1,0,1,0) from thread 1.
Suggestions? I haven't found any reference to vector atomics in the CL documents. I suppose I could do this on each individual vector component separately:
atomic_add(map[mapIdx].x, toAdd.x);
atomic_add(map[mapIdx].y, toAdd.y);
atomic_add(map[mapIdx].z, toAdd.z);
atomic_add(map[mapIdx].w, toAdd.w);
... but that just feels like a bad idea. (And requires a cmpxchg hack since there are no float atomics.
Alternatively you could try using local memory like that:
__local float4 local_map[LOCAL_SIZE/2];
if(idx < LOCAL_SIZE/2) // More optimal would be to use work items together than every second (idx%2) as they work together in a warp/wavefront anyway, otherwise that may affect the performance
local_map[mapIdx] = toAdd;
if(idx >= LOCAL_SIZE/2)
local_map[mapIdx - LOCAL_SIZE/2] += toAdd;
What will be faster - atomics or local memory - or possible (size of local memory may be too big) depends on actual kernel, so you will need to benchmark and choose the right solution.
Answering your question from comments - to write later back to global buffer do:
if(idx < LOCAL_SIZE/2)
map[mapIdx] = local_map[mapIdx];
Or you can try without introducing local buffer and write directly into global buffer:
if(idx < LOCAL_SIZE/2)
map[mapIdx] = toAdd;
barrier(CLK_GLOBAL_MEM_FENCE); // <- notice that now we use barrier related to global memory
if(idx >= LOCAL_SIZE/2)
map[mapIdx - LOCAL_SIZE/2] += toAdd;
Aside from that I can see now problem with indexes. To use the code from my answer the previous code should look like:
if(idx < LOCAL_SIZE/2)
toAdd = (float4)(0,1,0,1);
toAdd = (float4)(1,0,1,0);
If you need to use id%2 though then all the code must follow this or you will have to do some index arithmetic so that the values go into right places in map.
If I understand issue correctly I would do next.
Get rid of ifs by making array with offsets
float4[2] = {(1,0,1,0), (0,1,0,1)}
and use idx %2 as offset
move map into local memory and use mem_fence(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE) to make sure all threads in group synced.

OpenCL Optimization

Im new in OpenCL.
I wrote an OpenCL kernel to compute grayscale. How Can I optimize that code, is possible? Why the computational time is floating so much? Sometimes Im speedup others not. Im doing something wrong?
kernel code:
kernel void grayscale(__global unsigned char *input)
size_t i = get_global_id(0);
float grayscaleValue = (input[i*3] * 0.299F) + (input[i*3+1] * 0.587F) + (input[i*3+2] * 0.114F);
input[i*3] = grayscaleValue;
input[i*3+1] = grayscaleValue;
input[i*3+2] = grayscaleValue;
cpu code:
void GrayScaleCPU(struct PPMFile *ppmStruct)
for (int i = 0; i < ppmStruct->imageSize; i+=3)
float greyscaleValue = (ppmStruct->data[i] * 0.299F) + (ppmStruct->data[i+1] * 0.587F) + (ppmStruct->data[i+2] * 0.114F);
ppmStruct->out[i] = greyscaleValue;
ppmStruct->out[i+1] = greyscaleValue;
ppmStruct->out[i+2] = greyscaleValue;
int main(void)
struct timespec tS1, tS2;
tS1.tv_sec = 0;
tS1.tv_nsec = 0;
tS2.tv_sec = 0;
tS2.tv_nsec = 0;
clock_settime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tS1);
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tS1);
printf ("Timming took %.12lu seconds to run.\n", tS1.tv_nsec);
clock_settime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tS2);
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tS2);
printf ("Timming took %.12lu seconds to run.\n", tS2.tv_nsec);
float time2 = tS2.tv_nsec;
float time1 = tS1.tv_nsec;
float speedup = time2/time1;
printf ("Speed UP OpenCL/CPU %.20f.\n", speedup);
return 0;
Try buffering your global memory into thread memory:
unsigned char l_input0 = input[i*3];
unsigned char l_input1 = input[i*3 + 1];
unsigned char l_input2 = input[i*3 + 2];
//compute grayscale using l_input0,1,2
input[i*3] = grayscale;
input[i*3 + 1] = grayscale;
input[i*3 + 2] = grayscale;
Also, if your data isn't spaced properly when you call your kernel, you may end up executing on each unsigned char, instead of every 3rd unsigned char as in your for loop example.
You can then go further using local memory and work groups and do your calculations in chunks, though that is more challenging as local work sizes are very device specific and need to be a multiple of the global work size. I've found local work sizes of 16, 32, and 64 work on most devices.
Finally, you benchmarking OpenCL, make sure you are measuring kernel performance and not kernel enqueue time. The easiest way to do this is to start a timer, enqueue you kernel, call clainish on the queue, then stop the timer. There are timing and profiling built into most OpenCL devices which are handled by the queue.

CUDA streams are blocking despite Async

I'm working on a video stream in real time that I try to process with a GeForce GTX 960M. (Windows 10, VS 2013, CUDA 8.0)
Each frame has to be captured, lightly blured, and whenever I can, I need to do some hard-work calculations on the 10 latest frames.
So I need to capture ALL the frames at 30 fps, and I expect to get the hard-work result at 5 fps.
My problems is that I cannot keep the capture running at the right pace : it seems that the hard-work calculation slows down the capture of frames, either at CPU level or at GPU level. I miss some frames...
I tried many solutions. None worked:
I tried to set-up jobs on 2 streams (image below):
the host gets a frame
First stream (called Stream2) : cudaMemcpyAsync copies the frame on the Device. Then, a first kernel does the basic bluring calculations. (In the attached image, bluring appears as a short slot at 3.07 s and 3.085 s. And then nothing... until the big part has finished)
the host checks if the second stream is "available" thanks to a CudaEvent, and lauches it if possible. Practically, the stream is available 1/2 of tries.
Second stream (called Stream4) : starts hard-work calculations in a kernel ( kernelCalcul_W2), outputs the result, and records an Event.
NSight capture
Practically, I wrote :
cudaStream_t sHigh, sLow;
cudaStreamCreateWithPriority(&sHigh, cudaStreamNonBlocking, priority_high);
cudaStreamCreateWithPriority(&sLow, cudaStreamNonBlocking, priority_low);
cudaEvent_t event_1;
if (frame has arrived)
cudaMemcpyAsync(..., sHigh); // HtoD, to upload images in the GPU
blur_Image <<<... , sHigh>>> (...)
if (cudaEventQuery(event_1)==cudaSuccess)) hard_work(sLow);
else printf("Event 2 not ready\n");
void hard_work( cudaStream_t sLow_)
kernelCalcul_W2<<<... , sLow_>>> (...);
cudaMemcpyAsync(... the result..., sLow_); //DtoH
cudaEventRecord(event_1, sLow_);
I tried to use only one stream. It's the same code as above, but change 1 parameter while launching hard_work.
host gets a frame
Stream: cudaMemcpyAsync copies the frame on the Device. Then, the kernel does the basic bluring calculations. Then, if the CudaEvent Event_1 is ok, I lauch the hard-work, and I add an Event_1 to get the status on next round.
Practically, the stream is ALWAYS available: I never fall in the "else" part.
This way, while the hard-work is running, I expected to "buffer" all the frames to copy, and not to lose any. But I do lose some: it turns out that each time I get a frame and I copy it, Event_1 seems ok so I launch the hard-work, and only get the the next frame very late.
I tried to put the two streams in two different threads (in C). Not better (even worse).
So the question is: how to ensure that the first stream captures ALL frames?
I really have the feeling that the different streams block the CPU.
I display the images with OpenGL. Would it interfere?
Any idea of ways to improve this?
Thanks a lot!
As requested, I put here a MCVE.
There is a parameter you can tune (#define ADJUST) to see what's happening. Basically, the main procedure sends CUDA requests in Async mode, but it seems to block the main thread. As you will see in the image, I have "memory access" (i.e. images captured ) every 30 ms except when the hard-work is running (then, I just don't get images).
Last detail: I'm using CUDA 7.5 to run this. I tried to install 8.0 but apparently the compiler is still 7.5
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#define ADJUST 400
// adjusting this paramter may make the problem occur.
// Too high => probably watchdog will stop the kernel
// too low => probably the kernel will run smothly
unsigned short * images_as_Unsigned_in_Host;
unsigned short * Images_as_Unsigned_in_Device;
unsigned short * camera;
float * images_as_Output_in_Host;
float * Images_as_Float_in_Device;
float * imageOutput_in_Device;
unsigned short imageWidth, imageHeight, totNbOfImages, imageSlot;
unsigned long imagePixelSize;
unsigned short lastImageFromCamera;
cudaStream_t s1, s2;
cudaEvent_t event_2;
clock_t timeRef;
// Basically, in the middle of the image, I average the values. I removed the logic behind to make it simpler.
// This kernel runs fast, and that's the point.
__global__ void blurImage(unsigned short * Images_as_Unsigned_in_Device_, float * Images_as_Float_in_Device_, unsigned short imageWidth_,
unsigned long imagePixelSize_, short blur_distance)
// we start from 'blur_distance' from the edge
// p0 is the point we will calculate. p is a pointer which will move around for average
unsigned long p0 = (threadIdx.x + blur_distance) + (blockIdx.x + blur_distance) * imageWidth_;
unsigned long p = p0;
unsigned short * us;
if (p >= imagePixelSize_) return;
unsigned long tot = 0;
short a, b, n, k;
k = 0;
// p starts from the top edge and will move to the right-bottom
p -= blur_distance + blur_distance * imageWidth_;
us = Images_as_Unsigned_in_Device_ + p;
for (a = 2 * blur_distance; a >= 0; a--)
for (b = 2 * blur_distance; b >= 0; b--)
n = *us;
if (n > 0) { tot += n; k++; }
us += imageWidth_ - 2 * blur_distance - 1;
if (k > 0) Images_as_Float_in_Device_[p0] = (float)tot / (float)k;
else Images_as_Float_in_Device_[p0] = 128.f;
__global__ void kernelCalcul_W2(float *inputImage, float *outputImage, unsigned long imagePixelSize_, unsigned short imageWidth_, unsigned short slot, unsigned short totImages)
// point the pixel and crunch it
unsigned long p = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * imageWidth_;
if (p >= imagePixelSize_) { return; }
float result;
long a, b, n, n0;
float input;
b = 3;
// this is not the right algorithm (which is pretty complex).
// I know this is not optimal in terms of memory management. Still, I want a "long" calculation here so I don't care...
for (n = 0; n < 10; n++)
n0 = slot - n;
if (n0 < 0) n0 += totImages;
input = inputImage[p + n0 * imagePixelSize_];
for (a = 0; a < ADJUST ; a++)
result += pow(input, inputImage[a + n0 * imagePixelSize_]) * cos(input);
outputImage[p] = result;
void hard_work( cudaStream_t s){
cudaError err;
// launch the hard work
printf("Hard work is launched after image %d is captured ==> ", imageSlot);
kernelCalcul_W2 << <340, 500, 0, s >> >(Images_as_Float_in_Device, imageOutput_in_Device, imagePixelSize, imageWidth, imageSlot, totNbOfImages);
err = cudaPeekAtLastError();
if (err != cudaSuccess) printf( "running error: %s \n", cudaGetErrorString(err));
else printf("running ok\n");
// copy the result back to Host
//printf(" %p %p \n", images_as_Output_in_Host, imageOutput_in_Device);
cudaMemcpyAsync(images_as_Output_in_Host, imageOutput_in_Device, sizeof(float) * imagePixelSize, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, s);
cudaEventRecord(event_2, s);
void createStorageSpace()
imageWidth = 640;
imageHeight = 480;
totNbOfImages = 300;
imageSlot = 0;
imagePixelSize = 640 * 480;
lastImageFromCamera = 0;
camera = (unsigned short *)malloc(imagePixelSize * sizeof(unsigned short));
for (int i = 0; i < imagePixelSize; i++) camera[i] = rand() % 255;
// storing the images in the Host memory. I know I could optimize with cudaHostAllocate.
images_as_Unsigned_in_Host = (unsigned short *) malloc(imagePixelSize * sizeof(unsigned short) * totNbOfImages);
images_as_Output_in_Host = (float *)malloc(imagePixelSize * sizeof(float));
cudaMalloc(&Images_as_Unsigned_in_Device, imagePixelSize * sizeof(unsigned short) * totNbOfImages);
cudaMalloc(&Images_as_Float_in_Device, imagePixelSize * sizeof(float) * totNbOfImages);
cudaMalloc(&imageOutput_in_Device, imagePixelSize * sizeof(float));
int priority_high, priority_low;
cudaDeviceGetStreamPriorityRange(&priority_low, &priority_high);
cudaStreamCreateWithPriority(&s1, cudaStreamNonBlocking, priority_high);
cudaStreamCreateWithPriority(&s2, cudaStreamNonBlocking, priority_low);
void releaseMapFile()
void putImageCUDA(const void * data)
// We put the image in a round-robin. The slot to put the image is imageSlot
printf("\nDealing with image %d\n", imageSlot);
// Copy the image in the Round Robin
cudaMemcpyAsync(Images_as_Unsigned_in_Device + imageSlot * imagePixelSize, data, sizeof(unsigned short) * imagePixelSize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, s1);
// We will blur the image. Let's prepare the memory to get the results as floats
cudaMemsetAsync(Images_as_Float_in_Device + imageSlot * imagePixelSize, 0., sizeof(float) * imagePixelSize, s1);
// blur image
blurImage << <imageHeight - 140, imageWidth - 140, 0, s1 >> > (Images_as_Unsigned_in_Device + imageSlot * imagePixelSize,
Images_as_Float_in_Device + imageSlot * imagePixelSize,
imageWidth, imagePixelSize, 3);
// launches the hard-work
if (cudaEventQuery(event_2) == cudaSuccess) hard_work(s2);
else printf("Hard_work still running, so unable to process after image %d\n", imageSlot);
if (imageSlot >= totNbOfImages) {
imageSlot = 0;
int main()
printf("The following loop is supposed to push images in the GPU and do calculations in Async mode, and to wait 30 ms before the next image, so we should have the output on the screen in 10 x 30 ms. But it's far slower...\nYou may adjust a #define ADJUST parameter to see what's happening.");
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
putImageCUDA(camera); // Puts an image in the GPU, does the bluring, and tries to do the hard-work
Sleep(30); // to simulate Camera
The primary issue here is that cudaMemcpyAsync is only a properly non-blocking async operation if the host memory involved is pinned, i.e. allocated using cudaHostAlloc. This characteristic is covered in several places, including the API documentation and the relevant programming guide section.
The following modification to your code (to run on linux, which I prefer) demonstrates the behavioral difference:
$ cat
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define ADJUST 400
// adjusting this paramter may make the problem occur.
// Too high => probably watchdog will stop the kernel
// too low => probably the kernel will run smothly
unsigned short * images_as_Unsigned_in_Host;
unsigned short * Images_as_Unsigned_in_Device;
unsigned short * camera;
float * images_as_Output_in_Host;
float * Images_as_Float_in_Device;
float * imageOutput_in_Device;
unsigned short imageWidth, imageHeight, totNbOfImages, imageSlot;
unsigned long imagePixelSize;
unsigned short lastImageFromCamera;
cudaStream_t s1, s2;
cudaEvent_t event_2;
clock_t timeRef;
// Basically, in the middle of the image, I average the values. I removed the logic behind to make it simpler.
// This kernel runs fast, and that's the point.
__global__ void blurImage(unsigned short * Images_as_Unsigned_in_Device_, float * Images_as_Float_in_Device_, unsigned short imageWidth_,
unsigned long imagePixelSize_, short blur_distance)
// we start from 'blur_distance' from the edge
// p0 is the point we will calculate. p is a pointer which will move around for average
unsigned long p0 = (threadIdx.x + blur_distance) + (blockIdx.x + blur_distance) * imageWidth_;
unsigned long p = p0;
unsigned short * us;
if (p >= imagePixelSize_) return;
unsigned long tot = 0;
short a, b, n, k;
k = 0;
// p starts from the top edge and will move to the right-bottom
p -= blur_distance + blur_distance * imageWidth_;
us = Images_as_Unsigned_in_Device_ + p;
for (a = 2 * blur_distance; a >= 0; a--)
for (b = 2 * blur_distance; b >= 0; b--)
n = *us;
if (n > 0) { tot += n; k++; }
us += imageWidth_ - 2 * blur_distance - 1;
if (k > 0) Images_as_Float_in_Device_[p0] = (float)tot / (float)k;
else Images_as_Float_in_Device_[p0] = 128.f;
__global__ void kernelCalcul_W2(float *inputImage, float *outputImage, unsigned long imagePixelSize_, unsigned short imageWidth_, unsigned short slot, unsigned short totImages)
// point the pixel and crunch it
unsigned long p = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * imageWidth_;
if (p >= imagePixelSize_) { return; }
float result;
long a, n, n0;
float input;
// this is not the right algorithm (which is pretty complex).
// I know this is not optimal in terms of memory management. Still, I want a "long" calculation here so I don't care...
for (n = 0; n < 10; n++)
n0 = slot - n;
if (n0 < 0) n0 += totImages;
input = inputImage[p + n0 * imagePixelSize_];
for (a = 0; a < ADJUST ; a++)
result += pow(input, inputImage[a + n0 * imagePixelSize_]) * cos(input);
outputImage[p] = result;
void hard_work( cudaStream_t s){
#ifndef QUICK
cudaError err;
// launch the hard work
printf("Hard work is launched after image %d is captured ==> ", imageSlot);
kernelCalcul_W2 << <340, 500, 0, s >> >(Images_as_Float_in_Device, imageOutput_in_Device, imagePixelSize, imageWidth, imageSlot, totNbOfImages);
err = cudaPeekAtLastError();
if (err != cudaSuccess) printf( "running error: %s \n", cudaGetErrorString(err));
else printf("running ok\n");
// copy the result back to Host
//printf(" %p %p \n", images_as_Output_in_Host, imageOutput_in_Device);
cudaMemcpyAsync(images_as_Output_in_Host, imageOutput_in_Device, sizeof(float) * imagePixelSize/2, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, s);
cudaEventRecord(event_2, s);
void createStorageSpace()
imageWidth = 640;
imageHeight = 480;
totNbOfImages = 300;
imageSlot = 0;
imagePixelSize = 640 * 480;
lastImageFromCamera = 0;
cudaHostAlloc(&camera, imagePixelSize*sizeof(unsigned short), cudaHostAllocDefault);
cudaHostAlloc(&images_as_Unsigned_in_Host, imagePixelSize*sizeof(unsigned short)*totNbOfImages, cudaHostAllocDefault);
cudaHostAlloc(&images_as_Output_in_Host, imagePixelSize*sizeof(unsigned short), cudaHostAllocDefault);
camera = (unsigned short *)malloc(imagePixelSize * sizeof(unsigned short));
images_as_Unsigned_in_Host = (unsigned short *) malloc(imagePixelSize * sizeof(unsigned short) * totNbOfImages);
images_as_Output_in_Host = (float *)malloc(imagePixelSize * sizeof(float));
for (int i = 0; i < imagePixelSize; i++) camera[i] = rand() % 255;
cudaMalloc(&Images_as_Unsigned_in_Device, imagePixelSize * sizeof(unsigned short) * totNbOfImages);
cudaMalloc(&Images_as_Float_in_Device, imagePixelSize * sizeof(float) * totNbOfImages);
cudaMalloc(&imageOutput_in_Device, imagePixelSize * sizeof(float));
int priority_high, priority_low;
cudaDeviceGetStreamPriorityRange(&priority_low, &priority_high);
cudaStreamCreateWithPriority(&s1, cudaStreamNonBlocking, priority_high);
cudaStreamCreateWithPriority(&s2, cudaStreamNonBlocking, priority_low);
cudaEventRecord(event_2, s2);
void releaseMapFile()
void putImageCUDA(const void * data)
// We put the image in a round-robin. The slot to put the image is imageSlot
printf("\nDealing with image %d\n", imageSlot);
// Copy the image in the Round Robin
cudaMemcpyAsync(Images_as_Unsigned_in_Device + imageSlot * imagePixelSize, data, sizeof(unsigned short) * imagePixelSize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, s1);
// We will blur the image. Let's prepare the memory to get the results as floats
cudaMemsetAsync(Images_as_Float_in_Device + imageSlot * imagePixelSize, 0, sizeof(float) * imagePixelSize, s1);
// blur image
blurImage << <imageHeight - 140, imageWidth - 140, 0, s1 >> > (Images_as_Unsigned_in_Device + imageSlot * imagePixelSize,
Images_as_Float_in_Device + imageSlot * imagePixelSize,
imageWidth, imagePixelSize, 3);
// launches the hard-work
if (cudaEventQuery(event_2) == cudaSuccess) hard_work(s2);
else printf("Hard_work still running, so unable to process after image %d\n", imageSlot);
if (imageSlot >= totNbOfImages) {
imageSlot = 0;
int main()
printf("The following loop is supposed to push images in the GPU and do calculations in Async mode, and to wait 30 ms before the next image, so we should have the output on the screen in 10 x 30 ms. But it's far slower...\nYou may adjust a #define ADJUST parameter to see what's happening.");
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
putImageCUDA(camera); // Puts an image in the GPU, does the bluring, and tries to do the hard-work
usleep(30000); // to simulate Camera
cudaError_t err = cudaGetLastError();
if (err != cudaSuccess) printf("some CUDA error: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(err));
$ nvcc -arch=sm_52 -lineinfo -o t33
$ time ./t33
The following loop is supposed to push images in the GPU and do calculations in Async mode, and to wait 30 ms before the next image, so we should have the output on the screen in 10 x 30 ms. But it's far slower...
You may adjust a #define ADJUST parameter to see what's happening.
Dealing with image 0
Hard work is launched after image 0 is captured ==> running ok
Dealing with image 1
Hard work is launched after image 1 is captured ==> running ok
Dealing with image 2
Hard work is launched after image 2 is captured ==> running ok
Dealing with image 3
Hard work is launched after image 3 is captured ==> running ok
Dealing with image 4
Hard work is launched after image 4 is captured ==> running ok
Dealing with image 5
Hard work is launched after image 5 is captured ==> running ok
Dealing with image 6
Hard work is launched after image 6 is captured ==> running ok
Dealing with image 7
Hard work is launched after image 7 is captured ==> running ok
Dealing with image 8
Hard work is launched after image 8 is captured ==> running ok
Dealing with image 9
Hard work is launched after image 9 is captured ==> running ok
real 0m2.790s
user 0m0.688s
sys 0m0.966s
$ nvcc -arch=sm_52 -lineinfo -o t33 -DUSE_HOST_ALLOC
$ time ./t33
The following loop is supposed to push images in the GPU and do calculations in Async mode, and to wait 30 ms before the next image, so we should have the output on the screen in 10 x 30 ms. But it's far slower...
You may adjust a #define ADJUST parameter to see what's happening.
Dealing with image 0
Hard work is launched after image 0 is captured ==> running ok
Dealing with image 1
Hard_work still running, so unable to process after image 1
Dealing with image 2
Hard_work still running, so unable to process after image 2
Dealing with image 3
Hard_work still running, so unable to process after image 3
Dealing with image 4
Hard_work still running, so unable to process after image 4
Dealing with image 5
Hard_work still running, so unable to process after image 5
Dealing with image 6
Hard_work still running, so unable to process after image 6
Dealing with image 7
Hard work is launched after image 7 is captured ==> running ok
Dealing with image 8
Hard_work still running, so unable to process after image 8
Dealing with image 9
Hard_work still running, so unable to process after image 9
real 0m1.721s
user 0m0.028s
sys 0m0.629s
In the USE_HOST_ALLOC case above, the launch pattern for the low-priority kernel is intermittent, as expected, and the overall run time is considerably shorter.
In short, if you want the expected behavior out of cudaMemcpyAsync, make sure any participating host allocations are page-locked.
A pictorial (profiler) example of the effect that pinning can have on multi-stream behavior can be seen in this answer.

OpenCL - Global Memory reads preforming better than local

I have a kernel which I am running on a NVidia GTX 680 that increased in execution time when switching from using global memory to local memory.
My kernel which is part of a finite element ray tracer now loads each element into local memory before processing. The data for each element is stored in a struct fastTriangle which has the following definition :
typedef struct fastTriangle {
float cx, cy, cz, cw;
float nx, ny, nz, nd;
float ux, uy, uz, ud;
float vx, vy, vz, vd;
} fastTriangle;
I pass an array of these object to the kernel which is written as follows (I have removed the irrelevant code for brevity:
__kernel void testGPU(int n_samples, const int n_objects, global const fastTriangle *objects, __local int *x_res, __global int *hits) {
// Get gid, lid, and lsize
// Set up random number generator and thread variables
// Local storage for the two triangles being processed
__local fastTriangle triangles[2];
for(int i = 0; i < n_objects; i++) { // Fire ray from each object
event_t evt = async_work_group_copy((local float*)&triangles[0], (global float*)&objects[i],sizeof(fastTriangle)/sizeof(float),0);
//Initialise local memory x_res to 0's
wait_group_events(1, &evt);
Vector wsNormal = { triangles[0].cw*triangles[0].nx, triangles[0].cw*triangles[0].ny, triangles[0].cw*triangles[0].nz};
for(int j = 0; j < n_samples; j+= 4) {
// generate a float4 of random numbers here (rands
for(int v = 0; v < 4; v++) { // For each ray in ray packet
//load the first object to be intesected
evt = async_work_group_copy((local float*)&triangles[1], (global float*)&objects[0],sizeof(fastTriangle)/sizeof(float),0);
// Some initialising code and calculate ray here
// Should have ray fully specified at this point;
for(int w = 0; w < n_objects; w++) { // Check for intersection against each ray
wait_group_events(1, &evt);
// Check for intersection against object w
float det = wsDir.x*triangles[1].nx + wsDir.y*triangles[1].ny + wsDir.z*triangles[1].nz;
float dett = triangles[1].nd - (triangles[0].cx*triangles[1].nx + triangles[0].cy*triangles[1].ny + triangles[0].cz*triangles[1].nz);
float detpx = det*triangles[0].cx + dett*wsDir.x;
float detpy = det*triangles[0].cy + dett*wsDir.y;
float detpz = det*triangles[0].cz + dett*wsDir.z;
float detu = detpx*triangles[1].ux + detpy*triangles[1].uy + detpz*triangles[1].uz + det*triangles[1].ud;
float detv = detpx*triangles[1].vx + detpy*triangles[1].vy + detpz*triangles[1].vz + det*triangles[1].vd;
// Interleaving the copy of the next triangle
evt = async_work_group_copy((local float*)&triangles[1], (global float*)&objects[w+1],sizeof(fastTriangle)/sizeof(float),0);
// Complete intersection calculations
} // end for each object intersected
if(objectNo != -1) atomic_inc(&x_res[objectNo]);
} // end for sub rays
} // end for each ray
// Add all the local x_res to global array hits
} // end for each object
When I first wrote this kernel I did not buffer each object in local memory and instead just accessed it form global memory i.e instead of triangles[0].cx I would use objects[i].cx
When setting out to optimise I switched to using local memory as listed above but then observed a execution run time increase of around 25%.
Why would performance be worse when using local memory to buffer the objects instead of directly accessing them in global memory?
It really depends on your program if local memory helps you to run faster. There are two things to consider when using local memory:
you have additional computation when copying the data from global to local and from local to global again.
I see that you have 3 times "barrier(...)", these barriers are performance killers. All OpenCL tasks have to wait at the barrier for all others. This way the parallelism is hindered and the tasks don't run independent any more.
Local memory is great when you read data lots of times in your computation. But the fast reads and writes need to get you more performance gain than the copying and synchronizing takes.

Modifying motion vectors in ffmpeg H.264 decoder

For research purposes, I am trying to modify H.264 motion vectors (MVs) for each P- and B-frame prior to motion compensation during the decoding process. I am using FFmpeg for this purpose. An example of a modification is replacing each MV with its original spatial neighbors and then using the resultant MVs for motion compensation, rather than the original ones. Please direct me appropriately.
So far, I have been able to do a simple modification of MVs in the file /libavcodec/h264_cavlc.c. In the function, ff_h264_decode_mb_cavlc(), modifying the mx and my variables, for instance, by increasing their values modifies the MVs used during decoding.
For example, as shown below, the mx and my values are increased by 50, thus lengthening the MVs used in the decoder.
mx += get_se_golomb(&s->gb)+50;
my += get_se_golomb(&s->gb)+50;
However, in this regard, I don't know how to access the neighbors of mx and my for my spatial mean analysis that I mentioned in the first paragraph. I believe that the key to doing so lies in manipulating the array, mv_cache.
Another experiment that I performed was in the file, libavcodec/error_resilience.c. Based on the guess_mv() function, I created a new function, mean_mv() that is executed in ff_er_frame_end() within the first if-statement. That first if-statement exits the function ff_er_frame_end() if one of the conditions is a zero error-count (s->error_count == 0). However, I decided to insert my mean_mv() function at this point so that is always executed when there is a zero error-count. This experiment somewhat yielded the results I wanted as I could start seeing artifacts in the top portions of the video but they were restricted just to the upper-right corner. I'm guessing that my inserted function is not being completed so as to meet playback deadlines or something.
Below is the modified if-statement. The only addition is my function, mean_mv(s).
if(!s->error_recognition || s->error_count==0 || s->avctx->lowres ||
s->avctx->hwaccel ||
s->avctx->codec->capabilities&CODEC_CAP_HWACCEL_VDPAU ||
s->picture_structure != PICT_FRAME || // we dont support ER of field pictures yet, though it should not crash if enabled
s->error_count==3*s->mb_width*(s->avctx->skip_top + s->avctx->skip_bottom)) {
//av_log(s->avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "ff_er_frame_end in er.c\n"); //KG
And here's the mean_mv() function I created based on guess_mv().
static void mean_mv(MpegEncContext *s){
//uint8_t fixed[s->mb_stride * s->mb_height];
//const int mb_stride = s->mb_stride;
const int mb_width = s->mb_width;
const int mb_height= s->mb_height;
int mb_x, mb_y, mot_step, mot_stride;
//av_log(s->avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "mean_mv\n"); //KG
set_mv_strides(s, &mot_step, &mot_stride);
for(mb_y=0; mb_y<s->mb_height; mb_y++){
for(mb_x=0; mb_x<s->mb_width; mb_x++){
const int mb_xy= mb_x + mb_y*s->mb_stride;
const int mot_index= (mb_x + mb_y*mot_stride) * mot_step;
int mv_predictor[4][2]={{0}};
int ref[4]={0};
int pred_count=0;
int m, n;
if(IS_INTRA(s->current_picture.f.mb_type[mb_xy])) continue;
//if (1){
mv_predictor[pred_count][0]= s->current_picture.f.motion_val[0][mot_index - mot_step][0];
mv_predictor[pred_count][1]= s->current_picture.f.motion_val[0][mot_index - mot_step][1];
ref [pred_count] = s->current_picture.f.ref_index[0][4*(mb_xy-1)];
mv_predictor[pred_count][0]= s->current_picture.f.motion_val[0][mot_index + mot_step][0];
mv_predictor[pred_count][1]= s->current_picture.f.motion_val[0][mot_index + mot_step][1];
ref [pred_count] = s->current_picture.f.ref_index[0][4*(mb_xy+1)];
mv_predictor[pred_count][0]= s->current_picture.f.motion_val[0][mot_index - mot_stride*mot_step][0];
mv_predictor[pred_count][1]= s->current_picture.f.motion_val[0][mot_index - mot_stride*mot_step][1];
ref [pred_count] = s->current_picture.f.ref_index[0][4*(mb_xy-s->mb_stride)];
mv_predictor[pred_count][0]= s->current_picture.f.motion_val[0][mot_index + mot_stride*mot_step][0];
mv_predictor[pred_count][1]= s->current_picture.f.motion_val[0][mot_index + mot_stride*mot_step][1];
ref [pred_count] = s->current_picture.f.ref_index[0][4*(mb_xy+s->mb_stride)];
if(pred_count==0) continue;
int sum_x=0, sum_y=0, sum_r=0;
int k;
for(k=0; k<pred_count; k++){
sum_x+= mv_predictor[k][0]; // Sum all the MVx from MVs avail. for EC
sum_y+= mv_predictor[k][1]; // Sum all the MVy from MVs avail. for EC
sum_r+= ref[k];
// if(k && ref[k] != ref[k-1])
// goto skip_mean_and_median;
mv_predictor[pred_count][0] = sum_x/k;
mv_predictor[pred_count][1] = sum_y/k;
ref [pred_count] = sum_r/k;
s->mv[0][0][0] = mv_predictor[pred_count][0];
s->mv[0][0][1] = mv_predictor[pred_count][1];
for(m=0; m<mot_step; m++){
for(n=0; n<mot_step; n++){
s->current_picture.f.motion_val[0][mot_index + m + n * mot_stride][0] = s->mv[0][0][0];
s->current_picture.f.motion_val[0][mot_index + m + n * mot_stride][1] = s->mv[0][0][1];
decode_mb(s, ref[pred_count]);
I would really appreciate some assistance on how to go about this properly.
It's been a long time i have been out of touch with FFMPEG's code internally.
However, given my experience with inside FFMPEG horrors (you would know what i mean), i would rather give you a simple pragmatic advice.
Suggestion #1
Best possibility is that when motion vector of each of the blocks are identified - you can create your own additional array inside FFMPEG encoder context (a.k.a s) which will store all of them. When your algorithm runs it will pick up the values from there.
Suggestion #2
Another thing i read (i am not sure if i read it right)
the mx and my values are increased by 50
I think 50 is a very large motion vector. And usually, the F-value range of motion vector encoding would be prior restrictive. If you alter things by +/- 8 (or even +/- 16) might just be ok- but +50 could be so high that end result may not encode things properly.
I didn't quite understood your objective about mean_mv() and what failure you expect from there. Please re-phrase a bit.
